The minimum value of RV coefficient was consid-
ered for better precision. On the view of those results,
it was observed that, for WC samples the similarity
with the global mean representation reaches 0.92 with
11 subjects; while for the R samples, it reaches 0.92
for 12 samples.
For the smartphone datasets, as for the WC and
R samples, the minimum RV coefficient values were
analyzed. Those values expressing the similarity be-
tween the global mean representation of 23 assessors
and maps obtained with a number of assessors com-
prises between 2 and 22.
In the table 2 it can be observed that with 10 sub-
jects, the RV coefficient reaches 0.92, so 10 is a min-
imum number of assessors.
In this paper we have used datasets collected for sen-
sorial analysis of materials. The questions solved are:
• how many subjects are necessary to realize a sig-
nificant experience
• how could we prove that this minimal number is
A methodology based on the use of a synthetic
value, in our case, the RV value, was described and
implemented. The method was applied on various
datasets and the obtained results proved the correct-
ness of our approach.
This methodology can be applied in other experi-
ences in the aim to optimize the sensorial map.
This work was supported by the LABEX
e de Lyon, within the program ”Investisse-
ments d’Avenir” (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) operated by
the French National Research Agency (ANR).
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