1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9 1011 1213
Measurement Point t
(t) in
Difference Temperature
Figure 7: Mean temperature difference between right and
left arm over time for all probands.
In this study, we presented a method to automati-
cally determine and evaluate skin temperatures. This
method is based on a sensor fusion of a thermal cam-
era and the Kinect. In order to fuse both sensor data,
we introduced a novel calibration procedure and de-
signed a special calibration target. The obtained re-
sults provide further support for the hypothesis that
the skin temperature increases during and after the
training. Moreover, we evaluated relative temperature
measurements, i. e. differences between active and
passive muscles, instead of absolute measurements.
This allows the elimination of environmental changes
in a training session.
Further research could investigate the influence of
subcutaneous fat tissue and clothing on the thermal
conduction. Moreover, future research might explore
skin temperature profiles of other muscles as well.
Another aspect in our future work will be the detec-
tion of skeleton joints directly on the thermal image,
which could considerably simplify the sensor system.
Continued efforts are needed to transfer our ap-
proach to other applications fields, such as medical
diagnostics, which can profit from automatic temper-
ature measurements.
This project is funded by the European Social Fund
(ESF). We furthermore would like to express our
thanks to all the persons who contributed to this
project during the recordings.
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