Automatic Text Summarization by Non-topic Relevance Estimation
Ignacio Arroyo-Fern
, Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno
, Gerardo Sierra
and Luis Adri
an Cabrera-Diego
Institute of Engineering, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
Laboratoire Informatique d’Avignon, UAPV, Avignon, France
Automatic Text Summarization, Machine Learning, Generalization Ability, Regression Estimation.
We investigate a novel framework for Automatic Text Summarization. In this framework underlying language-
use features are learned from a minimal sample corpus. We argue the low complexity of this kind of features
allows relying in generalization ability of a learning machine, rather than in diverse human-abstracted sum-
maries. In this way, our method reliably estimates a relevance measure for predicting summary candidature
scores, regardless topics in unseen documents. Our output summaries are comparable to the state-of-the-art.
Thus we show that in order to extract meaning summaries, it is not crucial what is being said; but rather how
it is being said.
Automatic Text Summarization (ATS) is a Natural
Language Processing (NLP) technique, which aims
to filter relevant content from redundant one. How-
ever, currently it is difficult to determine what a “good
summary” actually is. Due to this difficulty ATS
can become into a very subjective task, even when
human-generated summaries are attempted to be eval-
Most state-of-the-art ATS methods rely on
the maximum intersection of lexical features in
source document(s)/sentence(s). Sometimes human-
generated (abstractive/extractive) summaries are used
as training data (Kupiec et al., 1995; Nenkova and
Passonneau, 2004; Torres-Moreno, 2014). This ap-
proach leads the summarizer to be focused in topic
features the documents specifically contain (words,
terms, entities, etc.) Likewise, well known ATS eval-
uation methods take advantage of human-generated
summaries (if they are available), which are used as
comparison points (Lin, 2004). Currently this out-
line holds a reasonable support in state-of-the-art ex-
tractive summarization (Louis and Nenkova, 2009),
which is of our interest in this paper.
Despite of their reliability, these approaches suffer
from high sensibility to the size of the source docu-
ments/sentences. This scenario can get worse in situ-
ations where topics are too specific, where the vocab-
ulary changes or where human summaries on such a
specific topic are not available for training. For in-
stance, see the two following sentences:
“Given that we are hosting the event, we
strongly recommend you that between now
and early Monday, to make cleaning your
space in a meticulous way, that is, not ha-
ving dirty cups or papers strewn every-
“The arrangement of genes from telomere
to centromere is G11-C4A-ZA-21A-YA-XA-
These sentences are very different in terms of sim-
ple language-use observations, regardless the topic
they deal with. On one hand, it can be observed that
(1) is relatively too large and it has many different
words (this looks complex at first glace). Nonethe-
less, the vocabulary is very usual and majority of
words are certainly redundant for the conveyed mes-
sage/topic (which seems to be underlying and noisy,
rather than to be clear: “Keep clean your place.).
On the other hand, (2) is relatively short and de-
notes specific key information about the directional
manner a pair of specific nouns are related by
means of another much more specific noun. No-
tice that the last explaining sentence is too general
and that it has free arguments: two specific nouns
(“telomere” and “centromere”) and what relates
them (the “arrangement of genes G11-C4A-ZA-21A-
Arroyo-Fernández, I., Torres-Moreno, J-M., Sierra, G. and Cabrera-Diego, L.
Automatic Text Summarization by Non-topic Relevance Estimation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006053400890100
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 89-100
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The above motivates us to propose that a good
summary not necessarily depends on the maximum
lexicon intersection, but also (and probably more im-
portantly) on how words/terms are used. In (Har-
ris, 1968), it is indeed stated that word combinatorial
constraints (including redundancy) lead to informa-
tion perception in context. In an attempt to be more
akin to these concepts, we present an initial study for
leveraging language-use features as dominant and un-
derlying cues for sentence relevance estimation.
Given that we are analyzing basic principles of
the ATS task, we present non-topic-oriented extrac-
tive ATS as a general framework (which does not re-
quire to identify topics). As a simple analysis ap-
proach, we used a learning machine to filter underly-
ing language-use features from Doc2Vec (D2V) Para-
graph Vector representations (sentence embeddings
in our case) (Le and Mikolov, 2014). Notice that D2V
provides general and unstructured sentence represen-
tations from unstructured text, which is a potential
source of noise
. These representations are inferred
from a tiny training set.
We see this training set as a minimal sample (a
human-generated extractive summary of only 30 sen-
tences), which is motivated by the supposition of that
language-use features are much less complex
topic ones. Thus a SVR (Support Vector Regression)
machine learned the relationship between each train-
ing sentence and its associated summary candidature
Acquired knowledge from our minimal sample
provides impressive generalization performance over
a much greater test corpus, where multiple documents
include a wide variety of topics (which are not in the
training set). The Rouge and The Fresa ATS evalu-
ation measures were used to validate the mentioned
performance (Lin, 2004; Saggion et al., 2010).
