Characteristics of Enterprise Architecture Analyses
Julia Rauscher, Melanie Langermeier and Bernhard Bauer
Software Methodologies for Distributed Systems, University Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
{rauscher, langermeier, bauer}
Enterprise Architecture, Analysis, EA Analysis, Categorization, DSL.
Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) deals with the assessment and development of business processes
and IT landscape of an organization. Analyses are an important mean in the EAM process. They support the
understanding of the architecture and evaluate the current situation as well as possible future ones. In current
literature exists various different approaches to EA analyses. Each pursues different goals and utilizes different
techniques. We evaluated current literature about EA analyses and identified possible categories. Therefore
we define requirements for an EA analysis and utilize them for a classification of the various approaches.
We propose a two-dimensional classification approach. Technical categories cluster analyses according their
procedure and utilized techniques. Functional categories cluster analyses according to their goals and outcome.
To validate our categorization and the analysis requirements we develop a domain specific language, which is
used to formalize the existing analysis approaches from literature.
Analyses are one of the most important artifacts
integrated in Enterprise Architecture Management
(EAM) and are indispensable in the EAM cycle. The
EA process contains five phases (Niemann, 2006):
Document, Analyze, Plan, Act and Check. Thus,
analysis is an essential part in order to create and im-
plement future plans. It supports decision making
through an evaluation of the current architecture as
well as potential future scenarios (Sasa and Krisper,
2011). The result of analysis and planning actions
is finally the creation of a target architecture. Those
actions enable also planning, acting, controlling and
documenting through all layers.
The creation of an Enterprise Architecture (EA)
model is time and cost consuming. Therefore, sup-
port for decision making and planning generates value
and increases the acceptance of the EA initiative in an
organization (Lankhorst, 2013). Thus, analysis sup-
port is essential in order to generate value from an
EA model. The execution of an analysis decomposes
the analyzed object in its components. Those single
elements are examined and evaluated as well as the
relationships and interactions between them. Apply-
ing existing analysis on established models is expen-
sive, since the corresponding meta models typically
require some adaptions (Langermeier et al., 2014).
This makes reuse of existing solutions and research
findings hard.
In current literature a great variety of differ-
ent analysis possibilities are described. They rely
on different technologies, like probability networks
arman et al., 2008), ontologies (Sunkle et al., 2013)
or expert interviews (Kazienko et al., 2011), have dif-
ferent preconditions and provide different kind of re-
sults. E.g. preconditions can be required properties
for model elements or specific data structures. Typi-
cal results are quantitative ones like an overall metric
for the architecture, measures for specific architecture
elements, but also a determined set of elements. Ev-
ery analysis supports a different goal and thus, for a
sound evaluation of the architecture different kinds of
analyses are required.
In this paper we want to provide a categoriza-
tion of existing EA analyses from literature. The
main goal of the categorization is to create a possi-
bility to conduct analyses organized and controlled,
to create new analyses and to choose the best suited
analysis depending on the goal and requested tech-
nique. We study existing analyses regarding their re-
quirements for execution and their provided result.
This provides us a sound overview of analysis ap-
proaches in the context of EA and of the issues they
address. Based on the identified similarities we estab-
lish a categorization of the approaches. Once accord-
ing to their functional dimension, and once according
to their technical dimension. The resulting categories
with their characteristics are evaluated through the es-
tablishment of a Domain Specific Language (DSL).
Rauscher J., Langermeier M. and Bauer B.
Characteristics of Enterprise Architecture Analyses.
DOI: 10.5220/0006222701040113
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2016), pages 104-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-190-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This allows us to formalize them and validate their
correctness by modeling existing analyses. Addition-
ally such a language allows us to make the require-
ments of an analysis visible in a structural way. The
calculated outcome as well as the preconditions in or-
der to execute the analysis are easily accessible.
The remaining paper is structured as followed.
First we introduce foundations of EA analysis (sec-
tion 2). Following we present in section 3 our ap-
proach for determining the analysis categories. The
categories itself are also presented shortly with their
main characteristics. The DSL to describe the anal-
yses is introduced in section 4.1. Its application is
shown exemplary for one category. Finally we dis-
cuss the categorization and the DSL (section 4.2).
Architectures are used to describe the elements of a
system and the relationships between them. The term
also comprises the process of creation and mainte-
nance, the architecture work (Lankhorst, 2013). Of-
ten used layers are the strategic layer to represent
the organization’s strategy with its goals, the business
layer describing the business processes and products,
the information layer with the information objects,
and the application layer as well as the infrastructure
layer describing the Soft- and Hardware components
(Lankhorst, 2013; Winter and Fischer, 2006). Despite
the examination of different layers the focus of an EA
are the dependencies between layers, i.e. how busi-
ness and IT relate to each other. Layers are dependent
according to the Align-Enable-Principle. The lower
layers are the foundation for the upper ones, and the
upper ones adjust the lower ones (Winter and Fischer,
2006; Krcmar, 2015).
The main reasons of analyzing EA is to receive
an overview of the whole architecture, its compo-
nents and connections, and to analyze the as-is state
(Langermeier et al., 2014). Furthermore weak points
can be revealed, new advantages be discovered and
various design alternatives be evaluated (Zia et al.,
2011). The result of analysis activities is the devel-
opment of a to-be architecture as well as improved
decision making. The focus of every analysis de-
pends on the analysis type. Additional the questions
of what is feasible and what is desirable are crucial
(Johnson et al., 2007). The process of analysis can be
segmented in different phases and activities (Wan and
Carlsson, 2012). We used the parts “system thinking”,
“modeling”, ”measuring”, “satisfying”, “comparing
with requirements” and “comparing alternatives” in
this work to identify characteristics of analysis cate-
To receive a basis for our work we conducted a de-
tailed literature research (Rauscher, 2013; Rauscher,
2015). We exclusively chose analyses, which purely
analyze EA and are not transferred from other topics.
Hereof a pure EA analysis has the focus on collect-
ing data and discovering the current state of an enter-
prise architecture in a quantitative or functional way
to create a summary, alter the state or control differ-
ent aspects. The goal of this selection was to create
an overview of current EAM analyses and to receive
approaches utilizable for a categorization (e.g. Della
Bordella et al., 2011; Johnson et al., 2007; Razavi et
al., 2011). We identified 105 EAM analyses which
are roughly grouped into 40 EA analysis types in pre-
vious work (Rauscher, 2013). An analysis type de-
scribes analyses which have the same rough scope
and are built independent on the realization method.
The goals of contained analyses can differ signifi-
cant. Examples of these types are ‘Quality Analysis’
arman et al., 2008), Requirements Analysis’ (Aier
et al., 2009) and Analysis of Costs’ (Niemann, 2006).
The different types of analyses which have been dis-
covered in the literature research can be treated as a
first categorization. However this categorization only
makes raw statements about the rough purpose of the
contained analyses. Although analysis of the same
analysis type have the same field of interest their indi-
vidual goals and implementations can differ. It’s not
detailed enough to derive characteristics and the cov-
ered analyses don’t have to share them. Quality anal-
yses, for example, can be conducted in various ways
and can target different goals from quality of a whole
system to maturity quality of a single artifact.
The huge amount of different approaches clarifies im-
portance of EA analyses and coherence of a success-
ful architecture. To ease the usage of analysis and
get an understanding about current work we catego-
rized them according their characteristics. We define
characteristics of an EA analysis as all necessary steps
and components of an analysis to accomplish its goal.
The characteristics are a main part of the categoriza-
tion because they are guaranteeing the accuracy of the
conducted analysis and the achievement of the target.
Figure 1 gives an overview over the categorization ap-
proach, which is described in detail in sub-section 3.1.
The resulting categories are presented in sub-sections
3.3 and 3.4.
Characteristics of Enterprise Architecture Analyses
Figure 1: Categorization approach
3.1 Categorization Approach
Preliminary work for the categorization includes the
definition of a general understanding of an analy-
sis to determine a general purpose construct. We
could identify three main constructs of an EA anal-
ysis, which are used as foundation for the categoriza-
tion and determination of characteristics. These are
data intake, processing and outcome. Other parts vary
per analysis. Based on these parts we determine the
meaning and boundaries of a category: Analyses can
be merged to a category if at least one of the three
parts given above is similar. In an optimal condition
all parts are equal, but this condition is usually not
given. Therefore we classify different analyses to the
same category if they have at least the same target or
same processing technique.
After defining our basis we conduct literature re-
search of current EA analysis (procedure see section
2). We determined the construct for each of the iden-
tified EA analysis approaches. Thereby we ensured
that only paper with a high elaboration level are used.
Because of missing details it’s not possible to analyze
rough approaches and to identify their construct and
characteristics. For elaborated analyses with less de-
tailed parts, we made necessary assumptions. In the
case that an EA analysis approach is realized using
another non-EA related analysis approach, this non-
EA analysis is included too. This proceeding ensures
the construction of a data basis with categorize-able
analyses according to the general construct of intake,
processing and outcome.
Based on the experiences made while identifying
the construct of the EA analysis we can refine our
categorization approach. Considering different exist-
ing kinds of categorization (Lankhorst, 2013; Buckl
et al., 2009b) we conducted our approach with two
main fields of categories: functional and technical.
This decision brought the most advantages in com-
parison with other approaches because of the division
in “How” (technical aspects) and “Why” (functional
purpose). The additional distinction in architecture
levels is not included in our approach because a plain
allocation wouldn’t be possible. Most analyses can be
conducted in many levels or can only be performed by
involving other levels. Through the new and detailed
knowledge from the first evaluation of EA analysis
constructs we introduce characteristics to ensure ac-
curacy. As only properties and steps can show the
components responsible for classification, we used
these characteristic kinds to analyze the approaches
again to receive detailed information of their single
After this step the final categorization of the anal-
yses was received based on our main idea of dis-
tinction between functional and technical. The busi-
ness functions of every analysis are determined based
on the concepts purpose dependent division (‘Fun-
damental”, “Main” and “Decision-oriented”) and ac-
tivity dependent division (“System thinking”, “Mod-
eling”, “Measuring”, “Satisfying”, “Comparing with
requirements” and “Comparing alternatives”) (Wan
and Carlsson, 2012). We used these concepts to an-
alyze the identified analysis approaches according to
their goals and activities. Thereby the functional cate-
gories have been determined by using a prepared tem-
plate of aspects. This template consists of the analy-
sis activities, the intermediate objectives and the main
goal. After analyzing all approaches we identified
10 categories from classifying the various analyses
goals. Attention should be paid to the fact of multiple
classification. For example, a security analysis is able
to analyze dependencies and requirements and there-
fore can be assigned to both functional categories.
After we completed the functional classification,
we conducted the technical categories. This proce-
dure was more detailed and complex because of the
large variety of existing methods in EA analysis. Only
analyses with the same method and same steps of
goal attainment can form a technical category. This
constraint is necessary to enable discovery of shared
characteristics. The already mentioned template was
altered for creating technical categories. The new fo-
cus lies on the constructs, methods, techniques (in-
cluding single steps) and artifacts. First, rough techni-
cal categories have been determined based on the di-
mensions ”quantitative”, ”analytic”, ”simulation” and
”functional” (Lankhorst, 2013). After this prestage
detailed categories were created. Each identified anal-
ysis approach passed through this procedure. In con-
trast to functional categories every analysis was as-
signed to one specific technical category. As final re-
sult we concluded with 17 technical categories.
Altogether 105 analysis approaches fulfilled our
Sixth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
criteria and have been incorporated. Only 9 of them
couldn’t be classified. These ones were to specific and
individual to create a category. For each analysis we
identified exactly one technical category and at least
one functional category. To create an overview of
all possible combinations of categories three matrices
were created. Two matrices represent the combination
of the analysis approaches and the categories. Here
we have to mention the features of both tables. The
functional matrix has more possible combinations be-
cause analyses can achieve more targets simultane-
ously. However the technical matrix has only one
combination per analysis. For example, N
arman et al.
(2008) is assigned to the functional categories System
Analyses, Attribute Analyses and Quality Analy-
ses and to the technical one Bayesian Networks. To
provide an overview of the functional and technical
combinations both matrices have been joint which re-
sulted in a shared matrix (see figure 2). Thus, we get
an overview of the realization techniques of a func-
tional category and also the other way round for anal-
yses and their used techniques. In the table an “x”
represents that there is at least one analysis in cur-
rent literature that was matched to both categories, the
functional and the technical one.
3.2 Identification of Characteristics
As only properties and steps can show the com-
ponents responsible for classification, we introduce
characteristics to ensure accuracy. We define a char-
acteristic as requirement, since an analysis can only
be conducted target-aimed with all indispensable ar-
tifacts. Requirements support the achievement of
goals and are used to identify hidden characteristics
(Van Lamsweerde, 2001). Whereas properties can
differ significantly, on some spots we had to choose
the most elaborated one or to create a higher abstrac-
tion level. There are two types of characteristics: cat-
egory specific ones and general characteristics. The
second type includes a meta model and scenarios, de-
termined at the beginning of an analysis. Another uni-
versal characteristic is the main goal. These charac-
teristics have to be conducted for all analyses. To-
gether they provide a high level of abstraction.
For the specific characteristics we distinguished
five different kinds. The conducted kinds of charac-
teristics are important for the identification of prop-
erties from technical analyses. Whereas functional
categories have rough properties, technical categories
have similar structure. We identified the following
kind of characteristics: Input, Conditions, Construct,
Measurement, and Output. The basis of an analysis
is always represented in terms of Input data. In every
case an architecture or scenarios, in form of an model,
are needed to conduct the following steps and final
measurements. Before the main part of an analysis
can be performed, sometimes Conditions are needed.
For example the possibility of succeeding must be
given. Most of the Conditions are analysis indepen-
dent and therefore can be seen as generally valid. The
main part and procedure of an analysis is the Con-
struct, containing all details of the procedure. It’s re-
quired to conduct all details successfully to be able to
finish the analysis. Examples are detailed steps, math-
ematical algorithms, relationship types and weighting
of artifacts. To prove and measure the results and de-
velopment, every analysis needs some kind of Mea-
surement. This characteristic is responsible to wit-
ness the achievement of goals. Most of time a Mea-
surement is proceed with scales, KPIs and metrics to
control functional and non-functional goals (Davis,
1989). This characteristic can vary dependent on the
analysis and its goals. As last characteristic kind the
Output was identified. It includes the way of presen-
tation and type of outcome such as percentage, graph-
ics or matrices. This category is crucial because anal-
yses within the same category should have the same
Output. We used these characteristic kinds to analyze
the approaches again to receive detailed information.
Through the new and detailed knowledge we had to
rearrange the analysis categories on necessary points.
New identified characteristics have been verified on
correctness and necessity. After this step the final cat-
egorization of the analyses was received.
3.3 Functional Categorization
In the following we present the categories of the func-
tional classification. Therefore we will list them com-
bined with an example of a contained analysis ap-
proach. The assignment of all identified analyses to
the categories can be found in (Rauscher, 2015). Sys-
tem Analyses (e.g. (N
arman et al., 2008)) check par-
tial or holistic systems. Mostly time quality aspects
and their optimizations are in the main focus. Analy-
ses which are contained in this category are often also
part of other functional categories because of pos-
sible sub-goals. Specific attributes and their values
are analyzed by Attribute Analyses (e.g. (Razavi
et al., 2011)). The observation and management of
attributes is the focus such approaches. For instance
the different states of attributes with changing input
can be analyzed. Analyses which prove dependent
connections are classified as Dependencies Analy-
ses (e.g. (Saat, 2010)). The main goal of these
approaches is the identification of dependencies in
EAs and connections of single components to receive
Characteristics of Enterprise Architecture Analyses
Figure 2: Dependency matrix of the functional and technical categories.
an understanding of the whole architecture. Qual-
ity Analyses have the main focus on various qual-
ity questions regarding attributes, systems, architec-
tures and other components and target subjective and
measurable goals (e.g. (N
arman et al., 2008)). This
category is based on ISO 9126 and analyzes, for in-
stance, maintainability, maturity and interoperability.
Another category represents the analysis of architec-
ture design (Design Analyses), examples are (Aier
et al., 2011; Kazienko et al., 2011). Through re-
ceiving an overview on the architecture construct all
possibilities of designs can be identified. Beside the
analysis of holistic or partial design, business entities,
procedures and components can be analyzed and used
to optimize the architecture. All approaches which
control impacts in architectures and actions are joint
in Effect Analyses (e.g. (de Boer et al., 2005)). In
contrast to Dependencies Analyses these approaches
observe the direct impact and effects of changes in
architecture elements. Requirements Analyses tar-
get all possible requirements to achieve states or goals
(e.g. (Aier et al., 2009)). To accomplish special goals,
different requirements are needed. Results are either
specified values or features and entities. To iden-
tify costs and benefits Financial Analyses are used
(e.g. (Niemann, 2006)). On top financial weak points
and possible impacts can be discovered. These analy-
ses present a measurement with mathematical calcu-
lations. Therefore key figures and metrics are able to
evaluate outcomes. However receiving affected enti-
ties is a side effect of the results. Consequently Fi-
nancial Analyses observe too high costs or uncer-
tainty and hence are an indicator of necessary archi-
tecture and procedure changes. However Data Anal-
yses cover all kinds of data (e.g. (N
arman et al.,
2009)). The focus lies on quality and accuracy, be-
cause data are crucial for successful EA operations.
Finally the category Business Object Analyses was
identified (e.g. (Della Bordella et al., 2011)). Busi-
ness objects of every kind, e.g. operations, artifacts
and entities, which are part of architecture procedures
and construct are addressed here.
3.4 Technical Categories
In the following we describe the 17 technical cate-
gories. For the description we chose the most impor-
tant and marked characteristic kinds (see section 3.2).
Since nearly all technical categories require an archi-
tecture model, scenarios and goals as Input we won’t
mention it below. The first technical category rep-
resent analyses conducted with Bayesian Networks
(e.g. (N
arman et al., 2008)). Analyses of this cate-
gory use this technique to analyze the quality. It is
reused in other analyses as part of their procedures,
e.g. PRM analyses. Firstly a model with Bayesian
Networks is built in the main Construct, including all
nodes and connections of the architecture. A node
represents a variable with a conditional probability
distribution. Therefore in the next step probabili-
ties of attributes and the whole model can be cal-
culated while creating matrices with discrete ranges.
In conclusion this category has probability values as
Output and can answer questions about the probabil-
ity of an attribute’s status. Business Entities are a
method to receive artifacts and analyze quality (e.g.
(Della Bordella et al., 2011)). As Input and Con-
ditions the goal type, strategies and quality features
Sixth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
must be determined. First step of the Construct de-
tects advantages, operations and elements of strate-
gies. As a second step, influencer and strategies are
combined to observe the goals. For measurement the
goal is quantified and evaluated. The Output contains
valued strategies, quality values and identified oper-
ations and entities. Probabilistic Relational Models
(PRM) contains 14 analyses and is therewith the most
used technique (e.g. (Buschle et al., 2011)). For in-
stance dependency and quality analyses can be con-
ducted with PRM. Conditions require determinable
goals and controllable attributes. As a prestep of the
Construct connections are defined and uncertainties
are formalized. Hereafter the PRM is used to calcu-
late the conditional probability of all scenarios and of
the dependencies and attributes. Therefore percent-
age of attributes, scenarios and uncertainty are in the
Output. Social Network analyses differ deeply from
the other categories (e.g. (Kazienko et al., 2011)). To
conduct the analysis questionnaires and all available
documents, like bills and connections are used. For
the Input all available nodes (= entities) and connec-
tions are required. As Construct clusters are built and
properties can be checked. Additional new entities
and connections are found. For the Measurement a
matrix with entities and factors is created for quanti-
tative evaluation with factors or for identification of
weak points. An overview of the whole architecture
construct and its entities and connections on a social
basis is found in the Output. Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP) can be used for analyzing attributes
and quality aspects and is one of the most elaborated
EA analysis techniques (e.g. (Razavi et al., 2011)).
Conditions are experts knowledge used for weigh-
ing as well as definable quality attributes and level of
success. The Construct determines quality attributes,
their criteria, subcriteria, layers and level of impor-
tance. To evaluate the attributes, criteria and layers
pairwise comparisons are conducted by experts. For
every part which passes the comparison process a pri-
oritized vector is created. Afterwards the same pro-
ceeding is conducted for all scenarios. This results
in an Output with prioritized lists of quality attributes
and scenarios to determine the best scenario depen-
dent on the attribute. The method of Time Evalu-
ation (e.g. (Lankhorst, 2013)) calculates times and
observes the quality of business entities and opera-
tions. As additional information the trigger and ar-
rival times are required for the Input. Rules (Con-
dition) are necessary to cut the architecture in views
and receive ve perspectives with single time mea-
surements. In this category Construct and Measure-
ment are combined. Within the views the specific
times are calculated. Examples are ‘Costumer View’
and ‘Process View’ with ‘Processing Time’ and ‘Re-
sponse Time’. In a last step, all calculated times are
summed up to a total time. Trees are used to ana-
lyze and identify dependencies, coherences and qual-
ity features. The Output of those analyses delivers the
probability of an occurring failure or specific qual-
ity, depending on the purpose. In the beginning of
the Construct the goals, entities and relations are de-
fined. Afterwards a fault tree is built using Bayesian
Networks, containing all steps or events required for
the procedure of operation. For every component of
this tree a conditional probability matrix is created to
receive the probability of failures or quality property
arman et al., 2011). The usage of KPI (Key Perfor-
mance Indicator) is used in most analyses with quan-
titative measurement. Because of the high variety of
contained analyses, a high level of abstraction was
used. The goal has to be definable definite, measur-
able, agreed, realistic and time-bound. The Construct
starts with identifying all artifacts which should be an-
alyzed and determining the matching KPIs. The anal-
ysis evaluates the artifacts and compares the values
with metrics for Measurement. The result can present
achieved goals, unsatisfied quality issues and the fi-
nancial situation (Niemann, 2006). Comparison is
a simple but powerful method (e.g. (de Boer et al.,
2005)). Next to whole alternatives, also single sce-
narios, processes, attributes and dependencies can be
compared to against each other. To choose the best
option, the as-is and to-be state should exist. As first
step of the Construct a model is created containing all
components which should be analyzed. Afterwards
the models are compared with a previous state or with
another alternative. On this way all possible states
can be observed and the best alternative to achieve
the goals is identified. The technique Views is often
only a part of another analysis. However we iden-
tified analyses having highly elaborated approaches
with the main focus on views (e.g. (Sasa and Krisper,
2011)). For instance views analyze effects and re-
quirements. Therefore criteria and their desirable per-
spective have to be specified. After this the views
can be built with all required components. A definite
Measurement is not contained in this category. How-
ever, views can be evaluated with criteria to observe
whether the view can achieve its goals, for example
the processing time. A less popular methodology is
the observation of Lifecycle (e.g. (Saat, 2010; Aier
et al., 2009)). These analyses ascertain requirements
and dependencies through consideration of architec-
ture phases. In this way changes are identified and
it’s possible to determine whether an artifact presents
a specific state at an specific time. To conduct this,
lifecycle phases, attributes, times and states are nec-
Characteristics of Enterprise Architecture Analyses
essary as Input. The analysis Construct displays the
cycle on analyzed areas. Afterwards for every product
the state is checked at a special point. For Measure-
ment probabilities are calculated. These results, with
the changed cycle are displayed in the Output. On-
tology is a typical technique of EAM, however un-
common in analysis (e.g. (Sunkle et al., 2013)). A
special meta model created with ontologies and on-
tology rules is required for the Input and Conditions.
The Construct analyzes entities, resources, persons
and products, determines the ontology of entities and
defines connection types. Afterwards dependencies,
viewpoints and special factors can be evaluated for the
outcome. EID (Extended Influence Diagrams) are the
third most used technique to conduct analysis in EA
(e.g. (Johnson et al., 2007)). Possible results can be
statements about maintainability, security and avail-
ability. Therefore systems, attributes, quality, impacts
and data are analyzed. As Condition it has to be en-
sured that all contained components are able to be
built with EID. Afterwards all scenarios, goals and en-
tities are represented as EID nodes and connections.
For Measurement Bayesian Networks are used to cal-
culate the probabilities of attributes. Thus it’s possi-
ble to analyze dependencies by inferring changes and
altered values. Another identified technique is the us-
age of a Matrices (e.g. (Szyszka, 2009)). Matrices
can be used in various ways, mostly they are utilized
to present results. Therefore dimensions and the kind
of measurement are determined in order to built and
evaluate the matrix. The results can vary from quan-
titative outcomes to weak points, redundant artifacts
and functional dependencies. Analyses joint in the
category Design are only able to observe architecture
design in a specific way (e.g. (Aier et al., 2011)).
As Condition factors and expert knowledge is needed.
In the main Construct items and data are determined,
factors are checked with questionnaires and a cluster
analysis is conducted. As Measurement a matrix of
items and factors is built and evaluated. The results of
the evaluation represent the Output. For the identifica-
tion of Weak Points (e.g. (Xie et al., 2008)) and their
costs the following procedure can be used. Resources
are needed to create a matrix of workflows, resources
and their availabilities. This matrix is filled with con-
nections and their values and is the basis for availabil-
ity calculations. Whenever the availability is higher as
the respective requirement, the condition is fulfilled.
In addition it’s possible to weight resources and re-
ceive alternatives with higher availability. The last
technical category contains analyses with Structural
procedure (e.g. (Buckl et al., 2009a)). This analysis
tries to observe design through displaying obstacles
of different architecture versions. Therefore a docu-
mentation is needed as Condition and the main part
of analysis consist of an observation of changes. The
Output type is unique and represents potential obsta-
cles caused by different versions.
The identified requirements for the 10 functional cat-
egories and the 17 technical categories are formalized
using a domain specific language in order to validate
the categorization. Therewith we can elaborate the
integrity and correctness of the requirements, i.e. if
they are sufficient to describe the analyses in an ad-
equate way. For each category we chose an analysis
approach from literature and formalized it using the
developed language. In the following we present the
DSL and illustrate its usage. Finally we provide a
short discussion about our results.
4.1 DSL for Analysis Description
For the language development we used Xtext
, a
framework that comprises a powerful language for
the description of textual languages. The model is
generated by the framework as well as an parser,
linker, type checker and compiler. The DSL was de-
veloped according to the meta model development
process for abstract syntax development in (Bram-
billa et al., 2012). This incremental and iterative pro-
cess consists of three phases: The ‘Modeling Domain
Analysis’ phase, elaborating the purpose and content,
the ‘Modeling Language Design’ phase, defining the
meta model, and the ‘Modeling Language Validation’
phase, verifying the correctness and integrity. For
the last step we select representative EA analyses for
each category and formalize them using our modeling
language. Difficulties and mistakes during modeling
triggers a new iteration of the development process.
The concrete syntax is developed simultaneously with
the abstract syntax due to the nature of Xtext.
The developed DSL is structured in a general and
in a categorization specific part. Figure 3 shows the
main rule for the analysis language and the realiza-
tion of the dimensions. General requirements that oc-
cur in all categories are summarized at beginning in
the main rule. This is the name of the analysis, the
required meta model and possible scenarios to evalu-
ate. For description of the meta model and the scenar-
ios we developed a language construct that allows to
specify them similar to UML. The goal of an anal-
ysis can be modeled using a string and its type is
Sixth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
1 grammar una.smds.EAL with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
3 generate eAL "http://www.smds.una/EAL"
5 MetaLanguage:
6 'EAM Analysis Language' '{'
7 //Domain Definition: General Requirements
8 'Performing Analysis' analysis=STRING
9 'Metamodel' model+=UMLModel ('{'
10 'Scenarios:' scenarioName+=NameIdentifier (scenarioModel+=UMLModel)*
11 (";" scenarioName+=NameIdentifier (scenarioModel+=UMLModel)*)*
12 '}')?
13 'Goal' goal=STRING
14 'Goal Type'':' goalType+=GoalType ('&' goalType+=GoalType )*
15 '}'
16 //Choice of Dimensions
17 ('Category functional Dimension' ':' functional+=Functional)?
18 ('Category technical Dimension' ':' technical+=Technical)? ;
20 //----------Functional Categories---------------------------------------//
21 Functional:
22 SystemAnalysis | AttributeAnalysis |DataAnalysis| BusinessObjectAnalysis;
24 //----------Technical Categories---------------------------------------//
25 Technical:
26 BayesianNetworks | BusinessEntities | PRM | Structural ;
28 //Choice of a possible technique matching to the chosen functional Category
29 SystemAnalysis:
30 'System Analysis' (':')?
31 ('Technique' analysisTechnique+=SystemAnalysisTechnique)? ;
33 SystemAnalysisTechnique:
34 EID | PRM | BayesianNetworks ;
37 AttributeAnalysis:
38 'Attribute Analysis' (':')?
39 ('Technique' analysisTechnique+=AttributeAnalysisTechnique)?
40 ;
41 AttributeAnalysisTechnique:
42 PRM | AHP | Trees | Comparison | EID | WeakPoints
43 ;
45 DependenciesAnalysis:
46 'Dependencies Analysis' (':')?
47 ('Technique' analysisTechnique+=DependenciesAnalysisTechnique)?
48 ;
49 DependenciesAnalysisTechnique:
50 BayesianNetworks | PRM | Trees | Comparison | Lifecycle | Ontology | Matrix
51 ;
53 QualityAnalysis:
54 'Quality Analysis' (':')?
55 ('Technique' analysisTechnique+=QualityAnalysisTechnique)?
56 ;
57 QualityAnalysisTechnique:
58 BayesianNetworks | BusinessEntities | PRM | AHP | TimeEvaluation | Trees | KPI |
59 EID | Matrix
60 ;
62 DesignAnalysis:
63 'Design Analysis' (':')?
64 ('Technique' analysisTechnique+=DesignAnalysisTechnique)?
65 ;
66 DesignAnalysisTechnique:
67 SocialNetwork | Comparison | Ontology | Matrix | Design | Structural
68 ;
Page 1
Figure 3: DSL for EA analyses - main rule.
defined using an enumeration. Possible goal types
are: percentage, matrix, probability, dependency, ob-
ject, effect, scenario, number or boolean. The two-
dimensional categorization is realized as followed:
The user can either first choose the functional dimen-
sion and then the technical, but also the other way
round. The rule system of the DSL restricts the sec-
ond dimension to those that are available. For exam-
ple the functional dimension System Analysis has re-
alizations with the technical dimensions EID, PRM
and Bayesian Networks. The rule SystemAnalysis-
Technique ensures the integrity of the selection ac-
cording to the matrix (figure 2).
/*Referring to: JOHNSON, Pontus ; L AGERSTRM, Robert R.m ; N RMAN, Per ; S I MONSSON,
Maarten: Enterprise architecture analysis with extended influence diagrams.
In: Information Systems Frontiers 9 (2007), Nr. 2-3, S. 163180*/
EAM Analysis Language{
Performing Analysis "Information Security Analysis"
Metamodel Model"Architecture of Information Security"{
Class "Application"{ }
"Scenario 1" Model"UML Model Scenario 1"{Class "A"{}};
"Scenario 2" Model"UML Model Scenario 2"{Class "A"{}}
Goal"Probability of quality attributes for security"
Goal Type :Percentage
Category functional Dimension:Attribute Analysis:
Technique Extended Influence Diagram
Metamodel "Architecture of Information Security"{
Scenario"Scenario 1",
Scenario"Scenario 2"
Chosen Scenario "Scenario 1"
//Value assumptions
Scenario Node:
type: Decision Node "Scenario Selection" Value: 0."90"
Goal: type: Utility Node "Profit" Value: 0."0"
type: Chance Node"User Training Process" Value: 0."75"
"Scenario Selection" as Causal Relation to "User Training Process"
//Example calculation for one node for one scenario
Chance Node Selection:"Incident Management Process"
Scenario Name "Scenario 1"->"Present":Calculation of Section:
P("Incident Management Process")=P("Anti Virus Application")*
P("Incident Management Process"|"Anti Virus Application")+
P("Intrusion Detection App")*P("Incident Management Process"|"Intrusion Detection
Goal Calculation: P(A|B)=P(B|A)P(A)/P(B)
Result: "Usage of Bayesian network analysis tool GeNIe"
Best Scenario "Scenario 1"
Page 1
Figure 4: Excerpt of the description of EID analysis using
the DSL.
For each technical category a rule is implemented
that satisfies the requirements specified in chapter 3.
The rules comprise statements for defining the input,
the conditions and construct, the measurement and the
output. To illustrate the structure of a category defi-
nition figure 4 shows an example description of the
Information Security Analysis from (Johnson et al.,
2007). This analysis evaluates the architecture by cal-
culating the probability of quality attributes for secu-
rity. Corresponding to the main rule the description
starts with the analysis name followed by a speci-
fication of the meta model and two scenarios. The
meta model describes the classes, relationships and
attributes that are necessary for the analysis. The two
scenarios represent different alternatives that should
be evaluated. The scenario description is followed by
the goal statement and the goal type, in this case per-
centage. Then the functional and technical dimension
are defined. The functional dimension is Attribute
Analysis and the technical one is Extended Influ-
ence Diagram. Following the remaining structure of
the analysis specification is specific for analyses of
the category EID. The input of the analysis is here
straightforward the defined meta model and both sce-
narios. The construct part defines the requirements
in order to create extended influence diagrams. First
the chosen scenario is set, then the nodes, goals and
attributes with their types and values are defined. Fi-
nally the EID specific relations are specified.
