this paper undertakes an effort to present the social
and scientific context of this research and define the
state of the art, then move to present the semantic
model of a collaborative SoIS composed of various
Information Systems with MEMORAe approach in
its core as a system to manage the resources pro-
duced by different systems comprising the collabo-
rative SoIS. This paper found potentials in deploying
MEMORAe approach to manage the resources pro-
duced by different systems in the collaborative SoIS.
It was also clear that combining resources from var-
ious Information Systems and manage them within a
knowledge base will result in an added value to users
not present when those systems were operating sepa-
rately. The most important value for the collaborative
SoIS is in its ability to trace users’ activities. Further-
more, the collaborative SoIS can upgrade this value
by providing analysis of these activities to determine
users’ competence levels at certain subjects or impor-
tance level of concepts.
The next step is to expand our work and intro-
duce new Information Systems to the SoIS based on
the first prototype presented in this study and users’
needs. The collaborative SoIS should keep simple in-
terface, with all the resources as far from the user as
a single click, to keep the users experience useful and
This project is done under ECOPACK project and
funded by ANR-ASTRID programme.
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KMIS 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing