Unsupervised Irony Detection: A Probabilistic Model
with Word Embeddings
Debora Nozza, Elisabetta Fersini and Enza Messina
DISCo, University of Milano-Bicocca, Viale Sarca, 336, Milan, Italy
Irony Detection, Unsupervised Learning, Probabilistic Model, Word Embeddings.
The automatic detection of figurative language, such as irony and sarcasm, is one of the most challenging tasks
of Natural Language Processing (NLP). This is because machine learning methods can be easily misled by the
presence of words that have a strong polarity but are used ironically, which means that the opposite polarity
was intended. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised framework for domain-independent irony detection.
In particular, to derive an unsupervised Topic-Irony Model (TIM), we built upon an existing probabilistic topic
model initially introduced for sentiment analysis purposes. Moreover, in order to improve its generalization
abilities, we took advantage of Word Embeddings to obtain domain-aware ironic orientation of words. This is
the first work that addresses this task in unsupervised settings and the first study on the topic-irony distribution.
Experimental results have shown that TIM is comparable, and sometimes even better with respect to supervised
state of the art approaches for irony detection. Moreover, when integrating the probabilistic model with word
embeddings (TIM+WE), promising results have been obtained in a more complex and real world scenario.
Mining opinions and sentiments from user generated
texts expressed in natural language is an extremely
difficult task. It requires a deep understanding of ex-
plicit and implicit information conveyed by language
structures, whether in a single word or an entire docu-
ment (Bosco et al., 2013). In particular, social media
users are inclined to adopt a creative language mak-
ing use of original devices such as sarcasm and irony
(Ghosh et al., 2015a).
These figures of speech are commonly used to in-
tentionally convey an implicit meaning that may be
the opposite of the literal one. According to Colston
and Gibbs (Colston and Gibbs, 2007) an ironic mes-
sage typically conveys a negative opinion using only
positive words.From the sentiment analysis perspec-
tive such utterances represent a challenge as an in-
terfering factor that can revert the message polarity
(usually from positive to negative). The detection of
ironic expressions is crucial in different application
domains, such as marketing and politics, where the
users tend to subtly communicate dissatisfaction usu-
ally referring to a product or to a political ideology or
Although sarcasm and irony are a well-studied
phenomenons in linguistics, psychology and cog-
nitive science, their automatic detection is still a
great challenge because of its complexity. Stan-
dard dictionary-based methods for sentiment analysis,
based on a predefined sentiment-driven lexicon, have
often shown to be inadequate in the face of indirect
figurative meanings (Ghosh et al., 2015a). Several
methods have been proposed to evaluate the abilities
of semi-supervised and supervised machine learning
approaches to tackle irony detection problem. How-
ever, they assume as prerequisite human annotation
of texts as training data, which in a real social media
context is costly and difficult even for human, so as to
make it prohibitive. Moreover, it is commonly known
that supervised machine learning classifiers trained
on one domain often fail to produce satisfactory re-
sults when shifted to another domain, since natural
language expressions can be quite different (Blitzer
et al., 2007).
In this paper we propose a fully unsupervised
framework for domain-independent irony detection.
To perform unsupervised topic-irony detection, we
built upon an existing probabilistic topic model, ini-
tially introduced for sentiment analysis purposes. The
aim of this model is to discover the hidden thematic
structure in large archives of texts. Probabilistic topic
models are particularly suitable for two main reasons:
first, they are able to discover topics embedded in text
Nozza, D., Fersini, E. and Messina, E.
Unsupervised Irony Detection: A Probabilistic Model with Word Embeddings.
DOI: 10.5220/0006052000680076
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 68-76
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
messages in an unsupervised way, and second, they
result in a language model that estimates how much a
word is related to each topic and to the irony figure of
Moreover, in order to improve the generaliza-
tion abilities we took advantage of word embeddings
to obtain domain-aware ironic orientation for words.
This is the first work that addresses the problem of
irony detection in a fully unsupervised settings. Fur-
thermore, this paper contributes as a first investigation
on irony-topic models.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 introduces the related work. In Section 3, the
proposed framework grounded on an unsupervised
Topic-Irony model and Word Embeddings are pre-
sented. In Section 4, the experimental investigation
is presented. Finally, we conclude and discuss further
research directions in Section 5.
As defined in (Edward and Connors, 1971), a fig-
ure of speech is any artful deviation from the ordi-
nary mode of speaking or writing. Among the most
problematic figures of speech in Natural Language
Processing (NLP) we focused on sarcasm and irony
(Katz et al., 2005), which are commonly used to con-
vey implicit criticism with a particular victim as its
target, saying or writing the opposite of what the
author means (McDonald, 1999). As mentioned in
(Weitzel et al., 2016), language should not be taken
literally, especially when addressing a sentiment anal-
ysis task. The presence of strongly positive (or nega-
tive) words that are used ironically, which means that
the opposite polarity was intended, can easily mislead
sentiment analysis classification models (Reyes and
Rosso, 2014).
In the last year several approaches for irony de-
tection based on different set of features have been
investigated. In (Davidov et al., 2010), the authors
proposed a semi-supervised technique to detect sar-
casm in Amazon product reviews and tweets. They
used pattern-based (high frequency words and con-
tent words) and punctuation-based features to build
the sarcasm detection model. A supervised approach
has been proposed in (Gonz
anez et al., 2011),
where the irony detection problem is studied for sen-
timent analysis in Twitter data. The authors used uni-
grams, word categories, interjections (e.g., ah, yeah),
and punctuation as features. Emoticons and ToUser
(which marks if a tweet is a reply to another tweet)
were also used. In (Riloff et al., 2013), the authors
considered a specific type of sarcasm where sarcas-
tic tweets include a positive sentiment (such as “love”
or “enjoy”) followed by an expression that describes
an undesirable activity or state (e.g., “taking exams”
or “being ignored”). In (Reyes et al., 2013) the au-
thors focused on developing classifiers to detect ver-
bal irony based on a set of high-level features: ambi-
guity, polarity unexpectedness and emotional cues. In
cek et al., 2014) a supervised model has been ex-
ploited for document-level irony detection in Czech
and English by using n-grams, patterns, POS tags,
emoticons, punctuation and word case.
A similar approach, where a novel set of linguisti-
cally related features are used, has been presented in
(Barbieri and Saggion, 2014). In (Fersini et al., 2015)
the authors proposed an ensemble approach, based on
a Bayesian Model Averaging paradigm, which makes
use of models trained using several linguistic fea-
tures, such as pragmatic particles and Part-Of-Speech
tags. In (Hern
ıas et al., 2015), the irony
detection problem has been addressed by investigat-
ing statistical-based and lexicon-based features paired
with two semantic similarity measures, i.e. Lesk and
Wu-Palmer (Pedersen et al., 2004).
Other recent works (Bamman and Smith, 2015;
Rajadesingan et al., 2015) aim to address the sarcasm
detection in microblogs by including extra-linguistic
information from the context such as properties of the
author, the audience, the immediate communicative
environment and the user’s past messages. Word em-
beddings have been used as features in a supervised
approach in (Ghosh et al., 2015b), where the authors
expressed the sarcasm detection task as a word sense
disambiguation problem.
Although the above mentioned studies represent
a fundamental step towards the definition of effective
irony detection systems, they suffer of three main lim-
they assume a labelled corpus for training super-
vised and semi-supervised models;
they are tailored for domain-dependent irony de-
tection, restraining their applicability to other do-
main of interest;
they disregard the topic subjected to the irony.
In order to overcome these limitations, we inves-
tigated an unsupervised topic-irony model enriched
with domain-independent word embeddings.
Unsupervised Irony Detection: A Probabilistic Model with Word Embeddings
3.1 Topic-Irony Model (TIM)
In order to perform unsupervised irony detection, tak-
ing into account also the topic-dependency of the
words, we focused our investigation on the suite of
generative models called probabilistic topic models,
originally defined for sentiment purposes. We consid-
ered three main generative models, which are exten-
sions of the well-known Latent Dirichlet Allocation
model (Blei et al., 2003).
The first one is Topic Sentiment Mixture (TSM)
(Mei et al., 2007), that jointly models the mixture of
topics and sentiment predictions for the entire docu-
ment. Here, the sentiment language model is consid-
ered as separated from the topics ones, that can lead to
a language model that is not able to explain the hidden
correlation between a topic and sentiment. The sec-
ond one is Joint Sentiment-Topic (JST) model (Lin
and He, 2009), which assumes that topics are depen-
dent on sentiment distributions and words are condi-
tioned on sentiment-topic pairs. The last one is As-
pect and Sentiment Unification Model (ASUM) (Jo
and Oh, 2011), that slightly differs from JST with re-
spect to the language distribution constraints. While
in JST each word may come from different language
models, ASUM constrains the words in a single sen-
tence to come from the same language model.
Among these models, we based our Topic-Irony
Model on ASUM. This choice is motivated by the
fact that (1) the topic-irony model should generate
a topic and an ironic/not-ironic orientation for each
word (2) this model is particularly suitable for mi-
croblog text, where messages have a maximum num-
ber of characters and a sentence would be either ironic
or not ironic with respect to a specific topic (3) ASUM
makes use of a set of seed words explicitly integrated
into the generative process, making the model more
stable from a statistical point of view.
The proposed Topic-Irony model (TIM) is able
to model irony toward different topics in a fully
unsupervised paradigm, enabling each word in a
sentence to be generated from the same irony-topic
distribution. More formally, let D be the number
of documents, M the number of sentences, N the
number of words, T the number of topics, I the
number of irony classes {ironic, not ironic} and V
the vocabulary size.
The generative process is as follows:
1. For every pair of (i, z) such that i I and z T ,
draw a word distribution φ
2. For each document d,
(a) Draw the document’s irony distribution π
(b) For each i I, draw a topic distribution θ
(c) For each sentence
i. Choose an irony class
i Multinomial(π
ii. Given
i, choose a topic ˆz
iii. Generate words w Multinomial(φ
Following (Jo and Oh, 2011), β is the parameter
that controls the integration of seed words in the mod-
els and we used its asymmetric form. Indeed, one
can expect that the words “news, bbc, science” are
not probable in ironic expressions, and similarly “lol,
oh, duh” are probably ironic expressions. This expec-
tation can be encoded in β. The latent variables θ, π,
and φ are inferred by Gibbs sampling. The graphical
representation of TIM is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Graphical representation of TIM. Nodes are ran-
dom variables, edges are dependencies, and plates are repli-
cations. Shaded nodes are observable.
3.2 Word Embeddings (WE)
The original ASUM topic model makes use of known
general sentiment seed words to derive domain-
specific sentiment words (Jijkoun et al., 2010). For
sentiment seed words, existing sentiment word lex-
icons can be used (e.g., SentiWordNet (Esuli and
Sebastiani, 2006)) or a new set of words may be
obtained by using sentiment propagation techniques
(Kaji and Kitsuregawa, 2007; Mohammad et al.,
2009; Rao and Ravichandran, 2009; Lu et al., 2011).
For irony detection, a lexicon cannot be a pri-
ori defined, but it can be automatically derived in an
unsupervised way using huge quantity of text. To
this purpose, word embeddings can be adopted to de-
rive latent relationships among words (e.g. irony is
strictly related to epic fail) and therefore to automat-
ically create lexicons based on the language model
used in online social networks. This representation
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
is derived by various training methods inspired from
neural-network models In our investigation the ironic-
lexicon, among the available distributed representa-
tions (Bengio et al., 2006; Turian et al., 2010; Huang
et al., 2012), two model architectures have been used
(Mikolov et al., 2013), Continuous Bag of Words
(CBOW) and Skip-gram have been chosen because
of their efficiency on training and their limited loss of
information. The training objective of CBOW is to
combine the representations of surrounding words to
predict the word in the middle. Similarly, in the Skip-
gram model, the training objective is to learn word
vector representations that are good at predicting con-
text in the same sentence. The model architectures of
these two methods are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Graphical representation of the CBOW and Skip-
gram model. The CBOW architecture predicts the current
word based on the context, and the Skip-gram predicts sur-
rounding words given the current word.
In practice, Skip-gram gives better word represen-
tations when the monolingual data is small. However,
CBOW is faster and more suitable for larger datasets.
The Skip-gram and CBOW models are typically
trained using stochastic gradient descent. The gradi-
ent is computed using back propagation rule (Rumel-
hart et al., 1986). When trained on a large dataset,
these models capture a substantial amount of seman-
tic information. Closely related words will have sim-
ilar vector representations, e.g., Italy, France, Portu-
gal will be similar to Spain. More interestingly, the
word vectors can also capture complex analogy pat-
terns. For example, vector(king) is to vector(man) as
vector(queen) is to vector(woman).
4.1 Dataset and Evaluation Settings
We evaluated the proposed framework on a bench-
mark dataset for irony detection (Reyes et al., 2013).
The dataset contains 10,000 ironic tweets and 30,000
non-ironic tweets (10,000 for each topic: Education,
Humour and Politics). As in the original paper, we
performed a series of binary classifications, between
Irony vs Education, Irony vs Humour and Irony vs
Politics in a balanced settings (50% ironic texts and
50% not ironic texts). We also considered the task
with unbalanced classes, i.e. to learn ironic vs oth-
ers. In order to deal with a more realistic and complex
scenario, where the term irony can not be explicitly
available, we evaluated the proposed model accord-
ing to two experimental conditions:
Original scenario (O): the dataset has been main-
tained as it is (where the hashtags have been re-
moved), in order to allow a direct comparison with
the state of the art models;
Simulated scenario (S): the hashtags and the term
irony have been removed from the data in or-
der to simulate a more realistic and complex sce-
nario where the presence of irony is not explicitly
pointed out.
Concerning the proposed model, two hyper-
parameters, γ and β, have been tuned. γ is a prior
for the irony distribution in texts. Because it is not
possible to make assumptions on this distribution,
several configurations have been evaluated. The
second hyper-parameter, β, is the key elements for
integrating the seed words that originate through
WE into TIM. β is the prior of the word-irony-topic
distribution defined for ironic seed words, not ironic
seed words and all the other words.
The construction of the irony lexicon (to be en-
closed as seed words) has been performed by training
the word embedding model on all the tweets in the
corpus. The seed words have been obtained by ex-
tracting the most similar words to the term “irony”.
After a preliminary experimental investigation, we
decided to report the results related to the best dis-
tributed representation. In particular, the following
results are related to the CBOW model thanks to its
ability to deal with large corpus.
In the following experimental results, TIM will
denote the Topic-Irony Model, while TIM+WE will
represent the Topic-Irony Model based on the lexi-
cons induced by CBOW. The experimental investiga-
tion is conducted by comparing TIM, TIM+WE and
two supervised approaches available in the literature.
We evaluated the performance in terms of Preci-
sion (P), Recall (R), F-Measure (F), distinguishing
between ironic (+) and not ironic (-). A global perfor-
mance measure is also reported in terms of Accuracy.
Unsupervised Irony Detection: A Probabilistic Model with Word Embeddings
4.2 Irony Detection Results
4.2.1 Balanced Dataset
Original Scenario (O). The results of the proposed
framework is compared with (Reyes et al., 2013) in
Table 1. Our framework clearly outperforms the su-
pervised method with significant improvements, i.e.
(on average) 11% for Precision, 14% for Recall and
13% for F-Measure.
Table 1: Results compared with a supervised state-of-the-
art method for each binary problem (O).
irony (Reyes et al., 2013) 0.7600 0.6600 0.7000
vs TIM 0.8225 0.8746 0.8477
education TIM + WE 0.8228 0.8629 0.8423
irony (Reyes et al., 2013) 0.7500 0.7100 0.7300
vs TIM 0.9127 0.8560 0.8834
politics TIM + WE 0.9131 0.8373 0.8735
irony (Reyes et al., 2013) 0.7800 0.7400 0.7600
vs TIM 0.8414 0.8174 0.8292
humour TIM + WE 0.8142 0.7832 0.7983
A further remark relates to the Precision and Re-
call obtained by TIM and TIM+WE. It can be eas-
ily noted that the two proposed models achieve ho-
mogeneous performance on both orientations and in
all the binary classification problems, obtaining Pre-
cision and Recall performance of similar magnitude.
In order to grasp more peculiar behaviours, the per-
formance measures both for ironic (+) and not ironic
(-) texts have been reported in Table 3. In this case,
we can highlight that Precision and Recall for both
classes are well balanced, ensuring good performance
also on the most difficult (ironic) target. Concerning
accuracy, TIM and TIM+WE are able not only to out-
perform a trivial classifier that would ensure 50% of
accuracy, but they perform differently according to
the binary problem that they address. We can note
that tackling Irony vs Humor is more difficult than
Irony vs Politics and Irony vs Education. In fact,
as stated by the authors of the original paper (Reyes
et al., 2013), the similarity estimated between pairs of
classes is significantly higher in Irony vs Humor than
the other binary problems.
Moreover, we can notice that in this scenario the
contribution of the ironic-lexicon derived through WE
does not generally improve the performances of TIM.
This is probably due to the impact that the word irony
has into the dataset and into the model: the lexicon of
TIM only composed of the irony term is sufficient to
discriminate between the ironic and non-ironic orien-
tations. Although the additional seed words enclosed
in TIM+WE allow the model to obtain remarkable re-
sults with respect to the supervised settings and simi-
lar performance compared to TIM, the only presence
of the term irony guarantees better performance than
richer lexicons. As expected, TIM better fits the orig-
inal scenario where the ironic statements available
into the dataset are strongly characterized by the irony
term. In order to evaluate the generalization abilities
of the proposed models in a real and more complex
scenario, where the term irony is not explicitly avail-
able into the ironic statements, we evaluated the per-
formance in the following simulated scenario.
We report some additional results to compare the
proposed approaches with respect to some related
works (supervised) on the same dataset used for the
experimental investigation. In particular, the bench-
mark corpus exploited for training and inference TIM
and TIM+WE has been previously adopted also in
(Barbieri and Saggion, 2014) and (Hern
et al., 2015) (only in a balanced settings for the orig-
inal scenario). The results reported in terms of F-
Measure by the original authors are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Results in terms of F-Measure of the proposed
models against the state of the art approaches.
Irony vs.
Education Humour Politics
(Reyes et al., 2013) 0,70 0,76 0,73
(Barbieri and Saggion, 2014) 0,73 0,75 0,75
ıas et al., 2015)
0,78 0,75 0,79
ıas et al., 2015)
0,78 0,79 0,79
TIM 0,85 0,83 0,88
TIM+WE 0,84 0,80 0,87
This final comparison clearly highlights the contribu-
tion that the proposed models are able to provide. Not
only TIM and TIM+WE perform significantly better
than the state of the art models, but it is even more
remarkable that they perform better although their na-
ture is completely unsupervised.
Simulated Scenario (S). We report in the following
the computational results on the simulated scenario,
where the ironic figurative language is not explicitly
marked in the dataset, but embedded in to the sen-
tences. In Table 4 the results in terms of precision,
recall and F-measure are reported distinguishing be-
tween ironic (+) and not-ironic (-) classes, together
with the global Accuracy measure.
As expected, the recognition performance of TIM
and TIM+WE decrease, compared to the original sce-
nario (see Table3), once the term irony is removed
from the corpus. However, in this case where the
In this experiment, the authors used the Lesk similarity
In this experiment, the authors used the Wu-Palmer
similarity measure.
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3: Results of our framework for each binary problem (O).
P (+) R (+) F (+) P (-) R (-) F (-) Accuracy
irony vs education
TIM 0,8225 0,8746 0,8477 0,8664 0,8116 0,8380 0,8430
TIM + WE 0,8228 0,8629 0,8423 0,8566 0,8146 0,8350 0,8388
irony vs politics
TIM 0,9127 0,8560 0,8834 0,8644 0,9183 0,8905 0,8871
TIM + WE 0,9131 0,8373 0,8735 0,8498 0,9204 0,8836 0,8788
irony vs humour
TIM 0,8414 0,8174 0,8292 0,8227 0,8461 0,8342 0,8318
TIM + WE 0,8142 0,7832 0,7983 0,7911 0,8214 0,8059 0,8022
Table 4: Results of our framework for each binary problem (S).
P (+) R (+) F (+) P (-) R (-) F (-) Accuracy
irony vs education
TIM 0,7996 0,7934 0,7964 0,7958 0,8022 0,7989 0,7977
TIM + WE 0,8050 0,8103 0,8075 0,8098 0,8046 0,8070 0,8073
irony vs politics
TIM 0,8719 0,8358 0,8534 0,8426 0,8775 0,8596 0,8567
TIM + WE 0,8780 0,8420 0,8596 0,8485 0,8833 0,8655 0,8627
irony vs humour
TIM 0,7356 0,7675 0,7510 0,7574 0,7247 0,7405 0,7460
TIM + WE 0,7205 0,8392 0,7752 0,8079 0,6752 0,7354 0,7570
presence of irony is not explicitly pointed out, a lex-
icon able to boost TIM and therefore the recognition
performance of ironic messages becomes beneficial.
By analysing all the performance measures, it is clear
that the introduction of WE derived-lexicon allow the
probabilistic model TIM+WE to achieve better results
than simple TIM. Also in this experimental settings,
we can remark that the two proposed models are able
to obtain Precision and Recall performance of simi-
lar magnitude, highlighting robust performance in this
complex scenario.
4.2.2 Unbalanced Dataset
Original Scenario (O). In order to compare the
proposed framework with the state of the art on irony
detection, we reported in Figure 3 the results ob-
tained by TIM and TIM+WE with two supervised ap-
proaches, i.e. the irony model presented in (Reyes
et al., 2013) and the ensemble approach introduced in
(Fersini et al., 2015). First of all, TIM and TIM+WE
are able perform better than a trivial classifier that
would ensure 70% of accuracy. Furthermore, we
can point out that both proposed unsupervised mod-
els achieve remarkable results compared to the super-
vised ones. In particular, we can highlight that both
Figure 3: Comparison of TIM and TIM+WE with super-
vised state of the art methods on the unbalanced dataset.
TIM and TIM+WE are able to obtain higher recog-
nition performance than the supervised irony model
introduced in (Reyes et al., 2013). When compar-
ing the proposed models to the ensemble presented in
(Fersini et al., 2015), we can point out that TIM and
TIM+WE are not so far from the supervised model.
Considering that our method is fully unsuper-
vised, we can state that the proposed models are
promising. Extended results of our framework are
shown in Table 5. Similar to the balanced experi-
mental settings on the original scenario, the contri-
bution of WE does not generally improve the perfor-
mance of TIM, still remaining comparable. Again,
the better performance obtained by TIM with respect
to TIM+WE is related to the dataset composition,
where more than 36% of the ironic textual messages
contains the word irony.
Simulated Scenario (S). In the following, we re-
port the computational results on the simulated sce-
nario, where irony meaning is embedded in the sen-
tences with no reference to the term irony. We re-
port in Table 6 the behavior of both proposed models.
Similar to the previous balanced case study, the recog-
nition performance of TIM and TIM+WE decrease,
compared to the original scenario (see Table 5), once
the term irony is removed from the corpus. However,
in this context we can grasp even more the contri-
bution of WE. In a more complex and real scenario,
where the ratio of ironic and not ironic messages is
low and the ironic orientation in a sentence can be de-
rived only by the surrounding context, TIM+WE is
able to provide a valuable contribution to bridge the
semantic gap. If we analyse in details Precision and
Recall of both models, we can derive two main obser-
Unsupervised Irony Detection: A Probabilistic Model with Word Embeddings
Table 5: Results of our framework on the unbalanced dataset (O).
P (+) R (+) F (+) P (-) R (-) F (-) Accuracy
TIM 0,7543 0,6408 0,6929 0,8861 0,9305 0,9078 0,8581
TIM + WE 0,7122 0,6478 0,6784 0,8862 0,9128 0,8993 0,8466
Table 6: Results of our framework on the unbalanced dataset (S).
P (+) R (+) F (+) P (-) R (-) F (-) Accuracy
TIM 0,4406 0,5902 0,5044 0,8464 0,7507 0,7957 0,7107
TIM + WE 0,5320 0,4958 0,5132 0,8361 0,8550 0,8455 0,7654
TIM and TIM+WE, although induced in the worst
scenario where the dataset is imbalanced and
lacks explicit reference to irony, are able to per-
form better than a trivial classifier that would en-
sure 70% of accuracy. This makes the proposed
models particularly suitable for real world appli-
TIM+WE obtains Precision and Recall of the
same magnitude both for the ironic class (0,5320
for P(+) and 0,4958 for R(+)) and not ironic class
(0,8361 for P(-) and 0,8550 for R(-)), compared to
TIM which obtains a poor trade-off between the
two performance measures (0,4406 for P(+) and
0,5902 for R(+), and 0,8464 for P(-) and 0,7507
for R(-)). This suggests that TIM+WE has good
predictive performance characterized by well pro-
portioned abilities both in terms of precision and
recall on both ironic and not-ironic orientations.
4.3 Topic Detection Results
In order to perform a qualitative analysis of the ob-
tained results, we report in the following some ex-
amples of discovered ironic and not ironic topics. In
particular, Table 7 shows a sample of the topics un-
derlying ironic and not-ironic messages derived in the
original scenario and in a balanced settings by TIM.
In Table 8, the same output is shown for TIM+WE in
the simulated scenario again in a balanced settings.
As general remark, the experimental results sug-
gests that the proposed Topic-Irony Model may not
only help the irony classification step, but also the
ability to identify the underlying topics. In fact, the
considered topics are well distinguished by looking
at most relevant keywords identified by the proposed
approach, still maintaining a good characterization of
ironic and not ironic orientations. For instance, the
sentence @user Deeper irony would be Sarah Palin
campaigning for literacy is correctly classified as
ironic and properly related to the topic Politics.
A further remark concerns TIM+WE, and in par-
ticular to its ability to deal with short and noisy text.
The fact that social network text is composed of few
words poses considerable problems when applying
traditional probabilistic topic models. These models
typically suffer from data sparsity to estimate robust
word co-occurrence statistics when dealing with short
and ill- formed text. The proposed model is able to re-
duce the negative impact of short and noisy text in real
and complex scenarios thanks its ability to take ad-
vantage of distributed representation derived through
word embeddings.
TIM+WE is therefore particularly suitable for
dealing with those topic-related ironic sentences
where the ironic orientation is not explicitly available.
Table 7: Topic-related words are reported in bold, while the irony-related ones are marked as underlined . These results are
related to TIM in the original scenario (O) and the balanced settings.
humour(-) humour(+) politics(-) politics(+) education(-) education(+)
funny unions tcot irony technology irony
posemoticon workers politics oh education linux
shoy benefit obama get new org
award always news lol apple microsoft
nominate cd p like google open
lol movies gop u school tsunami
humor labor tlot people news attack
jokes porn teapay day ipad creates
joke fox us one posemoticon sponsors
q tv palin love twitter openmainframe
comedy news iran common via gnu
quote playboy pay got ac religion
like weed sgp time iphone ban
get marijuana iranelection posemoticon edtech thought
one cannabis hcr see web dilemma
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 8: Topic-related words are reported in bold, while the irony-related ones are marked as underlined . These results are
related to TIM+WE in the simulated scenario (S) and the balanced settings.
humour(-) humour(+) politics (-) politics(+) education (-) education (+)
funny quote tcot oh technology common
posemoticon popular obama u education postrank
shoy love politics lol new education
award palin news get apple health
nominate blind p like google nowplaying
lol lingerie gop day news make
humor vote tlot posemoticon school lol
jokes quickpolls us one twitter flaker
joke anonymous teapay people ipad cholesterol
q com pay got via video
comedy voteglobal iran common posemoticon man
quote gotpolitics sgp love ac difference
like politics hcr yet iphone causes
one friends iranelection politics one sense
get barbie health time edtech fiction
An instance of its ability can be grasped by the fol-
lowing sentence catching up on news... see that Pres.
Obama’s aunt is in the news again, and that she said
she loves Pres. Bush.”, where the model correctly
classifies the statement as Politics and recognizes as
ironic (even if the ironic orientation is not explicitly
marked in the text).
In this paper, we proposed an unsupervised gener-
ative model for topic-irony detection, enriched with
a neural language lexicon derived through word em-
beddings. The proposed model has been shown to
achieve remarkable results, significantly outperform-
ing existing supervised models currently available in
the state of the art.
Concerning the future work, two main research
directions will be investigated to improve the gener-
alization abilities of the proposed generative model.
First, we would like to overcome the limitation related
to the word independence assumption by introducing
latent relationships that could exist among different
terms and/or sentences. Second, we would like to
model parameter switching when dealing with ironic
and not ironic statements, in order to set the different
level of importance of seed words according to each
modeled class.
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KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval