Lexicon Expansion System for Domain and Time Oriented Sentiment
Nuno Guimaraes
, Luis Torgo
and Alvaro Figueira
CRACS - INESC TEC, Rua do Campo Alegre 1021/1055, Porto, Portugal
LIADD - INESC TEC, Rua do Campo Alegre, 1021/1055, Porto, Portugal
Sentiment Lexicon, Lexicon Expansion, Twitter Sentiment Analysis.
In sentiment analysis the polarity of a text is often assessed recurring to sentiment lexicons, which usually
consist of verbs and adjectives with an associated positive or negative value. However, in short informal texts
like tweets or web comments, the absence of such words does not necessarily indicates that the text lacks
opinion. Tweets like ”First Paris, now Brussels... What can we do?” imply opinion in spite of not using words
present in sentiment lexicons, but rather due to the general sentiment or public opinion associated with terms
in a specific time and domain. In order to complement general sentiment dictionaries with those domain and
time specific terms, we propose a novel system for lexicon expansion that automatically extracts the more
relevant and up to date terms on several different domains and then assesses their sentiment through Twitter.
Experimental results on our system show an 82% accuracy on extracting domain and time specific terms and
80% on correct polarity assessment. The achieved results provide evidence that our lexicon expansion system
can extract and determined the sentiment of terms for domain and time specific corpora in a fully automatic
With the massive growth of Social Web, opinion data
became much more accessible and in larger quanti-
ties. The use of social networks like Twitter or Face-
book and the way users share their feelings regarding
politicians, products, events, companies, and celebri-
ties, through their personal profile has motivated the
interest for further investigation on methods to auto-
matically classify the associated sentiment.
Supervised and unsupervised approaches have
been proposed in sentiment analysis classification and
the inclusion of a sentiment lexicon is a common ap-
proach on both. These lexicons are mainly built using
verbs and adjectives since they are the more common
indicators of subjectivity. Although this may work
relatively well in medium and large texts (e.g. reviews
or articles), in small texts like tweets or comments, the
task becomes more difficult due to their short length
format (Kiritchenko et al., 2014). Small texts may
not include any of the words in the sentiment lexicons
and still express a sentiment. Tweets like ”Listening
to Bowie. Still can’t believe it” do not include any
opinion words but have a sentiment associated which
is perceptible to who is aware of the death of the artist
David Bowie. Furthermore, tweets with a sense of
irony can also be misinterpreted by general sentiment
lexicons. For example in the following tweet ”I used
to think that Britain produced best comedy programs
but where else but here could we watch a team like
Sarah Palin and Donald Trump on TV?” words like
”best” could lead to a positive sentiment classifica-
tion. However, the tweet is pointing to an overall neg-
ative sentiment ”disguised” with irony. Our ability to
detect the sentiment in both cases is due to: 1) the
knowledge of events and persons which is achieved
from news (seen on TV, newspapers and Internet) and
2) the knowledge on the public opinion and reactions
to those news. However, this is a feature that current
state of the art sentiment analysis methods do not con-
sider when assessing the polarity of a text.
News have an important role in today’s society.
Up to date information of events in several different
domains keep people aware of what is going on in the
world. That awareness has grown with the rise of the
World Wide Web since news have become much more
accessible and in greater quantity. Furthermore, news
are usually classified as relevant information and may
transmit a change of opinion on certain entities or
events. For example if an article is released on a ma-
Guimaraes, N., Torgo, L. and Figueira, A.
Lexicon Expansion System for Domain and Time Oriented Sentiment Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0006081704630471
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 463-471
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
jor politician caught in a money laundering scheme,
the public opinion on that person may change. Yet,
there are also some cases where the opinion does not
shift (e.g. advances in the cure for Alzheimer may not
reverse the sentiment on the term ”Alzheimer”).
News headlines due to their short format, ap-
pear to be good sources for relevant terms extraction.
However, the sentiment transmitted in them may not
be the same as the sentiment from public opinion. To
assess the public opinion on news, Twitter makes a
good data source, since it includes millions of users
from famous people to companies and presidents. The
number of tweets and active users is also a factor.
Since June 2015, on average, 500 million tweets are
sent per day. The micro blogging site has also ap-
proximately 316 million users active per month (Twit-
ter, 2015a). Moreover, Twitter provides a public API
allowing the retrieval of tweets, getting user infor-
mation and monitoring tweets in real time making it
straightforward to retrieve large quantities of data for
analysis (Twitter, 2015b). Summarising, Twitter is an
updated and diversified source of information since
millions of tweets are posted on a daily basis about
different subjects from users with different opinions.
For this reason, we could use Twitter trending
terms to build our sentiment lexicon. However, they
do not always represent global relevance and are nor-
mally very specific to that social network. On the
other hand, analysing directly headlines (or the full
news article) may not provide a accurate sentiment on
the terms it mentions.
Taking these facts into account, we developed a
system for sentiment lexicon expansion that combines
both. First, determines relevant and up to date terms
from news headlines and then, for each term, it uses
Twitter to determine the current public sentiment on
it. Our main goals for this work are: 1) to assess
the reliability in extracting domain and time specific
terms for our lexicon expansion method using solely
news headlines and 2) if the polarity assigned by the
sample of tweets containing the terms corresponds to
the polarity of the terms.
The rest of the article is organized as follows.
First, we describe the state of the art on the subject.
Next, we specify the workflow of our proposal. Then,
we present the experimental evaluation of our sys-
tem. Finally, we describe some conclusions and fu-
ture work.
One of the most important parts for achieving high
accuracy on sentiment analysis are ”sentiment lexi-
cons” (or sentiment dictionaries). Each of the words
in these lexicons can have a binary (positive and nega-
tive), ternary (positive, neutral, negative) or numerical
(e.g a -5 to 5 interval) sentiment value. Some studies
also evaluate sentiment as emotions like fear, joy and
sadness (Mohammad and Turney, 2010).
There are three main groups where sentiment
lexicons creation methods can be included. The
first is manual labelling where one or several vol-
unteers/workers label a list of words with sentiment
and then, use metrics to determine inter-worker agree-
ment (Mohammad and Turney, 2010; Taboada et al.,
2011; Hutto and Gilbert, 2014; Nielsen, 2011). How-
ever, this approach can be time consuming, increas-
ing with the size of the word list and the number
of different evaluations required for each word. It
can also be expensive if we resort to services like
Mechanical Turk (Amazon, 2016) or CrowdFlower
(CrowdFlower, 2016) where a fee must be paid to
each worker who completes the classification task.
Therefore, more automatic ways of creating senti-
ment lexicons were proposed. These require a small
sample of sentiment labelled terms, normally named
”seed words”, and then expanding the lexicon us-
ing those words as base. Two different approaches
have been used for expanding the lexicon in semi-
supervised fashion: thesaurus based approaches and
corpus based approaches.
Thesaurus based approaches rely on other syntac-
tic resources like the General Inquirer (GI) (Stone
et al., 1966) or WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998). Word-
Net is a large lexical resource containing noun, verbs,
adverbs and adjectives grouped by synsets which are
sets of cognitive synonyms. If the word is an adjec-
tive, a set of antonyms is also available. Some works
like SentiWordNet used this features and a small num-
ber of labelled words to expand sentiment lexicons by
assigning the same polarity of a word to its synonyms
and opposite polarity to antonyms (Baccianella et al.,
2010; Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006). However, the au-
thors in (Mohammad et al., 2009) present better sen-
timent accuracy in words than SentiWordNet1.0 by
using a Roget-like thesaurus. Several studies (Kim
and Hovy, 2004; Hu and Liu, 2004a) also used Word-
Net to expand sentiment lexicon, making it one of the
most used resources for lexicon expansion. One of the
major problems on this thesaurus based approaches
is the domain specific context on each opinion word.
The word ”loud” can have a negative orientation in
a car review but positive sentiment in a speaker re-
view. For more domain specific lexicon expansion,
the corpus-based approaches are a better solution.
In (Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown, 1997) a cor-
pus based lexicon expansion method is proposed us-
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
ing conjunction rules to infer new opinion words spe-
cific to the domain. For example, in the review ”The
Samsung remote is awesome and easy to use., if we
know that ”awesome” has a positive sentiment then,
due to the conjunction AND, we can infer that ”easy”
or ”easy to use” has also a positive sentiment associ-
ated. In the same way, on the video game review ”The
game has beautiful graphics but easy to complete., if
we know that ”beautiful” has a positive polarity we
can infer that the conjunction BUT will reverse the
polarity on ”easy”. The authors named this concept
as ”sentiment consistency”.
Another proposal for corpus based lexicon expan-
sion is presented in (Qiu et al., 2011). It uses a set
of seed words combined with conjunction rules for
extracting entities and opinion words. Then, through
an iterative process, the new pairs of entities/opinion
words are used for finding more pairs and ends when
no new entities or opinion words are found. Evalua-
tion on reviews dataset showed that this method out-
performs other state of the art approaches (such as the
one in (Hu and Liu, 2004a)).
However, not always opinion words have the same
polarity, even in the same domain. For instance, in a
laptop review, ”the battery is long” is identified as
positive whereas ”it takes to long to start” is associ-
ated with a negative sentiment. So, to avoid erroneous
sentiment classification, the use of entity level sen-
timent analysis techniques and the extraction of the
ternary (word,entity, sentiment) was proposed for lex-
icon expansion (Ding et al., 2008).
Besides reviews, social networks have been ex-
plored for corpus based lexicon expansion. As a mat-
ter of fact, many social networks have specific opin-
ion words that are normally not covered by the gen-
eral sentiment lexicons (e.g. ”ahahahah”, ”LOL”,
”OMG”, ”#hatemonday”). The study in (Bravo-
Marquez et al., 2015a) present two models for cre-
ating a Twitter specific lexicon from a unlabelled
corpus of tweets using tweet-centroid word vectors.
The lexicon is classified into Positive, Neutral and
Negative scores. Another work by the same au-
thors (Bravo-Marquez et al., 2015b) presents a super-
vised algorithm for lexicon expansion using tweets
label with emoticons and a combination of several
seed word lexicons. Other supervised approach (Tang
et al., 2014) uses SkipGram (for learning continuous
phrases representation) and a seed lexicon (expanded
with contents from the Urban Dictionary (Dictionary,
2016)) as training data for a sentiment lexicon ex-
pansion classifier. One more study (Du et al., 2010)
shapes the information bottleneck method with cross-
domain and inter-domain knowledge to extract a do-
main oriented lexicon.
A rather different approach is the one presented
in (Feng et al., 2011). Whereas most of the methods
presented focus on expanding sentiment lexicons with
adjectives and verbs, Feng et al. study the influence of
words with connotative polarity such as cancer, pro-
motion and tragedy. Furthermore, they also use an
unusual graph approach which incorporates with the
PageRank algorithm and a seed of opinion words to
propose a connotative lexicon creation system.
In fact, the majority of works study how to expand
sentiment lexicons with verbs and adjectives. In some
contexts, nouns may also imply opinion. For exam-
ple in the mattress review ”Within a month, a valley
formed in the middle of the mattress” or in the tablet
review ”It came with a scratch in the screen”. The
authors in (Zhang and Liu, 2011) study nouns that
may imply sentiment in product features. The study
relies on an seed lexicon to identify the sentiment on
reviews and then select candidates for feature nouns
that suggest opinion.
The detection of sentiment in words other than
adjectives and verbs is yet an understudied research
area. Therefore, in this work it is the exploration of
assigning sentiment to connotative words, nouns that
imply opinion, entities and topics that it will be high-
lighted. We intend to expand even more the senti-
ment lexicons in this studies by using public opinion
as a measure of polarity, combining Twitter sentiment
analysis and lexicon expansion methods to create new
domain and time specific sentiment dictionaries.
In the following section we describe the workflow
of our lexicon expansion proposal. We select terms
from seven different domains: world, health, enter-
tainment, politics, business, sports, and technology.
For each domain we have a set of RSS URLs from
several news websites in the English language (e.g.
CNN, BBC, The New York Times). In each RSS
feed, only the headline for each news is extracted
since: 1) it summarizes the full article and 2) its short
length provides an easier filtering of irrelevant words
or terms. This way, we create a text corpus composed
only of news headlines, from several sources, for each
3.1 Term Extraction
For each domain corpus, we construct a term-
document frequent matrix and retrieve the most fre-
quent occurrences of 1-grams (words), 2-grams (two
word terms) and 3-grams (three word terms).
Lexicon Expansion System for Domain and Time Oriented Sentiment Analysis
The terms we define as ”frequent” rely on the
number of sources we have for the domain and the
grams we are considering. The formula used to deter-
mined the frequency threshold (and therefore to de-
cide if a term should be included in the lexicon) is
presented in (1).
frequency threshold
= n
× a
where n
is the number of sources for domain d and
represents the percentage of the cut in each i-gram.
In other words, if a term occurs more than the fre-
quency threshold variable it is included in the lexicon.
The values for a
were reached experimentally and are
presented in (2).
= 0.50; a
= 0.30; a
= 0.25 (2)
It is important to filter some of the ”noisy” terms
(i.e. terms that are irrelevant for sentiment analysis)
from the list extracted. The 1-gram are the ones that
commonly have the most noisy data. Several filters
are applied in order to reduce it. First, the words
are classified with the OpenNLP Parts-of-Speech tag-
ger (Apache, 2010). Then, only words classified as
nouns, foreign words and adjectives are kept. Verbs
are excluded due to the lack of context. For exam-
ple, ”wins” or ”lost” are generally associated with a
positive and negative sentiment, respectively. How-
ever, if we know to whom, or what, it refers to (e.g
”Trump wins” or ”Hillary lost”) then the public sen-
timent of the term may not be the same. Then, a
list of domains of specific words is used to remove
1-grams that do not infer any particular sentiment.
We use Topic Dictionaries from (Oxford, 2016) to
achieve that purpose. We left, however, words that
refer to corporations and entities (e.g. ”Apple” and
”Microsoft” in technology domain). In addition, we
also remove words that are common in the news (e.g.
”review”, ”tech”, ”news”). Furthermore, words that
are repeated in plural form (”syrian”/”syrians”) and
with apostrophe (”Trump”/”Trump’s”) are only kept
in singular and non-apostrophe form. We also re-
move words that are in the AFINN (Nielsen, 2011)
sentiment lexicon because those words by themselves
already express sentiment.
Since the number of 2-grams and 3-grams terms
obtained are less than the number of 1-grams and, be-
cause they appear frequently together (meaning that
they already have relevance in the domain), only the
plural and apostrophes filter is applied. We then send
the terms to Twitter where a last filter on our final
terms list is used. This filter relies on the number of
tweets found on the terms. If it is lower than a defined
threshold, it will not be included in the terms list.
The number of extracted terms is dynamic and
highly depends on the relevance that they have in
news media. In our work, we consider the extracted
terms relevant since: 1) they appear multiple times in
the same domain in several different news sources,
and because 2) when querying Twitter there is a
significantly high number of tweets regarding those
terms on the same day they are extracted from the
news sources. Our method requires that there is a
minimum number of tweets that include the term. If
that number is not fulfilled, the term is removed since
it is likely to be irrelevant or syntactically incomplete
(e.g. from the headline ”Zika virus found in Mon-
tana”, the term ”found in” is not relevant).
3.2 Term Sentiment Analysis
To evaluate the sentiment of each term extracted from
the headlines of RSS news feeds, we use the Twit-
ter Search API (Twitter, 2016). Unlike similar stud-
ies who evaluate the sentiment of terms in the com-
ments from users on news site (Moreo et al., 2012)
or who select specific keywords from Twitter streams
(Wang et al., 2012; Nguyen et al., 2012), our system
uses a combination of both approaches. Using tweets,
we guarantee that the opinions retrieved are not com-
pletely anonymous (like in the majority of news web-
site) and therefore hate, advertise and insulting com-
ments are less common.
In addition, several works have proved good re-
sults using Twitter for topic tracking (Wang et al.,
2012; Amer-Yahia et al., 2012; Phuvipadawat and
Murata, 2010) and Twitter users tend to react quickly
to the occurrence of events which lead to several tech-
niques for detecting real-time events on the social net-
work (Atefeh and Khreich, 2015).
Moreover, using news headlines to search for
terms to track in each domain, we guarantee that they
are up to date and are relevant.
When the extraction procedure for all the domain
finishes, the resulting terms are searched in Twitter
and a sample is retrieved for each one of them. In our
experiments we use a sample of 500 tweets for each
term. In order to keep the term sentiment updated, the
tweets extracted must be posted in the same day as the
keyword extraction. In addition, we only get the more
recent tweets. Furthermore, in order to remove tweets
that can be from Twitter accounts who belong to news
sites or newspapers, we apply a filter in our query that
does not retrieve tweets containing links. This is due
to the nature of tweets posted by news site accounts,
which contain the link for accessing the full news in
the correspondent website.
Using the Twitter API, the number of tweets ex-
tracted for each term is not always the same as re-
quest. This can also be used as a last filter for terms
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
extraction. In fact, if a keyword does not retrieve a
minimum amount of tweets, this can be interpreted
as non relevance or lack of meaning of the keyword.
So in our system, if the keyword searched in Twitter
does not retrieve a minimum number of tweets, it is
discarded. In our experimental setup we used 33%
of the sample as the threshold for not discarding the
The next step is to perform sentiment analysis on
each tweet from the sample. We separate our method
in two components: the syntactic analysis of the tweet
and the identification and assessment of possible emo-
jis and emoticons present in the tweet. Several studies
(Go et al., 2009; Novak et al., 2015) provide evidence
that emojis and emoticons are used as sentiment clues.
In fact, emoticons were already used as classifiers of
the polarity of the tweet since they are not specific to
a certain domain (Hogenboom et al., 2013).
In order to evaluate emojis we use the results from
(Novak et al., 2015) where the authors assess the sen-
timent of each emoji. As for the emoticons we con-
sider the sentiment classification used in (Hogenboom
et al., 2015). In our system, the emojis and emoti-
cons in the tweet have the same sentiment impact in-
dependently of the position where they occur. All the
emojis/emoticons are considered and repetitions are
not discarded. The sentiment is calculated by simple
average (summing all the identified emojis and emoti-
cons and dividing by the number of occurrences).
The syntactic component of our analysis is to eval-
uate the sentiment on the text of each tweet. With
the goal of not inducing wrong sentiment, we remove
the term queried from each tweet. Hence, terms like
”Trump wins” which already have a positive senti-
ment associated (due to the word ”wins”) do not skew
our analysis. To determine the sentiment on the re-
maining words from the tweet, the general sentiment
lexicon AFINN (Nielsen, 2011) is used. We choose
this lexicon because, unlike more classical proposals
(Hu and Liu, 2004b) in which sentiment words are
classified only in a polarity fashion, AFINN provides
2477 words classified with sentiment in a [5, 5] in-
terval. In addition to the sentiment lexicon, we also
use lists of amplifiers (e.g. ”very”, ”extremely”,
”more”) and attenuation (e.g. ”few”,”little”,”rarely”)
words for better sentiment analysis. These assign a
weight of 80% on the word polarity. Furthermore, we
use a list a words that reverse the polarity (e.g. ”not”,
”nobody”, ”never”).
Due to the tweets limitation of 140 characters, the
sentiment value of a word is affected if there is any
element of the lists mentioned in the 4 words before
and/or in the following 2. In other words, for each
opinion word found in the tweet we create a cluster
with the previous 4 words and the next 2. Then, we
verify if any of them match the words in the ampli-
fication, attenuation or negation lists and assign the
sentiment accordingly. The syntactic sentiment score
of each tweet is calculated combining the lexicon and
method previously mentioned. The final score for
each tweet is a weighted average of 75% the text sen-
timent analysis and 25% the emoticon/emoji senti-
ment analysis. The assumption is that the average
sentiment of the sample represents the overall senti-
ment of the searched term. Therefore, the term senti-
ment score is calculated by summing up the sentiment
score of each tweet from the term corpus and dividing
it by the number of tweets in that corpus.
4.1 Tweets Sentiment Analysis
Since one of our goals is to assess if the polarity
of the term can be obtained from the average senti-
ment of a sample of tweets containing the term, it is
important to have a accurate tweet sentiment classi-
fier. Therefore, we evaluate and compare our polarity
classification method in several datasets provided by
CrowdFlower (in their ”Data for Everyone” library).
Five datasets of tweets, classified with sentiment by
human coders were used. A brief explanation on
each dataset follows (for more details please refer to
(Crowdflower, 2016)):
GOP: contains over ten thousand tweets about the
GOP debate in Ohio. Workers classified the sen-
timent of each tweet as Positive, Neutral or Nega-
SDC: includes approximately 7000 tweets about
self driving cars. Workers were asked to clas-
sify the sentiment as Very Positive, Slightly Pos-
itive, Neutral, Slightly Negative, Very Negative.
We converted this to a Positive/Neutral/Negative
USAIR: dataset with around 16000 tweets about
major US airlines. Contributors were asked to as-
sign a Neutral, Positive or Negative sentiment to
each tweet.
COACH: dataset with 3847 tweets with reactions
to the 2015 Coachella festival lineup announce-
ment. Workers classified the sentiment of each
tweet as Neutral, Positive or Negative
APPLE: 4000 tweets containing references to
the Apple company. Sentiment classification was
done with a Negative, Neutral and Positive scale.
Lexicon Expansion System for Domain and Time Oriented Sentiment Analysis
We are interested in determining the polarity in
2 classes (positive/negative) of each of the extracted
terms. Therefore, we discarded the neutral tweets
from the datasets. The results of that score in terms
of, precision, recall, f1-measure and accuracy can be
examined in Table 1.
Table 1: Results in terms of precision (Prec.), recall (Rec.),
F1-Measure (F1), and accuracy (Acc).
Prec. (%) Rec. (%) F1 (%) Acc. (%)
Pos. Neg. Pos. Neg. Pos. Neg. Pos.+Neg.
GOP 32.8 90.9 78.3 57.5 46.2 70.4 61.8
SDC 82.5 53.9 76.4 63.1 79.3 58.1 72.3
USAIR 39.4 97.4 94.9 56.9 55.7 71.9 65.6
COACH 85.3 42.5 74.2 59.7 79.3 49.6 70.7
APPLE 55.4 93.9 86.8 74.4 67.7 83.0 77.7
When analyzing each of the datasets, the senti-
ment component of our system seems to achieve bet-
ter performance in tweets regarding the technology
domain (SDC and APPLE). However, variation on
accuracy values does not surpass 20% which gives a
solid support that our method will perform well in-
dependently of the tweets domain. Accuracy reaches
the lowest value in the GOP dataset. Similar conclu-
sion was reached in (Thelwall et al., 2012) where the
authors assess the low performance on some web ex-
tracted datasets due to political and controversial top-
ics. In addition, we compare our sentiment compo-
nent (SC) to other state-of-art methods to check if it
was able to match them as 2-class (positive/negative)
accuracy is concerned. A brief description on each
system follows:
Emolex: Manually created emotion lexicon using
crowd-sourcing. The terms were extracted from a
combination of Macquarie Thesaurus, General In-
quirer and WordNet Affect Lexicon (Mohammad
and Turney, 2010). Although the words were clas-
sified with emotion and polarity, only the second
was used for this method.
SenticNet: Assigns sentiment to common sense
concepts to achieve a semantic sentiment analysis
approach rather than the most common sentence
level (Cambria et al., 2014).
SentiStrength: Combines a manually annotated
sentiment lexicon, machine learning algorithms
and other important features like negation words
and repeated punctuation for sentiment enhance.
It provides the best results in gold standard tweet
datasets (Thelwall et al., 2012).
The results can be seen in Table 2.
Although it is not the best system when com-
pared to other state of the art approaches, our sen-
timent component still performs well on the differ-
ent datasets achieving the best accuracy in 2 of them.
Table 2: Comparison of the sentiment component (SC) of
our system with other state of the art approaches.
2-Class Dataset Accuracy
SC 61.8 72.3 65.6 70.1 77.7 69.6
Emolex 46.0 64.9 46.9 65.6 70.3 58.7
SenticNet 37.3 68.5 39.1 74.7 46.9 53.3
SentiStrength 70.4 70.1 76.5 73.3 74.5 73.1
In addition only is beaten by 4% margin by Sen-
tiStrength when assessing the overall accuracy.
In conclusion, these results provide a good sup-
port for the reliability on tweet classification of our
4.2 System Evaluation
In order to evaluate our system we carried out two ex-
perimental surveys. The first had the goal of assessing
the effectiveness of our proposal in extracting relevant
terms for each of the domains. The second survey was
to evaluate if the sentiment assigned to each term was
still accurate at present time.
The survey was conducted in a web application
built for the effect. The question asked was ”Con-
sidering the present time (and current news), does
the term x fits the domain y ?” where x and y were
replaced randomly by the entries extracted from our
system. Since our goal was solely to test our extrac-
tion method we allow users to classify an unrestricted
number of entries. We obtained a total of 1414 en-
tries classified by 57 different users consisting mostly
of university students. When evaluating the fitness of
the term in the domain we discarded all the entries of
users whose response was ”I don’t know”. In the re-
maining 1336 entries we had an accuracy of 88.2%.
This provides strong empirical evidence for our term
selection method.
The second part of our study was to determine if
Twitter sentiment on an extracted term reflects the
current sentiment of the term. To assess this we
used Crowdflower to conduct a sentiment survey. We
used terms extracted from 2016-04-01 till 2016-04-
03. The experience began on 2016-04-04 at approx-
imately 3:15 pm and took 30 hours to complete. We
submitted 101 pairs of terms/domain extracted ran-
domly (but in equal number for each domain) from
the daily retrieved dictionaries. Each of those terms
was evaluated by 7 different workers with a level 3
performance. This level is assigned to workers who
achieved high accuracy values in more than a hun-
dred test questions (Crowdflower, 2014). The ques-
tion asked in this CrowdFlower survey was: ”Consid-
ering the present time (and current news) and the do-
main x, please rate the sentiment associated with the
KDIR 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
expression y where x is the domain and y the term.
The scale provided ranged from 1 (very negative) to
5(very positive). Although we are trying to assess the
general polarity of the term, we used a likert scale
to force workers to have a more careful decision on
which sentiment to choose, avoiding a randomly (and
easiest) choice.
We used the median as measure to determine our
ground truth for each term since the average value
could be highly influenced by possible outliers. For
example, if six workers evaluate the term with a 2 and
a worker with a 5 the average value would result in a
final sentiment of 3 (neutral value). Using the median
the final sentiment would result in a more realistic 2
(negative polarity).
We converted the results to fit our polarity scale.
Values below 3 were classified as negatives and above
as positives. Once again, we discarded the neutral val-
ues since our system assigns a positive/negative out-
put for each term. We notice however, that the number
of terms classified as neutral was significantly high
(around 40% of our sample). This experimental re-
sults suggest that an implementation of a neutral clas-
sification must be accounted in future work.
As it was already mention, there are two types of
automatic lexicon expansion methods: thesaurus and
corpus based. However (and although we consider
our approach to fit the corpus based category), our
system cannot be compared to any of those methods.
This is because traditional corpus based methods fo-
cus solely in one corpus and retrieve the sentiment
words of it. However, our proposed method, gener-
ates a corpus for each extracted term. Furthermore,
most of the state of the art approaches focus in re-
trieving opinion words classified majorly as adjectives
and verbs. Consequently, any term comparisons with
other methods is hard to achieve. Therefore, we com-
pare our results against a random baseline (achieved
with the best overall accuracy of 5 attempts) and a
majority baseline (which classifies all terms as the the
class who is more frequent). The results are presented
in Table 3.
Table 3: Comparison of results of our system (SR) against
a random baseline(Rbl) and a majority baseline (Mbl).
Prec.(%) Rec.(%) F1(%) Acc.(%)
Pos. Neg. Pos. Neg. Pos. Neg. Pos+Neg
SR 74.36 90.00 93.55 64.29 82.86 75.00 79.67
Rbl 65.71 66.67 74.19 57.14 69.70 61.54 66.10
Mbl 52.54 NA 100 0 68.89 NA 52.54
Experimental results show good overall accuracy
of 79.7%. A closer analysis on the predictions of the
system has revealed a particularly low performance
on political terms. This is presumably because sev-
eral of the used terms have a rather controversial sen-
timent. As an example we have ”abortion”, ”national
living wage”, and political candidates in US elec-
tions such as ”Donald Trump”, ”Hillary Clinton” or
”Bernie Sanders”. In the entertainment domain the
results are much better, missing solely in ”batman v
We are aware that our experiments involved a
small number of terms. However, since we are evalu-
ating time and domain specific terms, including more
terms in our analysis from extractions further back in
the past would not correspond to what we are trying
to assess. We also considered extending to more do-
mains but defining the ”ground truth” sentiment in
domains which have a narrowed scope could result
in more neutral classifications due to unfamiliarity of
the term to the workers.
In this work we have described a system for automat-
ically extracting the more relevant terms from seven
different domains and to classify their sentiment in
a positive/negative scale. Our proposal retrieves the
more frequent terms from news headlines using RSS
feeds from several news sources. We then query Twit-
ter with the same terms and infer their polarity using
the average sentiment classification obtained from the
sample of tweets.
Our experiments shown that the proposed term
extraction component is rather effective, achieving a
80% accuracy. Some of the limitations of our method
are due to the accuracy of the used NLP classifier that
lead to some noisy unigram terms. Future research
will try to explore more filters for a fine grain selec-
tion of unigrams in the different domains. Possible fil-
ters may include the use of different NLP classifiers to
determine the part of speech tags and use name entity
recognition techniques to infer terms that are refer-
ring to the same entity (e.g. ”Obama”and ”POTUS”).
We also plan to uncover the relations between the 1-
gram, 2-gram and 3-gram lists. For example, although
the terms ”april fools’”, ”fools’ day” and ”april fools
day” are expected to have similar polarity, the terms
”Syria” and ”Syria ceasefire” are not.
Our sentiment classifier also produced good re-
sults in detecting the polarity of tweets from several
different domains. Tests on labelled Twitter datasets
achieved an overall accuracy ranging from 61.8%
(GOP dataset) to 77.7% (APPLE dataset). Further-
more, when compared to other state of the art systems
for sentiment analysis, it was only surpassed by Sen-
tiStrength by a minimal 4% margin.
Lexicon Expansion System for Domain and Time Oriented Sentiment Analysis
The two preliminary evaluation experiments we
have described have provided strong evidence on
the validity of our approach. Experimental re-
sults using Crowdflower lead to an overall accuracy
of 79.67% with positive terms achieving better f1-
measure (82.86%) than the negative ones (75.00%).
In future work, we will use the results from our sys-
tem to complement and expand sentiment lexicons for
domain and time specific contexts. We intend to as-
sess if these lexicons can improve sentiment classi-
fication on dictionary-based approaches specifically
on short informal texts (like tweets or website com-
This work is supported by the ERDF European
Regional Development Fund through the COM-
PETE Programme (operational programme for com-
petitiveness) and by National Funds through the
FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Tech-
nology) within project Reminds/UTAP-ICDT/EEI-
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Lexicon Expansion System for Domain and Time Oriented Sentiment Analysis