it proved to be as successful as the available human
one when embedded into speech summarization. An-
other basic contribution comes from the estimation of
the ASR transcription error propagation into subse-
quent text processing, at least in terms of evaluating
the similarity of POS and dependency tag sequences
between human and ASR made transcriptions. Re-
sults showed that POS tags and selectively nouns are
less sensitive to ASR errors (POS tag error rate was
2/3 of WER, whereas nouns get confused by another
part-of-speech even less frequently). Given the high
degree of spontaneity of the speech and also the heavy
agglutinating property of Hungarian, we believe the
obtained results are promising as they are comparable
to results published for other languages. The over-
all best results were 62% recall and 79% precision
= 0.68). Subjective rating of the summaries gave
3.2 mean opinion score.
The authors would like to thank the support of the
Hungarian National Innovation Office (NKFIH) un-
der contract IDs PD-112598 and PD-108762.
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