of other voters. It may not even be a single observable
phenomena. Multiple classes of observations can be
combined into a unified observation function and ob-
servation set through Bayesian operations. As we dis-
cuss later, this allows for greater adaptability in using
this model in real-world settings. Also, as for transi-
tion and reward functions, observation functions are
also entered as input.
The aggregate POMDP can be obtained from the
individual voter POMDPs following the process de-
scribed in section 2.2. We observe that, in defining the
observation set for the aggregate model, since each
agent makes an independent observation, the size of
the observation set becomes |Ω| =
i ∈N
. Finally, at the combination stage, a bi-
nary constraint function C(s, a) is also added, which
is used to enforce desirable behaviour on the system.
C(s, a) returns 1 if an action a is not allowed in a par-
ticular state, and 0 otherwise.
3.1.1 Computation of the Optimal Policy
There exists a large body of literature on the chal-
lenges and methods for computation of optimal poli-
cies for POMDPs. Readers are directed to (Kael-
bling et al., 1998), (Sondik, 1971), (Kaelbling et al.,
1996) and (Amato et al., 2014) for further reading.
For the purpose of our study, however, we choose
the algorithm presented in (Undurti and How, 2010).
We do this since the algorithm deals with constrained
POMDPs, is reasonably simple in complexity and
the authors emphasise the tractability of the algo-
rithm through offline, pre-computation methods. An
adapted version of the algorithm is presented in the
appendix. The algorithm computes the optimal pol-
icy by computing future belief states (encapsulated in
the τ function, which comes from (Kaelbling et al.,
1998)), while using a discount factor γ for deciding
the impact of future rewards on current optimal ac-
tions. We observe that, in the computation process for
the optimal policy, the system anticipates each of the
possible observations in the aggregate observationset,
and calculates an expected reward in the eventof mak-
ing that observation, making the computational com-
plexity of the algorithm polynomial in |Ω|. However,
as defined earlier, this observationset grows exponen-
tially in the number of voters that can be observed by
each voter (assuming the number of alternatives re-
mains constant).
3.1.2 Model Optimization
An assumption that we can make in the design of
our model, which would improve tractability, is that
each individual voter, instead of observing the pref-
erences of a fixed subset L
of all the other voters,
simply observes |L
| votes. That is, the reported pref-
erences are disassociated from the people reporting
the preference. Intuitively, one way to interpret this
simplification is the difference between aggregation
behaviour on social networks (where we can observe
which of our connections “liked” or “followed” an
alternative) versus aggregation behaviour on e-retail
websites (where some people rated a product 5 stars,
some others rated it 4 stars, etc.). This clearly re-
duces the size of the voter observation sets, and con-
sequently, the aggregate observation set.
The exact size of the observation set in this new
setting can be calculated as follows. If we assume an
“alphabet” of size m! (where each “letter” is a prefer-
ence ordering), then we wish to know how many sets
of length |L
| can be formed from this alphabet. An
established result in combinatorics allows us to com-
pute this result as
. Again, assuming
the number of alternatives to be fixed (for example,
3), then the expression evaluates to a polynomial of
order 5, or O(|L
) complexity.
In this section, we apply the model to a real-world set-
ting and discuss the advantages. We apply this model
to crowdsourcing (Slivkins and Vaughan, 2014). We
begin by defining the problem in crowdsourcing plat-
forms, briefly analysing existing methodologies, and
comparing our model to these methodologies.
We identify three interacting components in a
crowdsourcing platform, namely, the workers, the re-
questers and the platform matching these two compo-
nents to one another. Two observations about crowd-
sourcing encourage an approach from a Dynamic Vot-
ing perspective. Firstly, with each iteration, workers
and requesters can form an insight into how the other
group is making decisions. The platform can gener-
ate profiles to predict the kinds of tasks that workers
might choose, or their performance in the completion
of tasks, or it might match requesters to a set of work-
ers which give the requesters the most optimal output.
Secondly, we observe the presence of two differ-
ent strategic elements in the system. In the first lo-
cal element, members of individual components are
seeking to maximize their payoff with strategic in-
teractions. These interactions can be between work-
ers and requesters, such as when workers are debat-
ing how much effort to put in for the amount of-