3.8 Qualitative Evaluation
We played with the Neurosolver-driven computer
player numerous games. Although the current best
model (see Figure 7) shows some signs of decent
playing skills, it is far from satisfactory. The model
seems to be superior in offensive strategies, but
evidently does not acquire skills necessary to prevent
some obvious moves, like blocking placing the third,
winning, adversarial symbol in a line.
In the line of experiments reported in this paper, we
showed that the Neurosolver can find paths between
the starting TicTacToe board configuration and any
winning state with very high success just after
sampling 10000 out of 9! possible games. However,
finding a path is not sufficient in the application of
the Neurosolver as a controller for driving a computer
player in an adversarial game. In this application, the
quality of the game measured by its validity as well
as an ability to interactively produce “good” moves is
of paramount importance. The strategies used for
training the Neurosolver yielded only moderate
success. The main reason for that is the automated
process that can validate games, but cannot evaluate
the quality of individual moves.
The Neurosolver is a device that learns by being
told, so employing either a skillful human or
computer player, or a data set of “good” games, seems
to be necessary to acquire good playing skills. For
example, the common heuristic utility function for
TicTacToe configurations could be used to generate
more promising moves. The point of our experiments,
however, was to see if such heuristics can be
developed automatically. The current answer to that
question is a sound ‘no’.
Our next goal is to identify states from the raw
images of the TicTacToe board and to acquire the
behavior without explicit representation of the state
space. We hope to build a model from scratch by
putting together a deep learning front end (e.g.,
convolution networks (Lawrence at al., 1998)) with
the Neurosolver back end.
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