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Expression Encoding
A chromosome is converted to a mapping expres-
sion using the grammar terms — terminals and non-
terminals — shown in tables 1, 2 and 4. Non-
terminals are recursively replaced by terms defined by
the grammar, shown in table 4. Beginning with the
starting non-terminal, the first gene, or element in the
chromosome array, is used to determine its replace-
ment. All legal replacement terms are distributed
across the possible values of the gene. For example,
an Expression non-terminal may be replaced by any
one of the six results shown in table 4. The six re-
placement terms are distributed in six approximately
equal groups across the 256 possible values. If the
chromosome is not long enough to complete an ex-
pression, the process repeats from the first element in
the chromosome array.
The replacement process continues until either an
expression is generated, or a size threshold is reached.
If the size threshold is reached, the expression build-
ing sub-system throws an error which ensures the in-
dividual is given a minimum fitness and the expres-
sion is not evaluated. The size threshold is defined
as a maximum depth of nested expressions, which, in
this work, was approximately 1000.
Generation of Visuals
A sample MIDI file containing pairs of notes of vary-
ing harmony was used to create the visuals displayed
in figure 9. The extended MIDI player loaded the
music file into memory and, using an internal tim-
ing system, sent MIDI messages to the visualization
server and a music synthesizer. The MIDI messages
sent to the music synthesizer were identical to those
in the sample MIDI file, however, the messages sent
Evolving Art using Aesthetic Analogies - Evolutionary Supervised Learning to Generate Art with Grammatical Evolution