DTATG: An Automatic Title Generator based on Dependency Trees
Liqun Shao and Jie Wang
Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, One University Avenue, 01854, Lowell, MA, U.S.A.
Title Generator, Central Sentence, Sentence Compression, Dependency Tree Pruning, TF-IDF.
We study automatic title generation for a given block of text and present a method called DTATG to generate
titles. DTATG first extracts a small number of central sentences that convey the main meanings of the text
and are in a suitable structure for conversion into a title. DTATG then constructs a dependency tree for each
of these sentences and removes certain branches using a Dependency Tree Compression Model we devise.
We also devise a title test to determine if a sentence can be used as a title. If a trimmed sentence passes the
title test, then it becomes a title candidate. DTATG selects the title candidate with the highest ranking score
as the final title. Our experiments showed that DTATG can generate adequate titles. We also showed that
DTATG-generated titles have higher F1 scores than those generated by the previous methods.
An adequate title for a given block of text must convey
succinctly the central meanings of the text. A good ti-
tle must also be catchy. Writers would typically go
through multiple rounds of revisions to come up with
a satisfactory title. Automatic title generation (ATG)
for a given block of text aims to generate a title com-
parable to a title composed by humans. For simplicity,
we will simply call a block of text a document.
We approach ATG in two phases. In the first phase
we search for a central sentence that is “close” to be-
ing a title in the following sense: (1) It captures the
central meanings of the text; (2) It is in a form that
can be converted into a title without too much effort.
We treat such a sentence as a title candidate. In the
second phase we compress this title candidate into the
final title. More specifically, during the first phase, we
extract a few central sentences that capture the main
meanings of the document. We do so using keyword-
extraction algorithms to extract keywords and rank
these sentences based on the number of keywords it
contains. During the second phase, we construct a
set of rules to select a central sentence in a suitable
form. We then construct a dependency tree for each
central sentence using a dependency parser. We trim
possible branches according to a set of empirical rules
we devise, and to form the final title. We name our
system Dependency-Tree Automatic Title Generator
If a document that already has a title, and we are
asked to generate an alternative title for the document,
then we can augment the above algorithm by generat-
ing title candidates in the first phase as follows: After
computing central sentences, we further compute the
similarities of these sentences to the exiting title, and
select the ones with higher similarities.
ATG may also be used in applications where we
are asked to compose an article on a given title. We
may use ATG to generate a title of what we have writ-
ten and compute the similarity of the generated title
to the given title. The article would be considered on
the right track if the two titles are sufficiently similar.
In applications where we may need to paraphrase the
original document, we can also use ATG to generate
a new title, which may be more suitable to the new
We may also use ATG to generate a label for a
topic in a document, where a topic is represented by a
set of words relevant to that topic. For example, given
a document in a corpus, we may first use the LDA
algorithm (David M. Blei and Jordan, 2003) to iden-
tify the topics contained in the document, where each
topic is a set of words, and then use ATG to generate
a short phrase or a short sentence to label each set.
Keyword extractions and sentence compressions
are basic ATG building blocks. Keywords provide a
compact representation of the content of a document,
where a keyword is a sequence of one or more words.
Hence, a sentence having a larger number of key-
words is expected to better convey the main meanings
of a document. A popular method to identify key-
Shao, L. and Wang, J.
DTATG: An Automatic Title Generator based on Dependency Trees.
DOI: 10.5220/0006035101660173
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 166-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
words is to use the TF-IDF measure. Given a docu-
ment in a corpus, a term in the document with a higher
TF-IDF value implies that it appears more frequently
in the document, and less frequently in the remaining
documents. However, for a corpus of a small number
of documents, the TF-IDF value of a keyword would
almost equal to its frequency.
The Word Co-occurrence (WCO) method (Mat-
suo and Ishizuka, 2004) is a better method, which ap-
plies to a single document without a corpus. WCO
first extracts frequent terms from the document, and
then collects a set of of word pairs co-occurring in
the same sentences (sentences include titles and sub-
titles), where one of the words is a frequent term. If
term t co-occurs frequently with a subset of frequent
terms, then it is likely to be a keyword. The authors
of WCO showed that WCO offers comparable perfor-
mance to TF-IDF without the presence of a corpus.
The Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction
(RAKE) algorithm (Rose et al., 2010) is another
keyword extraction method based on word pair
co-occurrences. In particular, RAKE first divides
the document into words and phrases using prede-
termined word delimiters, phrase delimiters, and
positions of stop words. RAKE then computes a
weighted graph, where each word is a node, and a
pair of words are connected with weight n if they
co-occur n times. RAKE then assigns a score to each
keyword candidate, which is the summation of scores
of words contained in the keyword. Word scores
may be calculated by word frequency, word degree,
or ratio of degree to frequency. Keyword candidates
with top scores are then selected as keywords for
the document. RAKE is superior over WCO in the
following aspects: It is simpler and achieves a higher
precision rate and about the same recall rate. We will
use RAKE to extract keywords.
Early title generation methods include Naive
Bayesian with limited vocabulary, Naive Bayesian
with full vocabulary, Term frequency and inverse doc-
ument frequency (TF-IDF), K-nearest neighbor, and
Iterative Expectation Maximization. These methods,
however, only generate an unordered set of keywords
as a title without concerning syntax. Using the F1
score metric as a base for comparisons, it was shown
through extensive experiments that the TF-IDF title
generation method has the best performance over the
other five methods (Jin and Hauptmann, 2001).
For practical purposes we would like to gener-
ate syntactically correct titles. Recent methods used
sentence trimming to convert a title candidate into a
shorter sentence or phrase, while trying to maintain
syntactic correctness. Sentence trimming has been
studied in recent years and has met with certain suc-
cess. For example, Knight and Marcu (Knight and
Marcu, 2002) and Turner and Charniak (Turner and
Charniak, 2005) used a language model (e.g., the tri-
gram model) to trim sentences. Vandegehinste and
Pan (Vandegehinste and Pan, 2004) used context-free
grammar (CFG) trees to trim a sentence to gener-
ate subtitle candidates with appropriate pronuncia-
tions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing people. They
used a spoken Dutch corpus for evaluation. More re-
cently, Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2013) used sentence
trimming on the Chinese text to generate titles, also
through CFG trees. We note that CFG is ambiguous
and the complexity of constructing CFG trees is high.
Dependency trees are recent development in natu-
ral language processing with a number of advantages.
For example, dependency trees offer better syntactic
representations of sentences (Sylvain, 2012) and they
are easier to work with. These advantages motivated
us to explore automatic title generation using depen-
dency trees. We present the first such algorithm.
Our approach has the following major differences
from the previous approaches:
1. We use RAKE to generate keywords and define a
better measure to select central sentences.
2. We use dependency grammar to construct a de-
pendency tree for each title candidate for trim-
3. We construct a set of empirical rules to generate
We show that, through experiments, DTATG gener-
ates titles comparable to titles generated by human
writers. In addition to this evaluation, we also evalu-
ate the F1 scores and show that, through experiments,
DTATG is superior over the TF-IDF method (see Sec-
tion 4.3).
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: In Section 2 we first provide an overview of
DTATG. We then explain DTATG in detail, including
extraction of central sentences, dependency parsing,
and the dependency tree compression model. In Sec-
tion 4 we describe our experiment evaluation setups
and present results from our experiments. We con-
clude the paper in Section 5.
The DTATG system framework to generate a title for
a given document is shown in Figure 1, where we as-
sume that each document already has a title for com-
parison. If a document does not have a title, then this
comparison will not be executed. Given a document,
DTATG generates a title as follows:
DTATG: An Automatic Title Generator based on Dependency Trees
Figure 1: DTATG system framework.
1. Extract keywords.
2. Use sentence segmentation to obtain sentences
and rank each sentence using a suitable measure
based on the number of keywords it contains. Se-
lect a fixed number of sentences with the highest
rankings as the central sentences. In general, se-
lecting three central sentences would be sufficient.
3. Construct a dependency tree for each central sen-
tence using a dependency parser, starting from
the sentence with the highest ranking. In par-
ticular, we use Stanford University’s open-source
tool—Stanford Dependency Parser—as our de-
pendency parser.
