Visualizing the emergent difficulties is a signifi-
cant step towards efficient integration of autono-
mous agents in organizations. However, further
research needs to develop new methods to address
these upcoming challenges. Working with the mod-
els presented enables their evaluation in an organiza-
tional context. Managing the integration of autono-
mous agents in economically orientated organiza-
tions is key to their application in general. Merely if
companies see the benefits of applying autonomous
agents in real world scenarios, their full potential
may be exploited. This particularly includes the
transition from solely flexible – and from an external
point of view unpredictable – behavior to stable
organizational processes.
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SmartSite (BMWi, FKZ 01MA13002) and (2) the
project InnOPlan (BMWi, FKZ 01MD15002), both
funded by the German Federal Ministry for Econom-
ic Affairs and Energy.
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