reduce the real-time execution for large problems, as
this is a critical criterion in mobile robots path
planning. The new algorithm is enhanced by
designing a new intelligent crossover and a set of
mutations. In addition, we test the new algorithm
and conduct a comparison study between some of
existing solutions.
The remaining parts of this paper are organised
as follows: section 2 reviews related works. Section
3 introduces our algorithm and explains its
components, while section 4 presents a comparative
study between the algorithms, evaluates
performance, reports results and discusses them.
Finally, section 5 concludes with a summary of
contributions and makes suggestions for future
research work.
Genetic algorithm (GA) is one of the heuristic
search algorithms. The heuristic search algorithms
do not guarantee to find a solution, but when they
do, they do it so much faster than classic search
algorithms (Masehian and Sedighizadeh, 2007). GA
proposed in 1975 by John Holland at the University
of Michigan. It is used to generate useful solutions
to optimisation, search problems and machine
learning (Hussein et al., 2012). GA belongs to the
evolutionary algorithms, which generate solutions
by using inspired techniques from natural evolution,
such as inheritance, mutation, selection, and
crossover (Reshamwala and Vinchurkar, 2013). Due
to the robustness and effectiveness of GA in several
optimisation problems, various studies have been
done to use GA in robot path planning problems.
(Elshamli et al., 2004) proposed a GA planner that
can solve the robot path planning problem in a
dynamic environment that may presents new
obstacles. To model the search space, they used
polygonal representation. The proposed algorithm
uses a variable length of chromosome and generates
random feasible initial population. For the crossover,
the algorithm uses a random one-point crossover,
whereas the mutation operation changes a node
value randomly. To solve the dynamic aspect, the
authors used four techniques, the best being Memory
and Random Immigrants. In addition, this algorithm
takes into consideration path smoothness. It has
many operations besides the basic ones, such as
Repair, Shortcut and Smooth operators.
Consequently, it takes a long time to find an optimal
or near optimal path. Therefore, (Koryakovskiy et
al., 2009) suggested eliminating the use of Repair,
Shortcut and Smooth operators, and using 3-point
interpolation by Bezier curves instead to generate
smooth paths in the initial population. The suggested
method reduces the time in finding the target path.
However, the proposed method works only in a
well-known environment with static and new
On other hand, (Mahjoubi et al., 2006) also used
polygonal representation for the obstacles as a
search space to make the search faster. To evaluate
the individual, the algorithm uses a fitness function
that depends on the path’s total length and penalty
factor for collision parts. This algorithm uses three
types of mutation operators: delete, insert and
change node mutation operators. This method
supports well-known environment with moving
obstacle only. (Zou et al., 2012) also suggested
improving the environment modelling by using a
grid size-adjustment technique, which can zoom-in
and zoom-out from the grid map to provide an
accurate and fast search map. Furthermore, the
authors used a nonlinear fitness function to improve
the convergence and operational efficiency of the
algorithm. In addition, (Shi and Cui, 2010) have
used a new modelling method to speed up the
execution of searching. The new method projects the
two dimensional data to one dimensional data,
which helps to reduce the size of the search space
and the size of the chromosomes. Their fitness
function depends on the path length, path security
and path smoothness. The suggested method can be
used to solve the problem in an unknown dynamic
(Zhao and Gu, 2013) devised a different idea to
solve the problem. They suggested using a two-layer
GA mechanism. In this method, each layer has
different fitness functions. The first layer is
responsible for static obstacles avoidance, while the
second layer is responsible for dynamic obstacles
avoidance. Beside of that, a new operation known as
Delete operation is used to delete the redundant bits
in the individual and the bits between them. (Yun et
al., 2011) provide an algorithm that avoids acute
obstacles in the dynamic environment. The provided
solution prevents the robot from being trapped in an
acute ‘U’ or ‘V’ shaped obstacle. In addition, this
solution handles static, dynamic and new obstacles.
When new obstacles are detected, the algorithm re-
plans the path from the current position.
Furthermore, (Zhu et al., 2015) invented a helpful
new idea for global path planning and well-known
environment. In their solution, the path is
represented as a sequence of straight-line segments,
which connect the obstacles’ vertices that are