4. Remove certain branches of the dependency tree
based on a set of empirical rules we devise to com-
press the sentence.
5. If the trimmed sentence passes the title test we de-
vise, then output it as the title.
However, we note that not all documents have cen-
tral sentences. For example, in a document that de-
scribes a number of items to be avoided, it may simply
state that “The following items should be avoided:”
followed by a list of items. In this document, any sen-
tence that describes an item does not include the key-
word “avoided”, and the sentence that contains this
keyword does not contain any keywords for describ-
ing any item. Thus, none of the sentence in the doc-
ument can represent the central meaning of the docu-
ment, that is, none of the sentences can specify what
items should be avoided.
For convenience, we call documents with central
sentences type-1 documents and documents without
central sentences type-2 documents. While DTATG
may apply to both types of documents, it performs
better for type-1 documents.
2.1 Central Sentence Extraction
We segment each document into sentences using a
sentence-delimiter set {., ?, !, \n, :}. This set does
not include comma as compared to sentence delim-
iters used by other researchers, for we want to obtain
a complete sentence. From experience we should se-
lect only consider sentences with at most 25 words for
title candidates.
We first use RAKE (Rose et al., 2010) to identify
keywords, where RAKE assigns each keyword with a
positive numerical score. Next we will compute the
ranking of each sentence to reflect the importance of
the sentence based on the keywords it contains. As-
sume that a sentence contains n keywords w
, · · · , w
and w
has a positive score s
. An obvious method to
define the rank of the sentence is to simply sum up the
scores of all the keywords contained in it as follows:
. (1)
However, we observe that using Rank
we may end up
giving a sentence containing a larger number of key-
words of lower scores a higher rank than a sentence
containing fewer keywords of higher scores. For ex-
ample, suppose that sentence S
contains two key-
words with scores of (4, 5) and sentence S
four keywords with scores of (2, 2, 3, 3). Then S
a higher Rank
ranking than S
. This contradicts to
the common sense that S
would be more relevant to
the central meanings.
Thus, we would want keywords of higher scores to
carry more weights, so that the ranking of a sentence
with smaller number of keywords of much higher
scores is higher than the ranking of a sentence with
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
larger number of keywords of much lower scores. To
achieve this, we use the power of 2 to amplify the
scores, giving rise to the following measure:
. (2)
In the example above, it is easy to see that S
has a higher Rank
ranking. On the other hand, if
contains three keywords each with a score of 4,
then we would consider S
and S
equally important.
The Rank
measure ensures this effect. Moreover, if
contains four keywords with scores of (1, 4, 4, 4),
then we would want S
to have a higher ranking than
. Again, the Rank
measure also ensures this effect.
Empirical results indicate that Rank
is a better
measure for ranking sentences. For example, Table
1 shows two central sentences obtained using Rank
and Rank
from a news article as an example, both
having the highest score under the respective mea-
sure. It is evident that, compared with the origi-
nal title, the central sentence obtained using Rank
presents a better choice.
Table 1: Examples of central sentence extraction.
Original title Bad e-mail habits sustains spam
People must resist their basic
instincts to buy from spam mails
One in ten users have bought
products advertised in junk mail
DTATG uses Rank
to select central sentences as
follows: Order sentences first by rank and then by
the sentence length. In other words, we first select
the sentence with the highest rank and if two sen-
tences have the highest rank, we select the shorter
one. Our experiments indicate that this method of se-
lecting central sentences improves performance.
The sentence we selected may have multiple
clauses separated by commas. If the sentence has
more than two clauses, we keep the two clauses that
have the highest ranking and separate them using a
space. This makes it easier to perform sentence com-
pression in the next step.
To generate suitable sentences for trimming, we
apply the following empirical rules to avoid inappro-
priate sentences.
Discard sentences that contain a pronoun subject.
Discard sentences that contain predicate verbs in
{am, is, are}.
2.2 Dependency Trees
We use the Stanford Dependency Parser (SDP),
available at http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-
dependencies.shtml, to obtain grammatical relations
between words in a sentence. The relations are pre-
sented in triplets:
(relation, governor, dependent).
The tree is constructed by the relations be-
tween each word in the sentence. For exam-
ple, nsubj stands for nominal subject, which
is the syntactic subject of a clause. Univer-
sal Dependencies are documented online at
For example, Figure 2 depicts a dependency
tree for the sentence “Microsoft warned PC
users to update their systems”. In addition, we
may use the Stanford Parser (SP), available at
http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/lex-parser.shtml, to
obtain part-of-speech tagging.
Figure 2: The dependency tree of sentence “Microsoft
warned PC users to update their systems”.
2.3 Dependency Tree Compression
We devise a dependency tree compress model
(DTCM) to generate titles. First, we define the fol-
lowing set of empirical rules to specify what cannot
be trimmed. These rules were formed based on our
experiences from working with a large number of text
documents. We refer to these rules as the to-be-kept
1. If the relation is nsubj or nsubjpass, then keep
both the governor and dependent.
2. If the relation is dobj or iobj, then keep both the
governor and dependent.
3. If the relation is compound, then keep both the
governor and dependent.
4. If the relation is root, then keep the dependent.
5. If the relation is nmod, then keep the dependent
and the preposition in nmod.
DTATG: An Automatic Title Generator based on Dependency Trees
6. If the relation is nummod, then keep both the gov-
ernor and dependent.
We note that the remainder of the sentence after
removing all the other relations not specified the to-
be-kept rules can still be understandable by humans.
DTCM proceeds as follows:
1. Traverse the entire dependency tree in preorder.
2. For each leaf node t, if it is not a keyword or a part
of the keyword or the relation of its parent edge
is not in the set of to-be-kept rules, then remove
node t.
In general, DTCM deletes all the unnecessary
branches; most of these branches would have rela-
tions such as det, aux, and amod.
Figure 3: The trimmed dependency tree using DTCM for
sentence “Market concerns about the deficit has hit the
Figure 3 shows a trimmed dependency tree us-
ing DTCM for a central sentence “Market concerns
about the deficit has hit the greenback. The output is
“Market concerns about deficit hit greenback”, which
would be a suitable title.
2.4 Compression Rate
To transform a trimmed dependency tree into a title,
we output the words in the same order of the original
sentence. Let y be a compressed sentence for a sen-
tence x = w
· · · w
, where w
is a word. We use
“0” to mark a word to be removed and “1” to mark a
word to be retained. Then a compression rate r for a
sentence is defined as follows:
r =
# of 1s in y
. (3)
If r is too large or too small, we may delete more or
fewer words, respectively, to make the output more
reasonable. For example, since the length of a good
title should not exceed 10 words (this is a common-
sense rule), if a central sentence is more than 20 words
and the compression rate r is less than 50% after prun-
ing, then we may apply DTCM again on the trimmed
sentence with the hope to obtain a higher compression
The following is a set of empirical rules for dele-
tion and we refer to them as to-be-deleted rules. We
may keep adding rules to this set.
Delete the first adverbial phrase and the last ad-
verbial phrase.
Delete “X says” and “X said”, where X is a noun
or pronoun.
If there are two clauses connected with “and” and
the first clause has subject and verb, delete the sec-
ond clause with “and”.
If there is a clause starting with “that” and the
clause has a subject and a verb, then delete all the
words before “that” (including “that”).
If there are more than one nmod relations next to
each other, then delete all the nmod relations ex-
cept the last one.
A good title must pass the title test, which consists of
the following three individual tests.
The Conciseness Test.
A title should not exceed 15 words.
A title must not have clauses.
A title should have the following structure: “Sub-
ject + Verb + Object” or “Subject + Verb”. Sub-
ject must be specific: it can be a noun but not a
The Fluency Test. A title should contain no gram-
matical errors.
The Topic-relevance Test. A title must convey at
least one major meaning of the document.
DTATG uses central sentences to achieve topic
relevance, and uses dependency grammar and empir-
ical rules to achieve conciseness and fluency. We will
use the title test to evaluate the quality of the gener-
ated titles by DTATG.
