Result Diversity for RDF Search
Hiba Arnaout and Shady Elbassuoni
Computer Science Department, American University of Beirut, Bliss Street, Beirut, Lebanon
Diversity, Novelty, RDF-graphs, Evaluation.
RDF repositories are typically searched using triple-pattern queries. Often, triple-pattern queries will return
too many results, making it difficult for users to find the most relevant ones. To remedy this, some recent
works have proposed relevance-based ranking-models for triple-pattern queries. However it is often the case
that the top-ranked results are homogeneous. In this paper, we propose a framework to diversify the results
of triple-pattern queries over RDF datasets. We first define different notions for result diversity in the setting
of RDF. We then develop an approach for result diversity based on the Maximal Marginal Relevance. Finally,
we develop a diversity-aware evaluation metric based on the Discounted Cumulative Gain and use it on a
benchmark of 100 queries over DBPedia.
The continuous growth of knowledge-sharing com-
munities like Wikipedia and the recent advances in
information extraction have made it possible to build
large knowledge-bases such as YAGO (Suchanek
et al., 2008) and DBPedia (Auer et al., 2007). These
knowledge bases consist of billions of facts repre-
sented in the W3C semantic model RDF (RDF, 2004).
Querying these RDF knowledge bases or repositories
is typically done by triple-pattern-based query lan-
guages such as SPARQL (SPARQL, 2008).
For example, consider the triple-pattern query:
”?m director ?d; ?m genre Comedy”. This query con-
sists of two triple patterns and aims to find directors
of comedy films. For example, running our exam-
ple query over DBPedia returns 1073 results. Table 1
shows 5 examples of these 1073 results.
Table 1: 5 example results from DBPedia for the query ”?m
director ?d; ?m genre Comedy”.
Subject Predicate Object
Model Ball director Scott Zarakin
Model Ball genre Comedy
All the Wrong Places director Martin Edwards
All the Wrong Places genre Comedy
Friends (2002 film) director M. D. Sridhar
Friends (2002 film) genre Comedy
Double or Nothing director Roy Mack
Double or Nothing genre Comedy
President’s Day director Chris LaMartina
President’s Day genre Comedy
Users usually prefer seeing a ranked result-list
rather than a list of unranked matches (Chaudhuri
et al., 2006). Recently, some approaches have been
proposed to rank the results of triple-pattern queries.
For example, the work in (Elbassuoni et al., 2009)
proposed a ranking approach based on language mod-
els to rank query results. In (Dali et al., 2012), the au-
thors proposed a learning-to-rank approach that uses
query-independent features. Another example is the
work in (Kasneci et al., 2008) where the authors use
several notions such as confidence, informativeness
and compactness to rank query results. Table 2 shows
the top-5 ranked results for our example query when
run over DBPedia using the ranking model of (El-
bassuoni et al., 2009). As shown in Table 2, the top
ranked results are all about famous movies and direc-
tors, as compared to those in Table 1 which are about
unpopular movies and directors.
Table 2: Top-5 ranked results from DBPedia for the query
”?m director ?d; ?m genre Comedy”.
Subject Predicate Object
Annie Hall director Woody Allen
Annie Hall genre Comedy
Dumb and Dumber director Perer Farrelly
Dumb and Dumber genre Comedy
Sleeper director Woody Allen
Sleeper genre Comedy
Husbands and Wives director Woody Allen
Husbands and Wives genre Comedy
Muppets Most Wanted director James Bobin
Muppets Most Wanted genre Comedy
Arnaout, H. and Elbassuoni, S.
Result Diversity for RDF Search.
DOI: 10.5220/0006046402490256
In Proceedings of the 8th Inter national Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 249-256
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
While result ranking goes a long way in improv-
ing the user satisfaction, it is often the case that the
top-ranked results are dominated by one aspect of the
query. This is a common problem in IR in general
(Carbonell and Goldstein, 1998). For example, con-
sider our example query. As can be seen from Table
2, a large number of the top-5 results are movies by
the same director, namely Woody Allen.
