Syntactic-Semantic Extraction of Patterns Applied to the US and
European Patents Domain
Anabel Fraga, Juan Llorens, Eugenio Parra, Leticia Arroyo and Valentín Moreno
Computer Science Department, Carlos III of Madrid University, Av. Universidad 30, Leganés, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Indexing, Ontologies, Knowledge, Patterns, Reuse, Retrieval, Patents, US Patents, European Patents.
Abstract: Nowadays, there are many scientific inventions referring to any topic like medicine, technology, economics,
finance, banking, computer science, and so on. These inventions are suggested as patents to the agencies
working in US and Europe for the registration and revision of the patent applications. But, the job of
reviewing the patents might be complicated because every day the quantity of it is bigger and bigger. And
also, the amount of work dedicated writing a proper application might be intricate and needs several
revisions from investor and examiners. This revision job might have costs for the inventor because they
don’t know the proper language for writing the application in the formal mode used. As part of a solution,
one approach to minimize the impact of this fact and increase the success of the reviewing process is aid the
human reviewer and also inventors with a set of patterns created using Natural Language Processing
techniques that accelerate the review just looking in the massive set of registration any similar one already
patented and on the other hand aid the inventor writing in the formal manner the application.
The process for applying to an Intellectual Property
protection, as patents, might be complex and
reviewing your invention is really patentable must
be approved and check by an examiner. Also, the
language used to specify the invention in the
application is specific to this domain.
If it could be possible to extract a set of patterns
aiding the inventor and examiner in the process of
construction of the application and also reviewing if
the inventions could be already patented, the process
of patenting could be improved in two different
Christopher Manning states in his book that: “People
write and say lots of different things, but the way
people say things - even in drunken casual
conversation - has some structure and regulari-
ty.”(Manning, 1999)
The important aspect in here is to ask ourselves: how
do people write? Nowadays, researchers conduct
investigations using natural language processing
tools, generating indexing and semantic patterns that
help to understand the structure and relation of how
writers communicate through their papers.
This project will use a natural language processing
system which will analyze a corpus of patents
acquired from the open repository of the US patent
and European patent Agencies. The documents will
be processed by the system and will generate simple
and composed patterns. These patterns will give us
different results which we can analyze and conclude
the common aspects the documents have even
though they are created by different authors but are
related to the same topic. (Alonso et al., 2005) The
study uses as center of the study an ontology created
in a national founded project for Oncology and it has
been extended with general terms of public health.
The remainder of this paper is as follows: section 2
includes the state of the art and related work of the
main topics of research, section 3 includes the
summary of the methodology; section 4 summarizes
the results, and finally conclusions.
2.1 Information Reuse
Reuse in software engineering is present throughout
the project life cycle, from the conceptual level to
the definition and coding requirements. This concept
is feasible to improve the quality and optimization of
Fraga, A., Llorens, J., Parra, E., Arroyo, L. and Moreno, V.
Syntactic-Semantic Extraction of Patterns Applied to the US and European Patents Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0006098600360043
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Software Knowledge (SKY 2016), pages 36-43
ISBN: 978-989-758-202-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the project development, but it has difficulties in
standardization of components and combination of
features. Also, the software engineering discipline is
constantly changing and updating, which quickly
turns obsolete the reusable components (Llorens,
At the stage of system requirements reuse is
implemented in templates to manage knowledge in a
higher level of abstraction, providing advantages
over lower levels and improving the quality of the
project development. The patterns are fundamental
reuse components that identify common
characteristics between elements of a domain and
can be incorporated into models or defined
structures that can represent the knowledge in a
better way.
2.2 Natural Language Processing
The need for implementing Natural Language
Processing techniques arises in the field of the
human-machine interaction through many cases such
as text mining, information extraction, language
recognition, language translation, and text
generation, fields that requires a lexical, syntactic
and semantic analysis to be recognized by a
computer (Cowie et al., 2000). The natural language
processing consists of several stages which take into
account the different techniques of analysis and
classification supported by the current computer
systems (Dale, 2000).
1) Tokenization: The tokenization corresponds to
a previous step on the analysis of the natural
language processing, and its objective is to
demarcate words by their sequences of
characters grouped by their dependencies,
using separators such as spaces and
punctuation (Moreno, 2009). Tokens are items
that are standardized to improve their analysis
and to simplify ambiguities in vocabulary and
verbal tenses.
2) Lexical Analysis: Lexical analysis aims to
obtain standard tags for each word or token
through a study that identifies the turning of
vocabulary, such as gender, number and verbal
irregularities of the candidate words. An
efficient way to perform this analysis is by
using a finite automaton that takes a repository
of terms, relationships and equivalences
between terms to make a conversion of a token
to a standard format (Hopcroft et al., 1979).
There are several additional approaches that
use decision trees and unification of the
databases for the lexical analysis but this not
covered for this project implementation
(Trivino et al., 2000).
3) Syntactic Analysis: The goal of syntactic
analysis is to explain the syntactic relations of
texts to help a subsequent semantic
interpretation (Martí et al., 2002), and thus
using the relationships between terms in a
proper context for an adequate normalization
and standardization of terms. To incorporate
lexical and syntactic analysis, in this project
were used deductive techniques of
standardization of terms that convert texts from
a context defined by sentences through a
special function or finite automata.
4) Grammatical Tagging: Tagging is the process
of assigning grammatical categories to terms of
a text or corpus. Tags are defined into a
dictionary of standard terms linked to
grammatical categories (nouns, verbs, adverb,
etc.), so it is important to normalize the terms
before the tagging to avoid the use of non-
standard terms. The most common issues of
this process are about systems' poor
performance (based on large corpus size), the
identification of unknown terms for the
dictionary, and ambiguities of words (same
syntax but different meaning) (Weischedel et
al., 2006). Grammatical tagging is a key factor
in the identification and generation of semantic
index patterns, in where the patterns consist of
categories not the terms themselves. The
accuracy of this technique through the texts
depends on the completeness and richness of
the dictionary of grammatical tags.
5) Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis: Semantic
analysis aims to interpret the meaning of
expressions, after on the results of the lexical
and syntactic analysis. This analysis not only
considers the semantics of the analyzed term,
but also considers the semantics of the
contiguous terms within the same context.
Automatic generation of index patterns at this
stage and for this project does not consider the
pragmatic analysis.
2.3 RSHP Model
RSHP is a model of information representation
based on relationships that handles all types of
artifacts (models, texts, codes, databases, etc.) using
a same scheme. This model is used to store and link
generated pattern lists to subsequently analyze them
using specialized tools for knowledge representation
(Llorens et al., 2004). Within the Knowledge Reuse
Syntactic-Semantic Extraction of Patterns Applied to the US and European Patents Domain
Figure 1: RSHP information representation model. (Alonso et al., 2005).
Group at the University Carlos III of Madrid RSHP
model is used for projects relevant to natural
language processing. (Gomez-Perez et al., 2004)
(Thomason, 2012) (Amsler, 1981) (Fraga, 2010)
(Suarez et al., 2013). The information model is
presented in Figure 1.
The objective of this research is to perform the
extraction of syntactic-semantic patterns found
within documents on patents.
Patent documents are written by experts, therefore
we are saying that we will have very well written
documents and high quality grammatical.
When the investigation is complete, we have a list
sorted by frequency patterns (See Figure 2). We will
know the syntactic-semantic patterns that are most
used when writing a patent.
In addition to patterns, the most recurrent words are
known, we will identify the most common words in
the patterns documents.
Figure 2: Frequency of patterns.
The phases defined here are needed to meet the
PHASE 1: Search for patent sources where they can
download patents documents public and registered
in PDF format. The documents must be converted to
TXT format using pdf2txt. Pdf2txt is a program
available in internet.