We evaluate DTATG on a corpus of English
documents obtained from the BBC news web-
site (Greene and Cunningham, 2006). The dataset
can be found at http://mlg.ucd.ie/datasets/bbc.html
and https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_-
6yYneQ1_8Ml91TnY0THJoYXc, which consists
of 2,225 documents in ve topical areas from the
year of 2004 to the year of 2005. These five topical
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
areas are business, entertainment, politics, sport, and
tech. The corpus provides raw text files with original
articles and titles. The datasets include type-1 and
type-2 documents. In our experiments, we will use
type-1 articles in the business, entertainment, politics,
and tech categories and type-2 articles in the sport
4.1 Experiment Setup
We carried out experiments on a computer with 2.7
GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 CPU and 8 GB memory.
In our experiments, we used a Python implementation
of the RAKE algorithm to extract keywords, and
the Stanford Parser to generate dependency trees,
where the source code for implementing RAKE can
be found at https://github.com/aneesha/RAKE
and the Stanford Parser can be downloaded
from http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/lex-
4.2 Results and Discussions
We randomly selected 50 articles in each category to
evaluate. We asked English speakers to rank each
DTATG-generated title in the category of conciseness,
fluency, and topic relevance using a 5-point scale.
Rating Definition on Conciseness (CON)
5: Excellent; every word in the sentence is to the
point that makes a perfect title.
4: Very good; the sentence contains no redundant
words that makes a very good title.
3: Good; the sentence has some redundant words,
but may still be used as a title.
2: Weak; the sentence has some redundant words,
but is a poor choice as a title.
1: Poor; the sentence contains a lot of redundant
words and should not be used as a title at all.
Rating Definition on Fluency (FLU)
5: Excellent; the sentences contains no grammatical
4: Very good; the sentences contains only minor
grammatical flaws.
3: Good; the sentence contains some grammatical
2: Weak; the sentence is only partially intelligible,
with serious grammatical flaws.
1: Poor; the sentence makes no sense at all.
Rating Definition on Topic Relevance (TR)
5: Excellent; the sentence has perfect topic rele-
4: Very good; the sentence has significant topic rele-
3: Good; the sentence has moderate topic relevancy.
2: Weak; the sentence has marginal topic relevancy.
1: Poor; the sentence is topic irrelevant.
Evaluation Results
Each evaluation category was evaluated by 5 human
evaluators. We then average their scores. On the con-
ciseness and fluency evaluation, we asked the eval-
uators to compare the original titles with DTATG-
generated titles. On the topic relevance evaluation,
we asked the evaluators to make a subjective judg-
ment on how much the DTATG-generated titles repre-
sent the main topics of the article. For this evaluation,
the evaluators needed to read the original articles. We
note that most articles in the sport category are type-2
documents. In these documents we simply used the
first sentence as the central sentence.
To better assess the quality of the DTATG results,
we also ask evaluators to evaluate the original titles
using the same rules, and we use the original as the
comparison baseline. Results are given in Table 2
and Figure 4 for a better visual. In Figure 4, the dot-
ted lines represent the scores of titles generated by
DTATG and the solid lines represent the scores of
original titles.
Figure 4: Line graph of DTATG-generated titles and origi-
nal titles on CON, FLU, and TR.
From Table 2 we can see that the titles generated
by DTATG have scores over 4 on fluency and topic
relevance on all categories. Moreover, most of the
titles are concise except in the tech category. The
reason why the generated titles for the tech articles
DTATG: An Automatic Title Generator based on Dependency Trees
Table 2: The average scores for DTATG-generated titles compared with the original titles.
Category Base-CON CON Base-FLU FLU Base-TR TR
Business 4.84 4.40 4.76 4.68 4.72 4.12
Entertainment 4.80 4.20 4.68 4.72 4.76 4.16
Politics 4.72 4.16 4.76 4.52 4.68 4.04
Sport 4.80 4.12 4.60 4.44 4.40 4.68
Tech 4.96 3.84 4.44 4.32 4.32 4.12
Table 3: Comparison examples of DTATG-generated titles with the original title showing the score (CON, FLU, TR).
Original title Blogs take on the mainstream (5, 5, 4)
Central sentence The blogging movement has been building up for many years.
DTATG title Blogging movement building up for years (5, 5, 5)
Remark The DTATG title contains more information, and so we consider it better than
the original title.
Original title Day-Lewis set for Berlin honour (5, 5, 4)
Central sentence Japan’s oldest film studio will also be honoured along with Day-Lewis.
DTATG title Japan’s oldest film studio honoured with Day-Lewis (5, 5, 5)
Remark The original article talked about both Day-Lewis’s and Japan’s oldest film studio’s
contributions. The original title only mentioned Day-Lewis. The DTATG title
mentioned both, and so we would consider it a better title.
Original title Scots smoking ban details set out (5, 5, 5)
Central sentence A comprehensive ban on smoking in all enclosed public places in Scotland.
DTATG title Comprehensive ban on smoking in public places in Scotland (5, 5, 5)
Remark The DTATG title is as good as the original title made by a professional writer.
Original title Xbox 2 may be unveiled in summer (5, 5, 5)
Central sentence Since its launch, Microsoft has sold 19.9 million units worldwide.
DTATG title Microsoft sold 19.9 million units worldwide (5, 5, 4)
Remark The DTATG title is missing Xbox as the name of the units sold, and so it is not
a very good title.
are not as concise is because these articles often con-
tain long technology names or long company names,
which make titles longer. Nevertheless, DTATG in
general does reasonably well on all evaluation cate-
gories of conciseness, fluency, and topic relevance.
DTATG-generated titles are understandable and ac-
ceptable by human evaluators. From Figure 4, we can
easily tell that titles generated by DTATG are close
to baselines. Titles of FLU in Entertainment and TR
in Sport categories are better than the baseline, which
means they are even better than the original titles be-
cause they provide more information (see Table 3).
Detailed information of these examples, in-
cluding the original title, the DTATG-generated
title, the original text, the keywords, the central
sentence, the dependency tree for the central sen-
tence, and the pruned branches, can be found at
We also implemented a system at
http://www.cwant.cn/title_en/ that allows users
to enter text, upload a txt file, or enter an URL to
generate a title automatically using DTATG.
We note that the performance of DTATG is con-
fined by the choice of central sentences. To produce
a good title, we must have a good central sentence to
begin with. For example, in the last example in Table
3, if “Xbox” is included in the central sentence to read
”Since its launch, Microsoft has sold 19.9 million
Xbox units worldwide”, then the DTATG-generated
title would have been “Microsoft sold 19.9 million
Xbox units worldwide”, which would be a good ti-
tle. However, the original article mainly talked about
the success of Xbox and only mentioned briefly that
Xbox 2 would be available in May. Thus, no central
sentences would be able to capture Xbox 2.
4.3 Comparision with TF-IDF
For title generation using the TF-IDF method, the
words in the document with highest TF-IDF would be
chosen for the title. Given a document, let T1 denote
the title generated by DTATG and T2 the original title.
Let precision denote the number of identical words in
T1 and T2, divided by the number of words in T1; and
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
recall the number of identical words in T1 and T2, di-
vided the number of words in T2. Then the F1 score
is defined by
F1 =
2 × precision × recall
precision + recall
. (4)
We randomly selected 100 articles from datasets in
Section 4 and computed the F1 score for each article.
The average F1 scores are shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Comparison of DTATG and TF-IDF on the F1
In four out of five categories, the titles generated
by DTATG perform better than those generated by
TF-IDF. In particular, for the category of sport, the
average F1 score under DTATG is much higher than
that under TF-IDF. In the category of politics, the av-
erage F1 score under DTATG is slightly lower than
that under TF-IDF.
We presented DTATG for automatic title generation
on a given block of text. DTATG is a system com-
bining central sentence selection and dependency tree
pruning. DTATG is unsupervised and can generate
titles quickly and syntactically. DTATG, however, is
confined by the choice of central sentences. We plan
to study how to combine several central sentences and
compress them using deletion, substitution, reorder-
ing, and insertion to generated better titles.
This work was supported in part by a research grant
from Wantology LLC. We thank Yiqi Bai, Shan
(Ivory) Lu, Jing Ni, Jingwen (Jessica) Wang, Hao
Zhang, and a few other people for helping us evalu-
ate the titles generated by DTATG.
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