Along with summary evaluations, we show simple
statistics for comparing concentration of state-of-the-
art features in machine summaries against their con-
centration in human references. Likewise, the same
comparison was performed for some other features
that we think that are very important, but less con-
sidered in the state of the art (Min et al., 2012; Li
et al., 2013; Hong and Nenkova, 2014). In this way,
we show that for keeping contents it is not necessary
to pay primary attention to lexicon.
In general, we consider that any vector representation
method has many potential sources of noise and of compu-
tational cost, whenever redundant data is not properly fil-
tered (e.g. when a complete parse tree is used for ATS.)
Complexity in the frame of sampling can be understood
as the minimum amount of different cues can satisfactorily
explain a given set of patterns.
The structure of the paper is as follows: Section
2 shows the related work, Section 3 describes our
datasets, Sections 4 and 5 expose our learning algo-
rithms, Section 7 describes our experimental setup,
Section 8 explains our results, Section 9 presents a
detailed discussion and finally Section 10 gives our
Ever since the pioneering work of (Luhn, 1958), ATS
techniques have experienced evolution in a bast vari-
ety of forms. The main and well known categorization
of techniques divides them into single-document and
multi-document ATS ones.
In both categories the output summary must be
substantially smaller than the input source documents,
which supposes a compression rate (Torres-Moreno,
2014). Herein we are particularly interested in ATS
frameworks taking advantage of machine learning
techniques, where human references are used for
The idea of using machine learning techniques
in ATS is relatively new. Most contributions rely
on the assumption of that word counting is fun-
damental. The seminal contribution by (Kupiec
et al., 1995) uses the Bayes theorem for classify-
ing two classes of sentences: those that are rel-
evant and those that are not. The corpus the
author presented is constituted of training pairs
(source document,human reference), where such
pairs are treated as a kind of association between
an input sample (the source document) and its ex-
ample label (the human reference). Intuitive fea-
ture engineering is used to compute a statistical re-
lationship between all elements of the set of training
pairs (source document,human reference), which
includes POS tags, POS n-grams, topic signatures
(e.g. unigrams, bigrams, named entities, etc.), sen-
tence size, sentence position, etc. Overall, the above
idea remains nowadays. Nonetheless, one observable
difference is the utilization of varied and well known
statistical data analysis methods, e.g. matrix decom-
position and graph algorithms (Landauer et al., 1998;
Lee et al., 2009; Divya and Reghuraj, 2014).
Traditionally statistical analysis methods operate
over some combination of the abovementioned fea-
tures, which are represented in term-document or
graph matrices. The main purpose of these techniques
is to filter those source words/terms/sentences whose
Topic signatures can be considered as particular cases
of topic features in general.
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
linear variance is maximum with respect to the rest of
them. In this way, a ranking is performed and relevant
sentences for summary are picked up according to a
user-defined threshold (or compression rate).
Both in single-document and multi-document
summarization methods, redundancy has been an im-
portant issue. In multi-document scenarios source
documents not only deal with different subtopics, but
also (and majorly) with shared subtopics. In an ef-
fort of discriminating redundancy caused by shared
subtopics, text clustering techniques have been em-
ployed (Wan and Yang, 2008; Sarkar, 2009). Clus-
ters of subtopics are built inside documents, then a
by-cluster ranking is performed in order to obtain a
global ranking of relevant summaries.
There are more specific contributions which em-
ploy machine learning methods like the used one in
this work. In these cases supervised learning was
used for classification/regression estimation of semi-
supervised scores (Min et al., 2012; Li et al., 2013).
In these contributions, varied settings of feature engi-
neering take place, e.g. n-gram sharing, word sharing,
named entities and knowledge base similarities (e.g.
the Lin similarity used in WordNet).
The main differences among these methods is
the procedure for generating summary candidature
scores. In the case of (Li et al., 2007), ranking
scores were actually the lexical semantic similarities
between sentences in source documents and sentences
in human references. A similar approach was fol-
lowed in (Galanis et al., 2012), but they performed re-
gression estimation over the average between Rouge-
2 and Rouge-4 measures. In the case of (Berg-
Kirkpatrick et al., 2011; McDonald, 2007), a lin-
ear kernel SVM was used to separate bad summary
sentences from good ones. The authors constructed
vectors from weights of document bigrams. These
weights were derived from how bigrams were shared
between source documents and human references.
Recent contributions used structural features in
their methodologies. The method proposed by
(Woodsend and Lapata, 2012) has the ability of being
extractive and abstractive. The authors computed the
importance of both words and bigrams by means of
structural features acquired from the complete parse
tree of source sentences. Thus, similarly to (McDon-
ald, 2007), vector representations from n-gram counts
and structural features are constructed. These vectors
are separated by a linear SVM in order to select com-
posing sentences of the output summary.
More recently, (Cao et al., 2015) appeals to re-
duction in feature engineering by using minimally
hand-crafted “word features”. A recursive neural net-
work was trained over the complete parse trees of
source sentences and human summaries. A hierarchi-
cal regression problem was formulated over sentence
salience in the tree paths. Once the network is trained,
the importance of source sentences was predicted over
the parsed test sentences.
In our proposal we are using characteristics of the
two main ATS categories, i.e. our training framework
is single-document and our test framework is multi-
document. As our investigated framework is of a gen-
eral character, we considered recent advances in vec-
tor representation of text (Mikolov et al., 2013a; Le
and Mikolov, 2014), as well as basic properties of
kernel machines (Sch
olkopf et al., 1998). The main
advantage of these machines is the control we can
have over the learning procedure and their suitabil-
ity in low sampling scenarios. With these elements in
mind, we use the mentioned advantage to propose a
novel ATS framework. This framework relies in gen-
eralization predictability of the learning machine and
classical sampling theories (Nyquist, 1924; Shannon,
1949; Cortes, 1995; Cortes and Vapnik, 1995; Vap-
nik, 1998; Arroyo-Fern
andez, 2015), rather than in
bast amounts of human-generated summaries.
In this work we decided to process three French lan-
guage datasets.
As context corpus for training the sentence em-
beddings we used the French Wikipedia, which con-
tents range up to 2012.
As training data we used a dataset called Puces
This is a document that concentrates relevance votes
of 172 individuals for each of its 30 sentences. The
amount of votes was averaged and normalized to 1
for each sentence. These average votes were used
as sentence summary candidature scores. This doc-
ument deals with 2 topics. One of them is content in
the first 15 sentences and the other one in the second
15 ones. Each topic refers to two different senses of
the polysemic French word “puces” (fleas).
As test data we employed the RPM2
This corpus contains two groups of news documents.
Each group contains 20 topics, in such a way each
topic is comprised of 10 independently generated doc-
uments. Each document in turn is associated to 4 in-
dependently abstracted human references.
Although Puces is a tiny summary sample (single-
document), it was assessed by 172 different Computer
Science students (both from BSc and from MSc pro-
grams). In contrast, RPM2 has multiple documents
Automatic Text Summarization by Non-topic Relevance Estimation
and uniquely 4 different human references by docu-
ment. We used these references in our ATS evaluation
Neural word embeddings provided by Word2Vec
(W2V) are used as basis for building state-of-the-art
sentence vector representations, i.e. D2V sentence
embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013a; Le and Mikolov,
2014). This sentence embedding technique has shown
high performance in a number of NLP tasks (mainly
in semantic assessments (Li et al., 2016)).
Currently, there are not reliable explanations
about linguistic concepts encoded in such sentence
embeddings. Nonetheless, the stochastic nature that
motivated the authors for designing such an algorithm
provides sufficient insight on the usefulness of its con-
text representation properties.
The core principles governing W2V word embed-
dings as constituent elements of sentences are de-
scribed as follows. Let V be the vocabulary of a con-
text corpus D, the main idea behind W2V is, firstly,
modeling the presence of a given (center) word w
in some context c C with probability
) =
+ b
such that: k = 1, 2,...,|c|/2. Herein v
word embeddings of w
and each other different words
w V , respectively. The vector v
is the resulting
of surrounding 2k word embeddings of
the w
words in the context c. Prior to the training,
all v
embeddings and b
bias parameters are ran-
domly initialized.
Secondly, the probability (3) is lead to be consis-
tent by means of gradient descent maximization of the
average log for each w
D, wherever it appears in the
log p
) (4)
Once (4) is maximum for some parameters
, it can be said the model (3) is trained.
It remains to show the additional mechanism that
allows us to have each of sentence embeddings that
we actually used in this work. Suppose in a given
context c we have an additional (virtual) word called
Such a combination can be simple averaging or con-
catenation of constituent word embeddings in c.
, which now denotes a sentence. This virtual word,
in contrast to real ones, neither is in other context
than the given one, nor is in the original V. The same
operation is performed for all s
The problem of inferring a sentence embedding
amounts to include s
in (4) as the center word
and then maximize the corresponding log probability.
Thus, as in the case of fitted word embeddings v
we can pick up from the set S
of sentences in D the
fitted sentence embedding v
from the trained model
as required. The uniqueness of virtual v
through D
is motivated by the fact that all sentences s
D are
highly likely unique.
Frequently a word sequence {s
/ S
: x / C}
takes place as an unseen sentence. Inferring such an
unseen sentence limits to build the analogous embed-
ding v
. Then the prediction (inference) of the cor-
responding virtual embedding v
is easy. This is be-
cause the uniqueness assumption and because highly
likely any w s
is already learned as an embedding
(the integrity of v
depends on |V |).
Usualy semantic (or lexical) similarity between
source documents and human references is used as
main cue for learning state-of-the-art summarizers.
Unlike to these usual approaches, in this work a learn-
ing machine is taught to keep relevant contents of a
document. This happens independently of the partic-
ular topics or semantics they convey. The machine
learns the relationship between sentences and their
summary candidature scores from Puces.
The learned relationship takes into account more
general features than those which are used to mea-
sure sentence semantic similarity. We consider not
only features that make sentences good summary can-
didates are useful, but also those features that make
sentences bad candidates do so. Thus, a regression
problem was proposed. By solving such a problem,
an approximated relationship between the summary
candidature scores and the language-use features en-
coded in sentence embeddings is learned.