PHASE 2: Download at least about 500 documents.
PHASE 3: Convert the PDF documents to TXT
using the pdf2txt program.
PHASE 4: Get WordNet dictionary to form the
ontology. This phase can be performed in parallel to
steps 1, 2 and 3.
PHASE 5: Manage the ontology with a software for
managing ontologies in the industrial domain,
KnowledgeMANAGER. Adding vocabulary obtained
in phase 4.
PHASE 6: Add the new ontology in BoilerPlates
, a tool for detecting patterns (Boilerplates in its
most initial form) in a set of documents.
PHASE 7: Define study scenarios and using
ontology created, generating patterns with the
BoilerPlates tool.
PHASE 8: TXT documents will be included one by
one on the BoilerPla tes tool, with this first step in
the tool will generate the basic patterns.
BoilerPlates Tool is a software developed in a PhD
Dissertation (Parra, 2016) in order to generate patterns
of text using Natural Language Processing solutions.
SKY 2016 - 7th International Workshop on Software Knowledge
PHASE 9: Representing one to one each scenario in
BoilerPlates tool and start pattern generation.
PHASE 10: Analyze the results obtained by
PHASE 11: Analyze and compare the results of all
In this work a syntactic-semantic analysis is
performed, of a sample of registered patents and
made public, through an ontology based on natural
language words.
To get a larger sample of patent documents to
analyze them, it has decided to use English as the
language of analysis. Therefore all patents that are
used in this investigation will be written in the
English language.
All patents are search in Internet and document must
be PDF formats.
It does not establish any particular subject, and not
any particular area of investigation, the investigation
developed here is valid for all subjects.
We have two samples of patents, on one hand
analyze documents of the United States Patent and
Trademark Office, we have 359 documents, and
secondly analyze documents of the European Patent
Office, we have 379 documents Europeans different.
The study will be made with over 700 patent
documents, all documents be analyzed with the
BoilerPlates tool.
The ontology that includes the boilerplates tool, will
be managed with the Knowle dgeMANAGER tool of
REUSE Company. The vocabulary will form the
ontology is providing by WordNet.
WordNet is used as a basis for the ontology of data
recovery, we will have a language general controlled
(not specialized by subject) and to language English.
Into the WordNet we obtain nouns, verbs, adjectives
and adverbs.
The investigation done here is interesting because
we discover how the pattern of professional experts
document their investigations, findings and studies.
Here art to documentation is analyzed, so important
it is to have an idea as important is knowing it
The patterns that are obtained in the investigation
may be useful in the future to guide the new
professionals in the time of writing or searching for
similar patents.
The Scenarios followed in the experiments are:
Scenario 1:
Sample USPTO (United States Patent and
Trademark Office) patents.
All grammatical categories available are used
Use a minimum frequency of 1 to create
Differentiate patterns by their semantics is
Scenario 2:
Sample USPTO patents.
Use all grammatical categories.
Use a minimum frequency of 1 to create
Differentiate patterns by their semantics is
Scenario 3:
Sample USPTO patents.
Use all grammatical categories.
Use a minimum frequency of 20 to create
Differentiate patterns by their semantics is
Scenario 4:
Sample EPO (European Patent Office) patents.
Use all grammatical categories.
Use a minimum frequency of 20 to create
Differentiate patterns by their semantics is
Scenario 5:
Sample USPTO patents
Use all grammatical categories.
Use a minimum frequency of 100 to create
Differentiate patterns by their semantics is
Scenario 6:
Sample EPO patents.
Use all grammatical categories.
Use a minimum frequency of 100 to create
Differentiate patterns by their semantics is
Scenario 7:
Sample USPTO patents.
Use all grammatical categories.
Use a minimum frequency of 100 to create
Differentiate patterns by their semantics is
Syntactic-Semantic Extraction of Patterns Applied to the US and European Patents Domain
Scenario 8:
Sample EPO patents
Use all grammatical categories.
Use a minimum frequency of 100 to create
Differentiate patterns by their semantics is
In addition to analyzing each scenario separately,
comparisons between 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8 pairs
were carried out to compare the two sources of
information used.
Comparative analysis - all in common scenarios will
also be made to draw general conclusions to all the
analyzed scenarios.
Basic patterns:
After the basic patterns were created, all the
sentences from the text documents were analyzed
and to each of the words (known in the database as
token text) a term tag or syntactic tag was assigned
with the help of the tables Rules Families and
Vocabulary in the Requirements Classification
You may find the most repeated words in the
domain of documents in the Basic patterns table.
The most repeated words in grammatical categories
such as nouns, verbs and nouns coming from the
ontology we used.
Figure 3: Basic pattern results. OEP Sample 1.
Figure 4: Basic pattern results. OEP Sample 2.
It can be seen that in both cases there is little
difference between the two samples , more number
of words in sample 1 than in sample 2, but not
shown in the percentage of appearance in each of the
grammatical categories.
Comparing the two results, we see that the number
of grammatical categories exceeding 1 % is the same
in both, but with slight differences. In USPTO items
are the third most repeated grammatical category,
while EPO are the numbers in this position. In the
latter, the repetition of basic patterns is not rated
much higher.
We see in the figure below the comparative
representation of the 17 most repeated grammatical
Figure 5: USPTO vs OEP.
Semantics is present within the basic patterns but in
a very limited way. We met a little more than
semantics within American samples.
In the next chart you can see the semantics that more
appears in both samples:
Figure 6: Basic patterns: Semantics.
The stage 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 are all made with
American patent documents.
SKY 2016 - 7th International Workshop on Software Knowledge
For the rest, we can conclude for the US shows the
following is true:
A higher minimum frequency , fewer patterns
A higher minimum frequency, the lower the
semantic obtained.
Differentiate by semantic patterns is a better
practice to know the real semantics being
used when writing sentences. Otherwise, for
the same pattern, which can adopt semantics
could be anyone.
Not differentiate by semantic results in
increased number of patterns, but with fewer
sub-patterns that form.
Scenarios 4, 6 and 8 are carried out with sample
documents of European patents.
We can conclude, for the European shows the
following is true:
A higher minimum frequency , fewer patterns
A higher minimum frequency, the lower the
semantic obtained.
Differentiate by semantic patterns is a better
practice to know the real semantics being
used when writing sentences. Otherwise, for
the same pattern, which can adopt semantics
could be anyone.
Not differ semantics resulting greater number
of patterns, and the number of sub patterns is
very similar.
After the analysis of the US patents documents and
European patents documents we can conclude the
The basic patterns obtained are independent of the
frequency and the selection of grammatical
categories in the boilerplates tool. All basic patterns
are common within the same sample.
In the boilerplates tool, the higher the minimum
frequency used, is less the number of patterns
obtained and is shorter the time necessary to obtain
Differentiation has been made by their semantic
patterns in the minimum frequencies of 1, 20 and
100 to US samples, and 20 and 100 for European
samples. For frequency 1 it has not been possible to
obtain results due to the high volume of information
that we have handled. More than 25 days after
running the tool, it has had to reject frequency 1 for
the study. About the other two frequencies, we can
say that the higher the frequency the number of
patterns obtained is less.
Patterns are calculated without differentiation of
semantics for the minimum frequencies of 1 and 100
with US sample. It is also calculated with the
European sample for the minimum frequency of
100, without differentiation patterns by their
semantics. It can be concluded that the same patterns
are obtained with different semantics.
With increasing frequency we lose patterns that have
longer decomposition. Because the number of
repetitions is less.
After using different frequencies to generate patterns
in boilerplates, we can say that the intermediate
frequency is what has given us the best results.
In both samples the unclassified words are very
The patterns obtained in all scenarios can assist the
writing for any user who need to write a patent.
After the investigation, with the knowledge obtained
now, we can give some recommendations to people
who will do a similar study in the future.
The ontology can be improved, the ontology has 73
grammatical categories to define their vocabulary.
For this project has not been completed because all
the most important words are covered. The pending
grammar to define are the type of punctuation, dates,
email, arithmetic symbols, acronyms, etc. The
undefined categories are shown in Table 8.
For future projects, scenarios of using a minimum
frequency of 100 can be applied to search which is
the minimum frequency that will create zero
It is possible create a new analysis with minimum
frequency greater than 100, because we obtained
patterns where their repetition frequency is greater
than 100. But before begin studies with a higher
minimum frequency, we recommend you should not
consider words that do not correspond to a grammar
of the ontology.
After ending all scenarios and analyzing results, we
can conclude that authors writing papers about a
same topic (in this case, genetic engineering) have
similarity in how they write. They use a similar
vocabulary and appropriate terms which makes the
reading easier. Some additional enterprises need
observation and intelligence.
After the analysis of documents of US patents and
European patents we can conclude the following:
The basic patterns obtained are independent
of the frequency and the selection of
grammatical categories in the boilerplates
tool. All basic patterns are common within
the same sample.
Syntactic-Semantic Extraction of Patterns Applied to the US and European Patents Domain
The higher the frequency used in the
boilerplates tool, the smaller the number of
patterns obtained and less time needed to
obtain them.
Differentiation has been made by their
semantic patterns in the minimum
frequencies of 1, 20 and 100 for American
samples, and 20 and 100 for European
samples. To frequency 1 it has not been
possible to obtain results due to the large
volume of information we have handled.
After more than 25 days running the tool, it
has had to dismiss frequency 1 for the study.
On the other two frequencies, we can say that
the higher the frequency the number of
patterns obtained is lower.
Patterns are calculated without differentiation
of semantics for the minimum frequencies of
1 to 100 with American shows. It is also
estimated with the European sample for the
minimum rate of 100, without differentiation
patterns by their semantics. It can be
concluded that the same patterns are obtained
with different semantics.
By increasing the frequency lose patterns that
have greater depth of decomposition. Since
your number of repetitions is less.
After using different frequencies to generate
patterns in boilerplates, we can say that the
intermediate frequency is what has given us
better results.
In both samples not rated names is very
The patterns obtained in all scenarios may be
of assistance to those who need to write a
After the investigation, with the knowledge now
acquired, we can give some recommendations who
faces a future in a similar study.
The ontology can be improved, it has 73
labels for outstanding grammatical categories
to define their vocabulary. For this project
has not been completed because all the most
important words are covered. The slopes are
grammars to define the type of punctuation,
dates, email, arithmetic symbols, acronyms,
etc. These categories may be undefined in
Table 8.
There have been many token which are
classified under the label "UNCLASSIFIED
NOUN". For these cases we see three action
o Or they could analyze them and give them
all a grammatical category if possible, so
finding patterns would be more accurate.
o If it is not possible to assign a particular
category, you have to look at the
possibility of eliminating all words and
symbols are not classifiable.
o When generating patterns with
boilerplates tool not consider the label
The documents have been used in this
analysis can be improved by converting PDF
to TXT performed in this process has been
lost information. Documents with images are
those that have lost more information.
It is possible to perform the analysis when frequency
is greater than 100, since we obtained patterns where
the repetition frequency is greater than 100. But
before studies with higher minimum frequency, it is
recommended not to consider if the terms do not
correspond to a grammar of the ontology.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the european union’s seventh
framework program (fp7/2007-2013) for crystal
critical system engineering acceleration joint
undertaking under grant agreement 332830 and
from specific national programs and / or funding
Also, the research leading to this paper has
received funding from the AMASS project (H2020-
ECSEL grant agreement no 692474; Spain’s
MINECO ref. PCIN-2015-262).
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