To achieve the tradeoff between the relevance and
diversity of a result, we rely on the Maximal Marginal
Relevance (MMR) approach (Carbonell and Gold-
stein, 1998) which we adapt to the RDF setting.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our diversity ap-
proach and to compare different notions of diversity,
we define a new evaluation metric based on the Dis-
counted Cumulative Gain (DCG) (Jrvelin and Kekli-
nen, 2002).
Our contributions can be summarized as follows:
We provide the first formal definition of result di-
versity in the context of RDF Search.
We develop the first diversity-aware ranking
model for RDF Search.
We design a new diversity-aware evaluation met-
ric for RDF search.
We built the first evaluation benchmark on DBPe-
dia that can be used to evaluate ranking models
and result diversity approaches for RDF search.
Result diversity for document retrieval has gained
much attention in recent years. The work in this area
deals primarily with unstructured and semi-structured
data (Agrawal et al., 2009; Carbonell and Goldstein,
1998; Chen and Karger, 2006; Clarke et al., 2008;
Gollapudi and Sharma, 2009; Zhai et al., 2003). Most
of the techniques perform diversification by optimiz-
ing a bi-criteria objective function that takes into con-
sideration both result relevance as well as result nov-
elty with respect to other results. Gollapudi and
Sharma (Gollapudi and Sharma, 2009) presented an
axiomatic framework for this problem and studied
various objective functions that can be used to de-
fine such optimization problem. They proved that in
most cases, such problem is hard to solve and pro-
posed several approximation algorithms to solve such
problem. Carbonell and Goldstein introduced the
Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR) method (Car-
bonell and Goldstein, 1998) which is one approxi-
mation solution to such optimization problem. Zhai
et al. (Zhai et al., 2003) studied a similar approach
within the framework of language models and de-
rived an MMR-based loss function that can be used
to perform diversity-aware ranking. Aragwal et al.
(Agrawal et al., 2009) assumed that query results be-
long to different categories and they proposed an ob-
jective function that tries to trade off the relevance of
the results with the number of categories covered by
the selected results.
In an RDF setting, where results are constructed
at query time by joining triples, we do not have an ex-
plicit notion of result categories. We thus adopted the
Maximal Marginal Relevance approach (Carbonell
and Goldstein, 1998) to the setting of RDF data since
it directly utilizes the results to perform diversity
rather than explicitly taking the categories of the re-
sults into consideration.
Apart from document retrieval, there is very lit-
tle work on result diversity for queries over structured
data. In (Chen and Li, 2007) the authors propose to
navigate SQL results through categorization, which
takes into account user preferences. In (Vee et al.,
2008), the authors introduce a pre-indexing approach
for efficient diversification of query results on rela-
tional databases. However, they do not take into con-
sideration the relevance of the results to the query.
In this paper, we tackle the problem of result diver-
sity for RDF search. To perform an RDF search,
we rely on the RDF Xpress search engine (Elbas-
suoni et al., 2009). RDF Xpress supports three differ-
ent modes of search, namely purely-structured triple-
pattern queries, keyword-augmented triple-pattern
queries and automatic query relaxation. For purely-
structured queries, the search engine takes as input a
triple-pattern query and returns a ranked list of RDF
subgraphs matching the given query. The results
are ranked based on a language-modeling approach
specially developed for the setting of RDF search.
For example, Table 2 shows the top-5 results for the
query: ”?m director ?d; ?m genre Comedy”. For
keyword-augmented queries, the search engine takes
as input a triple-pattern query where one or more
triple pattern is augmented with a set of keywords.
For example, to find movies directed by Woody Allen
that have something to do with New York:”?m direc-
tor Woody
Allen [new york]”. One example result is
”Annie Hall director Woody Allen”. The story of
this film was set in New York city.
Finally, for the case when no results are found for
a given triple-pattern query, automatic query relax-
ation is deployed.
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
For example, running the query ”?m star-
ring Woody Allen; ?m musicComposer Dick Hyman”
over DBPedia will return no results. After combin-
ing the results of all relaxed queries using the result-
merging approach of RDF Xpress, one sample result
is ”Radio
Days writer Woody Allen; Radio Days mu-
sicComposer Dick
Our main focus in this paper is on result diversity for
RDF search. A diversity-aware ranking model should
ideally try to produce an ordering or a permutation of
the query results such that the top-k results are most
relevant to the query and at the same time as diverse
from each other as possible. This can be cast into an
optimization problem where the objective is to pro-
duce an ordering that would maximize both the rel-
evance of the top-k results and their diversity. The
objective function for such an optimization problem
is very hard to both quantify and solve and thus most
approaches try to solve a simpler closely-related prob-
lem known as the top-k set selection problem (Golla-
pudi and Sharma, 2009). The top-k set selection prob-
lem can be formulated as follows.
Definition 1 (Top-k Set Selection). Let Q be a query
and U be its result set. Furthermore, let REL be a
function that measures the relevance of a subset of re-
sults S U with respect to Q and let DIV be a func-
tion that measures the diversity of a subset of results
S U. Finally, let f be a function that combines both
relevance and diversity. The top-k set selection prob-
lem can be solved by finding:
= argmax
such that |S
| = k
The objective function f(Q,S, REL,DIV) is
clearly underspecified and in order to the solve this
optimization problem, one must clearly specify both
the relevance function REL and diversity function
DIV, as well as how to combine them. Gollapudi and
Sharma (Gollapudi and Sharma, 2009) proposed a set
of axioms to guide the choice of the objective func-
tion f(Q,S,REL,DIV) and they showed that for most
natural choices of the relevance and diversity func-
tions, and the combination strategies between them,
the above optimization problem is NP-hard. For in-
stance, one such choice of the objective function is
the following:
f(Q,S, REL, DIV) = (k 1)
rel(r,Q) +2λ
where rel(r,Q) is a (positive) score that indicates how
relevant result r is with respect to query Q (the higher
this score is, the more relevant r is to Q) and d(r, r
) is
a discriminative and symmetric distance measure be-
tween two results r and r
, and λ is a scaling parame-
The above objective function clearly trades off
both relevance of results in the top-k set with their di-
versity (as measured by their average distance). Solv-
ing such objective function is again NP-hard, how-
ever there exists known approximation algorithms to
solve the problem that mostly rely on greedy heuris-
tics (Gollapudi and Sharma, 2009).
In the rest of this section, we follow the same ap-
proach to obtain a top-k set of relevant and diverse
results for queries over RDF knowledge bases. In
particular, we optimize the above bi-criteria objec-
tive function using a greedy algorithm that uses the
Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR) (Carbonell and
Goldstein, 1998) to select the top-k set.
4.1 Maximal Marginal Relevance
Carbonell and Goldstein introduced the Maximal
Marginal Relevance (MMR) method (Carbonell and
Goldstein, 1998) which they use to re-rank a set of
pre-retrieved documents U given a query Q.
Definition 2 (Marginal Relevance). Given a query Q,
a set of resultsU and a subset S U, the marginal rel-
evance of a result r U \S is equal to: MR(r,Q, S) =
λrel(r,Q) + (1 λ)min
) where rel(r, Q) is a
measure of how relevant r is to Q, div(r,r
) is a sym-
metric distance measure between r and r
and λ is a
weighting parameter.
The idea behind the marginal relevance metric is
very intuitive. Given a query Q and a set of already
selected results S, the marginal relevance of a result
r is a measure of how much do we gain in terms of
both relevance and diversity by adding the result r to
the selected set S. To measure how much the result
r would contribute to the relevance aspect of S, it is
straight forward and we can use the result’s relevance
to Q. On the other hand, measuring how much re-
sult r would contribute to the diversity of S is more
involved. The most natural thing to do is to compare
r with all the results r
S and compute a similarity
(or rather dissimilarity) between r and every other re-
sult r
S and then aggregate these similarities over
all the results in S. We do exactly this by assuming
there is a distance function that can measure how re-
sult r is different from any other result r
and then we
use the minimum of the distances of r from all the re-
sults r
S as a measure of the overall contribution
Result Diversity for RDF Search
of result r to the diversity of set S. By maximizing
this minimum over a set of results r / S, we can find
the result that when added to S would render it most
diverse as compared to any other result.
Given all these considerations, we set the rele-
vance rel(r,Q) to the score of the result r obtained
from the RDF Xpress engine . We only assume here
that the search engine would rank the results descend-
ingly based on their scores.
We propose next three different notions of diver-
sity and then we explain how we build a subgraph rep-
resentation that allows us to achieve each such notion.
4.1.1 Resource-based Diversity
In this notion of diversity, the goal is to diversify the
different resources (i.e., entities and relations) that ap-
pear in the results. This ensures that no one resource
will dominate the result set. Recall our example query
asking for comedy movies and their directors. Table
2 shows the top-5 subgraphs retrieved for the query
using RDF Xpress.
In order to diversify the top-k results of a certain
query, we define a language model for each result as
Definition 3 (Resource-based Language Model). The
resource-based language model of result r is a proba-
bility distribution over all resources in the knowledge
base KB.
The parameters of the result language model are
estimated using a smoothed maximum likelihood es-
timator as follows:
P(w|r) = α
+ (1 α)
where w is a resource, Col is the set of all unique re-
sources in the knowledge base, c(w;r) is the number
of times resource w occurs in r, |r| is the number of
times all resources occur in r, and |Col| is the number
of unique resources in the knowledge base. Finally, α
is the smoothing parameter.
4.1.2 Term-based Diversity
In this notion of diversity, we are only interested in di-
versifying the results in terms of the variable bindings.
To be able to do this, we define a language model for
each result as follows.
Definition 4 (Term-based Language Model). The
term-based language model of result r is a probability
distribution over all terms (unigrams) in the knowl-
edge base KB.
The parameters of the result language model are
estimated using a smoothed maximum likelihood es-
timator as follows:
P(w|r) = α
+ (1 α)
such that w / QTerms, where w is a term, QTerms
is the list of the terms in the query, Col is the set of
all unique terms in the knowledge base, c(w;r) is the
number of times term w occurs in r, |r| is the number
of times all terms occur in r, and |Col| is the number
of unique terms in the knowledge base. Finally, α is
the smoothing parameter.
By excluding terms that appear in the original
query when representing each result, we ensure that
when these representations are later used for diversity,
the top-ranked results still stay close to the original
user query.
4.1.3 Text-based Diversity
In RDF Xpress, each triple is also associated with a
text snippet which can be used to process keyword-
augmented queries. A text snippet can be directly uti-
lized to provide diversity among the different results
using the MMR measure.
To be able to do this, we define a language model
for each result as follows.
Definition 5 (Text-based Language Model). The text-
based language model of a result r is a probability
distribution over all the keywords in all the text snip-
pets of all the triples in the knowledge base KB.
The parameters of the text-based language model
is computed using a smoothed maximum-likelihood
estimator as follows:
P(w|r) = α
+ (1 α)
where c(w;D(r)) is the number of times keyword w
occurs in D(r) (the text snippet of subgraph r), |D(r)|
is the number of occurrences of all keywords in D(r),
and |Col| is the number of unique keywords in the text
snippets of all triples in the knowledge base. Finally,
α is the smoothing parameter.
4.2 Diversity-aware Re-ranking
Finally, we explain how the marginal relevance can
be used to provide a diverse-aware ranking of results
given a query Q. Let U be the set of ranked results
using any regular ranking model (i.e., that depends
only on relevance without taking into consideration
diversity). The algorithm to re-rank the results works
as follows:
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Maximal Marginal Relevance Re-ranking Algo-
1. Initialize the top-k set S with the highest ranked
result r U
2. Iterate over all the results r U \ S, and pick the
result r
with the maximum marginal relevance
,Q,S). That is,
= argmax
[λrel(r,Q) + (1 λ)min
3. Add r
to S
4. If |S| = k or S = U return S otherwise repeat steps
2, 3 and 4
The distance between two results r and r
is com-
puted as follows:
) =
where JS(r||r
) is the Jensen-Shannon Divergence
(Lin., 1991) between the language models of results r
and r
and is computed as follows:
) =
KL(r||M) + KL(r
+ r
where KL(x||y) is the Kullback-Leibler Divergence
between two language models x and y, and M =
(r + r
) is the average of the language models of r
and r
We opted for using the Jensen-Shannon Diver-
gence as its square root is a symmetric distance mea-
sure which is exactly what is required in the MMR
To be able to evaluate the effectiveness of our re-
sult diversity approach, an evaluation metric that takes
into consideration both relevance of results as well as
their diversity must be used. There is a wealth of work
on diversity-aware evaluation metrics for IR systems
such as (Allan et al., 2003; Clarke et al., 2008; Zhai
et al., 2003). We adopt a similar strategy and propose
a novel evaluation metric that takes into consideration
both aspects we are concerned with here, namely rele-
vance and diversity, to evaluate a result set for a given
We introduce an adjustment to the Discounted Cu-
mulative Gain (DCG) (Jrvelin and Keklinen, 2002)
metric by adding a component that takes into consid-
eration the novelty of a certain result, which reflects
result diversity in a given result set.
More formally, given a particular result set (a re-
sult ordering) of p results, the diversity-aware DCG,
which we coin DIV-DCG is computed as follows:
= rel
+ nov
+ nov
) (7)
where rel
is the relevance score of the result at posi-
tion i and nov
is its novelty.
5.1 Resource-based Novelty
Concerning our first two diversity notions: the
resource-based and term-based, the novelty of a result
at position i can be computed as follows:
where #unseen
is the number of resources that are
bound to variables in result at position i that have not
yet been seen, and #variables is the total number of
variables in the query. Our goal is to diversify the
results with respect to the variable bindings.
5.2 Text-based Novelty
The computation of the text-based novelty metric is
very similar in spirit to the resource-based one. The
only difference is that in the case of text-based diver-
sity, our goal is to diversify the results with respect
to their text snippets. To be able to quantify this, we
measure for each result, the amount of new keywords
that this result contributes to the set of keywords of
the previously ranked results. More precisely, the
text-based novelty can be computed as follows:
\ (keywords
where keywords
is the set of the keywords associated
with the subgraph at position i,
is the
set of all the keywords seen so far (up to subgraph
i 1), and |keywords
| is the number of keywords in
the set keywords
6.1 Setup
In order to evaluate our greedy diversity-aware re-
ranking algorithm, we constructed a benchmark of
Result Diversity for RDF Search
Table 3: Average DIV NDCG
of the training queries for different values of λ.
Notion λ = 0.1 λ = 0.2 λ = 0.3 λ = 0.4 λ = 0.5 λ = 0.6 λ = 0.7 λ = 0.8 λ = 0.9
Resouce-based 0.798 0.789 0.780 0.769 0.762 0.758 0.751 0.740 0.727
Term-based 0.798 0.785 0.770 0.759 0.752 0.747 0.741 0.731 0.724
Text-based 0.932 0.931 0.928 0.923 0.918 0.915 0.906 0.892 0.875
100 queries over DBPedia, which can be broadly
divided into 4 categories: structured, keyword-
augmented, requiring relaxation, and keyword-
augmented and requiring relaxation.
Our query benchmark was used in order to tune
the weighting parameter of MMR (λ in Equation 5),
that is used to trade-off relevance and diversity.
We needed to gather a relevance assessment for
each result to be able to compute rel
. To gather these
relevance assessments, we relied on the crowdsourc-
ing platform CrowdFlower as follows. For each one
of our three diversity notions, each query was run 10
times with λ ranging from 0.1 to 1 (i.e., no diversity)
and the top-10 results were retrieved.
