The test results for the manipulator using this
equator as following:
Figure 1: The velocity lines
Several methods of structural model updating have
been proposed and the topic is still under active
study in various areas. Most of these studies cen-
tered on approaches such as the optimal matrix up-
dating, eigen-structure assignment algorithms and
neural-networks updating methods. In this paper, the
model updating technique was described in detail
and updated parameters from the FE model were
compared to the original ones. It was presented the
theory of bayesian-based model updating with a
special focus on the properties of the solution that
result from the combination of montecarlo-based
sensitivity analysis with model reduction.
It should be attempted to assess the sensitivity
which can be attributed to various features of the
model. For example, joints and constraints could be
considered to be less accurately modeled, and there-
fore they are in greater need of updating. The pa-
rameterization of the inaccurate parts of the model is
important. The numerical predictions (e.g. natural
frequencies and
mode shapes) should be sensitive to
small changes in the parameters. Experimental re-
sults show that natural frequencies are often
significantly affected by small differences in the
construction of joints in nominally identical test
pieces. However, it can be very difficult to find joint
parameters to which the analytical predictions are
sensitive. If the analytical response is insensitive to
changes in one or several updating parameters, then
updating will result in unrealistic values for rest of
updating parameters. The result, in this case, will be
an updated model which replicates the measure-
ments but lacks physical meaning.
Normally, the numerical model is incompatible
with the experimental modal one, therefore, in order
to make both of the two models more consistent, it is
necessary to modify the model by reducing the finite
element one, or by extending the experimental mod-
al one. And the reducing way will be much fast, so
here we use the reducing way. So the main goal for
the model update is to make the tolerance from the
errors between the frequencies obtained experimen-
tally and theoretically equal to zero. But, it is a
difficult process because of the uncertainties from
the structural parameters such as the elasticity modu-
lus, mass density, boundary conditions, etc.
For this aim, this study denotes updating a finite
element model by following a process of following
substeps: (i) montecarlo-based sensitivity analysis;
(ii) bayesian based model updating.
3.1 Monte-Carlo based Sensitivity
Sensitivity analysis includes local sensitivity analy-
sis methods and global sensitivity analysis. The first
one includes differential method, finite difference
method and perturbation method, which has clear
concept to facilitate the calculation. It has long been
widely used in engineering, but only being applied
in linear or non-strong nonlinear systems (Kang,
1990). But Global sensitivity analysis (Yu, 2004),
such as Monte Carlo method, also known as stochas-
tic simulation method, is a theory based on statistical
sampling, we random sample from probability dis-
tribution of an input known model to construct ran-
dom variables, then we get digital characteristics
resulting from its response (Zhou, 1997; Xiao, 2003;
Zhang, 2008), and which can be used for more com-
plex models, the analysis principle is outlined as
Assuming that in the spatial domain
2003; Yan, 2003; Rulka, 2005), the system response
can be expressed as the integral of the
function f, and there exists an non-zero probability
density function