culture and solve contradictions of language and
culture. Therefore, English teaching should focus on
students’ contradicting points. Teachers should
impart knowledge of English language and culture
from the perspective of Chinese culture and English
culture, allowing students to better grasp English
language and culture.
4.2 Culture and language integration
through penetration and creation
When promoting the integration of Chinese culture
and English culture, penetration should be used to
avoid cultural indoctrination in the learning process
of English culture. Teachers should be liberated
from the traditional teaching methods and use com-
parative analysis to mobilize students to learn Eng-
lish language and culture. Students should learn and
explore from different aspects in the learning
process of English language and culture. Routine
classroom teaching is important occasion to spread
new knowledge. Teachers should take advantage of
the convenience of routine classroom teaching and
spread knowledge of English language and culture,
thus stimulating students’ interest in English.
Some schools create English application stages
like English Corner, where students can apply what
they have learned to practice. Making full use of
English Corner can strengthen the efficiency of Eng-
lish learning and allow students to express them-
selves more fluently. Teachers should try their best
to create possible conditions and mobilize students’
interest in using English, thus making students get
out of the restrictions gradually. In routine English
teaching, teachers should provide rich material for
English communication and avoid students’ speech-
lessness in classes, helping them acquire more lan-
guage application skills.
4.3 Teaching strategies thinking on the
perspective of thinking expansion
English learning is a part of students’ self-cognition,
and English is an important expression means after
self-cognition. Through English learning, students
can better expand the breadth and depth of their
thinking. In the teaching process, teachers should let
students explore independently, allowing them to
use the language more logically.
In routine English teaching, teachers should
grasp students’ initiative, encouraging them to
explore ac-tively and express viewpoints in English
in different forms. Teachers can carry out such
thought devel-opment of English teaching through
independent ex-ploration, reading, etc. On this basis,
teachers can purposefully guide students to
summarize language points in each period of English
teaching, especially for the difficult and important
ones. It also helps stu-dents tease out a
comprehensive knowledge structure through their
own efforts. In English teaching process, language
features should always be the focus. In the process
of knowledge integration, students should make
advantage of their initiative, especially on the
application of writing methods and thinking mode.
Self-learning can better enhance students' lan-
guage thinking skills. It is also important to optimize
learning process and integrate teaching resources for
the improvement of English teaching efficiency.
Teachers can allow students to go deep into English
articles, thus exploring authors’ purposes and sum-
marizing the knowledge of English language and
culture. Finally, deep impression could be left in
students' minds, helping them expand thinking and
understanding on language and culture.
Actually, language teaching is a kind of profound
thinking activity, and the main purpose of which is
to train students to use language in communicative
activities. Language teaching contains many aspects
including grammar, vocabularies, specific terms,
etc., so does the affecting factors. Currently in
China, schools of different education levels set
English classes. But these schools adopt traditional
teaching methods, emphasizing on the explanation
of gram-mar and specific language structure. This
method ig-nores the cultivation of English
comprehensive abil-ity, regarding language points as
isolate islands in the sea of knowledge. Thus,
students fail to acquire language application
methods through language teaching, making it
impossible to achieve the ulti-mate efficiency of
English teaching. Therefore, more attention should
be paid to the reform of English teaching, especially
on how to mobilize students’ in-itiative. More
explorations should be implemented on teaching
practice to guide students to grasp the differences of
Western culture and Chinese culture, ultimately
achieving the goal of smooth and accurate
international communication.
Effective Strategies to Improve English Teaching