The inter-rater agreement reported by Crowd-
Flower was 67%. In addition, we computed the Fleiss
Kappa Coefficient as another measure of agreement
which is more reliable measure than that of Crowd-
Flower as it takes into consideration agreement by
chance. We obtained a Kappa Coefficient of 40%
which can interpreted as ”Fair Agreement” (Fleiss,
Table 4: Average DIV NDCG
of the test queries.
Notion Diversified Result Set Non-diversified Result Set
Resource-based 0.79 0.74
Term-based 0.81 0.74
Text-based 0.91 0.68
To measure the efficiency of our algorithm, we
calculate the average execution time for each notion.
For the Resource-based and Term-based notions, the
averages are 5.7 s and 5.9 s respectively. For the Text-
based, it is 26 s.
6.2 Experiments
6.2.1 Parameter Tuning
The main parameter in our diversity-aware re-ranking
algorithm is the weighting parameter λ which trades-
off relevance and diversity. To be able to set this
parameter, we divided our query benchmark into a
training set consisting of 80 queries and computed
the normalized DIV DCG
for each query in the
training set varying the value of λ from 0.1 to 0.9.
The normalized DIV DCG
computed by dividing the DIV DCG
by the ideal
. To be able to compute the ideal DIV
, we re-ranked the results using a greedy ap-
proach. The new ordering pushes the results with the
best combination of diversity and relevance gain to
the top. Table 3 shows the average DIV NDCG
for our three notions of diversity for different values
of λ. For our three notions, the best value for λ is 0.1,
which means we should give 90% importance to di-
versity over relevance in our re-ranking algorithm in
order to get the best DIV NDCG
6.2.2 Comparison of Various Notions of
Given the optimal values of the parameter λ that were
set based on the 80 training queries in our benchmark,
we computed the average DIV NDCG
for the 20
test queries for each notion of diversity, as well as
for the cases when no diversity was employed. The
summary of our findings over the 20 queries is shown
in Table 4. As can be seen from the table, the av-
erage DIV NDCG
for all notions is significantly
larger than those where no diversification of results
took place.
Next we show some qualitative results that high-
light the importance of result diversity for RDF search
and the difference between the various notions of di-
versity we discussed here.
Resource-based Diversity. Consider the query
”?film1 director ?x; ?film2 starring ?y; ?x spouse ?y”
whose corresponding information need is ”Give me
the name of a director whose partner is an actor (or
actress) and the name of a movie for each”. Table 5
shows the top-5 results with and without diversifica-
tion, with λ set to 0.1. The table shows that without
diversification, the results are dominated by two re-
sources, namely Madonna and Sean
Penn with differ-
ent combinations of movies they acted in or directed,
but when diversification is involved, we get a set of
different director-actor pairs as shown in the second
column of Table 5.
Term-based Diversity. Consider one of the test
queries: ”?m director ?x [Disney]; ?m starring ?y”.
The information need is: ”Give me the name of a a
movie, its director, and its star, preferably a Disney
movie”. The top-5 results with the diversity param-
eter λ set to 0.1 are shown in Table 6. In the non-
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 5: Top-5 results for the query: ”?film1 director ?x; ?film2 starring ?y; ?x spouse ?y” with and without diversity.
No Diversity Resource-based Diversity
W.E. director Madonna W.E. director Madonna
Mystic River starring Sean Penn Mystic River starring Sean Penn
Madonna spouse Sean Penn Madonna spouse Sean Penn
Secretprojectrevolution director Madonna Citizen Kane director Orson Welles
Mystic River starring Sean Penn Cover Girl starring Rita Hayworth
Madonna spouse Sean Penn Orson Welles spouse Rita Hayworth
W.E. director Madonna Henry V director Laurence Olivier
The Tree of Life starring Sean Penn Ship of Fools starring Vivien Leigh
Madonna spouse Sean Penn Laurence Olivier spouse Vivien Leigh
W.E. director Madonna That Thing You Do! director Tom Hanks
Dead Man Walking starring Sean Penn Jingle All the Way starring Rita Wilson
Madonna spouse Sean Penn Tom Hanks spouse Rita Wilson
W.E. director Madonna Then She Found Me director Helen Hunt
This Must Be the Place starring Sean Penn The Simpsons Movie starring Hank Azaria
Madonna spouse Sean Penn Helen Hunt spouse Hank Azaria
Table 6: Top-5 results for the query ”?m director ?x [Disney]; ?m starring ?ywith and without diversity.
No Diversity Term-based Diversity
Aladdin (1992 Disney film) director John Musker Aladdin (1992 Disney film) director John Musker
Aladdin (1992 Disney film) starring Robin Williams Aladdin (1992 Disney film) starring Robin Williams
Aladdin (1992 Disney film) director Ron Clements 102 Dalmatians director Kevin Lima
Aladdin (1992 Disney film) starring Robin Williams 102 Dalmatians starring Glenn Close
Aladdin (1992 Disney film) director John Musker Cars 2 director John Lasseter
Aladdin (1992 Disney film) starring Frank Welker Cars 2 starring Michael Caine
Aladdin (1992 Disney film) director Ron Clements Leroy & Stitch director Tony Craig
Aladdin (1992 Disney film) starring Frank Welker Leroy & Stitch starring Tara Strong
Aladdin (1992 Disney film) director John Musker Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs director Wilfred Jackson
Aladdin (1992 Disney film) starring Gilbert Gottfried Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs starring Pinto Colvig
Table 7: Top-5 results for the query ”?m distributor Columbia Pictures” with and without diversity.
No Diversity Text-based Diversity
Spider-Man 2 distributor Columbia Pictures Spider-Man 2 distributor Columbia Pictures
Close Encounters distributor Columbia Pictures Sharkboy & Lavagirl distributor Columbia Pictures
A Clockwork Orange distributor Columbia Pictures Jungle Menace distributor Columbia Pictures
Spider-Man 3 distributor Columbia Pictures Quantum of Solace distributor Columbia Pictures
Lawrence of Arabia distributor Columbia Pictures The Da Vinci Code distributor Columbia Pictures
diversified set of results, we have one popular Disney
movie, Aladdin, that is repeated five times. On the
other hand, the diversified set of results contains five
different Disney movies. Note that, if we had used the
resource-based diversity notion to diversify the results
of this query, we would have ended up with 5 dif-
ferent movies which would not have been necessarily
Disney movies.
Text-based Diversity. Consider one of the test
queries: ”?m distributor Columbia
Pictures”. The
corresponding information need is: ”Give me the
name of a film distributed by the Columbia Pictures
company”. The top-5 results for both no diversity, and
diversity notion 3 with the diversity parameter λ set
to 0.1 are shown in Table 7. While the non-diversified
set contains different movies, these movies in fact are
not very diverse. Unlike the non-diversified set, the
diversified set of results contains movies that have to-
tally different genres, locations, casts, and plots. This
indirect level of diversity cannotbe captured using our
first two diversity notions.
In this paper, we proposed a framework to diversify
the results of triple-pattern queries over RDF datasets.
We provided the first formal definition of result diver-
sity in the context of RDF search based on three dif-
ferent notions. We also developed the first diversity-
aware ranking model for RDF search, which is based
on the Maximal Marginal Relevance. Finally, we de-
signed a new diversity-aware evaluation metric for
RDF search based on the Discounted Cummulative
Gain and used it on a benchmark of 100 queries over
Result Diversity for RDF Search
DBPedia. Our experimental evaluation highlights the
importance of result diversity in the context of RDF
search and the flexibility of our approach and no-
tions of diversity in capturing different aspects of user
In future work, we plan to carry out more exper-
iments on other RDF datasets to further validate our
results. We also plan to explore other notions of diver-
sity such as an ontology-based diversity notion where
results can be diversified based on resource types for
instance. Finally, we plan to study other relevance
measures and to investigate other metrics for comput-
ing result diversity instead of the language modeling
approach we adopted in this paper.
We would like to thank the American University of
Beirut’s research board (URB) for funding our re-
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KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval