2.3 Mobility
Traditional spatial models promote the evolution of
cooperation by constraining agent interactions to a
particular static topology. Previous work has inves-
tigated structures such as lattices (Nowak and May,
1992), small-world graphs (Santos et al., 2006), and
scale-free graphs (Poncela et al., 2009). However, the
inclusion of movement creates a more realistic model
by allowing agents to respond to their current neigh-
bourhood by moving within their environment.
Mobility is a form of network reciprocity (Nowak,
2006), which has gone from being perceived as a hin-
drance to the emergence of cooperation to a key con-
cept in its promotion. While unrestrained movement
can, and does, lead to the ‘free-rider’ effect (Enquist
and Leimar, 1993), allowing highly mobile defectors
to go unpunished, using simple strategy rules (Ak-
tipis, 2004; Ichinose et al., 2013) or using mobility
rates (Meloni et al., 2009; Vainstein et al., 2007) sig-
nificantly curb the free-rider phenomenon allowing
self-preserving cooperator clusters to form, and co-
operation to proliferate.
Several mechanisms for the emergence of coop-
eration exist, but all essentially express a need for co-
operators to either avoid interactions with defectors or
increase and sustain interactions with other coopera-
tors. Research in this domain is largely divided into
two categories based on authors’ definition of mobil-
ity; all movement should be random (Vainstein et al.,
2007; Meloni et al., 2009; Sicardi et al., 2009; Anto-
nioni et al., 2014), or should be purposeful or strate-
gically driven, but may indeed contain random ele-
ments (Aktipis, 2004; Helbing and Yu, 2008; Helbing
and Yu, 2009; Jiang et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2010;
Tomassini and Antonioni, 2015). Random mobility
can be used to describe the minimal conditions for
the evolution of cooperation. Alternatively, contin-
gent mobility has the capacity to be proactive. This is
where individuals deliberately seek better neighbour-
hoods, rather than simply reacting to stimuli and ran-
domly relocating.
The majority of the contingent mobility strate-
gies in the literature are hand crafted or guided by
heuristics. However, there has been some research
(Joyce et al., 2006; Gibbons and O’Riordan, 2014;
Gibbons et al., 2016) using evolutionary models to
evolve movement strategies that are conducive to the
emergence of cooperation. Ichinose et al. (Ichinose
et al., 2013) also use an evolutionary model and in-
vestigates the coevolution of migration and cooper-
ation. Agents play an N-player Prisoner’s Dilemma
game after which they move locally according to an
evolved probability vector. All agents are evolved to
collectively follow or chase cooperators. The authors
highlight the importance of flexibility in the direction
of migration for the evolution of cooperation.
Chiong et al. (Chiong and Kirley, 2012) describe a
random mobility model where a population of agents
interact in an N-player Prisoner’s Dilemma set in a
fully occupied regular lattice. Pairs of agents move
by exchanging grid positions. Mobility in this envi-
ronment is a probability function based on the time
an agent has spent in a location, and the relative fit-
ness of the agent at the destination. The agents have
a limited memory of past interactions, and past coop-
erator and defector levels. Cooperation is shown to
be promoted under a limited small set of parameters
including the cost to benefit ratio of cooperation and
the movement radius.
Most recently, Suarez et al. (Suarez et al., 2015)
present a contingent mobility model, using the N-
Player game, in which agents move toward locations
with higher potential payoff. While cooperation does
emerge, the authors do not elaborate on the specific
effects of mobility, focusing more on the impact of
the neighbourhood size.
3.1 Environment & Agent
The population of agents A inhabits a toroidal shaped
diluted lattice with L × L cells, each of which can
be occupied by up to one agent. The interaction
and movement radii of agents is determined using the
Moore neighbourhood of radius one. This comprises
the eight cells surrounding an individual in a cell on
the lattice. The agents can only perceiveand play with
those within this limited radius.
Each agent is represented by a genotype, which
determines their strategy to interact with other agents
and to move in the environment. The first section of
the gene describes their strategy for playing the game:
that is to cooperate or defect and the remaining sec-
tions determine how an agent will move. The remain-
der of the genotype encodes actions for a range of
scenarios that may arise within the environment, in-
cluding: encountering a cooperator, encountering a
defector, or encountering both at once. If an agent
meets a cooperator, they have a set of potential ac-
tions. These actions are as follows: remain where
they are, move randomly,follow the cooperator or flee
from it. Similarly these potential actions are mirrored
when an agent meets a defector. The final section is