This study used an imaginary scene classification
problem as a testing case to investigate the capability
of heterogeneous ensembles built with the ruls that
consider either accuracy of individual models or di-
versity, or both.Three rules are devised specifically
using accuracy of individual models and the diver-
sity measurements among these models for an en-
semble.The results for HES are much better than the
previous studies (Oliva and Torralba, 2001) that used
individual models for imaginary scene classification
and the state-of-the-art for the homogeneous ensem-
ble, which used all base classifiers used in HES. The
increasing diversity among the models selected for
the ensemble was found to be advantageous, lead-
ing to more stable and reliable results. Our research
found that increasing the number of models also af-
fects the ensembles results. This indicated that diver-
sity is more effective when used with a higher number
of models selected for the ensemble. It can therefore
be concluded that combining models results in high
accuracy and diversity for an ensemble has consider-
able advantages in terms of the ensemble’s accuracy.
Various questions for future work emerge from
this paper. First, this research covered only the anno-
tations part of the dataset. It could be useful to involve
the images part directly. Second, only three rules were
used in this experiment; future work should consider
more rules with different measures for ensemble se-
lecting models. Third, more experiments will be con-
ducted by using more datasets.
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