4.2 Discussion
We were able to define and apply a domain specific
language for the description of EA analyses. The
identified categories, functional as well as technical,
are integrated. It was also possible to describe the
analysis approaches from literature using the DSL.
Additionally the language is easy extendable and
without special knowledge understand- and usable.
The language can be reused for the development of
new analyses, since it provides a sound foundation of
requirements that have to be extended. After further
development the language can also be used as an entry
point for the specification and execution of analysis.
Most of the requirements for the technical categories
are realized. A few requirements are determined as
given and not further mentioned in the language, since
these requirements are obviously. Examples are the
possibility to raise data or whether data can be used
and be accessible. In addition requirements which are
not verifiable couldn’t be included. For instance, it
is not verifiable whether the meta model is usable to
achieve goals, whether artifacts are able to image with
EID components or used nodes are controllable. Ad-
ditionally the acceptance of an used technique or the
availability of experts knowledge is not verifiable and
Characteristics of Enterprise Architecture Analyses
thus not integrated in the language. Requirements that
are defined in a graphical way, for example matrices,
are difficult to realize in a textual language. Also the
definition of patterns is only specified with limitations
in the language.
The lower number of functional categories in con-
trast to the technical one can be explained with the fo-
cus on one field of interest. Since we concentrate on
pure EA analyses the analysis goals were repetitive. A
problem during categorization was the issue that not
all aspects from the analysis are described in detail
in the available publications. At this point we were
only able to identify limited requirements or we had to
make assumptions to proceed. A interrelated problem
is the fact of the low amount of available descriptions
of conducted analyses to evaluate our language. Ad-
ditional some analyses use very specific techniques
or modeling approaches. Here, it was not possible to
consider all details in order to create a sound catego-
rization. We abstracted from some specifics in order
to define the general requirements for a category. We
received generally valid requirements by orienting on
the approach which is most elaborated and create a
higher level of abstraction. An example is the tech-
nical category KPI with a high abstraction level. The
contained analyses differ deeply in measuring values
with different formulas.
Encountered categorization approaches in related
work tried to work on a meta level after studying the
analyses. However, in contrast to our target they de-
signed an analysis framework meta model indepen-
dently (Langermeier et al., 2014), developed a cate-
gory independent meta language (Buckl et al., 2011)
and had the main focus on characteristics (Buckl
et al., 2010). Additional EA analyses can be distin-
guished between the point of execution time. There-
fore the analyses are sorted in ex-ante and ex-post
to determine whether an analysis will be conducted
before or after the adoption of an architecture. It is
also possible to separate the analyses according to
their execution technique: expert-based, rule-based
or indicator-based (Buckl et al., 2009b). However,
both classifications are not detailed enough to identify
characteristics and most of analyses can’t be strictly
classified within these divisions. Lankhorst (2013)
conducted an initial categorization with the already
mentioned four dimensions. Quantitative and func-
tional differ at the input and output data, whereas
functional can be distinguished in static or dynamic.
However this division is not detailed enough to iden-
tify the explicit requirements of classified analyses
and four categories is a rough classification.
In this paper we presented a two-dimensional cate-
gorization of EA analyses, based on the characteris-
tics of the approaches found in literature. The first
dimension addresses the functional aspect, the sec-
ond one the technical aspect. Altogether we iden-
tified 105 analyses, which are classified in 10 func-
tional categories and 17 technical categories. Using
this categorization we can identify 40 different anal-
ysis types used in EA. The dependencies between
the approaches of the functional and technical dimen-
sions are visualized in a matrix. The dependencies as
well as the characteristics of the analysis categories
are formalized with a domain specific language. The
language provides a structural way to represent the
preconditions of an analysis, the technical require-
ments for execution and also the outcome of it. Beside
evaluation purposes the language can also be used
by the enterprise architect to decide whether the out-
come of an analysis is from interest for his question,
if the analysis is applicable on his EA model and how
great the effort of adaption are, in order to execute
the analysis. The idea of such an EA analysis cat-
alog is the support of reuse of existing work in the
domain of EA. Therefore future work has to investi-
gate techniques for context independent execution of
those analysis. This could be the development of tool
support for the usage of the categories and the DSL.
Thus computations which need further tools can be
included, new analyses could be created easily and re-
quirements are checked automatically. Additionally a
higher abstraction level of the category characteristics
would be conceivable to make the requirements gen-
eral valid.
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