Enhancing Community Detection in Social Network using Ontology
Salma Khattab, Abeer ElKorany and Akram Salah
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer and Information, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Keywords: Ontology, Semantic User Profile, Similarity, Modularity, Community Detection.
Abstract: In recent years, social networks have been spread widely. Within social network, people tend to form
communities in order to have more chances to share opinions, experiences and expertise. Users in social
networks belong to the same community according to their behaviour and common interest. This paper
presents a semantic approach for community extraction based on identifying the interest of user in order to
group them into communities. An ontological user profile is created indicating user interest that is associated
with items domain ontology. A set of experiments was applied using real dataset (BookCrossing) to measure
the accuracy of the proposed semantic-based framework.
Currently, with the appearance of social web sites like
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, a pool of users with
different interests, from different geographical
regions, topics, opinions and feelings is created.
Users within social networks share their interest and
feeling in different area like marketing, politics,
science, sports, movies and other. With the evolution
of social network, users tend to belong different
communities. Community is a collection of users who
share the same interest(s) and interact with each other
most likely than other users in the network.
Discovering hidden communities is considered as one
of the valuable research area as it allows extraction
useful knowledge from this rich pool of information.
Community discovery helps to connect people with
common interests and encourages people to
contribute and share more contents. Furthermore, it
gives insights about the dynamics within each
community and provides a good indicator about the
status of the whole network and its health. The
capability to extract hidden communities based on
user interest is becoming vital for a wide variety of
applications such as product recommendation,
marketing, elections, stock index and computer
This research aims to find people who share the
same interests no matter whether they are connected
by a social graph or not. The proposed model assumes
that users could be connected together if they have
common interest. For example, in book domain if two
users read the same topic(s) without necessarily being
friends they could belong to the same community
based on their tie which is calculated using their
interests in this topic. Therefore, the proposed model
focus on detecting community among people within
the social network based on their interests.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the related works used infer semantic in
community detection. In Section 3, our framework to
utilize ontology in community detection process is
illustrated. Section 4 describes the process of building
ontology. Section 5 provides the experimental steps
using real dataset from BookCrossing dataset. Section
6 presents the conclusion.
One of the most important works in community
detection was a research done by Newman and
Girvan which is used for comparison in this paper as
bassline technique in community detection. It
proposed a divisive algorithm that uses edge
betweenness as a metric to identify the boundaries of
communities also they introduced modularity as an
objective function (Newman and Girvan, 2004).
Furthermore, several works have been done to
apply semantic in community detection over social
networks. In this section, a brief review about recent
works in this area is presented
The work proposed by (H.A.Abdelbary, 2013)
depends on analysis the user comments and posts in
Khattab, S., ElKorany, A. and Salah, A.
Enhancing Community Detection in Social Network using Ontology.
DOI: 10.5220/0006067801500156
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 150-156
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved