Enabling Centralised Management of Local Sensor Data Refinement in
Machine Fleets
Petri Kannisto and David H
Department of Automation Science and Engineering, Tampere University of Technology,
P.O. Box 692, FI-33101 Tampere, Finland
Distributed Knowledge Management, Mobile Machinery.
In modern mobile machines, a lot of measurement data is available to generate information about machine
performance. Exploiting it locally in machines would enable optimising their operation and, thus, yield com-
petitive advantage and reduce environmental load due to reduced emissions. However, optimisation requires
extensive knowledge about machine performance and characteristics in various conditions. As physical ma-
chines may be located geographically far from each other, the management of ever evolving knowledge is
challenging. This study introduces a software concept to enable centralised management of data refinement
performed locally in the machines of a geographically distributed fleet. It facilitates data utilisation in end
user applications that provide useful information for operators in the field. Whatever the further data analysis
requirements are, multiple preprocessing tasks are performed: it enables outlier limit configuration, the calcu-
lation of derived variables, data set categorisation and context recognition. A functional prototype has been
implemented for the refinement of real operational data collected from forestry machines. The results show
that the concept has considerable potential to bring added value for enterprises due to improved possibilities
in managing data utilisation.
The current era of industrial informatics has brought
ever developing intelligent devices, data processing
methods and sensor technology. Additional value can
be gained from existing devices by collecting data and
analysing it to have new information and knowledge.
The importance of data analysis has been emphasised
not only for business in general (LaValle et al., 2011)
but also in industrial context (Duan and Xu, 2012).
For production, this also applies to mobile machines
such as earthmoving, mining or forestry. Performance
improvements not only bring competitive advantage
but they also save resources and reduce emissions to
the environment.
In this paper, a software concept is introduced
intended for service architectures to enable cen-
tralised management of fleetwide sensor data refine-
ment which is performed locally in mobile machines.
The operation of modern machinery typically requires
a high level of expertise, and even a skilled opera-
tor rarely has the technological knowledge required
for optimal operation. That is, various feedback ap-
plications should be utilised to improve performance.
In the data measured during operation, a lot of im-
plicit information is available not only about the ma-
chine itself but also the material or the goods being
processed. In an ecosystem, the number of machines
and the amount of data can be arbitrarily large, and
the machines may be geographically distributed. A
centrally managed data refinement solution facilitates
using all the potential of data as it unifies the infor-
mation available for actual end user applications in
various machines. The applications may, for instance,
provide assistance in machine operation or adjust-
ment. As data processing expertise and requirements
are likely to evolve, frequent updates are expected.
The practical contribution of this work is the im-
plementation of an externally manageable interme-
diary component that refines local machine data. It
accomplishes essential first-hand tasks thus generat-
ing information and facilitating further analysis. The
component can be customised externally by deliver-
ing methods and configuration data that define the lo-
cal refinement process. As several machines can re-
ceive an identical refinement configuration set, cen-
tralised management is enabled.
Kannisto, P. and Hästbacka, D.
Enabling Centralised Management of Local Sensor Data Refinement in Machine Fleets.
DOI: 10.5220/0006045600210030
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 21-30
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The structure of this paper is as follows. Related
work is discussed in Section 2. Section 3 discusses the
actual problem followed by a solution in Section 4. A
forestry machine related prototype implementation is
introduced in Section 5. Section 6 presents the results
while Section 7 concludes the paper.
Among the publications in the industrial domain, no
corresponding points of view have been found so this
work is considered novel. None of the discovered pre-
vious studies address a similar data processing work-
flow with the configurability aspect and a similar level
of detail. That is, this section summarises the work
related to either machine data refinement, equipment
data exchange or context awareness as each aspect is
included in this paper.
Farming equipment related data collection or ex-
change has been researched in various papers. In
(Steinberger et al., 2009), farming equipment data is
exposed in a service architecture. In (Iftikhar and
Pedersen, 2011), device data is exchanged bidirec-
tionally between office computers and farming ma-
chines. In (Peets et al., 2012), there is a solution
for data collection from various types of sensors. In
(Fountas et al., 2015), an information system con-
cept is introduced for the management of farming ma-
There are also other publications related to mo-
bile machine data processing. In (Palmroth, 2011),
the analysis of mobile machine data to assist opera-
tor learning is covered. A knowledge management
solution for operator performance assessment in the
field is considered in (Kannisto et al., 2014). In (Kan-
nisto et al., 2015), a service architecture is introduced
to manage the information and knowledge required to
assist machine parameter optimisation locally in ma-
chines. All of these studies contain machine data re-
finement, and the latter two have an information sys-
tem architecture aspect. However, none of them has a
similar level of detail in configurability.
Fault diagnostics and condition monitoring are
also related as they consider generating information
by processing measured data. Various mathematical
methods can be utilised for diagnostics as presented in
(Yang and Kim, 2006; Basir and Yuan, 2007; Baner-
jee and Das, 2012). Condition-based maintenance
(CBM) is enabled by utilising collected condition data
(Jardine et al., 2006). Recently, even wireless sensor
networks (WSN) have been utilised in diagnostics (Lu
and Gungor, 2009; Hou and Bergmann, 2012). These
studies focus on data processing rather than knowl-
edge management essential in this work.
Context recognition has been researched for a
long time, and various methods as well as applications
have been suggested. In (Khot et al., 2006), there is a
mathematical approach to recognising the context and
the position of a tree planting robot; position infor-
mation from various sources is combined mathemat-
ically to reduce error. Machinery is the domain also
in (Golparvar-Fard et al., 2013) where earthmoving
equipment actions are recognised from video. Human
activities recognition has also been researched includ-
ing hospital work (Favela et al., 2007), car manufac-
turing (Stiefmeier et al., 2008) and general activities
(Choudhury et al., 2008). In this paper, relatively lit-
tle weight is put on context recognition so the method
should not be compared with the advanced context
recognition methods found in literature.
This paper introduces a software concept to centrally
manage data refinement performed locally in the ma-
chines of a geographically distributed fleet. The idea
is to process machine data to facilitate further utili-
sation, especially for instant local use. A consider-
able challenge stems from the errors that real-life ma-
chine data typically contains: there is a need to apply
domain expertise by specifying conditions and lim-
its that determine which measurement values should
be considered valid. For instance, measurements are
never completely accurate, and for one reason or an-
other, a sensor may either systematically or randomly
give erroneous output. The physical world rarely
acts ideally. Another essential requirement is context
recognition and consideration – this need comes from
the argument that some domain knowledge is context
dependent. Obviously, the operating environment and
the type of work being performed largely affect what
kind of measures and performance are expected. Fur-
ther requirements are data set categorisation and the
calculation of derived indirect values as they may pro-
vide valuable information.
Scalable configurability is essential: it must be
possible to control data refinement even after it has
been taken into use in a large geographically dis-
tributed machine fleet. Figure 1 illustrates this. Ma-
chine data collection enables fleetwide knowledge
generation within the enterprise. The knowledge is
translated to a data refinement configuration to be de-
livered to machines. In each machine, the configu-
ration is utilised in data generation for analysis ap-
KMIS 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
plications that generate added value such as feedback
about machine operation.
Single machine
data provider
Added value
(e.g. feedback)
Fleet data analysis
management of
data refinement
distributed machine fleet
Data collection
Refinement config delivery
Refinement knowledge generation
Analysis applications
Figure 1: Data refinement configuration is delivered to ma-
chines so the refinement can be executed locally for analysis
In this work, data is structured as data item collec-
tions. A data item collection contains measurement
and parameter values saved at a certain point in time
thus providing a snapshot of machine state and per-
formance. Data items are stored as a set of key-value
pairs that enable access to data items using their iden-
tifiers. It is assumed that the machines of the same
type have an identical key set in their data item collec-
tions. Once a data item collection has been retrieved,
its items can be utilised for calculating or inferring
derived data and information or to resolve prevailing
To clarify the concept, let us consider an example
in the forestry domain. As tree stems are processed
with modern equipment, a lot of measured stem data
is available such as the felling diameter, length or how
quickly the stem has been processed with the ma-
chine. For each processed stem, the related measure-
ments will be stored in a data item collection so the
stems can be processed one by one with all related
data available.
Machine type specific data item collection pro-
cessing is likely required. First, there is expected
to be variation in available measurements between
machine types. For instance, as the degree of au-
tomation in tree stem processing keeps improving,
a new machine model likely has more measurement
items available compared to old ones. Second, models
likely have variation in productivity, fuel consump-
tion and other performance values. Third, variation in
machine parametrisation is also expected due to dif-
ferences in components such as hydraulic valves that
control the machine boom. Parameter sets may vary
as well as how a certain parameter affects machine
Naturally, there are various reasons why a mea-
surement may fail. Even a modern sensor may lack
the ability to indicate if it has succeeded in measuring
a value or not. Even if a sensor were not malfunction-
ing, there is still a possibility that its reading is not
reliable for instance, the sensor might have come
off its installation position thus measuring something
unexpected. In any case, it must be considered if each
measurement value is reasonable or not. The motiva-
tion of outlier consideration is discussed, for instance,
in (Osborne and Overbay, 2004).
As data item collections are persisted for later util-
isation, each measurement value should be stored as
such not to eliminate the possibility to recalculate val-
ues. This applies especially to cases where long-time
historical data is required in analysis. If a measure-
ment value is considered out of outlier limits and au-
tomatically declared a failure, it will be impossible to
reprocess it in case of a later change in outlier con-
ditions. Therefore, in many cases, it is a good prac-
tise not to store any values calculated from measure-
ments as calculation formulas might evolve. Natu-
rally, in some applications, if original values are not
needed for sure, it may also be appropriate to save
storage space by only saving the essential derived val-
ues rather than all raw values.
To run data analyses in a large scale, it is beneficial
if data item collections are categorised. There may be
considerable systematic variation in their values. Not
to treat them as a homogeneous mass (what they cer-
tainly are not), at least rough categorisation is benefi-
cial so each data item collection may be treated within
an appropriate group. In forestry, each stem may be
categorised after its size or tree species as it likely af-
fects productivity if the processing of large trees is
being optimised, little trees should be ignored. As cat-
egorisation is performed based on measured values, it
is subject to failures; it cannot be performed if some
required value has been measured incorrectly.
Mobile machines may operate in varying environ-
ments so the power of context awareness should be
exploited as the context may significantly affect how
a machine can perform (V
ayrynen et al., 2015). De-
pending on the context, an absolute numeric value
may be relatively high or low. It must be considered
if performance value comparison is appropriate if the
values have been measured in different contexts. For
instance, performance is likely low in unfavourable
conditions: the temperature may affect fuel consump-
tion, rough terrain makes machine movement slower
and so forth. In context classification, its subtleness
and other aspects must be considered depending on
the application area. Another important consideration
is knowledge evolution: it may also be required to up-
date the selected context classification method some-
Enabling Centralised Management of Local Sensor Data Refinement in Machine Fleets
Context recognition is essential also in forestry.
Even inside a relatively small geographical region,
there may be a lot of variation between forests: the
type of land may affect machine performance, and
tree species may also vary. Also, the type of work be-
ing performed (final felling, thinning or other) always
affects absolute productivity values.
4.1 Workflow
Considering given requirements, a solution can be de-
signed. The flow of the application run locally in
machines is illustrated in Figure 2. There are four
main phases complemented by context consideration.
To enable the utilisation of constantly evolving do-
main expertise, some phases utilise externally defined
methods or configuration files. Each phase is ex-
plained in the coming paragraphs.
Retrieve data
Perform outlier
derived data
Categorise data
Consider context?
Data item collection
Data item
Data item
Figure 2: Data refinement flow.
First, measurement values are retrieved; they are
stored in data item collections realised as key-value
pairs. For a certain machine type, each collection is
expected to have the same key-value pairs. In forestry,
a reasonable data structure is to have a data item col-
lection for each processed tree stem.
Then, an outlier check is performed. Whatever the
utilised method is, it should be applied early as it may
affect forthcoming data processing.
In the next phase, any derived variables are re-
solved. Often, not all desired variables can be di-
rectly measured so calculation may be required. Nat-
urally, a derived variable cannot be calculated if any
required measurement has failed. In this work, de-
rived Boolean values associated to a data item col-
lection are called appearance items: whether some
condition set is fulfilled by the collection or not. For
instance, in forestry data, an appearance item may ex-
press whether a stem is a spruce. The information
may be utilised in further data analysis to determine
which stems are considered interesting occasional
birches in a spruce forest may not be interesting.
Finally, each data item collection is categorised.
Whatever the categorisation criteria are, technically,
they consist of condition sets on measurement val-
ues. If a data item collection has a failed measurement
value that is required for categorisation, the collection
is ignored in tasks where categories are essential.
Depending on the application, context awareness
may be applied in several phases. Context informa-
tion may even affect the outlier check; for instance,
it may determine which numeric outlier limits are ap-
plied or it may determine what kind of outlier check
method is utilised. Later in the refinement flow, the
context may affect how derived data items are re-
solved. However, some context awareness methods
may require data item collection categorisation results
so they cannot be utilised earlier. In the end, even
though the workflow has a certain phase set, its de-
sign is adaptable in terms of context awareness.
Let us consider the forestry example again. First,
an outlier check is required. For instance, if a mea-
sured value is beyond its reasonable limits, it must
be declared a failure. Second, derived variables are
calculated. Typical effectiveness variables (such as
wood volume productivity while processing a single
stem) are such as they cannot be measured directly.
Also, some derived variables may require consider-
ing multiple data item collections (i.e. stems; such as
the mass of processed wood per working hour dur-
ing a day). Another derived variable could be the
Boolean value (i.e. appearance item) whether a stem
is “large” which involves the comparison of its felling
diameter to a specific limit. Third, data item collec-
tions are categorised according to predefined condi-
tions. Depending on the objective of the categorisa-
tion, stem categories could include tree species, tree
sizes or both. Besides the mentioned phases, context-
awareness may be applied in multiple parts in the
flow. One option is simply to let the predominant tree
stem category determine the prevailing context this
depends on the implementation of the application.
4.2 Configuration Management
A software component has been designed to imple-
ment the application flow that utilises externally pro-
vided configuration documents (see Figure 3). In
each individual machine, the component retrieves
data from the machine information system and refines
it for further analyses. The number of machines exe-
cuting the flow is arbitrary as well as their geographic
locations compared with each other and the enterprise
office. Several new specification requirements arise
from configuration: the payload enclosed in each doc-
ument, their format, and the way the configuration is
KMIS 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
delivered to machines. Whichever is the way these
requirements are met, a local configuration cache is
likely required as a machine may operate long peri-
ods of time without a connection to any centralised
configuration storage.
Enterprise office
Data item
Data item
Masters Local copies
Data item
Applications utilising
operation data (e.g.
feedback apps)
Figure 3: Configuration management illustrated.
The modern information technology portfolio pro-
vides several options to deliver configuration doc-
uments from the office environment to mobile ma-
chines. Even widely used standard Internet technolo-
gies can be utilised here: for instance, HTTP (Hyper-
text Transfer Protocol) is suitable for transfering text-
based documents to physical machines. In that case,
a network connection (such as the Internet) is natu-
rally required. Be there no network, the configura-
tion may be delivered using another technology (even
by copying files manually); for instance, regular ma-
chine maintenance could be an occasion suitable for
delivery. Finally, whatever the configuration delivery
method is, regular updates should be enabled so each
machine has as up-to-date a configuration as possible.
5.1 Implementation
Following the specified concept, a prototype has been
implemented for tree stem data processing in the
forestry domain. Configuration delivery from the en-
terprise office to machines is left as a future task.
Yet the implemented component prototype is config-
urable, and its design allows configuration delivery in
whichever way suits best for the use case. The pro-
totype implementation is not supposed to be a fully
comprehensive solution it rather illustrates that the
concept is functional in general.
The data item collection refinement flow in the
prototype is illustrated in Figure 4. There will be
a data item collection for each processed tree stem
and the logs made from it. First, measurement values
are retrieved and structured as data item collections.
Then, an outlier check is performed for each mea-
surement value in each data item collection; the data
items that do not match their conditions are marked as
failed. Next, appearance items are resolved by check-
ing whether each data item collection satisfies each
appearance condition set or not. Finally, stem data
item collections are categorised based on their val-
ues. Here, it must be noted that if some measurement
value required for categorisation has failed (per out-
lier check), the category cannot be resolved. Instead,
the stem data item collection (and the related log data
item collections) will not be further processed.
Appearance items
After retrieval
After outlier
After resolving
Refinement of data item collection
C1 C2 C3
Appearance items
Figure 4: Data refinement in the prototype implementation.
The method utilised for the outlier check is
straightforward. For each measurement, an arbitrary
number of conditions may be specified. In a typical
case, there will be a lower and an upper bound. While
the utilised outlier detection method is simple, various
more advanced methods exist as discussed in (Hodge
and Austin, 2004), for example. An XML format has
been designed to capture the outlier limits for each
data item. The documents specifying the limits may
Enabling Centralised Management of Local Sensor Data Refinement in Machine Fleets
be managed anywhere; fresh versions will be deliv-
ered to machines for utilisation. That is, even though a
machine fleet may be geographically distributed, cen-
tralised outlier limit management is enabled.
To enable configurability, conditions for appear-
ance items are defined with the same XML format as
the outlier limits. For each appearance item, an ar-
bitrary set of data items may be inspected. For each
data item, there can be an arbitrary number of condi-
tions (similar to each data item that may have multiple
outlier conditions).
While various context recognition methods exist,
the prototype utilises a simple though configurable
way. The prevailing context is determined by find-
ing the most typical stem data item collection cate-
gory. That category is considered the context; any
other data item collections are excluded from further
processing as they are considered exceptions in the
current environment. Categories are defined using a
tree-like condition set (see Figure 5): the categorisa-
tion tree may inspect any data items to resolve the
category of a data item collection. The categorisation
tree is stored in a structured text document; it has been
generated by a data analysis software in the enterprise
office. The prototype parses the categorisation tree so
it is available in the application during machine op-
eration. Similar to outlier and appearance condition
definitions, even the categorisation tree is delivered
as a configuration file to each machine.
Ctg 8
Ctg 7
Ctg 6
Ctg 5
Ctg 4
Ctg 3
Ctg 2
Ctg 1
Figure 5: An example of categorising a tree stem after its
volume in m
(though there could be multiple variables ob-
served in the conditions). Here, the categories have indices
from 1 to 8, a high index indicating a large stem. For in-
stance, category 4 has the stems with a volume within range
The classes of the prototype are illustrated in Fig-
ure 6. In the prototype, an abstraction called item con-
dition is essential: it defines a condition for a data
item (such as a measurement). Item conditions are
utilised for both outlier checking and specifying ap-
pearance items. Each item condition is a part of an
item condition definition (as a value may have mul-
tiple boundaries), and each item condition definition
is a part of an item condition definition set (such as
the conditions of an appearance item). Item condi-
tions are stored in an XML configuration file parsed
by the item condition XML reader class. Appearance
resolver class resolves which appearances are true for
each data item collection. The conditions for data
item collection categorisation are parsed by the cat-
egorisation tree parser class.
The prototype has been implemented with Java
though any other platform could be used as well. As
long as component interfaces (such as configuration
formats) are as specified, even heterogeneous plat-
forms are possible within an enterprise.
5.2 Practical Experiment
The prototype has been utilised in the refinement of
real operational forestry data. It has been included in
a workflow that estimates machine performance and
suggests machine parameter tuning in case the pa-
rameters seem non-optimal; the same scenario has al-
ready been considered in (Kannisto et al., 2015). As
the number of machine parameters may reach hun-
dreds in a modern machine, their optimisation is too
difficult for a typical operator. That is, such informa-
tion refinement has considerable added value to the
operating enterprise. The actual parameter optimisa-
tion application utilises the outcome of the data pre-
processing introduced in this paper. The software has
been executed on a desktop computer with a data re-
trieval interface identical to a physical forestry ma-
chine. As real operating data is utilised, the setup is
almost identical as if the application were run in the
Parameter optimisation is not a simple task as it
requires multiple factors to be considered. The oper-
ating context and the type of work being performed
may affect both which parameter values result in a
good performance and the actual performance values.
Large amounts of historical data should be analysed to
generate reference sets of performance values and op-
timal parameter values. As machines keep operating,
data should be continuously collected to refresh pa-
rameter related knowledge; as knowledge updates are
delivered to multiple machines, ease in management
becomes beneficial. Knowledge generation actions
require both extensive domain expertise and advanced
data refinement methods so they should be performed
by a dedicated group of skilled personnel. The knowl-
edge may be managed by, for instance, machine man-
ufacturer or fleet operator.
Here, the function under parameter optimisation
is automatic tree stem positioning in a wood process-
ing implement. Stems are positioned to be cut into
logs. Such a case suits well for parameter optimisa-
KMIS 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
+dataItemMatches(di : DataItem) : boolean
+dataItemCollectionMatches(dic : DataItemCollection) : boolean
+dataItemMatches(itemId : String, item : DataItem) : boolean
+checkMeasurementSuccess(dic : DataItemCollection)
+dataItemCollectionMatchesAppearance(appr : String, dic : DataItemCollection)
+MatchingAppearanceItems : Collection
+UnmatchingAppearanceItems : Collection
+treatDataItemCollection(DataItemCollection : dic)
+getCategoryForDataItemColl(dic : DataItemCollection) : String
+Timestamp : Calendar
+Items : Collection
+MeasuredSuccessfully : boolean
+Value : boolean
+Value : double
Figure 6: The classes of the prototype implementation.
tion as automatic positioning is controlled entirely by
machine parameters rather than by the operator the
most of other machine functions are largely affected
by operator skills.
The outliers of two measurements are observed
in the experiment. Positioning error describes how
close to its optimal cutting position a stem has been
stopped. In contrast, feed speed does not determine
positioning performance but it is an important mea-
sure as the overall machine performance is estimated
in further data processing (more speed results in a
higher productivity value). The outlier conditions are
as follows: feed speed cannot be negative, and the ab-
solute value of positioning error must be within 30 cm
of the desired position.
Stem categorisation is important in the experi-
ment. According to stem volume, each stem is put
into one of eight categories. As little trees are not of
interest in this felling scenario, there is an additional
condition that each stem with a felling diameter of
less than 15 cm is excluded. The context recognition
method also uses the outcome of the categorisation.
It is simplistic: for each category, there is a directly
mapped context class. The stems in any other cate-
gory are considered irrelevant and excluded from fur-
ther processing.
In the experiment, appearance items have an infor-
mative function. They are generated using conditions
that specify if a stem represents a long spruce or a
long pine (that is, both tree species and stem length
are observed). For the resulting Boolean true val-
Enabling Centralised Management of Local Sensor Data Refinement in Machine Fleets
ues, percentages are calculated how large their sec-
tion is within the relevant stem category (or context;
e.g. ”64% of stems are long spruces”). While the
parameter analysis application does not utilise these
percentage values, the machine operator might want
to observe himself if tree species or lengths actually
affect optimal parameter values. If there are such fac-
tors, they should actually be discovered in fleet level
data analyses. Then, they could be utilised by the pa-
rameter optimisation application in the field.
The objective of this work was to design a software
concept to enable centralised management of data re-
finement in an arbitrarily large geographically dis-
tributed machine fleet. Outlier inspection for mea-
surements was required as well as data set categori-
sation and the possibility to specify variables derived
from original data. Context recognition and consider-
ation were also required.
The concept meets its requirements well. The ease
of management of the application workflow was con-
sidered paramount: it is possible to configure not only
outlier limits but also data set categorisation and the
context determination method. As an enterprise may
have machines in arbitrary geographic locations, the
delivery of configuration data has also been consid-
ered. In addition, it is possible to specify variables
for information that has been inferred from explicit
measurement data. Such data may be numeric (calcu-
lated) or Boolean values resulting from the assertion
of multiple conditions.
A functional data refinement component proto-
type has been implemented. It implements the spec-
ified data refinement flow. First, an outlier check is
performed on measurement values followed by the
calculation of derived variables. Then, each data
item collection (a data set of key-value pairs) is cate-
gorised according to specified conditions, and finally,
the prevailing context is determined using categori-
sation information. The configurability requirement
is fulfilled by getting outlier conditions, derived vari-
able calculation conditions and categorisation defini-
tion from externally defined configuration files.
The concept was experimented with real operative
data from 11 forestry machines. For each machine,
the data of thousands of stems was processed so it can
be said there has been a lot of repetition in application
cycles. The outcome of the software component (i.e.
refined data) was utilised to optimise the parameters
of automatic tree stem positioning in a wood process-
ing implement. The data refinement results are in Ta-
ble 1. In each data set, the number of stems in the
context was relatively low. The context recognition
method returned the same operating context for each
data set (stems with volume within 0.19-0.34 m
) so
it is not included in the table.
The outlier results provided by the component
seem useful. For positioning error values, the exclu-
sion percentage is relatively low mostly less than
1%, at most 1.4%. However, the highest exclusion
percentage due to feed speed value is 9.7%. If these
values were not excluded from further processing,
they could cause significant errors in further calcula-
tions performed by other applications. Still, depend-
ing on error magnitudes, even a 1% section of erro-
neous values may cause misleading results.
18-54% of all stems were excluded from further
processing as their felling diameter was less than 15
cm. The percentages are relatively high. As the
parameter optimisation goal was concerned with the
processing of large stems, such large amounts of rel-
atively little stems might distort further calculations.
However, it may also be asked if the processing of lit-
tle stems should also be considered in optimisation.
In that case, their data should be passed through dis-
tinguished from large stems.
The percentages of long spruces and pines are also
included in the results table. In most cases, spruce ap-
pears the dominant species. The parameter analysis
application did not utilise this information for any-
thing so it is purely informative.
The context recognition method appeared to be in-
effective as its result was the same context class for
each test run. More context recognition and classifi-
cation related research should be performed. The goal
of context recognition should be reconsidered; that
would specify which variables and what kind of meth-
ods should actually be included as the context is deter-
mined. However, the task is more related to domain
expertise and data analysis rather than the knowledge
management concept relevant in this study. In the end,
it might be beneficial if the entire context recognition
method could be updated along with the configura-
The experiments made with the prototype indicate
that the data refinement concept is functional. It has
potential business value in real-life data processing: it
would be easier to manage the refinement of the data
consumed by various end user applications. Such ap-
plications may, for instance, assist in more effective
machine operation. However, the prototype also has
room for further development. It does not address the
delivery of configuration documents – at least a loose
framework might be beneficial. Still, the prototype
provides a baseline for the delivery by having a spe-
KMIS 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Table 1: Data refinement results with real forestry machine operation data.
Stems excluded
Mach Feed speed Pos. error (felling diam Stems in Long spruces Long pines
ID Stems Logs outlier (logs) outlier (logs) <15 cm) context (in context) (in context)
1 11,000 27,000 4.0% 0.33% 54% 1,400 40% 52%
2 6,300 19,000 1.8% 1.1% 23% 1,200 60% 26%
3 14,000 39,000 4.1% 0.93% 36% 2,500 61% 22%
4 6,600 18,000 3.9% 0.56% 48% 1,100 61% 5.6%
5 5,900 18,000 2.9% 0.27% 31% 1,000 60% 8.7%
6 7,800 26,000 5.1% 0.36% 30% 1,100 75% 9.1%
7 8,000 27,000 1.6% 0.39% 26% 1,400 72% 7.9%
8 10,000 28,000 4.9% 0.76% 32% 2,000 33% 33%
9 12,000 38,000 4.9% 1.4% 34% 1,600 64% 20%
10 6,800 25,000 9.7% 0.93% 18% 1,100 55% 4.2%
11 6,500 20,000 4.9% 1.0% 29% 1,400 62% 13%
cific XML format for some configuration items. Also,
derived variables can only be Boolean values nu-
meric values are not currently supported though they
would offer significantly more potential for various
uses cases.
This paper introduces a software concept for centrally
manageable data refinement run locally in the ma-
chines of an arbitrarily large fleet. As machine data is
utilised locally in end-user applications (such as feed-
back generation to improve machine operation and
productivity), it is beneficial if the required data pre-
processing is configurable and managed on the fleet
level. Configurability covers multiple actions: outlier
checks detect erroneous sensor output, derived vari-
ables can be calculated from original data, and data
sets are categorised according to predefined condi-
tions. Further, determining the operating context is
also configurable. Context awareness is utilised as the
context may affect how data should be interpreted.
A functional prototype has been implemented.
Utilising externally defined configurations, it pro-
cesses operational data retrieved from an interface
similar to a physical production machine. The solu-
tion showed its potential as a part of an added-value
data refinement concept by enabling centralised man-
As the current prototype does not cover all con-
cept aspects, a few future tasks remain. A concrete
solution for the delivery of configuration data from
office to machines should be designed. Also, the cur-
rent context recognition method appeared to be too
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KMIS 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing