Success Prediction System for Student Counseling using Data Mining
org Frochte and Irina Bernst
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Bochum University of Applied Sciences, 42579 Heiligenhaus, Germany
Data Mining, Classification, Supervised Learning, Information Privacy, Tertiary Education.
A framework how to use data mining of central exam data for the prediction of student success in bachelor
degree courses is presented. For the prediction a supervised learning approach is used based on successful
and unsuccessful student biographies. We develop a traffic light rating system and present results for two
different kinds of bachelor degree courses; one in economics and one in engineering. We discuss applications
for students and student counseling institutions as well as the limitations dealing with information privacy
aspects, especially under the conditions regarding data mining in Germany.
The application field of knowledge discovery from
data bases is wide. One of these interesting fields
arises in the education system.
1.1 Research Questions and
In this paper we apply techniques from knowledge
discovery from data bases to build a prediction sys-
tem, which can be helpful in the context of student
counseling. With this we mean institutions or persons
in the tertiary education that offer counseling to help
students work through their difficulties and find ways
of managing their study and life situation.
The first contribution of our work relates to the
construction of a framework for a success prediction
system on the degree course level. We discuss the
question of the relevant feature space including prac-
tical issues. This system is based on some static pa-
rameters concerning the qualifications of the student,
but mainly on the dynamic behavior during his study.
It uses data bases that naturally occur during the stu-
dent’s time at a university. The most important data
source we are considering is the data base of the exam
office, in which the data accumulates after every ex-
amination period. In the case a student signs on a reg-
ular course exam, additional data is being collected
whether he or she passes, fails or withdraws. In the
case the student chooses to not sign on a course this
is recorded as well. So our approach doesn’t need any
additional data collection like e.g. surveys at all.
Other contributions of our research relate to the
development of a traffic light rating system based on
the approach above. This provides a practical case
study for our approach.
1.2 Related Work
In the context of knowledge discovery from educa-
tional data bases the term Educational Data Mining is
nowadays used more and more. The work (Romero
and Ventura, 2007) provides a good survey on this
topic in the early years from 1995 to 2005. Often this
covers approaches contributing to theories of learning
or the learning sciences or as well the prediction of the
student’s future learning behavior. As in (Baker and
Yacef, 2009) this has often a kind of low level context.
This means in most cases the Educational Data Min-
ing community tends to consider student modeling on
the level of courses or single learning activities.
In this work – with a whole degree course as level
for the prediction we consider a higher level of
abstraction concerning learning activities. A quite
closely related work is (Osmanbegovi
c and Sulji
2012), in which different learning techniques were
compared concerning the success in the course Busi-
ness Informatics. The work was based on 257 data
records and achieved a prediction accuracy between
71.2% and 76.65% depending on the used technique.
More to the initial conditions focuses the work
c, 2010). It mainly uses socio-demographic
features like age, gender, ethnicity, education, work
Frochte, J. and Bernst, I.
Success Prediction System for Student Counseling using Data Mining.
DOI: 10.5220/0006036401810188
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 181-188
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
status, and disability. Beyond this, aspects like the
fact, whether a bachelor of business or bachelor of
applied science is aimed, are used. Therefore, the pre-
diction here is mainly independent of the students’ be-
havior during their study. The CART approach used
in (Kova
c, 2010) was based on 453 data records
and reaches an overall percentage of correct classi-
fication of 60.5%. In (Jishan et al., 2015) the goal is
a prediction model for the final grade. The used data
set contains 181 instances from a course titled Nu-
merical Analysis at North South University, Dhaka,
Bangladesh. The highest accuracy of about 75% was
reached using Artificial Networks and Naive Bayes
We use Knowledge Discovery in Data Bases accord-
ing to (Fayyad et al., 1996) and apply this concept to
the demands of exam data bases especially in Ger-
many or states with similar restrictions concerning
data protection and informational self-determination.
Germany has quite strict laws concerning which,
where and by whom data is processed. For example,
aspects like the social background or migration back-
ground is not covered for data collection and process-
ing by (Law of the FRG, 2016). Therefore, the sug-
gested framework tries to be most careful concerning
this issue and shows, how it is still possible to pro-
vide a tool for student counseling based on exam data
records with these limitations.
