Figs. 8(c) and 8(d) show, however, the peak height
difference became less notable for the samples of 2
mm thickness. When the thickness extended to 5
mm, the fluorescence peaks shrank in the solid phase,
as shown in Fig. 8(e). By contrast, the fluorescence
peaks of the liquid grew further with the increase of
the sample thickness, as shown in Fig. 8(f).
In the transparent matrix, e.g., glasses or liquids,
fluorescence of lanthanide ions increases in
proportion to the sample thickness, since the pump
light reaches the exit end with a small optical
attenuation. Optical amplifiers or lasers, therefore,
use a long fiber to attain a strong fluorescence
intensity. If a high-powered laser beam is required, a
thick crystal (solution) or a long fiber is a better
choice than the scattering PEG. The advantage of the
microlaser is an efficient light emission from a small
volume. From this viewpoint, PEG is a suitable
matrix for creating a fluorescent device whose size
is smaller than 1 mm.
As mentioned earlier, the fluorescence peak at
613 nm exhibited different shapes depending on the
phase (solid or liquid). We also observed different
spectra in the aqueous and PEG solutions. This
phenomenon seems to be related to the surrounding
ligand field. Further investigation on this
phenomenon possibly leads to improvement of the
fluorescence efficiency.
In the current experiment, a laser diode of 396
nm was used as a pump light source, since other
suitable sources were not available in our laboratory.
As Fig. 3(a) shows, the transmittance of the sample
solution decreases in the ultraviolet range below 380
nm. If this transmittance decrease originates from
the absorption by the Eu ions, ultraviolet pump light
will induce more efficient fluorescence emission.
Note that this transmittance decrease was certainly
induced by addition of EuCl
since the pure PEG
300 was used as a blank for the transmittance evalu-
ation. It possibly happens, however, that the addition
of EuCl
promotes the ultraviolet absorption of PEG
[Fig. 2(b)]. Further experiments are needed to clarify
the origin of this transmittance decrease.
As Fig. 2(a) shows, the phase transition of PEGs
takes place at around room temperature. In addition,
PEGs exhibit a bistable behavior during the phase
transition process; i.e., both the solid and liquid
phases are stable at a certain temperature. This
phenomenon seems useful to create a bistable
microlaser. We are currently thinking of creating a
random droplet laser on the basis of the current
experimental results.
Polyethylene glycol is a suitable matrix for creating
a micro optical device that uses lanthanide ions as a
fluorescence emitter. It exhibits a strong scattering
in the solid phase, and extends an optical path of
pump light, leading to efficient excitation of the
fluorescent ions. This enhanced fluorescence was
demonstrated experimentally by exciting a solution
of EuCl
with a laser diode of 396 nm wavelength.
The fluorescence peak at 613 nm became twofold
higher in this scattering matrix than the original
This research was supported by Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science (15K04642).
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