On the basis of that a kernel machine fits a non-
linear transformation whose input space is any vec-
tor representation (even when it does not define a
vector space), we decided to use the SVR algorithm
olkopf et al., 1998).
Let X be some input space and let X = x
be a training set of sentence embeddings,
then the well known representer theorem is defined
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
(Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini, 2004):
(x) =
) + b (5)
In equation (5) the estimator f
(·) F
is a linear
combination, which is aimed to approximate the non-
linear empirical function given by the human-judged
summary candidature scores Y = y
A 0 valued candidature is the lowest (for bad can-
didates) and an 1 valued candidature is the highest
one (for the best candidates). b R is a bias param-
eter. The function k
(·,·) is a positive definite kernel,
which is parametrized by γ (e.g. the bandwidth pa-
rameter for Gaussian kernels). This kernel function
acts as an inner product between any x X and each
X . The approximation is possible by finding opti-
mal α = α
coefficients (i.e. α
) over which the
set of possible solutions F
is defined. In this way, it
is attempted the learning machine to approximate the
correspondence f
(X ) Y . For this purpose the
structural risk functional must be minimized (Vapnik,
) = R
,Y ) + λφ(F
) (6)
where f
. When there exists a Hilbert space
H such that F
H , R
(·,·) is the error `
k f
) y
and φ(·) is the estimator’s L
k f
. λ R
is the so-called regularization pa-
rameter, which controls the precision of f
(X ) Y
and the cardinality of F
In this work we used two evaluation methods: Rouge
and Fresa. The former uses human references and the
second does not. Thus we report ATS evaluation with
and without human references (Louis and Nenkova,
2009). There are also many aspects that can give in-
sight about the quality of a summary, e.g. informa-
tiveness, coherence, precision, recall, etc. Nonethe-
less, this is a general study on basics of ATS, so at
the moment we only consider statisical aspects related
to intrinsic recall and informativeness (Cabrera-Diego
et al., 2016).
6.1 The Rouge Measure
Rouge is the most popular among human-referenced
methods in the literature (Lin, 2004). Rouge focuses
on recall between the n-grams of machine summaries
and the n-grams of human references. There are four
commonly used Rouge measures.
The first variant (Rouge-1) measures the recall be-
tween the unigrams of the source document and those
of the associated machine summary, the second and
third variants (Rouge-2 and Rouge-3) perform the
same measurement, but for bigrams and three-grams,
respectively. The fourth variant (Rouge-SU4) also
performs the same measurements than Rouge{-1-2-
3}, but it skips at most four unigrams to build a bi-
The general formula of the Rouge measure is
given as follows:
where R is the set of reference summaries, s is a can-
didate summary, g
is some n-gram, C(·) is an ac-
cumulator function, i.e. it counts how many times its
argument appears in s. C
(·) is a conditional accumu-
lator function, i.e. it counts only when its argument
matches in both, the candidate summary s and the hu-
man references R. Thus, notice the fundamental roll
the lexical intersection assumption plays here.
6.2 The Fresa Measure
Unlike to Rouge, Fresa evaluates summaries without
using human references. To this end, the distribu-
tional divergence between sources and human refer-
ences is computed, i.e. the Kullback-Leibler (KL) di-
vergence (Saggion et al., 2010). Therefore if Fresa is
defined as:
F =
then n = 1,2, 3... defines the KL divergences for cor-
responding n-grams (analogously to Rouge{-1-2-3}).
For n = |N|, we have actually the same 4-skip-gram
idea than for Rouge. Thus the general form of the
n-gram KL divergence is given by:
(PkQ) =
+ 1
+ 1
where P is the distribution of units in some machine
summary and Q is the distribution of units in the cor-
responding source document. Likewise, C
(·) is
the accumulator function of the n-gram g
inside the
subscript distribution, e.g., P.
6.3 Language-use Feature Spectrum
For each language-use feature µ
, we define its con-
centration in a machine summary s, i.e. ϕ
: the num-
Automatic Text Summarization by Non-topic Relevance Estimation
ber of times that µ
appears in s. For human refer-
ences, we have the concentrations of such a language-
use feature µ
in h human references R
Thus we defined the median
concentration ϕ
), which we used as a general hu-
man reference.
In order to compare machine summaries against
our general human reference, from information theory
(Shannon, 1949), we define the smoothed concentra-
tion ratio of ϕ
with respect to ϕ
= 20 log
+ 1
+ 1
Equation (7) is a general comparison method
provides a normalized view of the difference between
some reference value and any unreferenced measure.
This logarithmic comparison allows that small differ-
ences are equally significant than large ones and at the
same time, their magnitude orders are respected. Thus
if we have a set of language-use features µ
then its log language-use feature spectrum with re-
spect to the general human reference (hereinafter fea-
ture spectrum) can be seen as the set C
Notice in (7) that if ϕ
= ϕ
then C
= 0. There
are two possible reasons for this result. The first rea-
son is that the machine summary s holds not differ-
ence with respect to the human reference R for the
feature µ
. The second reason, is that µ
is not infor-
mative. The case of C
< 0 means that s has some
lack of µ
with respect to R. The case of C
> 0 means
that s has some excess of µ
with respect to R.
In this work we compare our resulting summaries
against those obtained by means of the state-of-the-art
Artex ATS tool (Torres-Moreno, 2012). Furthermore,
we proposed some baselines for adding certainty to
our analysis. From each RPM document we have
three baselines: (1) BL rand. The 5% of the sentences
of a document were randomly picked up as summary.
(2) BL long. The 5% of the largest sentences of the
document was picked up as summary. (3) BL 1st.
From the first sentences of the document, the 5% was
picked up as summary.
In order to compensate some possible skewing in fea-
ture distribution, we used the median statistic.
A non-smoothed version of this comparison method for
scalars is commonly used in acoustics for marginal sound
level comparisons.
7.1 Sentence Vector Representations
The French Wikipedia was disposed in an unique file.
Each row of this file contains a document/sentence.
All non-Latin and numeric characters were removed,
as well as all words were lower-cased. This pre-
processing was also performed on both Puces and
RPM2 datasets. The 10 documents of each of 20
topics in RPM2 were concatenated and the sentences
whose length L < 26 were discarded.
model was trained over the union be-
tween The French Wikipedia and The Puces corpus.
Sentence embeddings for Puces and RPM2 were in-
ferred as training and test vectors, respectively. All
sentence embeddings (both training and test ones)
were inferred from the trained D2V model. Neither
sources nor human references from the RPM2 were
included in the D2V training set.
Sentence embeddings of different dimensions
were inferred from D2V, i.e. d = 300, 200,100,50,
25,20,10, 8 in eq. (3). The size of the context window
|c| was set both, to 8 and to 16 words. The following
features were combined for building our experimental
sentence embeddings:
Word-based. The usual word based D2V sentence
embeddings (Li et al., 2013).
Word-LP-based. The sentence length L (in
amount of words) and the sentence position P in
the document were concatenated as two new di-
mensions to each of the above word-based sen-
tence embeddings.
PoS-based. These are D2V embeddings
trained/inferred from PoS tags of each sen-
tence/document in our corpus.
Word-PoS-based. This is the concatenation be-
tween word-based and PoS-based sentence em-
7.2 The SVR
The SVR was trained in a 7-fold randomized cross-
validation schema. Both for the SVR machine and
for the cross-validation grid, the sklearn
mentations were used. The cross-validated parame-
ters uniquely corresponded to those of the learning
machine, i.e. the regularization parameter, the kernel
function, the polynomial degree, the bias parameter
and the bandwidth (as they may apply).
For the Gaussian kernel
,x) = e
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
it was needed to estimate a reliable range of possible
values for the bandwidth parameter γ. This parameter
can become into a significant drawback in the case
it is not carefully considered. In this sense we used
the median pairwise distance heuristic (Gretton et al.,
2012), which is denoted by
γ R
This statistical heuristic consists on computing all
pairwise euclidean distances among training embed-
dings. The median of these distances is picked up as
a reliable starting point for searching the value of the
kernel bandwidth.
The SVR was trained over the 30 sentence embed-
dings inferred from Puces text. Up to 20 randomized
searches were performed for each feature combina-
tion (section 7.1), where 20 machine estimators f
for the Y candidature scores were obtained. The best
5 estimators were chosen for predicting candidature
scores on RPM2 sentence embeddings.
Both for the regularization parameter λ and for the
kernel bandwidth γ a random sampler was used. In the
case of λ, the interval [0.5, 2000] was randomly sam-
pled. In the case of γ in equation (8), the
γ heuristic
was used as mean value for searching over exponen-
tially distributed random values. In Figure 1 a portrait
of our proposed framework is showed.
Figure 1: Portrait of our topic independent summarizer.
7.3 ATS Systems Evaluation
Learning a topic independent summarization model is
for now our main aim. In order to assess the quality
of the summaries obtained by means of such a learned
model, a number of evaluation experiments were per-
formed. By means of these evaluation experiments,
we can know if needed features are actually present
in a minimal sampling corpus.
Summary candidature score predictions made by
on RPM2 unseen sentence embeddings were eval-
uated. For this end, the Rouge and Fresa state-of-the-
art ATS evaluation measures were used. In the case
of Rouge evaluation, we used the mean of Rouge-{1-
2-3-SU4} measures.
In an effort to increase strictness of our study, we
yielded 5% compression rate summaries (i.e. sen-
tences with the highest predicted scores). Further-
more, they were truncated to the first 100 words prior
to evaluation (which also applies to our baselines)
(Nenkova, 2005).
In the final stage of our evaluation framework, we
show some statistics which take into account some
well known topic features, i.e. named entities, verbs,
nouns, coreference mentions and even open domain
Information Extraction triplets (openIE) (Fader et al.,
2011; Li, 2015). Given these and other features that
we propose that are underlying in sentence embed-
dings, we will show how important they are in human
summaries, rather than what is the actual content they
convey (this is why we consider them as language-use
features). To this end, we selected our best 6 sum-
maries as well as our 6 worst summaries
The best and the worst summaries were indiffer-
ently chosen from both, the SVR and the Artex sum-
marizers. After that, we used (7) to perform the log-
arithmic comparison between language-use features
underlying in our best/worst summaries and those un-
derlying in the human references. In order to com-
pute the general human reference for a proposed set of
language-use features, we randomly selected 6 human
references from RPM2 about different topics (from
four different humans). After that, the corresponding
feature spectrum was plotted.
In this study, we used two well known performance
measures for choosing f
learned regression estima-
tors, i.e. the weighted Pearson’s correlation coeffi-
cient ρ and the coefficient of determination R
As part of our first results, we found that esti-
mates provided by linear, polynomial and sigmoid
kernels were completely unuseful for our proposed
learning setting. This was because the low capacity
these kernels induced to the learning machine, which
produced high-subsampling estimates. Thus, we only
Annotator statistics from (Nenkova et al., 2007) sug-
gest 4-5 human references provide sufficient inter-annotator
agreement stability. We used, however, 6 references.
Automatic Text Summarization by Non-topic Relevance Estimation
show results for Gaussian kernels. In Figure 2 we
show our best estimator for the word-LP-based sen-
tence embeddings with d = 10 in (3). Notice that the
imbalanced behavior of high scored samples is com-
bined with the estimator’s flattening on intermediate
scores. This ultimately leads to subsampling, rather
than leading to overfitting.
Figure 2: Regression estimation plot for the Puces word-
LP-based sentence embeddings. The solid plot shows hu-
man references Y and the dashed plot shows the machine
estimator f
From Table 1, it is observed that even although we
have relatively high ρ and R
coefficients between es-
timates and human references, there is no guarantee
the output summaries to have good Rouge or Fresa
measures (Table 2). Nonetheless, a singular fact is re-
vealed: the highest performance measures were ob-
tained for the worst feature combination, which is
the PoS-based one. Analogously, the worst perfor-
mance measures were obtained by our best combina-
tion, which is the word-LP-based one (columns 5 and
6 of Table 1; 2nd row of Table 2).
Other particular observations come from the val-
ues of λ and γ. Notice that in general relatively small
values of λ performed well. This fact implies that
relatively high learning regularization was needed,
thereby acceptable generalization performance was
reached. These observations are consistent with the
fact that a minimal sample of features was learned
from Puces. Among unreported unuseful results, we
could observe the contrary scenarios.
Regarding to γ, it is observed the learning tends
to select the bandwidth matching dominant features
in the training embeddings. Even when we concate-
nated word-based embeddings onto PoS-based ones,
the bandwidth approaches to those of word-based fea-
tures. Notice in Table 1 the difference between band-
widths for PoS-based (γ = 167.9) and word-based
(γ = 71.50) embeddings separately.
Table 1: Learning parameters for our most relevant (em-
bedding) feature combinations.
γ γ λ ρ R
Word-LP-based 0.004 10.61 1.00 0.944 0.785
Word-based 32.18 71.50 10.0 0.947 0.797
Word-PoS-based 14.17 71.31 5.80 0.948 0.791
PoS-based 29.59 167.90 5.00 0.955 0.814
Although there are uniform differences between
and γ for all combinations (2nd and 3rd columns of
Table 1), the value of the difference for the case of
word-LP-based embeddings is specially large (0.004
vs. 10.61, respectively). Even when word-based fea-
tures are dominant, the two components added by sen-
tence length L and sentence position P to word-based
embeddings have relatively larger values than those
that D2V derives. Thus, an equilibrium is observed:
10.61 γ
Given that the Gaussian kernel resulted as the
only useful one for our learning setting, it can be
argued that language-use features are filtered from
word-based embeddings by means of the SVR. For in-
stance, in (Li et al., 2016; Liang et al., 2015) semantic
features are easily filtered by using linear classifiers.
This is also consistent with the fact the cosine mea-
sure (a linear function indeed) works quite well in se-
mantic assessments. It clearly differs from relevance
detection. As we will show later, this is what ulti-
mately our method performed to produce summaries
(Fader et al., 2011).
Regarding to sentence embeddings, we only re-
ported results for |c| = 16 and d = 10 (3rd row, Ta-
ble 2) because for the setting we are evaluating, using
d > 10 (i.e. d = 20,25,...; |c| = 8) causes that the
SVR to fall in overfitting. Our interpretation of this
is that d > 10 gives redundant data, which results in
noisy embeddings for our learning setting. Contrarily,
for d < 10, summary candidature estimators showed
high subsampling. This means that the SVR couldn’t
filter needed features from the embeddings.
There exist additional evidence that we think fa-
vors the language-use feature approach. It comes
from prior empirical results, for instance in (Mikolov
et al., 2013b; Gutman and Nam, 2015), well perfor-
mance for 50 d 1000 in semantic assessment was
reported (d 300 is the best trend). These parameter
values are totally unuseful in our case. In general, for
language-use features, other word-based embeddings
different to (d = 10,|c| = 16) caused that the sum-
maries to result in Rouge and Fresa measures even
worse than those of our baselines (last rows, Table 2).
Another experiment of interest was performed by
PoS-tagging the union between a subset of 10
cles of the Wikipedia and the Puces document. A
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
D2V model was trained uniquely over the PoS tags
of each article/sentence. After using only PoS-based
embeddings for RPM2 candidature prediction, we
found that those of (d = 5, |c| = 16) had the best eval-
uation measure separately (6th row, Table 2). How-
ever, such measure was not better than the obtained
via word-based sentence embeddings.
Table 2: Ranking of summary evaluation measures over the
RPM2 dataset: the average of Rouge-{1-2-3-SU4} & Fresa.
Algorithm/embedding Rouge Fresa
1 Artex 0.2021 0.0142
2 Word-LP-based 0.1867 0.0125
3 Word-based 0.1859 0.0120
4 Word-PoS-based 0.1824 0.0120
5 BL rand 0.1796 0.0111
6 PoS-based 0.1767 0.0118
7 BL 1st 0.1754 0.0124
8 BL long 0.1662 0.0116
We also explored the hypothesis of that, if we pro-
vide the combination between PoS-based and word-
based sentence embeddings to the learning machine,
the filtered compounding information could be richer
(word-PoS-based, 4th row, Table 2). Therefore we
concatenated the PoS-based onto the word-based sen-
tence embeddings. These combined embeddings
were fed to the learning machine for training. Re-
sulting summaries were barely worse than those sepa-
rately obtained via word-based sentence embeddings.
Once we observed the best evaluation measure
for the word-based sentence embeddings so far, we
decided adding two complementary dimensions to
them: the sentence position P and the correspond-
ing sentence length L. Both these new components
were added separately and together. We concatenated
both L and P values together to the word-based em-
beddings. This feature combination became in the
best result we reported in this work, i.e. the word-
LP-based embeddings.
From Table 2, we observed in general the two best
sentence embedding variants (the word-LP-based and
the word-based) provide general features from Puces.
This induces to our summarizer to be competitive to
the Artex method. Herein the word-LP-based embed-
dings showed to be richer from the view of both kinds
of evaluation measures we used. In this sense, word-
based embeddings were not too distant. This fact is
interesting given that the D2V embeddings are mainly
designed to convey no other kind of features than co-
occurrence ones.
As final part of our results, we report some statistic
measurements. The finality of such measurements is
to estimate the concentration of some simple features.
Although we treat them as of underlying character, a
pair of them show high concentration in human refer-
ences. Thus the SVR is capable of filtering them from
the embeddings, even when neither sentence position
nor sentence length are present in word-based embed-
Our statistics were obtained from language-use
features, which were detected by means of the
coreNLP tool
. In Table 3 it is shown our proposed
list of language-use features, which includes usual
topic signatures like named entities, nouns and verbs.
The cells show the concentration of each feature in six
bad/good machine summaries, as well as in six sum-
maries made by four different human annotators.
Given the feature concentrations of features in hu-
man references of Table 3, we computed the median
reference ϕ
. After that, we used Equation (7) to
compute the feature spectrum C
for Table 3.
In Figure 3 we have represented the feature spectrum
of bad summaries and good summaries, with respect
to the reference ϕ
(which is a zero-valued
plot, i.e. the inner semicircle in the plot).
Figure 3: Feature spectrum of bad summaries and good
summaries. The human references are represented by the
zero-valued inner semicircle. The center of the circle is the
most negative value.
According to Figure 3, there three main facts to
be noticed. Firstly, there are features like named en-
tities, nouns and all verb forms that are almost identi-
cal or nearly zero in concentration ratio, both in good
and in bad summaries. Except for gerund verbs (e.g.
“it is growing”), this means that the concentration of
verbs is a non-informative feature (the same occurs
for nouns). In the case of named entities, we have that
both good and bad summaries showed values greater
than zero. This means that machine summaries have
an excessive concentration of named entities with re-
spect to human references.
Automatic Text Summarization by Non-topic Relevance Estimation
Table 3: Language-use features obtained from the coreNLP
tool. The features were extracted from six summaries about
different topics. Six of them are good summaries and six
are bad summaries. The remaining twenty four ones, were
made by 4 different human references.
use feature
Ref 1 Ref 2 Ref 3 Ref 4
Sentences 63 62 77 79 67 76
20 18 19 21 17 20
14 22 15 18 21 19
16 15 12 19 11 19
0 2 3 4 5 7
8 11 26 24 24 17
0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 1
Nouns 182 190 163 160 170 176
Adjectives 41 31 44 46 37 48
Adverbs 10 21 24 18 17 15
Possessives 11 13 15 18 11 12
Verbs 73 74 77 75 93 72
past tense
16 13 20 22 19 21
8 4 7 4 7 5
17 18 17 18 33 16
3rd person
4 4 8 3 8 4
3rd person
13 12 9 6 9 11
59 52 134 109 132 145
25 13 15 15 14 9
329 333 335 331 333 329
107 101 68 63 69 60
Secondly, some features are better in bad sum-
maries with respect to references, i.e. the use of ad-
verbs (e.g. “we strongly recommend”), the use of car-
dinal numbers and the presence of very negative sen-
timents by sentence.
