Figure 4: Comparison of manual readings (white) and auto-
mated results (green) in 2D.
expert readings differ from each other slightly (the
Dice coefficient is about 97%), since the differences
are only due to the selected global threshold value.
Additionally, we applied the technique of
Ivanovska et al. (Ivanovska et al., 2011) to our test
set. That method was designed for and tested on a dif-
ferent sequence with a higher spatial resolution and
less artifacts. The results are also presented in Ta-
ble 1. The previous technique did not include any
intensity inhomogeneity correction and the trachea
removal procedure was based only on region grow-
ing in the segmentation mask. We assume that this
affected the results negatively (the DICE coefficient
is less than 90%), since in some cases the parts of
lungs were either oversegmented or undersegmented
and misinterpreted as other structures and erroneously
removed. The proposed pipeline successfully over-
comes these problems and produces accurate results.
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study. The results were applied to a sample of 20
datasets. Our expert established groundtruth in a
semi-automatic manner in two measurement sessions.
We assessed the segmentation accuracy by compar-
ing the automatically computed results to the expert
readings. Moreover, the comparison to a previously
established technique was also done. The proposed
framework produces highly accurate results and has a
potential to be applied to the whole pulmonary dataset
(above 4000 subjects).
Future extensions of the framework include analy-
sis of tracheal regions and segmentation of expiratory
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