Table 2: Comparison between our NN performance and Bin
Khamis’s model.
Bin Khamis’s
model 1.293 E9 0.9039 1.713 E9 0.87392
model 5.9223 E6 0.96537 9.708 E6 0.9348
6.8% on the training set and on the testing set 6.97%.
These results show that our Neural Network model
does not depend on our own dataset.
This paper announces the first dataset, to our knowl-
edge, that combines both visual and textual features
for house price estimation. Other researchers are in-
vited to use the new dataset as well. Through experi-
ments, it was shown that aggregating both visual and
textual information yielded better estimation accuracy
compared to textual features alone. Moreover, better
results were achieved using NN over SVM given the
same dataset. Additionally, we demonstrated empir-
ically that the house price estimation accuracy is di-
rectly proportional with the number of visual features
up to some level, where it barely saturated. We be-
lieve this optimal number of features depends on the
images content. We are currently studying the rela-
tionship of the image content to the optimal number
of features. In the near future, we are planning to ap-
ply deeper neural networks to extract its own features
as well as trying other visual feature descriptors, e.g.,
Local Binary Patterns (LBP).
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NCTA 2016 - 8th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications