OntoMetrics: Putting Metrics into Use for Ontology Evaluation
Birger Lantow
Institute of Computer Science, Rostock University, Albert-Einstein-Str. 22, 18051 Rostock, Germany
Ontology, Ontology Evaluation, Ontology Metrics, Ontology Quality.
Automatically calculated metrics are needed in order to evaluate ontology quality. Otherwise, major resources
are required in order to manually assess certain Quality Criteria of an ontology. While there is rule based
support for the detection modelling errors and the violation of ontology modelling guidelines, there is a lack
of support for calculating ontology metrics. However, metrics can serve as indicators for possible quality
problems that are not covered rule based ontology evaluation. Many metrics have been proposed that correlate
for example with ontology characteristics like Readability, Adaptability, and Reusability. However, there is
a lack of tool support. OntoMetrics provides free access to metric definition and calculation. Furthermore
it fosters the development of knowledge regarding the application of Ontology Metrics. This paper provides
theoretical background and usage scenarios for the OntoMetrics on-line platform.
Ontology evaluation is a task that has been subject
to research for years. A strong focus has been laid on
the selection of appropriate ontologies for reuse in on-
tology engineering. Considering existing ontologies
as sources for the construction of new ones is part of
accepted ontology engineering methods. Frenandez
et al. for example have an explicit integration-step
in their METHONTOLOGY approach (Fern
opez et al., 1997) . With the increasing number
of existing ontologies and thus an increasing num-
ber of candidates for reuse in a certain domain, auto-
mated evaluation of ontologies is required. Swoogle
as a search engine for ontologies calculates an ontol-
ogy rank for the order of the presented search results
(Ding et al., 2004). Additionally, swoogle calculates
some basic ontology-metrics that become part of the
available ontology meta-data. Besides the reuse as-
pect, ontology quality should be monitored through-
out the ontology life-cycle. This includes the creation
of ontologies but also their maintenance. Again, there
is a need for automated evaluation due to the com-
plexity of ontologies and knowledgebases. A majority
of the approaches suggests metric calculation in order
to assess ontology characteristics (examples in (Alani
et al., 2006; Burton-Jones et al., 2005; Gangemi et al.,
2005; Guarino and Welty, 2009; Lozano-Tello and
erez, 2004; Tartir et al., 2005)).
Existing Ontology Development Environments
like Prot
e provide only basic support for ontology
evaluation. Plug-ins for ontology evaluation that have
been developed are bound to a certain ontology editor.
This comes with some disadvantages: (a) the user is
forced to use the editor the plug-in is developed for,
(b) plug-ins tend to be outdated if new editor versions
evolve (see also (Poveda-Villal
on et al., 2012)), and
(c) discontinuation of editor development makes the
plug-in unavailable for use. Furthermore, a number
of approaches remained in the status of prototypes or
just proposals (e.g. (Gavrilova et al., 2012)). As a
consequence, approaches to metric-based automated
ontology evaluation are rarely available for empirical
evaluation and practical use. So far, web based so-
lutions seem to be the best at hand because of their
public availability and their independence from on-
tology development environments. The OntoMetrics
on-line platform has been developed as a consequence
of this discussion by:
1. Providing a freely accessible web-based platform
for ontology metric calculation.
2. Supporting a standardized ontology format (OWL
3. Collecting the theory behind the metrics and their
4. Providing machine-readable XML-output for fur-
ther analysis.
Lantow, B.
OntoMetrics: Putting Metrics into Use for Ontology Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006084601860191
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 186-191
ISBN: 978-989-758-203-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In the following, section 2 provides the theoreti-
cal background for OntoMetrics. The discussion de-
scribes the context in which OntoMetrics is intended
to be used, why the on-line platform is needed, and
what limitations can be expected. Section 3 describes
the current status of OntoMetrics and how it can be
used. Finally, the future development roadmap is
drawn in section 4.
As mentioned in the introduction, there are many ap-
proaches to automated ontology metric calculation.
Basically three aspects need to be covered in order
to provide valid metrics:
1. A theory must be developed that explains the cor-
relation of a proposed metric with the degree of
fulfilment with a relevant Ontology Quality Crite-
2. A (automated) measurement procedure must be
formulated for the proposed metric.(Gangemi
et al., 2005)
3. The theory must be (empirically) validated.
Hence, the proposed correlation between Ontol-
ogy Metric and Ontology Quality Criteria fulfil-
ment must be proven.
Sometimes the first step is omitted. However, the
last step is still an issue because of the small number
of cases or special domains used for validation. For
example, Gavrilova et al. (Gavrilova et al., 2012) as-
sess 10 ontologies with 3 experts and compare the ex-
perts ranks to calculated metrics. Alani et al. (Alani
et al., 2006) had 12 ontologies and 4 experts/users.
Fernandez at al. (Fern
andez et al., 2009) have 5 on-
tologies in their study. All studies are restricted to a
certain application domain each. The work of Lantow
and Sandkuhl (Lantow and Sandkuhl, 2015) considers
only a special type of ontologies Ontology Design
Patterns (ODP). Tartir et al. (Tartir et al., 2005) only
demonstrate that their metrics seem to be plausible
applied to a set of 3 ontologies.
In order to have a better validation of the proposed
metrics, the metrics calculation needs to be made
available, reproducible, and analysable. A platform
like OntoMetrics addresses these issues. However, as
mentioned in the introduction, ontology evaluation is
worthwhile throughout the ontology life-cycle. Thus,
different evaluation situations cause distinct quality
requirements and distinct base data for evaluation.
Furthermore, the way of metric calculation can differ
significantly. Ontology evaluation frameworks give
orientation here.
Pak and Zhou (Pak and Zhou, 2011) define five
dimensions in their framework for ontology evalua-
tion characterization: (I) Ontology Scope, (II) Ontol-
ogy Layers, (III) Ontology Life-cycle, (IV) Ontology
Quality Criteria (Principles), and (V) Ontology Eval-
uation Methods. Gavrilova et al. define in (Gavrilova
et al., 2012) 6 quite similar dimensions, which in ad-
dition include the nature of the analysis result (quan-
titative/qualitative) and the level of automation. How-
ever, in the case of OntoMetrics we only consider
fully automated methods that have quantitative re-
sults. Still, there is a broad variety of suggested eval-
uation methods and of those that may be developed in
future. Their suitability for integration in an on-line
platform like OntoMetrics depends on their charac-
teristics within the framework. The dimensions can
not be seen independently. For example, an Ontology
Evaluation Method is suitable for the assessment of a
certain Ontology Quality Criteria, and the relevance
of the criteria varies with the Ontology Scope.
In the following, these dependencies are described
taking possible dimension (I) Ontology Scope values
as a starting point. Typical general (IV) Ontology
Quality Criteria and (V) Evaluation Methods for the
scopes are named. Three aspects of ontologies can be
evaluated and thus set the scope (cf. (Pak and Zhou,
How Well Does the Ontology Represent the Real
World? Domain Scope. Pak and Zhou (Pak and
Zhou, 2011) name this aspect Domain Scope while
Hlomani and Stacey (Hlomani and Stacey, 2014) and
other authors speak of ontology correctness. Gener-
ally, data driven evaluation methods can be applied
here like presented by Alani et al. (Brewster et al.,
2004). These methods either use text corpora of
the represented domain or golden standard ontolo-
gies and compare the evaluated ontology to them.
Ontology Quality Criteria that are evaluated in the
Domain Scope (correctness of the ontology) are Ac-
curacy, Completeness, Conciseness, and Consistency
(Hlomani and Stacey, 2014).
What Is the Quality of the Ontology in Analogy to
Internal Software Quality Characteristics?– Con-
ceptual Scope. The second aspect for evaluation is
the internal quality of the ontology, it is called Con-
ceptual Scope (Pak and Zhou, 2011) or ontology qual-
ity(Hlomani and Stacey, 2014). Generally, ontology
structure based methods can be applied here. We di-
vide between schema metrics suggested for example
by Tartir et al. (Tartir et al., 2005) that consider the
OntoMetrics: Putting Metrics into Use for Ontology Evaluation
Figure 1: Ontology Layers and Scopes during Ontology Life-cycle.
special semantics of the ontology schema graph ele-
ments and graph-based metrics that calculate general
graph characteristics like size and breadth for the tax-
onomical part of the ontology (for example Gangemi
et al.(Gangemi et al., 2005)). Furthermore, Gangemi
et al. suggest metrics based on annotations within the
ontology. Ontology Quality Criteria that are evalu-
ated in the Conceptual Scope are for example Com-
putational Efficiency, Adaptability, Clarity (Hlomani
and Stacey, 2014), Reuseability (Lantow and Sand-
kuhl, 2015), and Readability (Tartir et al., 2005).
How Well Does the Ontology in Use as a Com-
ponent of an Ontology based Information System
(External Software Quality)? Application Scope.
The third aspect of evaluation is the external quality of
an ontology in conjunction with an information sys-
tem the Application Scope. Thus, the characteristics
of the used information system have an influence on
the on the measured quality. Task-based methods as
described by Porzel and Malaka (Porzel and Malaka,
2004) can be used here. Another possibility is the as-
sessment of usage statistics (Gavrilova et al., 2012).
However, little effort has been spent on the develop-
ment and validation of methods that evaluate ontolo-
gies within the Application Scope. A reason lies in
the effort of evaluating different ontologies for the use
within the same information system or vice versa to
evaluate the same ontology in different information
systems in order to exclude the information system’s
influence on the measurement. Nonetheless, moni-
toring changes in the metrics that are used to mea-
sure these criteria should provide information regard-
ing ontology maintenance. Ontology Quality Criteria
that can be evaluated in the Application Scope are Effi-
ciency, Effectivity, Accuracy and general Value (mea-
sured by Popularity).
So far, the dimensions (I) Ontology Scope, (IV)
Quality Criteria, and (V) Evaluation Method have
been discussed in conjunction. In the following the
dimensions (II) Ontology Layer and (III) Ontology
Life-Cycle are added. Generally, there is an agree-
ment on the phases of the ontology life-cycle: (1)
Specification, (2) Conceptualization, (3) Formaliza-
tion, (4) Integration, (5) Implementation, and (6)
Maintenance (taken from the MethOntology ontol-
ogy development method (Fern
opez et al.,
1997)). There are only differences in the granular-
ity (Gavrilova et al. name just 3 phases in (Gavrilova
et al., 2012)) and in the order of the phases (Noy
and McGuinnes put the integration/reuse at an earlier
stage (Noy et al., 2001)).
Each step within the ontology-lifecycle adds some
sub-artefact to the overall artefact ‘ontology’. Such
a sub-artefact is usually called an Ontology Layer
(Pak and Zhou, 2011) or level (Hlomani and Stacey,
2014). Gavrilova et al. (Gavrilova et al., 2012) just
call them objects to analyse. Figure 1 shows the com-
mon view on Ontology Layers and their creation dur-
ing the Ontology Life-cycle in conjunction with the
Ontology Scope and their relevance during the Ontol-
ogy Life-cycle. While the Vocabulary of an ontology
is defined during Conceptualization, formal Metadata
and ontology Taxonomy/Structure become available
for analysis during Formalization. With the Integra-
tion of other ontologies, the Context of the ontology is
set. Implementation then adds Population and the Ap-
plication within an information system that uses the
ontology. Operational data of the information system
becomes available when the system is in use and the
ontology is in the Maintenance phase.
Except for Operation and Application layer
(grayed in figure 1), data of all ontology layers is part
of the OWL 2 specification and thus can be evalu-
ated by an on-line platform like OntoMetrics. For the
Ontology Scope it is depicted, when they can be ad-
dressed in the ontology life-cycle and at which phases
they are most important (dark areas in figure 1).
Table 1 shows the accessibility of Ontology
Layers to the Evaluation Methods. A + marks com-
KEOD 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 1: Evaluation Methods and Ontology Layers.
binations if there are Evaluation Methods that calcu-
late metrics for the respective Ontology Layer. In the
case of a -, there is no support. Operation and Ap-
plication layers are not considered. Data Driven and
Golden Standard based methods rely on additional
data either provided by domain specific text cor-
pora or by domain specific best practice ontologies
(golden standard). In consequence, these methods
could be applied by a domain-specific non-universal
platform for ontology evaluation if there is an agree-
ment on appropriate text corpora or golden standard
ontologies. Vice versa, a platform like OntoMetrics
provides little coverage for the Domain Scope unless
the required additional data is accessible. Application
Scope is also poorly covered as stated before with re-
gards to the validation problem. Thus, the main focus
of OntoMetrics is on the Conceptual Scope and hence
on Conceptualisation, Formalization and Integration
phases of the ontology life-cycle.
3 OntoMetrics: STATUS AND
At its current state, the OntoMetrics platform has the
following functional areas:
A web-interface to upload OWL ontologies in
RDF-XML representation and to calculate a set
of Ontology Quality Metrics for them.
An XML-download of calculated Ontology Qual-
ity Metrics.
A wiki that explains the semantics and the calcu-
lation of the Ontology Quality Metrics.
Table 2 shows the metrics that can currently be cal-
culated using OntoMetrics in addition to the standard
OWL-API counting metrics. There are four general
types of metrics. Schema Metrics take the special
meaning of the OWL-Schema-definition constructs
into account for the calculation of metrics on the on-
tology structure. Graph Metrics are metrics that can
be generally applied to graphs (esp. trees). In the case
of ontology evaluation, they are calculated for the tax-
onomy tree of the ontology. Knowledgebase Metrics
do not only assess the type structure of an ontology
but also instances that populate the ontology. At last,
Class Metrics narrow the focus to single class evalua-
tion. The class metrics which have been adopted from
Tartir et al. (Tartir et al., 2005) cause a higher com-
putational effort. Thus, they can be excluded from
calculation if required.
For an explanation of the calculated metrics,
the reader can refer to the OntoMetrics-Wiki or to
the given sources in the table. Although mainly
two sources are given with Gangemi et al. (Aldo
Gangemi, Carola Catenacci, Massimiliano Ciaramita,
Jos Lehmann, ) and Tartir et al. (Tartir et al., 2005),
most of these metrics have also been proposed by
other authors or are basic graph metrics.
The table-head contains quality criteria as men-
tioned in section 2. For more comprehensive seman-
tics of the criteria, refer to (Pak and Zhou, 2011).
Those quality criteria have been selected, where a cor-
relation to the calculated metrics has been proposed in
the literature. Thus, for each of the quality criteria at
least one metric is available in conjunction with the
proposed direction of correlation. + means posi-
tive correlation and negative correlation. As ex-
pected from the previous discussion, quality criteria
that are relevant within the Domain and the Applica-
tion Scope are under-represented. Furthermore, the
Metric-Criteria-Matrix provided by table 2 is sparsely
filled. Some of the metrics have just been proposed
as an indicator for good ontology quality without ex-
plicitly naming Quality Criteria (e.g. in (Tartir et al.,
2005)). In consequence, there is a lot of room for
further research on ontology metrics. The following
usage scenarios in research and practice are seen for
the OntoMetrics platform:
1. Empirical validation of proposed correlations
between metrics and quality criteria regarding
strength and significance.
2. Determination of influences like the ontology us-
age context on these correlations.
3. Determination of of best practise metric profiles
and values for certain domains and usage con-
4. Analysis of Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
and Models formulated in these languages if an
OWL representation is available.
For example Archimate models from the En-
terprise Architecture Domain can be transformed
to OWL using the toolset provided by the Timbus
project: https://opensourceprojects.eu/p/timbus/context-
OntoMetrics: Putting Metrics into Use for Ontology Evaluation
5. Practical ontology quality assessment by calculat-
ing validated metrics.
6. Practical ontology quality assessment by monitor-
ing anomalies in calculated metric values.
7. Proposal and validation of new metrics and their
application by providing them on OntoMetrics.
8. Internal collection of evaluated ontologies for
later calculation and validation of new metrics or
theories regarding ontologies.
OntoMetrics supports these usage scenarios by pro-
viding easy, reliable and repeatable access to metric
calculation. The XML-Representation of the calcula-
tion can be used for further automated processing of
the results. Additionally, the wiki gives orientation re-
garding the application of already implemented met-
rics and also room for the discussion of new ideas.
Researchers are invited to contribute to the platform
with their own proposals of quality metrics. This can
be done by presenting a metric proposal for discus-
sion in the wiki or by providing an implementation
that can be included in the platform and thus would
be available for validation and use on a broad scale.
At its present state, OntoMetrics is a lightweight,
handy tool for comparable, metric based ontology
evaluation. In combination with the Quality-Metrics-
and-Criteria-Matrix (table 2) it can be used to assess
ontologies using already accepted and suggested met-
rics. The main focus lies on the Conceptual Scope.
However, Domain Scope and Application Scope are
partially covered as described in section 2. The wiki
provides information on the theoretical background
of the calculated metrics. For the future development
of the OntoMetrics platform three main directions are
Enhance the Knowledgebase of OntoMetrics.
The information in the wiki regarding the pro-
posed metrics is planned to be extended by addi-
tional sources, use case descriptions and systematiza-
tions. For example, the Quality-Metrics-and-Criteria-
Matrix (table 2) can be extended. Additionally, other
systematizations of ontology metrics compared to
Schema, Graph, Knowledgebase and Class Metrics
can be used. Sources for this additional knowledge
regarding ontology metrics are already existing and
new literature as well as validation and experience re-
ports based on metric calculation using OntoMetrics.
Furthermore, suggestions of new metrics are possible
within the wiki.
Table 2: Quality-Metrics-and-Criteria-Matrix.
Comp. Efficiency
Schema Metrics
Att. Richness
Inh. Richness
Rel. Richness
Att. Class Ratio
Equiv. Ratio
Axiom/Class Ratio
Inv. Rel. Ratio
Class/Rel. Ratio
Graph Metrics
Abs. root card. +
Abs. leaf card. +
Abs. sibling card.
Abs. depth -
Av. depth +
Max. depth +
Abs. breadth -
Av. breadth +
Max. breadth +
Leaf fan-out ratio
Sibl. fan-out ratio
Tangledness -
Total no. of paths
Av. no. of paths
Knowledgebase Metrics
Average Population +
Class Richness +
Class Metrics
Cl. connectivity
Cl. fulness
Cl. importance
Cl. inh. richness +
Cl. readability +
Cl. rel. richness +
Cl. children count +
Cl. instances count
Cl. properties count
(Gangemi et al., 2005),
(Tartir et al., 2005),
(Yao et al.,
(Lantow and Sandkuhl, 2015),
andez et al.,
Provide Additional Quality Metrics. New metrics
of the known types can be added using the provided
API. Furthermore, a support of data driven ontology
metrics calculation could be implemented by allow-
ing the upload of text corpora or supposedly golden
standard ontologies on the platform. Furthermore, a
WordNet integration in order to assess the clarity of
KEOD 2016 - 8th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
labels used in the ontology as suggested by Burton
Jones et al.(Burton-Jones et al., 2005) could be im-
Extend the Base Functionality of OntoMetrics.
In order to allow tool integration of OntoMetrics, a
Web-Service that provides metric calculation func-
tionality is planned. Furthermore, the presentation
and analysis of the resulting metric values can be im-
proved. For example, classes can be filtered or sorted
using criteria like class importance. Also, a special
treatment of imports and ontology modules would be
possible. Thus, a tool for the analysis of complex
ontologies would become available that might not be
used for ontology evaluation only, but also for explor-
ing ontology structures and deriving new theories re-
garding the evolution of ontologies.
OntoMetrics is open for contributions of new met-
ric suggestions and implementations as well as dis-
cussions of existing metrics.
Special thanks to Martin Lichtwark, Michael Poppe,
and Julian Heckmann for their efforts to make Onto-
Metrics available as an on-line platform.
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OntoMetrics: Putting Metrics into Use for Ontology Evaluation