country” that serves as an example and a reference
for other regions.
The study has certain limitations. First, it is a
static analysis because it includes data form only a
single year: 2013. In addition, the role for public
administration has only been analysed only from a
theoretical viewpoint. With regards to the last
limitation, a future research possibility would be to
expand this research by carrying out an empirical
analysis of innovation in Sweden more generally. In
addition, it would be useful to do another analysis in
2020, the time horizon considered, and make a
comparison between the situation before and after
the implementation of the strategy. Another
limitation relates to the services industry, which was
not examined in much detail in this article due to a
lack of relevant data, despite its importance to the
wider economy. Another future possibility for
research would be an exploration of this industry.
The authors would like to thank the World Bank
Database and Enterprise Surveys for allowing access
to the data.
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