2.1 Suggested Framework
Because of the discussed limitations we developed the
following processing work flow. As figure 1 illus-
trates, the starting point is the data base of the ex-
amination office of a university. It contains all data
about a student that a university has. To keep the data
maximum secure in a first step, the data of relevant
features is anonymized and copied to a new data base.
This is a full automatic process that can be performed
on the computer system of the examination office in a
regular schedule. Therefore, the risk of stolen data or
illegal use is the same as before. At this point the sug-
gested process does not contain any new party or en-
vironment. The features are discussed more detailed
in section 2.2 as well as the necessary preprocessing
of the data. The last preprocession step yields a train-
ing set from which a prediction system is built. The
resulting system, e.g. a multilayer perceptron (MLP),
is trained. The important aspect is that most software
systems based on machine learning algorithms – after
they have been trained – can act independently of the
used training data base. For example, in artificial neu-
ral networks like multilayer perceptron knowledge is
compressed in the weights w
i j
of each layer, which
means a few matrices of double values. Concerning
data security it is impossible to reconstruct a single
record of the training data base from these matrices.
Therefore, a trained system can be distributed with-
out interfering with data protection issues among e.g.
other institutions of a university.
While after the completed training the software
unit itself does not contain personal data of the stu-
dents from the training set, it of course still needs the
input data vector of the student it should predict the
study success for. Thus, for this software system there
are at least two applications.
1. Use as personal advisor or alarm system for
the students themselves. If a student signs in for the
alarm system every exam period, his behavior can be
rated and he may receive a feedback in terms of a traf-
fic light rating system. Red would mean that he or
she should consider seeking for help, e.g. at a stu-
dent counseling office. Green means everything is
fine, and yellow is obviously in between. For the stu-
dent that might mean to watch carefully his own steps
and to consider what was different compared to the
last green semester. If the last exam period was red,
yellow could mean, that someone is on the right way
and things are getting better.
2. Use as tool for the counseling offices. In the
same way as a single student can use it for himself it
can also act as second opinion for professional coun-
selors. This is always possible, because a counselor
can access the student’s data during counseling.
If the current law allows it, of course it would be
possible to e.g. process the data of all students a coun-
selor is responsible for and to seek for candidates,
who might need additional support. In countries, in
which this is not automatically possible by law, there
is in general the option to ask students for a permis-
sion, when they sign in for the university. Because
this will be non-obligatory, only a subset of students
will be covered by this usage scenario.
2.2 Practical and Data Quality Issues
After the introduction of the bachelor and master de-
gree programs in association with the Bologna Pro-
cess the universities in Germany have built up a wide
range of different degree courses. All of them use
the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation Sys-
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
exam. auth.
Target Data
Personalized Data
Anonymized Data
anonym. Data
Training Set
Prediction System
Max Muster
Freiwald Gymnasium
Final Grade: 3.1
Maths 1: 3.0
Maths 2: failed
(2. Exam. Attempt)
Exam. Withdrawal: 1
Electronics: ’null’
. . .
#1F65121 Gymnasium
Final Grade: 3.1
Maths 1: 3.0
Maths 2: failed
(2. Exam. Attempt)
Exam. Withdrawal: 1
Electronics: ’null’
. . .
#1F65121 Gymnasium
Abschlussnote: 3.1
Maths 1: 3.0
Maths 2: failed
(2. Exam. Attempt)
Exam. Withdrawal: 1
Electronics: ’n.a.
. . .
. . .
Machine Learning & Data Mining
Figure 1: Knowledge Discovery in Exam Data Bases according to (Fayyad et al., 1996).
tem (ECTS). One semester corresponds to 30 ECTS
credits. Today there are about 18,000 degree courses.
Some of them only differ in details, some differ to-
tally. Nevertheless, most of them are descendants of
traditional diploma degree courses. In engineering for
example there are about five types: civil engineer-
ing, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering,
mechatronics and depending on the definition com-
puter science.
So one might expect the level of supersets of de-
gree courses to be a reasonable level for learning ap-
proaches. Considering this in detail it yields that this
level is not very promising for our approach. The rea-
son is that for the presented prediction system the dif-
ferences between the degree courses are hard to be
modeled. For example, let us suppose several uni-
versities provide a degree course for electrical engi-
neering. These degree courses all contain foundation
courses, e.g. in mathematics, physics. But all of the
degree courses will have different exam regulations.
