An experimental approach to investigate the
structural profile of the hoof wall is also included.
The general experimental technique implemented is
referred as hot disk method (Gustafsson, 1991). The
method measures the thermal transport property of
materials by only recording the change in
temperature on the sensor. A recent extension of this
method enables it to thermally profile a material
along its depth. This approximation scheme and
some examples are included in the reference (Sizov,
2016). Further detail examples and description on
the experimental limitation and capabilities of
structural profiling of materials along their structure
is shown in (Mihiretie, 2016).
This contributes in understanding of hoof wall
defects and could potentially help horses to have
longer athletic careers and life.
Three different models were designed to represent
the situations in a healthy hoof and damaged hooves.
I. Normal hoof structure, fig.1.
II. Hoof structure with a foreign material inside
the hoof capsule, fig.2.
III. Hoof capsule subjected to separation of wall.
Model I, represents a healthy hoof structure. It
consists of three parts: hoof wall; bone and heat
source. The external keratin material (hoof wall),
surrounds the internal bone structure and the double
spiral heat source (nickel wire) is placed on the
outside surface of hoof capsule. In model II, a
spherical foreign material is included in addition to
the parts listed in model I. The foreign material
assume the role of an infected part that developed
some sort of fluid (pus) inside the hoof capsule.
Thermal wave from the heat source travels through
the hoof wall before it spreads to the bone structure.
In model III, since the inside part of the hoof wall is
exposed to air to represent wall separation, the heat
wave is exposed to convective cooling from the
inside part of the hoof capsule.
The models are generated using COMSOL
Multiphysics V.5.2, the software uses the finite
element method to describe the complex problem
with a linear system of equations. This is achieved
by dividing the geometry of the problem at hand into
several subdivisions (elements), called meshing.
Then the relevant quantity is approximated at each
node of the element. Finally the solution for each
element can be collected to form global solution for
the entire geometry (Tabatabaian, 2014). The
validation of COMSOL's heat transfer modules is
documented in different studies (Gerlich, 2013,
Suarez, 2014).
The aim of the simulation is to demonstrate the
utility of the finite element analysis in the
investigation of monitoring the structural integrity of
hooves. This is realized by studying the thermal
response of the hoof structure.
The governing equation that describes transient
heat transfer in solids can be expressed as follows:
+) (1)
Where is the volumetric specific heat of the
material, T is temperature, t is the test time, K is
thermal conductivity, r is position vector and Q is
the heat source per unit volume.
It is difficult to solve eqn. 1 analytically for the
present geometry, thus a mathematical tool for
numerical solving of such partial differential
equations is employed, using COMSOL.
COMSOL consists of different modules, thus a
typical simulation starts by choosing the physics and
study type. In this study, heat transfer module with
time dependent study is used. Simulation time vector
was introduced for the transient measurement, in the
closed interval [0,320s], with increments of 0.1s
during which a constant power of 0. 5 W is used. For
solving, default solver is used.
Defining the geometry and type of materials
follows naturally. Here they are defined to represent
the different hoof status expressed in the model I-III.
Finally, applying appropriate meshing, boundary and
initial conditions comes to effect. The initial
temperature considered for the entire system was set
to be at room temperature (293.15K), and the
following boundary conditions are considered:
• Extremities of the model are insulated.
. = 0 (2)
Where is normal vector and is the heat flux
by conduction.
• Thermal contact boundary condition is set
between the heat source and the hoof wall and
also between the hoof capsule and the bone.
1 +
Where h is the conductance; u (up) and d
(down) subscripts refers to the two sides of the