Bootstrapping a Semantic Lexicon on Verb Similarities
Shaheen Syed
, Marco Spruit
and Melania Borit
Department of Information and Computer Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway
Semantic Lexicon, Bootstrapping, Extraction Patterns, Web Mining.
We present a bootstrapping algorithm to create a semantic lexicon from a list of seed words and a corpus
that was mined from the web. We exploit extraction patterns to bootstrap the lexicon and use collocation
statistics to dynamically score new lexicon entries. Extraction patterns are subsequently scored by calculating
the conditional probability in relation to a non-related text corpus. We find that verbs that are highly domain
related achieved the highest accuracy and collocation statistics affect the accuracy positively and negatively
during the bootstrapping runs.
Semantic lexicons for specific domains are increas-
ingly becoming important in many Natural Language
Processing (NLP) tasks such as information extrac-
tion, word sense disambiguation, anaphora resolution,
speech recognition, and discourse processing. On-
line lexical resources such as WordNet (Miller et al.,
1990) and Cyc (Lenat, 1995) are useful for generic
domains but often fall short for domains that in-
clude specific terms, jargon, acronyms and other lex-
ical variations. Handcrafting domain-specific lexi-
cons can be time-consuming and costly. Various tech-
niques have been developed to automatically create
semantic lexicons, such as lexicon induction, lexi-
con learning, lexicon bootstrapping, lexical acquisi-
tion, hyponym learning, and web-based information
We define a semantic lexicon as a dictionary of
hyponym words that share the same hypernym. For
example, cat, dog or cow are all hyponym words that
share the hypernym ANIMAL. Likewise, the words red,
green, and blue are semantically related by the hyper-
nym COLOR. A semantic lexicon differs from an on-
tology or taxonomy as it does not describe the formal
representation of shared conceptualizations or infor-
mation about concepts and their instances, nor does it
provide a strict hierarchy of classes.
Several attempts have been made to automatically
create semantic lexicons from text corpora by uti-
lizing semantic relations in conjunctions (dogs and
cats and cows), lists (dogs, cats, cows), apposi-
tives (labrador retriever, a dog) and compound nouns
(dairy cow) (Riloff and Shepherd, 1997; Roark and
Charniak, 1998; Phillips and Riloff, 2002; Widdows
and Dorow, 2002). Others have used extraction pat-
terns (Colombia was divided, the country was di-
vided) (Thelen and Riloff, 2002; Igo and Riloff,
2009), instance/concept (”is-a”) relationships (Pantel
and Ravichandran, 2004), coordination patterns (Zier-
ing et al., 2013a), multilingual symbiosis (Ziering
et al., 2013b), or combinations thereof (Qadir and
Riloff, 2012). Lexical learning from informal text,
such as social media, has also been performed (Qadir
et al., 2015).
Learning semantic lexicons is often based on ex-
isting corpora that may not be available for all do-
mains. Furthermore, little research on lexicon learn-
ing has been performed on web text from informa-
tive sites, forums, blogs, and comment sections that
contain content written by a variety of people, thus
containing different writing idiosyncracies. We incor-
porate web mining techniques to build our own do-
main corpus and combine the BASILISK (Thelen and
Riloff, 2002) bootstrapping algorithm and the Point-
wise Mutual Information (PMI) scoring metric pro-
posed by (Igo and Riloff, 2009). We based the hy-
ponym relationships on the extraction pattern context
of verb stem similarities and used a probability scor-
ing metric to extract the most suitable verbs. Our aim
is to use existing web content to create a semantic lex-
icon and subsequently use extraction patterns to find
semantically related words. Extraction patterns, and
more specifically the verbs within these patterns, are
Syed, S., Spruit, M. and Borit, M.
Bootstrapping a Semantic Lexicon on Verb Similarities.
DOI: 10.5220/0006036901890196
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 189-196
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
scored against a non-related text corpus to explore if
verbs that occur more frequently in domain text are
more likely to be accompanied by semantically re-
lated nouns.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: First, we present previous work in semantic lex-
icon learning for hypernym-hyponym relationships.
Second, we detail our bootstrapping algorithm, the
extraction of the text corpus, the creation of extrac-
tion patterns, and the scoring method. Third, we ana-
lyze the semantic lexicon and the accuracy of our al-
gorithm during each successive run of the bootstrap-
ping process. We then conclude our work and provide
new research directives.
(Riloff and Shepherd, 1997) used noun co-occurrence
statistics to bootstrap a semantic lexicon from raw
data. Their bootstrapping algorithm scored conjunc-
tions, lists, appositives and nominal compounds to
find category words within a context window. It is
one of the first attempts to build a semantic lexicon
and uses human intervention to review the words and
select the best ones for the final dictionary. (Roark
and Charniak, 1998) applied a similar technique but
use a different definition for noun co-occurrence and
scoring candidate words. (Riloff and Shepherd, 1997)
ranked and selected candidate words based on the ra-
tio of noun co-occurrences in the seed list to the total
frequency of the noun in the corpus while (Roark and
Charniak, 1998) used log-likelihood statistics (Dun-
ning, 1993) for final ranking.
(Widdows and Dorow, 2002) used graph mod-
els of the British National Corpus for lexical acqui-
sition. They focused on the relationships between
nouns when they occurred as part of a list. The
nodes represent nouns and are linked to each other
when they conjunct with either and or or. The edges
are weighted by the frequency of the co-occurrence.
Their algorithm mitigates the infection of bad words
entering the candidate word list by looking at type fre-
quency rather than token frequency.
(Phillips and Riloff, 2002) automatically created
a semantic lexicon by looking at strong syntactic
heuristics. They distinguish between two types of
lexicons, (1) proper noun phrase and (2) common
nouns, by utilizing the syntactic relationships be-
tween them. Syntactic structures are defined by
appositives, compound nouns, and ”is-a” clauses—
identity clauses with a main verb of to be. Statistical
filtering is applied to avoid inaccurate syntactic struc-
tures and deterioration of the lexicon entries. (Pantel
and Ravichandran, 2004) also looked at ”is-a” rela-
tionships by looking at concept signatures and apply-
ing a top-down approach. Their method first uses co-
occurrence statistics for semantic classes to then find
the most appropriate hyponym relationship.
(Thelen and Riloff, 2002) proposed a weakly
supervised bootstrapping algorithm (BASILISK) to
learn semantic lexicons by looking at extraction pat-
terns. They used the AutoSlog (Riloff, 1996) extrac-
tion pattern learner and a list of manually selected
seed words to build semantic lexicons for the MUC-4
proceedings, a terrorism domain related corpus. Ex-
traction patterns capture role relationships and are
used to find noun phrases with similar semantic mean-
ing as a result of syntax and lexical semantics. This
is explained by their example verb robbed. The sub-
ject of the verb robbed often indicates the perpetrator
while the direct object of the verb robbed could indi-
cate the victim or target. To avoid inaccurate words
entering the lexicon and to increase the overall accu-
racy they learned multiple categories simultaneously.
(Igo and Riloff, 2009) used BASILISK and applied
co-occurrence statistics for hypernym en seed word
collocation by computing a variation of Pointwise
Mutual Information (PMI). They used web statistics
to re-rank the words after the bootstrapping process
was finished.
(Qadir and Riloff, 2012) used pattern-based dic-
tionary induction, contextual semantic tagging, and
coreference resolution in an ensemble approach.
They combined the three techniques in a single boot-
strapping process and added lexicon entries if words
occur in at least two of the three methods. Since each
of them exploit independent sources, their ensemble
method improves precision in the early stages of the
bootstrapping process, in which semantic drift (Cur-
ran et al., 2007) can decrease the overall accuracy sub-
stantially. (Ziering et al., 2013b) have also employed
an ensemble method and used linguistic variations be-
tween multiple languages to reduce semantic drift.
We combine the BASILISK bootstrapping algo-
rithm (Thelen and Riloff, 2002) and co-occurrence
statistics proposed by (Igo and Riloff, 2009) to dy-
namically score each word before it enters the lex-
icon. We compare BASILISK’s scoring metric Av-
gLog in contrast to the PMI metric at each bootstrap
run rather than using PMI scores to re-rank the lexi-
con after the bootstrapping process has finished.
We use a list of seed words to initiate the bootstrap-
ping process and use this set of seed words to create
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
a highly related text corpus by mining the web. Web
mining was applied because domain specific corpora
are not always readily available. Before bootstrapping
begins, we use the linguistic expressions of extrac-
tion patterns (Riloff, 1996) and group noun phrases
when they occur with the same stemmed verb. The
stemmed verbs are then scored by a probability score
with respect to a non-related text corpus. Verbs that
are domain specific, that is, they infrequently occur
in general text are given a higher score. We then use
BASILISK’s bootstrapping algorithm and a PMI scor-
ing metric before adding new words to the lexicon.