Thirdly, except for very negative sentiments by
sentence (the scale is 2:1, so probably it is not so con-
fident), there are four very informative features: pos-
itive sentiments by sentence, negative sentiments by
sentence and openIE triplets. Notice that the medi-
ans for positive/negative sentiments by sentence are
in different scales (4.5 and 24, respectively), so the
fact that machine summaries are lacking from both
them is not contradictory. The case of openIE triplets
is particularly interesting (e.g. factual phrases like
“John said something to Peter.), because recently it
was considered as a topic feature in the state of the art,
rather than as a language-use feature (Ji et al., 2013;
Li, 2015).
We estimate that the machine learns to filter the
needed intersection of three context components: the
language-use features, the length and position and
the topics. The latter shows low importance in our
case. In this framework a low-complexity and scale-
invariant transformation f
arises. It is thought
due to the minimal text sample the learning machine
needed to perform acceptably well, which occurs in-
dependently of the topics and the sizes of the training
and test corpus.
The resulting analysis in last part of Section 8 pro-
vides sufficient arguments to determine the SVR used
in our feature combination experiments could be im-
proved. According to equation (5), all terms of the
summation have the same bandwidth, which limits
the learning machine either to a unique feature source
(e.g. co-occurrence) or to a trade-off among 2 or more
of them (e.g. co-occurrence, sentence length and sen-
tence position). This limitation leads to subsampling
when such feature sources are very distant in nature.
It is worth remarking that both Rouge and Fresa
measures are based on the maximum lexical intersec-
tion hypothesis, which we have shown is not crucial to
measure relevance. The bias in such a lexical hypoth-
esis also manifests, on one hand, in high sensibility of
the evaluation measures to the value of L. On the other
hand, relatively high evaluation measures for some of
our baselines take place.
Our statistical measurements showed some exces-
sive, lacking and uninformative features of our ma-
chine summaries with respect to human references.
Even when features like positive sentiments by sen-
tence, negative sentiments by sentence and openIE
triplets are very informative features, they are lacking
in all our machine summaries (i.e. their concentra-
tion ratio in machine summaries is negative with re-
spect to human references). Nonetheless, even when
the scale of openIE triplets is relatively large (median
reference equals to 133), their concentration ratio is
not too negative. This leads us to think that their high
concentration is detected in background by the SVR
from D2V embeddings.
In the cases of positive/negative sentiments by
sentence, we think that their importance is less im-
partial than in the case of openIE triplets. This is be-
cause we are analyzing a news corpus, so that the rel-
evance of a sentence could be very biased by the lit-
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
erary genre, i.e. any human annotator is more likely
to be overwhelmed by bad news than to be exited by
good news. Furthermore, given the high negative-
ness of these two features, it is very possible that they
were not detected by any of our summarizers. In this
way, our approach provides insight about which fea-
tures are needed to be reinforced and which ones are
needed to be diminished.
Notice that the proposed approach in this work
does not underestimates the use of topic features, but
it only suggests that they are not dominant features
for relevance detection. In topic-oriented ATS it is
not different, because topic features can be seen as
specific cases of language-use features.
We have defined a reasonable rigorousness in our
evaluation framework. Therefore, according to our
results, we have now an initial but sufficiently strong
support for our proposed framework. The obtained
support lead us to think that in order to maximize
possibilities of keeping relevant contents from a doc-
ument, it does not matter what is being said; but rather
how it is being said.
In the short term, we propose to progressively in-
crease the amount of training data. It could be ob-
served that the Zipfian behavior of the human refer-
ences clearly subsamples highly scored summary can-
didates. In this short term, we are also planning to
explore the importance of a wider variety of state-of-
the-art language-use features.
It is also considered to expand our experiments to
more languages, to other well known datasets (e.g.
DUC/TAC and MultiLing datasets) and to more so-
phisticated or task-driven learning machines. In this
sense, a deep exploration of learned models is obli-
gated in order to gain more comprehension of the task
we are studying.
As we obtain better results, we propose to intro-
duce ATS evaluation methods which are based on
language-use features as main features for relevance
detection. This in turn would motivate new ATS ap-
proaches seemed to the presented one in this work. In
these methods relevance detection would be guided
by a language-use feature spectrum followed by other
more particular documents’ aspects (as they are re-
quired, e.g. a given set of topics).
This work is founded by The Mexican National Coun-
cil for Science and Technology (CONACyT). Grant:
350326/178248. Thanks to The UNAM Computer
Science graduate program and to The Laboratoire In-
formatique d’Avignon for their support.
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