Most of them might limit the number of trials to three,
some not. Some will provide grades for the courses,
some just attributes like passed or failed. Some even
might have rules like you need m of n foundation
courses etc. All of these aspects might change the
behavior of the students in the system and therefore
effects the learning methods. Beyond this, a degree
course is in these terms a moving target. Every 5th
up to 7th year the universities have to evaluate their
degree courses and in general change some aspects.
Therefore, it is reasonable to look for features that
are independent of the particular degree course. From
a scientific point of view we suggested in addition
to the exam data records – also to analyze the impact
of personal data features, like gender/sex and year of
birth. Also other studies analyzed personal features,
like (Jirjahn, 2007) that indicates a strong correlation
between success and the age when a person starts to
study as well as the grade of the qualification for uni-
versity entrance. The age is again an important fac-
tor in (Mosler and Savine, 2004). Beyond this, the
published results indicate that the gender is not a rel-
evant feature for the tertiary education level. Other
social economic features might be very important for
the success in the German university system as (Erdel,
2010) indicates. Beside existing data bases Erdel used
a survey, which in opposite to (Mosler and Savine,
2004) indicates that both, age and gender, are very
important. In general, considering the OECD studies,
e.g. (OECD, 2010) p. 43 45 and 95, one could ex-
pect that at least in Germany more social economic
features have a significant impact.
Nevertheless, because of legal concerns it has not
been possible to include these social economic fea-
tures in our data base. Therefore, we were restricted
especially concerning sex/gender aspects. The age is
not directly included, but we were allowed to use both
data records, the year of the qualification for univer-
sity entrance and the starting year of degree course,
which together correlate with the age. Therefore age
is weakly included.
We concentrate our study on two very different de-
gree courses: A bachelor degree in economics and
one in engineering. They differ much concerning
their structure and size of the data records.
After eliminating incomplete or obviously cor-
rupt data, the sample comprised 952 students of eco-
nomics and 261 of engineering. All of theses samples
are completed degree course biographies labeled for
this particular degree course with success or dropout.
Dropout means that the student left the degree course
at this particular university. Right now it is not pos-
Success Prediction System for Student Counseling using Data Mining
sible to track the students after they left a single uni-
versity. So some of them might leave e.g. because of
personal reasons following their cohabitation partner
to another town and continue their studies there. In
the new university these biographies again cause data
sets, which may lead to issues as shown in section 4.3.
2.3 Feature Selection
We prepared our training set, which contains 952 stu-
dents of economics and 261 of engineering, with the
following features, partitioned into two categories.
The first are the static features, which will be constant
during the whole degree course biography:
1. Grade of the qualification for university entrance
2. Year of the qualification for university entrance
3. Kind of entrance qualification
4. Starting year of degree course
The best categories are the dynamic features,
which means that these values will change after ev-
ery examination period based on the behavior of the
5. Success coefficient =
Number of successful exams
Number of possible exams
6. Mean grade of all successful exams
7. Number of exam trials
8. Number of withdrawals
9. Sum of reached ECTS
As we will see in section 4.1 these features are highly
diagnostic compared to the static features above.
With these features one has the possibility to
model very different types of students. For exam-
ple, we do not have the information, whether a stu-
dent considers himself as part-time student. Germany
has no tuition fees, so this is quite common. But a
successful part-time student can be modeled with our
feature set as well. This group could be classified by a
low number of withdrawals and a good mean grade in
contradiction to an average success coefficient, which
directly correlates with the number of exam trials and
a low sum of reached ECTS compared to the semester.
Therefore, we could also classify unsuccessful and
successful part-time students.
To select the features one must keep in mind that
in general e.g. the significance tests for a single fea-
ture might differ from one degree course to another.
To illustrate this let us consider the grade of the qual-
ification for university entrance.
The results in table 1 and table 2 make us – inde-
pendent of the used method conclude that with a sig-
nificance level of 5% we can reject the null hypothesis
Table 1: Significance Test (Pearson).
Pearson’s linear
correlation coefficient p-Value
Economic -0.0875 0.0074
Engineering -0.2393 0.0001
Table 2: Significance Test (Spearman).
Spearman’s rank
correlation coefficient p-Value
Economic -0.0734 0.0246
Engineering -0.2399 0.0001
for both degree courses. Therefore, there is a correla-
tion between the grade of the qualification for univer-
sity entrance and the chance to successfully graduate
in the degree course. The correlation for the economic
degree course is much weaker than for the engineer-
ing course. The suggested explanatory model is that
the engineering degree course has stronger dependen-
cies to teaching contents at school, e.g. physics or
Features like kind of entrance qualification are on
the other hand more important for degree courses at a
university of applied sciences than at traditional uni-
versities. At a traditional university this feature is
nearly always the identical constant value for all stu-
dents. This assumption does not hold for universities
of applied sciences, where the students have a broader
spread of entrance qualifications.
Nevertheless, in all cases we analyzed that the suc-
cess coefficient (feature no. 5) is the most important
feature and this is very robust over all degree courses.
In this section we describe the approach of using the
supervised learning for developing a predictive sys-
tem of the students’ success and based on this the traf-
fic light rating system.
3.1 Supervised Learning Approach
For our approach we need a data set with students,
who already have completed a bachelor degree course
or have chosen to dropout. As a result, we have a data
base with labeled training and testing data.
We present results for two different training
methods. On the one hand a common multilayer per-
ceptron (MLP) with one input layer, two hidden layers
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
and one output layer. All neurons used sigmoid func-
tions and the weights have been trained using back-
ward propagation. On the other hand we have got the
discriminant function analysis as statistical method
for behavior prediction or classification of objects.
While the MLP is used as function approximation
between the values 0 for dropout and 1 for alumnus
using the features described above, the discriminant
function analysis works a bit differently: Its goal is to
analyze the group differences, meaning the investiga-
tion of the two groups of students with regard to the
given features.
Both methods were used as follows to predict the
success of the student in the particular bachelor de-
gree course. As discussed in section 2.2 the degree
courses are quite different. To avoid a new feature
space for every degree course we trained a single sys-
tem for every semester of every degree course. The
training per semester includes peculiarities of the spe-
cific semester in the specific degree course into the
achieved model of the learning system. So if e.g. the
first two semesters are quite hard with a big drop rate
and the following four ones are for the remaining
students smoother, then this behavior is included
in the models. This has a lot of advantages, e.g. it
avoids explicitly modeling the examination regula-
tions and other specific aspects of the degree course.
Of course, this also has disadvantages mainly that for
a new course program developed after the evaluation
cycle discussed in section 2.2 it is still open, how to
transfer the achieved knowledge to a derived degree
3.2 Traffic Light Rating System
In section 2.3 we proposed a model with nine fea-
tures that primarily conduces to success concerning
the classification of the students. The use of the meth-
ods from section 3.1 with these features leads to the
approach for the traffic light rating system:
1. The trained system receives the nine features from
section 2.3 for a particular student.
2. The dropout probability for the student is calcu-
lated according to section 3.1.
3. The traffic light rating system takes the dropout
probability of the previous semester into account.
The weighted linear extrapolation of dropout
probabilities P
of the semester i and P
of the
previous semester i 1 yields
= P
+ α · (P
) with the coefficient α [0, 1]. Thus, the sys-
tem is based on calculation of the dropout proba-
bility trend. For the first semester we use
= P
4. To illustrate the prediction in traffic lights, the
range of
from 0 to 1 is divided into three areas:
The first area (green) is from 0 to 0.35, the second
area (yellow) from 0.35 to 0.65 and the third area
(red) from 0.65 to 1.
We compared the different methods and approaches.
The results are shown for the test set, which prevents
over-fitting effects. As we will show below, it turns
out that the total prediction accuracy is mainly defined
by the selected features.
The results of the test sets may differ depending
on the selected data records. For example, a test set
based on 15% of the total data sets are just 39 data
sets in engineering. To provide meaningful results the
systems were trained multiple times with randomly
selected sets, evaluated concerning the achieved ac-
curacy, and afterwards all of the results were arith-
metically averaged.
In the tables below the value of correctly classi-
fied alumnus means, how many of the persons, who
according to the data base finished the degree course,
were correctly classified as alumnus; the same for the
ones, who dropout of the degree course independent
of the specific reasons.
4.1 Results using Discriminant
Function Analysis
We start with the results achieved on discriminant
function analysis. In all tests, see e.g. table 3, it turned
out that the discriminant function analysis as method
on this problem set tends to be significantly more cor-
rect for the alumnus subset than for the dropout sub-
Table 3: Prediction after the first semester prediction.
Course Correctly Classified
Total Alum. Dropout
Economics 76% 79% 68%
Engineering 82% 88% 80%
Let us assume for the application scenario that we
have a degree course with 30% dropout rate and about
200 freshmen. The system would classify about 110
of the alumnus set correctly and send 30 to the coun-
seling. On the other hand about 40 of the dropout set
would be correctly classified and 20 would be mis-
classified. Under these conditions the system does
not work entirely satisfactorily, because 70 persons
would maybe be asked to seek for an appointment at
the counseling office, while 57% will really need it.
Success Prediction System for Student Counseling using Data Mining
For engineering with the higher rates it turns out bet-
ter. Under the same conditions 122 alumni are classi-
fied correctly and 18 would be sent to the counseling
by mistake. On the other hand 48 dropouts would be
detected correctly. There we end up with about 73%
of the 66 persons, who will be sent for counseling and
really need a counseling appointment.
These are the rates and the prediction accuracy in
the first semester. As table 4 below shows, this accu-
racy will rise, if one considers higher semesters.
Table 4: Prediction accuracy for different semesters.
Correctly Classified
Economics Engineering
1 76% 83%
2 78% 85%
6 82% 89%
Nevertheless, for student counseling mainly the
first two semesters are of major interest. If the sys-
tem receives data for the second semester, the student
will have studied about one year and have already set
the course for another half year.
Another aspect that table 4 shows, is that both de-
gree courses differ concerning the prediction quality,
whereas both gain about 6% points from the first to
the sixth semester.
The prediction quality between both degree
courses differs between 6% and 7% points. The rea-
son is not the size of the data base because the number
of data records for economics is higher. One reason
might be that students of the economic degree course
might be more heterogeneous compared to the engi-
neering students and therefore the missing social eco-
nomic features might have a higher impact here.
Beyond this, for the economic degree course the
static features provide no additional information in
opposite to some other degree courses. If one just uses
the static features for the prediction, we receive the re-
sults shown in table 5. So in economics one can see
Table 5: Prediction after the first semester using feat. 1 – 4.
Course Correctly Classified
Total Alum. Dropout
Economics 53% 47% 65%
Engineering 65% 64% 65%
that guessing is nearly as effective as using the predic-
tion system. It turned out that these features have not
enough information for this course. For the engineer-
ing course on the other hand the output is beyond the
rates achieved in (Kova
c, 2010) for static features.
So for this course they provide useful information.
4.2 Results for the First Semester using
a Feedforward Neural Network
With the following results we would like to emphasize
that the model for the prediction is quite simple and
up to this level its success mainly depends on the data
base and its quality.
To do this we used a multilayer perceptron (MLP)
with two hidden layers of equal length as an alterna-
tive to the discriminant function analysis. As table 6
and 7 indicate, it is possible to model the main be-
havior with three neurons in both layers. Raising the
number of neurons up to ten in each layer only leads
to small changes. After that point the results for the
studied six semesters of both bachelor degree courses
won’t improve anymore or will get even worse on the
respective testing set.
Table 6: MLP for Economics (1. Semester).
Hiddenlayer Correctly Classified
1 2 Total Alumnus Dropout
3 3 75% 76% 73%
10 10 76% 77% 72%
Comparing table 6 and 3, both approaches reach
about the same rate for correct classification on the
total set. The only significant difference is about their
behavior on the two subsets of successful alumnus
and dropouts. The multilayer perceptron tends to be
more correct for the dropouts and the discriminant
function analysis for the alumnus.
Table 7: MLP for Engineering (1. Semester).
Hiddenlayer Correctly Classified
1 2 Total Alumnus Dropout
3 3 85% 79% 88%
10 10 85% 80% 87%
The same is true for the results in table 7. Beyond
this, for this degree course the multilayer perceptron
produces slightly better results compared to the dis-
criminant function analysis.
4.3 Application on Traffic Light Rating
Now we demonstrate the application of this prediction
approach to the traffic light rating system described in
section 3.2.
Figure 2 shows the estimated dropout probabil-
ity (blue graph) and the suggested traffic light system
with α = 0.5. The two students are members of the
test set and finish this degree course as alumni.
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 2: Traffic light rating for alumni in economics.
The traffic light rating considers the dropout prob-
ability for all semesters as low. The provided feed-
back was correct all of the time. Even the yellow sign
for student 2 is reasonable, because of the changing
of the dropout probability. In this case the student
managed it on his / her own, but the yellow sign with
a still quite low dropout probability would provide a
good feedback.
In figure 3 we see different time lines, which
are all marked as dropout in the data base. Student
4 dropped out after the third semester. After that
Figure 3: Traffic light rating for dropouts in economics.
point the dropout probability is 1. Student 3 is an
example for unusual behavior that makes it hard to
achieve higher certainty rates. After a bad start it be-
came better and better, but ended with a dropout in
a higher semester. The cause might be a shift to an-
other university or personal reasons. In these cases a
third group like continues studies elsewhere or similar
could be helpful.
The same experiments were performed for the en-
gineering degree course. Two alumni students are
shown in figure 4. The system works in general fine
as shown e.g. for student 5. However, there are ex-
ceptional cases as shown with student 6. Here, the
reason is that the student changed the degree course.
In such a case the data has all the ECTS credits that
have been transferred from the former degree course
listed in one semester. Other features like the trials
(often being set to 1) suffer as well. So this data set is
very hard to predict by a learning system, because it
is highly irregular.
Figure 4: Traffic light rating for alumni in engineering.
4.4 Benchmark of the Results
In this section we will discuss, whether the achieved
results meet already the considered use cases and how
they can be seen in comparison to the results in the re-
lated work section. We considered two main applica-
tion cases, the first one as tool for a personal advisor
and the second one as tool for a counseling office.
The results for the engineering degree course are
very promising. With the prediction accuracy of the
MLP it should be possible to use the developed pre-
diction system at least as a first filter for a counseling
Success Prediction System for Student Counseling using Data Mining
office as to the question, which students might need
further attention. Because the counselors as profes-
sionals will be able to bring the output of the algo-
rithm into line with their experience, the rate will be
good enough.
Probably most of the students would be able to
balance the statistical rating of the system against
their personal appraisal. Nevertheless, for some stu-
dents a misclassification of the tool might encourage
them with their wrong opinion or even unsettle per-
sons with a low self confidence. Therefore, we con-
sider the results as still not good enough for the appli-
cation in the suggested use case as personal advisor
but as a reasonable tool for counseling offices.
If we compare the results of the overall percentage
of correct classification of 60.5% in (Kova
c, 2010),
76.65% (Osmanbegovi
c and Sulji
c, 2012) and 75% in
(Jishan et al., 2015) the reached classification rate for
the bachelor degree course in economics with 75%-
76% is in a good region. The rates of 85% using MLP
and 82% with the discriminant function analysis for
the degree course in engineering are very good.
In this paper, we proposed an approach for the success
prediction of a whole bachelor degree course. The
proposed key idea was to learn on a mixture of static
features and dynamic features. With this we intro-
duced a novel feature set and it is beyond this possible
to model every bachelor degree course independent of
the current subject area. The achieved results of this
generic approach are at least in the common interval
of related results or even better.
In addition, several avenues of future work have
been identified which we expect to offer further im-
provements. To improve the percentage of correct
classification we assume social economic features in
contradiction with an improved tracking of dropout
students. Another open question is, if it will be pos-
sible to transfer knowledge of old bachelor degree
courses to a refined version after the evaluation phase.
Beyond this, one has to keep in mind that the alumnus
set is bigger than the dropout group in contradiction
with the fact the all approaches are less accurate on
this subset. This is an issue for the counseling office
usage scenario because of the subset of alumnus clas-
sified as dropouts. These persons will unnecessarily
tie up capacities. Therefore one future prospect is to
develop a second stage in which just the persons clas-
sified as dropout are evaluated again.
Due to the promising results with further research
concerning these aspects we expect that knowledge
discovery in exam data bases will become a very im-
portant tool in student counseling and academic qual-
ity control.
We would like to thank C. Kaufmann, P. Bouillon &
S. R
usche for support and discussion. This work is
supported by a grant from the MIWF NRW.
Baker, R. S. and Yacef, K. (2009). The state of educational
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KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval