Chinese Word Similarity Computation based on Automatically
Acquired Knowledge
Yuteng Zhang
, Wenpeng Lu
and Hao Wu
School of Information, Qilu University of Technology
School of Computer, Beijing Institute of Technology,,
Keywords: Similarity measures, word vectors, word similarity, PMI, Dice, Phi.
Abstract: This paper describes our methods for Chinese word similarity computation based on automatically acquired
knowledge on NLPCC-ICCPOL 2016 Task 3. All of the methods utilize off-the-shelf tools and data, which
makes them easy to be replicated. We use Sogou corpus to train word vector for Chinese words and utilize
Baidu to get Web page counts for word pairs. Both word vector and Web page counts can be acquired auto-
matically. All of our methods don’t utilize any dictionary and manual-annotated knowledge, which avoids
the huge human labor. Among the four submitted results, three systems achieve a similar Spearman
correlation coefficient (0.327 by word vector, 0.328 by word vector and PMI, 0.314 by word vector and
Dice). Besides, when all the English letters are converted to lowercase, the best performance of our methods
is improved, which is 0.372 by word vector and Dice. All of the comparative methods and experiments are
described in the paper.
Word similarity computation is a fundamental
technique for many applications in natural language
processing(NLP), such as question answering
(Surdeanu, Ciaramita and Zaragoza, 2011), textual
entailment (Berant, Dagan and Goldberger, 2012),
lexical simplification (Biran, Brody and Elhadad,
2011) and word sense disambiguation (Lu, Huang
and Wu, 2014).
The traditional measures for word similarity can
be divided into two categories: the methods based on
dictionary and the methods based on corpus. The
methods based on dictionary need to select a
dictionary, for example WordNet or HowNet, as
knowledge base. Then, there are multiple methods to
measure the similarity based on the semantic
taxonomy tree or multi-dimensional semantic
description. The methods based on corpus utilize the
cooccurrence statistical information to compute the
similarity (Smadja, McKeown and Hatzivassiloglou,
1996) arity of word pairs, such as PMI (Church and
Patrick, 2002), Dice, Phi (Gale and Church, 1991).
Recently, with the development of deep learning in
NLP, word vector has drawn more and more
attention, which has been applied in many fields.
In shared task 3, we have submitted four system
runs. One is based on word vector, one is based on
word vector and PMI, one is based on word vector
and Dice, the last is based on word vector and Phi.
Besides, we have modified our systems to improve
their performance. In the paper, we have shown
another three system runs. The main difference with
previous submitted four system runs lies that all of
English capital letters are converted to lower case.
All of our system runs don’t utilize any
dictionary or other manual-annotated knowledge.
Our original intention is to find an effective method
to compute word similarity based on automatically
acquired knowledge. Especially, the ability of word
vector is focused by us.
As a traditional problem in NLP, word similarity has
attracted substantial interests in the research
community. Many similarity measures have been
proposed. The traditional measures for word
similarity can be divided into two categories: the
methods based on dictionary and the methods based
on corpus.
Wu H., Lu W. and Zhang Y.
Chinese Word Similarity Computation based on Automatically Acquired Knowledge.
DOI: 10.5220/0006443500480052
In ISME 2016 - Information Science and Management Engineering IV (ISME 2016), pages 48-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-208-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The methods based on dictionary measure the
similarity with the semantic taxonomy tree or multi-
dimensional semantic description. Based on
WordNet, Pederson et al. have developed a
similarity tools, which supports the measures of
Resnik, Lin, Jiang-Conrath, Leacock-Chodorow,
Hirst-St.Onge, Wu-Palmer, Banerjee-Pedersen, and
Patwardhan-Pedersen (Pilevar, Jurgens and Navigli,
2013). Based on Tongyici Cilin, Wang has proposed
a method to measure similarities between Chinese
words on semantic taxonomy tree (Wang, 1999).
Based on HowNet, Liu et al. have proposed to
compute Chinese word similarity on the multi-
dimensional knowledge description (Liu and Li,
2002) Based on WordNet, Pilehvar et al. have
presented a unified approach to compute semantic
similarity from words to texts, which utilizes
personalized Pagerank on WordNet to get a semantic
signature for each word and compares the similarity
of semantic signatures of word pairs (Pilevar,
Jurgens and Navigli, 2013). For the methods based
on dictionary, a reliable dictionary with high quality
is difficult to build, which is a hard work and needs
lots of labors. With social development, many new
words will emerge, which usually are missed in the
dictionaries. This will affect the performance of
word similarity computation based on dictionary.
The methods based on corpus utilize the co-
occurrence statistical information to compute the
similarity of word pairs. Lin et al. have presented an
information-theoretic definition of similarity, which
measures similarities between words based on their
distribution in a database of dependency triples (Lin,
1998). Liu et al. have proposed to measure indirect
association of bilingual words with four common
methods, that is, PMI, Dice, Phi and LLR (Liu and
Zhao, 2010). With the development of deep
learning, a distributed representation for words, that
is word vector, has been proposed by Bengio et al
(Bengio et al., 2003). A word vector is trained on a
large scale corpus. With word vector, it is easy to
compute the similarity of words. For the methods
based on corpus, though their performances are
affected by the size and quality of corpus, the
methods can save lots of human labor and can
append new words at any time.
For the convenience of acquire knowledge
automatically, we focus on the methods based on
corpus, especially the method based on word vector.
A series of experiments has been done to compare
their performance.
In NLPCC-ICCPOL 2016 Task 3, we have
submitted four system runs. All of them are
unsupervised systems.
3.1 Submitted System
Run 1: Word Vector Method.
In this run, we use a word vector obtained by
word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013). Using these word
vector representations, the similarity between two
words can be computed with the cosine operation. It
is advisable to keep all the given values.
We train word vector by running the word2vec
toolkit (Mikolov et al., 2013). Sogou news corpus is
selected as train corpus, which contains news data
on Internet from June to July in 2012. The news
corpus is formatted and cleaned. HTML marks are
removed and only news text is reserved. The news
text is done Chinese word segment by ICTCLAS
2016. Word2vec runs on the preprocessed news
corpus to train an effective Chinese word vector. In
the run, CBOW model is selected, window size is set
to 5 and dimension of word vector is set to 200.
The similarity between a pair of words is
computed with the cosine distance of their
associated word vectors, as is shown in Equation (1).
12 12
(, ) (, )
cos( ( ), ( )) 10
Similar w w WordVector w w
vector w vector w
In which,
w and
w are the target word pair,
()vector w and
()vector w are their word vectors.
Run2: Word Vector and PMI method.
In the experiment of Run1, we find that there are
some missing words by word vector, such as GDP,
GRE, WTO. The similarity of word pairs that
involve the missing words are 0 in Run1. This is not
reasonable. There should be a supplement for the
missing words. Therefore, in Run2, we take PMI
method as the backup of word vector. That is to say,
the missing words by word vector would be
processed by PMI.
For illustration purposes, supposing that two
words that need to calculate the similarity are w
. We introduce the following relations for each
word pair (w
, w
(, )afreqww
: The number of web pages that
contain both w
and w
() (,)bfreqw freqww
: The number of web
pages that contain the w
and don’t contain the w
Chinese Word Similarity Computation based on Automatically Acquired Knowledge
Chinese Word Similarity Computation based on Automatically Acquired Knowledge
() (,)cfreqw freqww=−
: The number of web
pages that contain the w
and don’t contain the w
dNac=− : The number of web pages that don’t
contain the word w
and the w
In which, N is the size of web pages on Internet,
which is assumed to 10
. a, b, c, d are obtained
with Baidu search engine.
PMI is computed with Equation (2).
(, )
(, )log
() ( )
PMI w w
req w freq w
ab ac
The similarity computed by PMI method doesn’t
lies in the range of 0~10. We utilize two
normalizations to map the similarity to the range of
0~10. In first normalization, a min-max
normalization is done with Equation (3). Then, for
the results of first normalization, we set a threshold
value, which is 1. All the results which are higher
than the threshold, are normalized to 10; the other
values are normalized with Equation (3) again.
max min
The similarity of word vector and PMI method in
Run2, can be represented with Equation (4).
(, ),
(, )
WordVector w w
WordVector w w
Similar w w
Normalize PMI w w
WordVector w w
Run3: Word Vector and Dice method.
Different with Run2, we take Dice method as the
backup of word vector in Run3. The detailed
computational method is similar with Run2. Only
the calculation of Dice is different, which is
computed with Equation (5).
(, )
() ()
freq w w
Dice w w
req w freq w
ab ac abc
+++ ++
We also use the normalization method in Run2 to
deal with the results of Dice. The similarity of word
vector and Dice method in Run3, can be represented
with Equation (6).
(( )),
WordVector w w
WordVector w w
Similar w w
Normalize Dice w w
WordVector w w
Run4: Word Vector and Phi method.
Different with Run2 and Run3, we take Phi method
as the backup of word vector in Run4. The detailed
computational method is similar with Run2 and
Run3. Only the calculation formula of Phi is
different, which is computed with Equation (7).
ab bc
Phi w w
ab acbd cd
We also use the normalization method in Run2
and Run3 to deal with the results of Phi. The
similarity of word vector and Phi method in Run4,
can be represented with Equation (8).
(( )),
WordVector w w
WordVector w w
Similar w w
Normalize Phi w w
WordVector w w
3.2 The Systems based on Web Page
In order to compare the effectiveness of word vector
and the methods based on web page counts, we
separately utilize PMI, Dice and Phi methods to
compute word similarity. PMI, Dice and Phi is
computed with Equation (2), (5), (7). All of them are
normalized with similar method in Run2~Run4. The
normalized PMI, Dice and Phi are returned as word
3.3 Revised Systems
When analyzing the results of vector word in Run1,
we find that some words, such as GDP, WTO and
GRE, can be identified by vector word after the
English letters are converted to lower case.
Therefore, we revise the submitted system by
converting the English words to lower case. After
the little trick, we recomputed the similarity of word
pair with word vector.
The evaluation metric is Spearman's rank correlation
coefficient (SRCC) between system output and the
gold standard, which is shown as Equation (9).
6( )
Where n is the number of observations,
are the standard deviations of the rank variables.
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ISME 2016 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
4.1 NLPCC2016 Results
Performances of all of our systems on NLPCC 2016
task 3 are showed in Table 1 and Fig.1. From them,
we can make the following observations:
(1) Among the four submitted systems, the
method of word vector and PMI(Run2) has
achieved the best performance, which is
0.328. However, its advantage is very weak.
There is only a little gap of 0.001 between
Run2 and Run1.
(2) Among the systems based on Web page
counts, the method of PMI is best, whose
spearman correlation is 0.329. Though the
method is simple, its performance has
surpassed the method of word vector in Run1.
(3) Among the revised systems, the best
performance is achieved by the method of
word vector and Dice, which is 0.372.
(4) Comparing the submitted systems and revised
systems, it is obvious that word vector is case-
sensitive. Though only a little trick of
converting capital English letters to lower
case is utilized in the revised systems, the
performance of each system is improved
greatly, which is surprised. For the
applications with different purposes, we
should process the capital or lowercase letters
(5) Comparing the revised systems, when PMI,
Dice or Phi is used as a backup strategy, the
performances of all of them are improved.
Since the vocabulary of word vector is
limited, it is impossible for word vector to
include new words. To take PMI as a backup
is an effective method to solve the
disadvantage of word vector.
(6) Comparing the submitted systems and systems
based on Web page counts, we find that the
performance of PMI is better than that of
word vector, which is surprised. The reasons
for this may be double. On one hand, word
vector in Run1 fails to process the capital
letters. As is shown in revised systems, once
the capital letters are converted to lower case,
the performance of word vector can be
improved greatly. On the other hand, the
corpus to train word vector is a Sogou news
corpus. However, the evaluation data set is
selected from news articles and Weibo text.
The Sogou news corpus fails to meet with the
evaluation data set. If another Weibo corpus is
used to train word vector, its performance
may be improved.
Table 1. Performances of our systems on NLPCC 2016
share task 3.
Method SRCC
Word Vector
Word Vector + PMI
Word Vector + Dice
Word Vector + Phi
Systems Based
on Web Page
Dice 0.221
Phi 0.280
Word Vector 0.359
Word Vector + PMI 0.361
Word Vector + Dice
Word Vector + Phi 0.368
Fig. 1. Comparison of all of our systems
Besides the four system submitted in NLPCC 2016
task 3, the paper describes the methods based on
Web page counts and the revised methods in detail.
The performances of word vector, PMI, Dice and
Phi are compared carefully. Among all of the
systems, the revised method of word vector and Phi
has achieved best performance. We observe that it is
important to process the capital and lowercase letters
for word vector. Besides, to take PMI method as a
backup of word vector is an effective way to
improve the performance.
Future works are twofold. On one hand, the
method of normalizing the output of PMI, Dice and
Phi is simple and stiff. We would consider to
normalize them with Gauss regression. On the other
hand, because current corpus is Sogou news corpus,
Chinese Word Similarity Computation based on Automatically Acquired Knowledge
Chinese Word Similarity Computation based on Automatically Acquired Knowledge
which is mismatched with the evaluation dataset, we
would try to supply some Weibo corpus to train
word vector. This may improve the performance of
word vector.
The research work is partially supported by National
Natural Science Foundation of China (61502259,
61202244), Natural Science Foundation of
Shandong Province (ZR2011FQ038) and the Project
of Shandong Province Higher Educational Science
and Technology Program (J12LN09, J10LG20).
Wenpeng Lu is the corresponding author.
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ISME 2016 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering