Integrating Expectations into Jason for Appraisal in Emotion Modeling
ın Taverner, Bexy Alfonso, Emilio Vivancos and Vicente Botti
Departmento de Sistemas Inform
aticos y Computaci
on, Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
Camino de Vera s/n, 46022, Valencia, Spain
Agents, Emotion Modeling, Appraisal, Expectations, Jason.
Emotions have a strong influence on human reasoning and behavior, thus, in order to build intelligent agents
which simulate human behavior, it is necessary to consider emotions. Expectations are one of the bases for
emotion generation through the appraisal process. In this work we have extended the Jason agent language
and platform for handling expectations. Unlike other approaches focused on expectations handling, we have
modified the agent reasoning cycle to manage expectations, avoiding complex additional mechanisms such as
monitors. This tool is part of the GenIA
architecture and, hence, is a step towards the standardization of the
emotion modeling process in BDI (Beliefs-Desires-Intentions) agents.
Human behavior is not merely rational. It is influ-
enced by individuals’ emotional characteristics such
as personality, emotions or mood. Psychological and
neurological sciences support this statement, offering
the foundation for the research on this field (Dam
1994; Baumeister et al., 2007). In recent years sev-
eral studies have been proposed for modeling emo-
tions using software processes and software agents.
When software agents need to show a human-like be-
havior they need to include emotions in their reason-
ing process. However not many proposals in this field
offer general practical tools oriented to the design and
implementation phase.
A key process in emotion modeling is the ap-
praisal process. In psychology, appraisal theories ar-
gue that emotions are the result of the interpretations
and explanations that each individual performs based
on his/her circumstances and concerns. In this evalua-
tion process, an individual interprets his/her relation-
ship with the environment (Scherer, 2001; Lazarus,
1994). As part of this, judgments are performed ac-
cording to certain criteria or variables called appraisal
variables. A set of specific emotions result from the
appraisal process corresponding to different config-
urations of these judgments (Lazarus, 1994). There
are several criteria for evaluating an event that takes
place in the individual environment. One of the most
accepted criteria is the implications of the event in
the future. This criteria may result in emotions such
as hope or fear in relation to things that will hap-
pen, or may result in emotions that are reactions to
violations of expectations (Winkielman et al., 1997;
Castelfranchi and Lorini, 2003) such as surprise or
disappointment. Our approach is focused on this kind
of emotions. For computationally modeling the ap-
praisal of an event in relation to its future implica-
tions, it is necessary to evaluate the likelihood of the
event consequences (Golub et al., 2009), as well as the
value of the unexpected and the possibility of change.
Therefore, it may be necessary to count on a repre-
sentation of future expectations. Mechanisms to eval-
uate the probability of events, actions and their con-
sequences may be also required.
According to the OCC model (Ortony et al.,
1988), a widely accepted model of emotions that of-
fers a mechanism of appraisal and a classification
of 22 emotion types, one of the appraisal variables
that affects almost all emotion types is related to ex-
pectancy, because expectations affect all emotional
experiences. This is also supported by most ap-
praisal theories like (Scherer, 2001; Roseman, 2001;
Lazarus, 1994). Expectations are an anticipatory
mental component (Ranathunga et al., 2011), which
allow individuals to satisfy their need of anticipating
future events in order to blur the unexpectedness of an
unknown situation.
In order to allow defining expectations in an agent
program we have extended the syntax of the Jason
agent language (Bordini et al., 2007), allowing to de-
fine the probability and a time interval for expecta-
tions that may be used in the appraisal process of
an affective agent. In our approach expectations can
Taverner, J., Alfonso, B., Vivancos, E. and Botti, V.
Integrating Expectations into Jason for Appraisal in Emotion Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0006070202310238
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2016) - Volume 1: ECTA, pages 231-238
ISBN: 978-989-758-201-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
be defined in a similar way to beliefs. We have
also created a method for keeping track of fulfilled
and not fulfilled expectations. Besides, in order to
show how expectations can indirectly influence an
agent decisions, we use an example where agents
expectations influence the agent affective state, and
in turn, this affective state influence further deci-
sions. This extension is part of the development of
the GenIA
architecture (Alfonso et al., 2014; Alfonso
et al., 2016) presented in the section 2.1.
The rest of the paper is organized as follow. Sec-
tion 2 presents the supporting affective theories and
the GenIA
architecture. The method proposed for
defining and monitoring expectations is presented in
Section 3. An example of how to use expectations in
a Jason agent that plays the BlackJack game is pre-
sented in Section 4. Finally, a comparative study with
other similar approach is showed in Section 5, and
Section 6 offers some conclusions.
When computer scientists model affect, they face two
broad challenges: how to model affect and how to en-
rich artificial agents architectures and languages to in-
clude those affective models (Reisenzein et al., 2013).
Several psychological theories provide almost com-
plete support for affect-related processes (e.g., emo-
tion generation, and emotions effects on cognition,
expression, and behavior) (Hudlicka, 2014). Con-
sequently, approaches for agent modeling are differ-
ent considering what psychological theories support
them (Reisenzein et al., 2013). For a review about
computational approaches for modeling emotions see
(Marsella et al., 2010), and (Reisenzein et al., 2013).
Nevertheless, the task of systematically recreat-
ing existing emotion theories, and to use the gen-
eral strategy of building formal languages for this,
may be cumbersome. Two more viable strategies
can be used: “1) break up existing emotion theories
into their component assumptions and 2) reformulate
these assumptions in a common conceptual frame-
work”(Reisenzein et al., 2013). In (Alfonso et al.,
2014; Alfonso et al., 2016) it is proposed GenIA
which is a common conceptual framework that sup-
ports different emotion theories.
2.1 The GenIA
(a General-purpose Intelligent Affective
Agent Architecture) is a BDI (Beliefs-Desires-
Intentions) agent architecture designed to create
affective agents. This architecture is grounded on
general aspects of widely accepted psychological
and neurological theories but it doesn’t makes any
commitment with any particular theory. Nevertheless
it offers a default design that includes an appraisal
process inspired by (Marsella and Gratch, 2009).
includes all the processes of a BDI agent
as well as a set of main affective processes according
to a solid theoretical background (see Figure 1). Ac-
cording to GenIA
these are the processes that should
be considered when building appraisal-based models
for affective agents (Alfonso et al., 2014; Hudlicka,
2014; Marsella et al., 2010). As part of the BDI
processes, it includes a belief revision function (brf),
which determines new beliefs starting from a per-
ceptual input and the agent’s current beliefs; an op-
tions generation process (options), which takes the
agent’s current beliefs and intentions to determine its
desires (options or courses of actions available), i.e.
the means to achieve its intentions; a filter process
(filter), which determines the agent’s intentions, i.e.
what to do, through a deliberation process that uses
previously-held intentions, and the agent’s current be-
liefs and desires (the new set of intentions will contain
either newly adopted or previously-held intentions);
and action selection function (execute), which returns
the next action to be executed on the basis of cur-
rent intentions. The affective processes, on the other
hand, include an appraisal process, whereby an eval-
uation of the current situation is performed consider-
ing the agent environment, cognitive state, and con-
cerns, and where a set of appraisal variables are de-
rived ; affect generator, where the appraisal variables
that result from the appraisal process are transformed
into a representation of the agent’s affective state; af-
fect regulator, which determines the possible emo-
tional behaviors and coping responses for the given
situation; affective modulator of beliefs which deter-
mines if and how the affective state biases the agent’s
beliefs, contributing to the beliefs maintenance ac-
cording to the affective state; and the affect’s tem-
poral dynamic, which doesn’t depend of any other
process and no other process depends on it, and deter-
mines the duration of the affective state’s components
as well as how their intensities decay over time.
In this section we present the proposed method for
defining and managing expectations. In order to allow
an agent programmer to define expectations we have
extended the Jason language including a new structure
for expectations that can have associated a probabil-
ECTA 2016 - 8th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
of beliefs
Affective processes
Affective cycle
Rational processes
Figure 1: GenIA
: a General-purpose Intelligent Affective Agent Architecture that integrates BDI and affective processes.
Sequences are represented as solid line arrows, subprocess as dashed line arrows, and exchange of information as dotted line
ity value and a time range. Also, in order to identify
the influence of the expectations in the agent affective
state, we allow to define the valence associated with
the fulfillment of an expectation, (i.e. positive or
negative). The expectations management, in turn, is
performed at certain points of the agent BDI reason-
ing cycle. To this end, we have included a new step in
this reasoning cycle. Next we briefly introduce Jason
and its characteristics as an agent language (Section
3.1). We also semi formally present the extension of
the Jason language (Section 3.2) and the extension of
its reasoning cycle (Section 3.3).
3.1 Jason Agent Language
Jason (Bordini et al., 2007) is an interpreter for an ex-
tended version of AgentSpeak. Jason agents are BDI
based, thus agents continuously decide actions to per-
form to reach their goals. A Jason agent program can
contain beliefs, goals, and plans. Beliefs represent the
knowledge the agent has about its environment, him-
self or about other agents. Goals represent the agent
desires, and plans consist of a sequence of actions that
are designed to either reaching those goals or simply
respond to events. Events in Jason are generated by
the addition or deletion of beliefs, the addition or fail-
ure of goals, or the addition or failure of test goals
On the other hand the agent life cycle is controlled
by the reasoning cycle (RC) that is continuously exe-
cuted (see Figure 2).
According to the Jason semantic, several steps are
performed in an agent RC. The initial step is in charge
of processing the received messages (ProcMsg). Next
an event is selected to be processed in the SelEv step.
Then, in the step RelPl, a set of relevant plans are se-
lected, and in the step ApplPl a subset of this set is
Test goals are those goals that aim to retrieve informa-
tion from the agent belief base.
RelPl SelAppl
Figure 2: The reasoning cycle of a Jason agent (Bordini
et al., 2007).
beliefs ( (literal|literal prob) “.” )*
literal prob [ “” ] atomic form prob
atomic form prob ( <
> | <
> )
[(list of terms )]
[[list of terms]]
[ t point range ]
t point range <arithm expr,arithm expr>
Figure 3: Simplified extension of the EBNF for including
expectations in the Jason Language.
selected, which contains the applicable plans
. Next a
plan is selected for its execution in the step SelAppl;
this implies the addition of an intended mean (or a
new intention) what is performed in the step AddIM.
Finally, a particular intention is selected for its execu-
tion from the set of intentions (SelInt), and the cycle
ends by clearing the finished intentions (ClrInt).
3.2 Extension of the Jason Language
We have modified the syntax of the Jason language
to allow the definition of expectations with a proba-
bility and a time range. Figure 3 shows a part of the
Jason language EBNF. The complete EBNF of the Ja-
son language can be found at (Vieira et al., 2007).
Figure 3 shows that the rule for defining be-
liefs has been extended so that it can be defined
Relevant plans are those whose triggering event
matches the event being processes, and applicable plans are
those whose conditions for being executed are fulfilled ac-
cording to the agent beliefs.
Integrating Expectations into Jason for Appraisal in Emotion Modeling
as a literal according to its original definition or
as a literal prob. When written according to
literal prob, a belief becomes an expectation. Ac-
cording to the definition of literal prob it is possi-
ble to associate a time range to an expectation, which
must follow the structure of t point range. A time
range allows expectations to be time-bound, so that it
is possible to hypothesize about something for a pe-
riod of time in the present and/or future. Thus a time
range includes an initial time and a final time. The ini-
tial time can be expressed either as an arithmetical ex-
pression that can include the reserved word ‘Now’, or
directly the word ‘Now’. We have created this word
‘Now’ for easily referring to the ”current time” (in
milliseconds). The final time can be expressed either
as an arithmetical expression or as the reserved word
‘Infinite’ (indicating an undetermined time in the fu-
ture). Moreover, a belief can also become an expecta-
tion if one of its annotations is a probability. A prob-
ability is one annotation with the form prob(P,V),
where P is a numerical value between 0 and 1 and
V is an optional component that can have the values
positive or negative. We have included this com-
ponent to simulate what an appraisal process would
do in order to use expectations for determining their
influence in the agent affective state. For example
consider the next portion of a Jason code:
belief[prob__(Number,Connotation)]<T1, T2>
In this example the expectation has a structure
similar to the structure of a belief, that has a prob-
ability Number, a valence Connotation and a time
range (T1 represents the initial time and T2 represents
the final time). We use the probability to indicate the
level of expectedness of the expectation. Thus we can
use this probability to check the impact generated by
an expectation in the calculation of the affective state
(Golub et al., 2009). We also allow to specify the
valence of expectations to indicate whether the con-
sequences of their fulfillment are positive or negative.
Determining the valence of expectations may be one
of the tasks performed by an appraisal process, so
that future extensions of the present approach won’t
need the expectations’ valence component. Finally,
one of the innovations we propose is the possibility
of defining expectations for a time range. Within this
time range the expectations can be fulfilled. Once the
time range has ended, it is considered that expecta-
tions haven’t been fulfilled. For example, one expec-
tation where the agent believes that the weather will
be cloudy with a probability of 0.5 (at some point be-
tween now and within two hours) and where the agent
considers that a cloudy weather is “something good”
can be written as:
If within that time range the time(cloudy) belief
is inserted in the agent belief base (either through the
perception process or by a message received from an-
other agent), then the expectation will be fulfilled. If
two hours later no belief time(cloudy) is perceived
or received as a message, the expectation is consid-
ered not fulfilled.
3.3 New Step in the Jason Reasoning
A Jason agent configuration is defined by a tuple
hag,C, M,T,si (Vieira et al., 2007). The components
of this tuple can be modified on each step of the agent
reasoning cycle. The first component (ag) represents
the agent program which contains a set of beliefs bs
and a set of plans ps. C represents the agent circum-
stance, containing the current set of intentions, events,
and actions to be performed in the agent environment.
M is the component that stores the agent communica-
tion aspects. T stores temporary information includ-
ing relevant plans in relation to an event (R), appli-
cable plans (Ap), and data considered in a particu-
lar reasoning cycle including the current intention (ι),
event (ε), and applicable plan (ρ). Finally s contains
the step of the reasoning cycle being executed, where
s {ProcMsg, SelEv, RelPl, ApplPl, SelAppl, AddIM,
SelInt, ExecInt, ClrInt}. In our approach we have in-
cluded a new element es in the agent program ag, rep-
resenting the set of expectations of the agent. Also,
the agent temporary information T has been modified.
We have included a new component Exp in T that rep-
resents the expectations pending of being processed
by any dependent process such as an appraisal pro-
cess. We define Exp as a tuple h f pe, f ne,n f pe,n f nei
were f pe represents the set of fulfilled positive expec-
tations, f ne the set of fulfilled negative expectations,
n f pe the set of not fulfilled positive expectations, and
n f ne the set of not fulfilled negative expectations.
One expectation can be removed due to three rea-
sons: (1) because there is an action in the agent code
to eliminate it, (2) because it has been fulfilled or (3)
because it hasn’t been fulfilled. In the last two cases,
we keep a record of this expectation. This record is
able to differentiate fulfilled from unfulfilled expec-
tations and also positive from negative (consequences
of) expectations (fulfillment). We use this differen-
tiation for determining the influence on the affective
state. Following this criteria Exp is updated in two
different moments during the agent reasoning cycle.
Firstly it is updated in the br f (belief revision func-
tion), in charge of updating the agent’s beliefs accord-
ing to what is perceived. Secondly it is updated at
ECTA 2016 - 8th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
Figure 4: The Jason agent reasoning cycle extended with a new state EvalExp.
a fixed point of the agent reasoning cycle. We have
modified the br f so that, besides adding and remov-
ing beliefs, expectations are also added and removed.
Every time a belief is inserted we check if that belief
fulfills some expectation. But as an expectation’s time
range may not be active at the time of the insertion or
removal of a belief, we need a way of constantly eval-
uate expectations. In order to evaluate expectations in
a consistent way we have modified the Jason reason-
ing cycle by including a new step EvalExp as shown
in Figure 4.
The second moment for updating Exp is per-
formed in the EvalExp step. This step has been in-
troduced after ProcMsg and before SelEv, so that the
transition from ProcMsg to SelEv has been removed
and two new transitions from ProcMsg to EvalExp
and from EvalExp to SelEv have been created. This
modification implies that, after starting the reasoning
cycle (ProcMsg) the next step is EvalExp, where ex-
pectations are evaluated and updated according to the
transitions rule EvalExp
Exp = ( f pe, f ne,n f pe,n f ne)
hag,C, M, T,EvalExpi hag,C, M, T
where: T
f pe
= EvFPE(Exp) f pe
f ne
= EvFNE(Exp) f ne
n f pe
= EvNFPE(Exp) n f pe
n f ne
= EvNFNE(Exp) n f ne
All new functions introduced in the transition
rule presented determine a set of expectations with
the form (b, p,v,t
), where b is the expectation,
p the probability value, v the expectation valence
(positive or negative), t
the initial time for the
expectation, and t
the final time. Given the set bs of
We have followed the same notation as (Vieira et al.,
2007) where attributes are represented as a subindex. For
example, the beliefs set bs of the agent program ag is repre-
sented as ag
agent beliefs, the set es of the agent expectations, and
the current time ct, the previous functions are defined
as follows:
Definition 1.
EvFPE(es) = {(b, p,v,t
)|b es, b bs,
>= ct,ct <= t
,v = positive
Definition 2.
EvFNE(es) = {(b, p,v,t
)|b es, b bs,
>= ct,ct <= t
,v = negative
Definition 3.
EvNFPE(es) = {(b, p,v,t
)|b es, b / bs,
> ct,v = positive
Definition 4.
EvNFNE(es) = {(b, p,v,t
)|b es, b / bs,
> ct,v = negative
To demonstrate how to use expectations in Jason
agents, we have developed a game based on the
BlackJack cards game (Griffin, 1986). In this game
the player must get cards with a total value of twenty
one for reaching a blackjack. These type of games
are very useful for simulating decision under the in-
fluence of emotions, because it has been widely stud-
ied the role that emotions play in decision-making in
these contexts. Besides, games allow to see changes
in the emotional state, as players usually are happy
when they win and get angry when they lose.
We have created two agents as shown on Figures 5
and 6. On the upper side it is shown a player (an affec-
tive agent). On the bottom side, it is shown the ‘Bank’
which is a Jason agent without emotions and com-
pletely rational. The agent player starts the game by
Integrating Expectations into Jason for Appraisal in Emotion Modeling
Figure 5: Graphical Interface. Board situation for the player
(top) and the bank (bottom). The player loses.
Figure 6: Graphical Interface. Board situation for the player
(top) and the bank (bottom). The player wins.
asking a card. Depending on its points and its affec-
tive state it must choose between stand or hit. Figure 5
shows a situation where the player loses and Figure 6
shows a situation where the player wins. With this ex-
ample we have shown that expectations are crucial for
generating emotions since, only by modeling expecta-
tion it has been possible to simulate a variety of situa-
tions completely coherent with what would happen in
the real life. It should be clear that this is just a simple
example for the purpose of showing how expectations
could be used to determine their influence on the af-
fective state and to determine how this affective state
may impact decisions. We have represented the af-
fective state through the emoticons shown on Figure
Figure 7: Emoticons that represent the different affective
states (depressed, sad, neutral, satisfied, happy).
As stated before, the affective agent is able to
decide according to its affective state. To do this,
we have included a new annotation in the label of
the agent plan. This new annotation has the form
[affect (Number)], where Number indicates the
value of the current affective state. We have modi-
fied the function that selects the plan to be executed
to consider the current affective state.
+card(Value)[source(house)] : myPoints(N)
!nextPlay(17.0, N+Value).
For example, in the previous fragment of code
there is a plan that will be executed if the affective
state is 2 (sad). The triggering event of this plan
is +card(Value). This event represents that it has
got a new card, and the variable N represents the
total points of the player before the new card. As
part of the actions of the plan, the agent number of
points is updated by adding the value of the new card.
Also as part of the plan, the agent creates a new
goal nextPlay(17.0,N+Value), where 17.0 repre-
sents the points for standing, and N+Value is the total
points the affective agent has.
In this example, the affective state is only mod-
ified by using the evaluations (positive or negative)
of the expectations, as well as the information about
whether they were fulfilled or not. The affective state
is a value that can have five possible ranges of values
one per emoticon of Figure 7: depressed, sad, neu-
tral, satisfied, and happy respectively. Following this
example, the affective agent has the expectation:
According to this expectation the agent is waiting
to win this round
with a probability of 0.5. The agent
also has an expectation where: it is waiting to have
twenty one at some point in the game, it is waiting
to win two consecutive rounds at some point in the
game, and it is waiting to get a card with 10.0 points
in the current round:
get(21.0)[prob__(0.1,positive)] <Now, Infinite>
win_followed(2)[prob__(0.6,positive)] <Now,
In our proposal, we consider that the rounds shall last
for ten seconds
ECTA 2016 - 8th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
get(10.0)[prob__(0.3,positive)] <Now, Now+10000>
All expectations are positive, so when any of them
is fulfilled, this will have a positive effect on the agent
affective state. However, if expectations are not ful-
filled, this will have a negative effect on the agent af-
fective state. To check the impact that the fulfillment
or not fulfillment of expectations has in the affective
state we use the probability. Expectations with a high
probability will have less impact (exactly the comple-
ment of the expectation probability) than those with a
low probability. For example, if the player gets a card
with a value of 10.0 units the affective state will be
increased in 0.7, otherwise the affective state will be
decreased in 0.3 units.
There are some precedents in incorporating expecta-
tions at Jason agents (Cranefield, 2014). Probably the
approach most similar to ours is the one proposed in
(Ranathunga et al., 2010; Ranathunga et al., 2011;
Ranathunga and Cranefield, 2012). The authors in-
corporate a mechanism for expectations management
through monitors. Similar to ours, this approach is
able to detect expectations fulfillment and violation at
execution time. This allows to monitor changes in the
environment and the behavior of others to this end.
Nevertheless, in this approach expectation fulfillment
is notified through event generation, allowing to han-
dle those events through plans. By contrast in our
approach expectations are used as appraisal variables
which can be used to determine emotions generated,
and may modify the agent affective state.
In Ranathunga’s approach an expectation is active
if an associate condition is fulfilled. Also there is
no time management for expectations, what is detri-
mental to the expectation expressivity. In our ap-
proach expectations can be define for being fulfilled
or violated at a time range, thus an expectation be-
comes active when its time range becomes active. Un-
like Ranathunga’s approach, were there is a “separate
mechanism for obtaining information from the sys-
tem in which the Jason agent is situated” (Ranathunga
et al., 2011), in our approach information from the
system is obtained through the own Jason mecha-
nisms and tools. This makes the sensoring and per-
ception process more transparent to the user.
Finally in Ranathunga’s approach, unlike ours, it
is not possible to express to what extent the agent ex-
pects something (i.e. it is not possible to assign a
probability to expectations). Also, monitors are used
to make the evaluation processes while we use the
own reasoning cycle of the agent. Therefore our pro-
posal avoids the costs associated with the concurrence
derived from the use of monitors. Our approach also
keeps a record of fulfilled and not fulfilled expecta-
tions for being used and managed by the process that
may need them, such as the appraisal process.
Emotions play an important role in the decision-
making process of humans. Currently tools for allow-
ing the implementation of affective agents are scarce.
As discussed in this paper, expectations handling is
the base for simulating prospective emotion gener-
ation through the appraisal process. We have ex-
tended Jason to introduce expectations representation
and handling in agents as a part of the development of
the GenIA
The new proposed method for expectations han-
dling is fully integrated into a BDI agent reasoning
cycle, so that no additional structures (what may com-
promise the agent performance) were needed. Also
this method is able, not only to detect the fulfillment
or not fulfillment of expectations within a time range,
but also to keep track of this. This record can be used
for determining the influence of expectations on the
affective state of the agent. The example used shows
that the probability associated to the expectations may
have a great importance on determining the impact of
the fulfillment or not of an expectation on the affec-
tive state as well. Clearly, variations on an individ-
ual affective state are not only determined by expec-
tations, nevertheless they are necessary to determine
this influence. We have confirmed this by observing a
player agent playing a cards game with a feedback of
its affective state. The use of an affective agent as an
artificial player clearly showed good chances in order
to improve the game experience.
As part of our future work we will improve the de-
fault implementation of GenIA
by creating new meth-
ods for determining the values of other important ap-
praisal variables such as “desirability” or “controlla-
bility”. Also, more sophisticated methods for deter-
mining how these appraisal variables impact the agent
affective state, and how this affective state influences
the decision making process will be included.
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ECTA 2016 - 8th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications