PSD-95 and synaptophysin at all time points
examined. These results suggest a greater capacity
of PGB50 compared to PLL and PDL to initiate and
support the local formation of synapses.
Studies carried out in the 1980s, addressing the
function of synaptogenic poly-cationic polymers,
found that simple beads coated with PLL had the
capacity to direct the formation of presynaptic
specializations in vitro and in vivo, but the synapses
formed did not persist, and within a few days in vivo
were displaced by an astrocytic scar (Burry, 1983,
1985). Although these findings supported the idea
that non-neuronal surfaces, when decorated with the
“correct” chemical signals could induce the forma-
tion of synaptic specializations, the short lifetime of
the synapses formed was fundamentally problematic
for translational applications. Here, we provide evi-
dence for enhanced synapse formation and stability
induced by the dendritic polyglycerol PGB50, a
highly stable non-protein molecular biomimic of
Our ongoing studies aim to enhance the function
and stability of synapses formed onto modified
synaptogenic surfaces in vivo, and develop
approaches to stimulate and record from these
surfaces. We aim to promote the formation of
adhesive contacts by axons and dendrites that will be
inherently more stable and better positioned to
record neuronal activity than is currently possible
using conventional electrodes. Our findings suggest
that the hemi-synaptic specializations formed onto
the dendritic polyglycerol surface will in turn induce
synapse formation by adjacent axons and dendrites,
resulting in the development of a dense local web of
synaptic connections surrounding the electrode.
Ultimately such an implant would achieve functional
integration into the neuronal network. We envision
that such implanted synaptogenic interfaces would
be broadly applicable to extend the function of the
injured or diseased human nervous system.
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Engineering a Stable Synaptogenic Extracellular Matrix