The PMI score is a measure of association between
words. For this, we use web count statistics between
hyponym and hypernym words to calculate colloca-
tion statistics and utilize these scores to only allow
the strongest hyponyms to enter the lexicon, thus de-
creasing wrong lexicon entries during the bootstrap-
ping process. A schematic overview of the bootstrap-
ping process is displayed in Figure 1 and Algorithm 1.
We will discuss the bootstrapping process in detail in
subsequent sections.
seed words
extraction patterns
semantic lexicon
pattern pool
select topN
word pool
add topN words
Figure 1: Schematic overview of bootstrapping process.
Algorithm 1: Bootstrap Lexicon.
1: lexicon seedwords
2: cor pus TopNSearches(seedwords)
3: patterns Patterns(corpus, 0.5 p 1.0)
4: for i = 0 to i < m do
5: patternpool Score(patterns,topN + i)
6: words GetNouns(patternpool)
7: lexicon ScoreWord(words,topN) / lexicon
8: i + +
9: end for
10: return lexicon
3.1 Domain and Seed Words
We choose to build a single related lexicon for the
fisheries domain. The fisheries domain includes a
multitude of knowledge production approaches, from
mono- to transdisciplinary. Biologists, oceanogra-
phers, mathematicians, computer scientists, anthro-
pologists, sociologists, political scientists, economists
and researchers from many other more disciplines
contribute to the fisheries body of knowledge, to-
gether with non-academic participants, such as de-
cision makers and stakeholders. Due to these di-
verse contributions of specialized language from a
multitude of knowledge production approaches, the
fisheries domain is characterized by a large body of
words. For the same reason, this body of words is
extremely rich in concepts. However, sometimes the
concepts use different words to refer to the same ab-
straction (e.g. fishermen and fishers) and sometimes,
even though they are using the same words, they are
referring to different abstractions (e.g. fisher behavior
may mean something for an economist and something
else for an anthropologist). In addition, the fisheries
domain has a high frequency of compound words (e.g.
fisheries management, fishing method), in order to
differentiate it from other resource management do-
mains, such as forestry, for example. The definition
of a hyponym-hypernym relation is therefore based
on a more abstract level and also includes transitive
relationships. For example, if x is a hyponym of y,
and y is a hyponym of z, then x is a hyponym of z.
The seed words were chosen by experts from the
Arctic University of Norway where they were asked
for a list of 10 nouns or compound nouns that best
cover the domain. The list contains the phrases fish-
ery ecosystem, fisheries management, fisheries policy,
fishing methods, fishing gear, fishing area, fish, fish
species, fishermen, fish supply chain.
3.2 Building the Corpus
The fisheries corpus was created by extracting web
text from a Google search for each of the seed words
and extracting the content of the first 30 URLs. We
enclosed the 10 search terms with quotations marks to
force Google into an exact match. We found that the
first 30 searches provided sufficient text for the cor-
pus and still contained search related content. After
mining the pages we started an extensive data clean-
ing process. Besides cleaning HTML, JavaScript, and
CSS tags, we needed to clean text from e.g. headers,
footers, labels, sidebars that entered the corpus. We
removed content such as ”click here”, ”all rights re-
served”, ”copyright”. Finally, we scored the mined
text fragments with an en-US and en-GB lookup dic-
tionary D as:
Where V
is the vocabulary size of text
, and w
a word
Bootstrapping a Semantic Lexicon on Verb Similarities
match such that w
D. We found S
0.3 suffi-
cient to clean the corpus even further as it removes
non-English and improper formatted text. For ex-
ample, phrases like ”Not logged inTalkContribution-
sCreate accountLog in” bear no meaning and serves
navigational purposes only when rendered by the web
browser, yet it is extracted from the HTML content.
Figure 2 shows the dispersion plot for the seed words
unigrams after the cleaning phase.
Figure 2: The lexical dispersion plot shows how often a
word, displayed on the y-axis, occurs in the cleaned corpus.
The x-axis displays the position within the corpus from be-
ginning to end.
3.3 Chunking
We used the Punkt sentence tokenizer and a part-of-
speech (POS) tagger to create individual sentences
with their grammatical properties. We then used a
shallow parser with regular expressions (RE) on POS
tags to extract noun phrases (NP) when they occur as
a direct object or subject. The verb that precedes or
follows the NP is used to group related NPs when they
share the same stem.
The RE grammar for the parser is defined as
(1) (<VB.*><DT>?<JJ>*<NN>+) for direct object
noun phrases and (2) (<DT>?<JJ>*<NN>+<VB.*>+)
as subject noun phrases. (1) extracts a verb in any
tense (<VB.*>), followed by an optional determiner
(<DT>), followed by 0 or more adjectives (<JJ>*)
and ending with at least one noun (<NN>+). Figure 3
shows the parse tree of the phrase manage European
fish and protect the marine environment. We extract
two patterns manage European fish and protect the
marine environment.
(2) extracts patterns starting with an optional de-
terminer (<DT>), followed by 0 or more adjectives
(<JJ>*), followed by at least one noun (<NN>+) and
ending in any verb tense (<VB.*>). Figure 4 shows
the parse tree for the phrase the northern fisherman
NN environment
NN marine
DT the
VB protect
CC and
NN fish
JJ European
VB manage
Figure 3: Parse tree for the noun phrase European fish with
its accompanying transitive verb manage and noun phrase
the marine environment with transitive verb protect. Both
NPs occur as a direct object.
catches in which the NP occurs as a subject.
VB catches
NN fisherman
JJ northern
DT the
Figure 4: Parse tree for the noun phrase the northern fisher-
man with its accompanying transitive verb catches. The NP
occurs as a subject.
3.4 Scoring Verbs
The verb tenses that precede an NP as a direct object,
or follow the NP as a subject are stemmed with the
Porter algorithm (Porter, 1980) to subsequently group
NPs when creating the extraction patterns. Stemming
groups verb tenses into the same stem—not necessar-
ily the root of the verb. To score stemmed verbs we
used a non-related text corpus containing rural infor-
mation. The idea behind scoring the domain related
verbs is to limit the extraction patterns to verbs that
are more frequently found in the fisheries domain. For
example, the verb create is often found in all sorts of
domains but the verb catch not. The noun phrases that
are linked to the verb catch are more likely to contain
semantically related words.
Let D
be the set of stemmed verbs from the seed
word related corpus (Section 3.2) and D
be the set
of stemmed verbs from the non-related corpus (rural
corpus) and that the vocabulary size |V |
|V |
Now let L be the combined set of stemmed verbs such
that for every l L we have that l D
. Let
denote the number of instances l contain in D
We estimate the probability that stemmed verb l con-
tained within the seed word related set D
) =
+ N
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
For example, the verb supervise, which includes
supervised and supervising, gets stemmed into
supervis. A frequency of D
=12 and D
=3 results
in a score of 0.8. The distribution of scores is shown
in Figure 5 and shows the number of verbs with their
estimated probability. For example, there are 50 verbs
with a score ρ 0.9 which are highly domain related,
such as prohibit, catch, rescue, exploit, breath, de-
plete, fish.
Figure 5: Frequency of stemmed verbs and estimated prob-
3.5 Verb Extraction Pattern
We selected verbs in which ρ 0.5 and group them in
steps of 0.1 such that 0.9 ρ 1.0, 0.8 ρ 1.0, ... ,
0.5 ρ 1.0 so that we analyze the top 10%, 20%, ...
, 50% of verbs. To create the extraction pattern, any
noun <NN> or compound noun <NN>+ extracted
by the chunker is grouped together if they share the
same stemmed verb in either subject and direct ob-
ject cases. For example, Table 1 shows some phrases
for the root verb regulate which gets stemmed into
regul and root verb catch which has an identical
stem. The nouns industry, seafood trade, quota, and
legislation are grouped together into an extraction pat-
tern because they all share the same stem regulate.
For every NP, we have extracted the noun or com-
pound noun. We have not restricted ourselves to the
head noun as compound nouns are generally more in-
formative for the fisheries domain. For example, ma-
rine science was accepted as a fisheries related word
but science not. An overview of some extraction pat-
terns are listed below:
{industry, seafood trade, quota, legislation}
{fish, marine life, deep-dwelling, fish, fisherman}
{catch, conservation, sustainability, growth, fish-
ing, participation, tuna, management approach}
{oxygen, air, fish, equipment, right}
{sediment resuspension, world, bycatch, poten-
tial, fishing technique, hunger}
Table 1: Example phrases where the transitive verb of a
phrase gets stemmed into the same stem.
stem verb noun phrase
regul regulated industry ... regulated industry ...
regul regulated seafood trade ... regulated seafood trade ...
regul regulated quota ... quota regulated ...
regul regulates legislation ... legislation regulates ...
catch catching fish ... catching wild fish ...
catch catching marine life ... catching marine life ...
catch catch deep-dwelling fish ... catch deep-dwelling fish ...
catch catches fisherman ... the fisherman catches ...
We found 468 different extraction patterns in our
corpus. An overview of the distribution is shown in
Figure 6 (y-axis logarithmically scaled).
Figure 6: The frequency of nouns in an extraction pattern.
The x-axis shows the number of extraction patterns found
in our corpus (468). The y-axis shows the number of nouns
grouped within that pattern.
3.6 Bootstrapping
The bootstrapping process starts with a list of 10 seed
words (Section 3.1). Next, all the extraction patterns
are scored by calculating the RlogF score (Riloff,
) =
) if F
1 if F
= 0
Where F
is the number of lexicon words found in
and N
the total number of nouns in pattern
Extraction patterns that contain nouns that are already
part of the lexicon will get a higher score. The first
iteration selects the top N patterns which are then
placed into a pattern pool. We used N=20 for the first
iteration and incremented it by 1 every next run to al-
low new patterns to enter the process.
The next step is to score all the nouns that are
part of the pattern pool. We evaluated two scoring
Bootstrapping a Semantic Lexicon on Verb Similarities
metrics: (1) BASILISK’s AvgLog, (2) PMI that uses
search counts from the Bing search engine. The Av-
gLog score is defined as:
) =
+ 1)
(1) AvgLog uses all the patterns to score the nouns
found in the top N patterns. P
is the number of pat-
terns in which word
occurs and F
the number of lex-
icon words found in pattern j. The nouns that are part
of the pattern pool are given a higher score, thus be-
ing more semantically related, when they also occur
in other extraction patterns with a high number of lex-
icon word matches.
(2) is based on hypernym collocation statistics
proposed by (Igo and Riloff, 2009). We implement
the PMI scoring metric within the bootstrapping pro-
cess and dynamically calculate collocation statistics
before adding new words in the lexicon. We hypoth-
esize that lexicon words that occur more often in col-
location with its domain are more likely to be seman-
tically related. We use the number of hits between
a lexicon word (hyponym) and its hypernym word
by utilizing the NEAR operator from the Microsoft’s
BING search engine. We choose collocation range of
10 and define the PMI score as:
= log
= log(N) + log
= log
is the Pointwise Mutual Information that
lexicon word x occurs with hypernym y, where ρ
the probability that x and y occur together on the web,
the probability that x occurs on the web, and ρ
probability that y occurs on the web. We would have
to calculate probabilities such as ρ
by dividing the
number of x by the total number of web pages N and
can rewrite PMI
by incorporating N. However, N is
not known and can be omitted because it will be the
same for each lexicon word. We can rewrite PMI
again by taking the log of the number of hits from
the collocation statistics and dividing it by statistics
of their individual parts.
Each noun that was part of the extraction pattern
was given a score and the top-N nouns were selected
to enter the lexicon. We added the noun with the high-
est score (N=1) to the lexicon and repeated the boot-
strapping process.
We evaluated the lexicon entries by a gold standard
dictionary. Domain experts have labeled every noun
or compound noun that was found in the extraction
patterns. A value of 1 was assigned if the word was re-
lated to the fisheries domain and 0 if it had no relation-
ship. We did not distinguish between highly relevant
domain words and less relevant words. For example,
the word marine science is highly relevant and has
often a direct link to the domain, but the word conser-
vation in itself can be ambiguous. It could be related
to e.g. conserving artwork or to prevent depletion of
natural resources. However, a word was considered
to be correct if any sense of the word is semantically
related. Furthermore, unknown words were manually
looked up for their meaning. For example, plecoglos-
sus altivelis, oncorhynchus keta, leucosternon, peach
anthias and khaki grunter are types of fish unknown
to the annotators, yet are semantically related.
We have run the bootstrapping algorithm until the
lexicon contained 100 words. We repeated the pro-
cess for the top 10% to top 50% scored verbs as dis-
cussed in Section 3.5 and compared the AvgLog (S
and PMI (S
) scoring metric. Examples of lexicon
entries are: invertebrate seafood, ground fish, shell-
fish, demersal fish, mackerel, carp, crabs, deepwater
shrimp, school, life, squid, hake, fisherman, cod, tuna,
conservation reference size, trout, quota, sea, shrimp,
mortality, freshwater, trawl, salmon, tenkara, snap-
per, method, license, attractor, pocket water, fee, ves-
sel license, style fly, artisan, plastic worm, freshwater
fly, saltwater, jack mackerel, trawler.
Figure 7 shows the accuracy (percentage of cor-
rect lexicon words) for S
when learning 100 semanti-
cally related words. The lines represent the verb prob-
ability groupings (e.g. top 10%, 20%). The accuracy
degrades when incorrect words enter the lexicon and
starts to contribute in learning more incorrect words.
The accuracy converges to around 70% for all prob-
ability groupings. Figure 8 shows the accuracy for
. It shows that using web statistics for hyponym-
hypernym words affects the accuracy positively and
negatively, yet still converges to around 70% after 100
words are learned. The use of S
affects the top 30%
verbs substantially, outperforming S
up to learning
90 words. However, S
negatively affects the accu-
racy when looking at the top 50% verbs compared to
Scoring verbs before creating extraction patterns
causes differences in accuracy up to a lexicon size of
90. Verbs that occur more often in domain related
text, such as discussed in Section 3.4, essentially ben-
efit the accuracy of the lexicon up to a certain size
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Lexicon accuracy when learning upto a 100 words. Accuracy scores are given for the top 10%, ... , 50% verbs for
both S
(scoring new entries with BASILISK’s AvgLog), and S
(scoring new entries with PMI).
Lexicon entries
0.5 ρ 1.0 0.6 ρ 1.0 0.7 ρ 1.0 0.8 ρ 1.0 0.9 ρ 1.0
20 0.8 0.75 0.8 0.75 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.95
30 0.73 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.73 0.87 0.73 0.73 0.8 0.8
40 0.68 0.65 0.68 0.6 0.68 0.78 0.7 0.68 0.8 0.82
50 0.74 0.68 0.64 0.68 0.64 0.7 0.66 0.66 0.8 0.8
60 0.72 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.73 0.67 0.68 0.75 0.77
70 0.69 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.71 0.67 0.66 0.71 0.76
80 0.68 0.69 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.71 0.68 0.64 0.71 0.75
90 0.69 0.7 0.69 0.7 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.68 0.69 0.72
100 0.7 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.7 0.7 0.69 0.68 0.66 0.68
Figure 7: Graph that shows the accuracy when learning 100
words for the top 10% to top 50% verbs when scoring can-
didate words with BASILISK’s AvgLog (S
Figure 8: Graph that shows the accuracy when learning 100
words for the top 10% to top 50% verbs when scoring can-
didate words with Pointwise Mutual Information (S
yet have limited effect on large lexicons. We would,
however, have expected that the top 10% verbs out-
perform the top 20% and so on. This does not seem
to hold for both S
and S
. For example, when
using S
and learning 50 words, the top 50% verbs
achieved a higher accuracy (0.74), compared to the
top 20% (0.66). Similarly, when learning 40 words
and using S
, the top 20% verbs achieved lower ac-
curacy (0.68) than the top 30% verbs (0.78). The top
10% verbs for S
and S
achieve the highest accu-
racy in nearly all stages of the bootstrapping process.
Small lexicons would benefit from selecting only the
top 10% verbs to create extraction patterns, achieving
an accuracy of around 0.8 when learning 50 words.
An overview of all accuracy scores is given in Table 2.
In this paper, we presented a bootstrapping algorithm
based on BASILISK and a highly related corpus that
was created by mining web pages. We have created
the corpus by utilizing the same set of seed words that
initially was used to start the bootstrapping process.
We used extraction patterns to group noun phrases
with similar semantic meaning by grouping them
when they share the same stemmed verb. We scored
the extraction patterns with a non-related text corpus
and calculated accuracy scores for the top 10%, 20%,
30%, 40% and 50%. Next to using BASILISK orig-
inal scoring metric, we used a PMI score by looking
at hyponym-hypernym collocation statistics.
We found varied results between the scored ex-
traction patterns. Patterns that were created by look-
ing at strong verbs that most often occur in domain
related text, and less frequent in general (non-related)
text, created a higher accuracy lexicon when looking
at the top 10% scored verbs while other top scores
showed mixed results. The use of collocation statis-
tics by utilizing the NEAR operator of Microsoft’s
Bing search engine provided better accuracy for a
number of scores but simultaneously caused a de-
grade in the accuracy for other verb scores.
The achieved accuracy covers web text for the
Bootstrapping a Semantic Lexicon on Verb Similarities
fisheries domain and more research is needed con-
cerning the generalizability into other domains and
other forms of text, such as scientific literature and
other technical language. Furtermore, research is
needed to explain why accuracy varies between verb
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KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval