DNN-based Models for Speaker Age and Gender Classification
Zakariya Qawaqneh
, Arafat Abu Mallouh
Buket D. Barkana
Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT, 06604, U.S.A.
Electrical Engineering Department, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT, 06604, U.S.A.
Keywords: Deep Neural Network, SDC, MFCCS, Speaker Age and Gender Classification.
Abstract: Automatic speaker age and gender classification is an active research field due to the continuous and rapid
development of applications related to humans’ life and health. In this paper, we propose a new method for
speaker age and gender classification, which utilizes deep neural networks (DNNs) as feature extractor and
classifier. The proposed method creates a model for each speaker. For each test speech utterance, the similarity
between the test model and the speaker class models are compared. Two feature sets have been used: Mel-
frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) and shifted delta cepstral (SDC) coefficients. The proposed model
by using the SDC feature set achieved better classification results than that of MFCCs. The experimental
results showed that the proposed SDC speaker model + SDC class model outperformed all the other systems
by achieving 57.21% overall classification accuracy.
As the computer technology has been developing,
human computer interaction (HCI) systems are
becoming more important every day. Speaker age and
gender information is used in some of HCI systems
such as speaker identification/verification, speech
recognition, tele-marketing, and security
applications. Overall classification accuracies for
speaker’s age are quite low compared to the speaker’s
gender information. Until now, different feature sets
have been developed and studied in the literature
(Barkana, 2015). MFCCs is one of the spectral feature
sets that is widely used and is able to model the vocal
tract filter in a short time power spectrum (Davis,
1980). SDC feature set is reported as an effective set
for language identification (LID) and speaker
recognition and verification (Richardson, 2015a).
SDC could be considered an extension of the delta-
cepstral features, which aim to gain a significant
performance over the derivative features in the
cepstral features.
DNN is considered one of the most successful
classifiers and feature extractors and it is used widely
in different fields and applications such as computer
vision (Nguyen, 2015; Zeiler, 2013), image
processing and classification (Ciregan, 2012;
Simonyan, 2014), and natural language recognition
(Richardson, 2015b; Yu, 2010). The essential power
of DNNs comes from its deep architecture which is
able to transform raw input features into rich and
strong internal representation (Hinton, 2012).
This paper examines and evaluates the usage of
SDC feature set and DNN-based speaker model in
speaker age and gender classification. Our work aims
to build a model for each speaker instead of using one
model for each class of speakers, whom belong to the
same class of age and gender. Introducing a speaker-
aware model is motivated by the fact that a speaker
model can capture the characteristics of the speaker
more effectively than a model that represents a group
of speakers. The possible benefit of a speaker-based
model is that the system can use all the features of
speakers who belong to the same class to improve the
classification accuracies.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: A brief literature review is followed by the
proposed work. Then, experimental results and
discussion are reported. Finally, the conclusion of our
work is presented.
Li et al. (Li, 2013) proposed a system which combines
five classifiers: Gaussian mixture model (GMM)
based on MFCC features, GMM-SVM mean
supervector, GMM-SVM maximum likelihood linear
Qawaqneh Z., Abu Mallouh A. and Barkana B.
DNN-based Models for Speaker Age and Gender Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0006096401060111
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 106-111
ISBN: 978-989-758-212-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
regression (MLLR) supervector, GMM-SVM tandem
posterior probability (TPP) supervector, and SVM
baseline subsystems using 450-dimensional feature
vectors including prosodic features. In addition, they
combined two or more systems using fusion
technique to increase the accuracy. The combination
of the five systems achieved the best classification
Metze et al. (Metze, 2007) examined multiple
classifiers for speaker age and gender classification
based on telephone applications. They also compared
the classification results with human performance.
Four automatic classification methods, a parallel
phone recognizer, dynamic Bayesian networks, linear
prediction analysis, and GMM based on MFCC
features are compared. Overall achieved accuracies
were reported as 54%, 40%, 27%, and 42%,
Bocklet et al. (Bocklet, 2010) studied multiple
systems with different combinations. A combination
of several glottal, spectral, and prosodic feature sets
are used in their system. They achieved an overall
accuracy of 42.2% by their GMM-UBM classifier.
Dobry et al. (Dobry, 2011) proposed a speech
dimension reduction method for age-group
classification and precise age estimation. After
deploying SVM with RBF kernel, they noticed that
the classifier’s performance was improved by using
their dimension reduction method and the SVM was
faster and less affected by over-fitting problem.
Our work differs from the previous work in two
ways. First, it exploits the DNN architecture to build
speaker models and class models. Second, it depends
on the SDC as input feature set rather than MFCCs or
any other prosodic features.
Bahari et al. (Bahari, 2014) proposed i-vector
model for each utterance and utilized least squares
support vector regression (LSSVR) for speaker age
estimation. Their work was tested on telephone
conversation of national institute for standard and
technology (NIST, 2010). Our work also differs from
Bahari et al.’s work. While Bahari et al. attempted to
regress the age of the speaker regardless of the
speaker’s gender, we attempt to classify the speaker
age and gender at the same time. Moreover, their
work depends on i-vector to represent each speaker
utterance however our work uses the DNN to extract
the features and to build speaker models.
Typically, representing each class in age and gender
classification relies on finding a general model that
can capture the common characteristics of all
speakers’ age and gender information. In this paper,
we build a model for each speaker in a class. The
purpose behind this idea is to find the specific identity
and concentrated characteristics of each speaker
separately in order to minimize any loss of unique
information related to any speaker. Since the core of
this work relies on creating a model for each speaker,
it is reasonable to work on a feature set that is proved
to be successful in the field of speaker recognition.
Motivated by the success of SDC in many speech
processing fields, especially in speaker recognition,
this work uses the SDC as the main feature set.
Age and gender classification problem consists of
M classes, where each class has N number of speakers
sharing the same age range and gender. The DNN is
trained with NxM labels. The settings for the training
process are given in the experimental section. After
the DNN is trained, NxM speaker models are
developed as shown in figure 1.
The number of labels
is NxM, where M is the number of classes and N is
the number of speakers/class.
Each model accumulates the output layer
posteriors. The accumulation of each model is done
by performing feedforward on the input set until the
posteriors are computed for each speaker. Then, the
accumulated posteriors of the output layer are
normalized (L2 normalization) and averaged for each
speaker as shown in figure 2. As a result, each class
will have N speaker models.
During the testing, a model will be created for the
corresponding utterance using the same steps applied
to build speaker models as shown in figure 2. The
cosine distance is calculated between the test
utterance model and every speaker model. The
similarity between the test utterance and each class is
computed by averaging the results of cosine similarity
(Sim) between the test utterance and the speaker
models belonging to the same class. Finally, the
maximum similarity between the test utterance and
each class is taken as the finale similarity score S as
in (1).
Where Avg is the statistical average function,
is the cosine similarity between the test
utterance and the class j,
is the speaker i model
of class j, and Test
is the test utterance model.
DNN-based Models for Speaker Age and Gender Classification
Figure 1: DNN architecture.
3.1 Score Level Fusion
The two output vectors for a given test utterance are
represented as p and q and they are fused based on
equation (2). p and q are the output posterior
probability of SDC speaker models (SSM) and SDC
class models (SCM) respectively.
The final scoring for the corresponding utterance
represents the index of the maximum value of the
vector S
. α is a parameter used to control the output
result of the two models, and its value is set based on
the performance of each model. The performance of
the fusion model values is depicted in figure 5.
Several experiments are conducted to choose the
optimal value of theα. The best performance
occurred when is 0.9.
3.2 Database
Age-Annotated Database of German Telephone
Speech Database is used to test the proposed work.
The database consists of 47 hours of prompted and
free text (Schuller, 2010). It includes seven
categories: Children (C, 7-14 years old), young-
female (YF, 15-24 years old), young-male (YM, 15-
24 years old), middle-female (MF, 25-54 years old),
middle-male (MM, 25-54 years old), senior-female
(SF, 55-80 years old), and senior-male (SM, 55-80
years old). One fourths of the database of random
speakers is chosen for testing, and the remaining is
used for training.
DNN architecture is used as a feature extractor and a
classifier. As mentioned earlier, we evaluate the
performance of our approach by using two feature
sets, MFCCs and SDC. For the MFCCs, a speech
utterance is divided into frames of 25 ms. In total, 39
features, one energy and 12- MFCCs with its first and
second derivatives, are extracted for each frame.
SDC features are extracted based on the MFCCs
features as in (Campbell, 2006). The number of nodes
in the input layer for both feature sets is equal to 39×n
features, where n represents the target frame
concatenated with the preceding and following (n-
1)/2 frames in the utterance. In the literature, n is
selected to be an odd number between 5 and 21. In
our work, n is chosen to be 11. 5 hidden layers are
used, and 1024 nodes in each layer. The number of
output labels equals the total number of speakers in
each class. Training data is divided into mini-batches.
Each mini-batch consists of 1024 random utterances.
In the training process, 12 epochs are used. The
learning rate is initially set to 0.1 for the first 6
epochs, and then it is decreased to one-half its initial
value for the remaining epochs.
The overall classification accuracies of the
MFCCs speakers models (MSM), MFCCs class
models (MCM), SSM, SCM, and fused SSM+SCM
are given in Table 1. The proposed SSM model
achieved the best results among the other models.
The confusion matrices for the SCM, SSM, and
fused SSM+SCM models are shown in Tables 2, 3,
and 4. The confusion tables show that the highest
misclassification rates occur between the same
gender classes. In figure 3 and 4, the performance of
the young (Y), middle-aged (M), and senior (S)
female and male classes for all models are compared,
separately. It can be seen that all models achieved
somehow poor results for MF and MM classes
without the score level fusion. The SSM achieved the
best result for these two classes as 38.5% and 36.3%.
As shown in figure 3, for the female classes, the
SSM achieved the best results except for the YF class
(56%), where SCM achieved slightly better result
(57.4%). This result supports the effectiveness of the
SDC feature set over MFCCs. The SSM
outperformed the other models in male classes (figure
4). In particular, SDC speaker and class models
generated better classification results in female and
male classes than MFCCs speaker and class models.
However, a significant improvement (57.21%) is
achieved when we fuse (SSM+SCM) models. As we
can see, the fused system outperformed other models
in all classes.
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Figure 2: Flowchart of the proposed work.
Table 1: Classification accuracies (%).
C 56.6 58.5 57.4 60.5 74.3
YF 55.4 56 45.7 57.4 70
YM 45.1 49.9 44.3 48.3 55.4
MF 32 38.5 35.4 30.7 39.3
MM 34.3 36.3 33.8 35 39.8
SF 43.7 45.8 35.7 44.2 55.3
SM 49.3 60 49.4 57.6 66.3
% 45.2 49.3 43.1 47.7 57.2
Table 2: Confusion matrix for SCM (%).
C 60.5 17.1 8.5 3.2 3.4 6.5 0.8
YF 23.8 57.4 0.6 8.8 0.1 8.9 0.4
YM 3.3 1.8 48.3 2.4 21.0 3.2 20.0
MF 12.2 23.4 1.1 30.8 0.8 30.4 1.3
MM 1.8 0.3 27.9 1.0 35.0 3.5 30.5
SF 14.5 17.7 0.8 19.3 0.4 34.3 3.0
SM 1.0 0.3 15.6 0.9 22.1 2.4 57.7
Table 3: Confusion matrix for SSM (%).
C 58.5 18.4 8.9 3.9 3.4 5.8 1.0
YF 22.0 56.1 0.4 11.3 0.2 9.8 0.3
YM 2.3 2.1 49.9 2.3 17.3 4.7 21.4
MF 9.3 21.4 1.0 38.6 0.8 27.5 1.5
MM 1.6 0.5 26.7 1.8 36.3 3.9 29.3
SF 11.0 17.4 1.1 20.5 0.3 45.8 3.8
SM 0.6 0.2 16.9 0.9 19.3 2.0 60.1
Table 4: Confusion matrix for fused SSM+SCM (%).
C 74.3 12.9 4.3 2.6 1.3 3.3 1.4
YF 11.8 70.0 0.3 12.1 0.1 5.6 0.1
YM 1.2 0.7 55.4 1.7 19.1 3.4 18.6
MF 8.2 24.3 0.8 39.3 0.3 26.4 0.7
MM 0.5 0.0 22.3 0.4 39.8 0.4 36.6
SF 8.5 11.6 0.6 22.3 0.9 55.3 0.8
SM 1.0 0.1 9.8 0.3 19.9 2.5 66.3
Figure 3: Classification accuracies between four methods
for female speakers.
Figure 4: Classification accuracies between four methods
for male speakers.
DNN-based Models for Speaker Age and Gender Classification
Table 5: Comparison between the proposed work and the
previous works (%).
System Accuracy
GMM Base-1 43.1
Mean Super Vector-2 42.6
MLLR Super Vector-3 36.2
TPP Super Vector-4 37.8
SVM Base-5 44.6
MFuse-1+2+3+4+5 52.7
SDC Class Model-1 47.7
SDC Speakers Model-
Our fused model (1+2) 57.21
Figure 5: The performance of the fused (SSM+SCM)
system versus α.
Table 5 shows the classification accuracies of the
proposed models and the previous works. The best
result in Li’s work (Li, 2013) was achieved by fusing
all the systems together manually (MFuse-
1+2+3+4+5). Using our proposed models, the
accuracy of the speaker age and gender classification
is improved by approximately 5% when compared to
the (MFuse 1+2+3+4+5). In addition, SDC class and
SDC speaker models outperformed the baseline
systems for the fused systems.
In this paper, we proposed DNN-based speaker
models using the SDC feature set in order to improve
the classification accuracies in speaker age and
gender classification. The proposed speaker models
and the effectiveness of the SDC feature set are
compared to the class models and the MFCCs feature
set as a baseline system. Our experimental results
show that speaker models and the SDC feature set
outperforms the class models and the MFCC set. The
proposed speaker models show a better performance
while classifying challenging middle-aged female
and male classes where the other methods fail to
classify. We compared the proposed work with the
GMM Base, Mean Super Vector, MLLR Super
Vector, TPP Super Vector, SVM Base, and the fused
system of all these systems. The results showed that
the proposed SDC speaker model + SDC class model
outperformed all the other systems by achieving
57.21% overall classification accuracy.
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