Fully Convolutional Crowd Counting on Highly Congested Scenes
Mark Marsden, Kevin McGuinness, Suzanne Little and Noel E. O’Connor
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Computer Vision, Crowd Counting, Deep Learning.
In this paper we advance the state-of-the-art for crowd counting in high density scenes by further exploring the
idea of a fully convolutional crowd counting model introduced by (Zhang et al., 2016). Producing an accurate
and robust crowd count estimator using computer vision techniques has attracted significant research interest in
recent years. Applications for crowd counting systems exist in many diverse areas including city planning, retail,
and of course general public safety. Developing a highly generalised counting model that can be deployed in
any surveillance scenario with any camera perspective is the key objective for research in this area. Techniques
developed in the past have generally performed poorly in highly congested scenes with several thousands
of people in frame (Rodriguez et al., 2011). Our approach, influenced by the work of (Zhang et al., 2016),
consists of the following contributions: (1) A training set augmentation scheme that minimises redundancy
among training samples to improve model generalisation and overall counting performance; (2) a deep, single
column, fully convolutional network (FCN) architecture; (3) a multi-scale averaging step during inference. The
developed technique can analyse images of any resolution or aspect ratio and achieves state-of-the-art counting
performance on the Shanghaitech Part B and UCF CC 50 datasets as well as competitive performance on
Shanghaitech Part A.
Vision based crowd size estimation, often referred to
as crowd counting, has become an important topic for
the computer vision community. Crowd counting al-
gorithms attempt to produce an accurate estimation of
the true number of people present in a crowded scene.
A crowd count is inherently more objective than other
crowd size representations (e.g. crowd density level)
but is also more challenging to produce. Accurate
knowledge of the crowd size in a public space can
provide valuable insight for tasks such as city plan-
ning, analysing consumer shopping patterns as well as
maintaining general crowd safety. Several key chal-
lenges such as visual occlusions and high levels of
variation in scene content have limited progress in this
area. Techniques developed for crowd counting can
also be applied to tasks from other domains such as
counting bacteria or cells in microscopic images (Xie
et al., 2016).
Related work.
Existing approaches to crowd counting
largely fall into two categories: counting by detection
and counting by regression.
Counting by detection approaches involve training
a visual object detector to find and count each person in
the scene. Each human is assumed to be an individual
entity that must be found. These algorithms (Wu and
Nevatia, 2005; Lin et al., 2001; Ge and Collins, 2009)
are computationally demanding, requiring the image
to be exhaustively analysed at multiple scales due to
perspective issues, which alter the size of people in
different parts of the scene. The robustness of these
object detectors also suffers significantly due to visual
occlusions, resulting in rapid performance degradation
as a crowd becomes highly congested (i.e. several
hundred people in frame).
Counting by regression techniques (Change Loy
et al., 2013; Chen et al., 2012; Lempitsky and Zisser-
man, 2010; Liu and Tao, 2014; Chan and Vasconce-
los, 2012) on the other hand attempt to learn a direct
mapping between low-level features and the overall
number of people in frame or within a frame region. In-
dividual people are not explicitly detected or tracked in
these approaches, meaning visual occlusions have less
impact on counting accuracy. While generally more
computationally efficient than counting by detection
methods, regression-based techniques have suffered
greatly from overfitting in the past due to a lack of
varied training data. To remedy this, a number of high
density, high variation crowd counting datasets such
Marsden M., McGuinness K., Little S. and E. Oâ
ZConnor N.
Fully Convolutional Crowd Counting on Highly Congested Scenes.
DOI: 10.5220/0006097300270033
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 27-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-226-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
as UCF CC 50 (Idrees et al., 2013) and Shanghaitech
(Zhang et al., 2016) have emerged. Recent advance-
ments in graphical processing unit (GPU) hardware
and the availability of very large, labelled datasets
such as ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009) have resulted in
deep learning approaches such as convolutional neu-
ral networks (CNN) achieving state-of-the-art perfor-
mance in many computer vision tasks (image classifi-
cation, face detection, object detection). Deep learning
techniques have recently been applied to the task of
regression-based crowd counting (Zhang et al., 2015;
Hu et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2016), resulting in a no-
table improvement in counting accuracy, especially for
high density scenes (i.e. where there are 1000+ people
in frame).
Fully convolutional networks (FCN) are a unique
variation on the CNN technique where a proportionally
sized feature map output is produced for a given input
image rather than a classification label or regression
score. FCNs have been used for a variety of tasks
including semantic segmentation (Long et al., 2015)
and saliency prediction (Pan et al., 2016). Zhang et
al. (Zhang et al., 2016) trained an FCN to transform
an image of a crowded scene into a crowd density
heatmap, which when integrated produces a highly ac-
curate crowd count estimate, even for very challenging
scenes. One of the key aspects of fully convolutional
nets that makes the method particularly suited to crowd
counting is the use of a variable size input, allowing the
model to avoid the loss of detail and visual distortions
typically encountered during image downsampling and
Contributions of this Paper.
The core objective of
this paper is to achieve highly accurate crowd counting
on densely congested scenes. This study will further
explore the idea of a fully convolutional crowd count-
ing model originally introduced by (Zhang et al., 2016).
The core contributions can be summarized as follows:
A training set augmentation scheme is proposed
which minimises redundancy among training sam-
ples in order to improve model generalisation and
overall counting performance.
A deep, single column, fully connected network
is used to generate crowd density heatmaps. The
greater model capacity improves the FCNs ability
to learn the highly abstract, nonlinear relationships
present in crowd counting datasets.
To overcome the scale and perspective issues that
often limit the accuracy of crowd counting algo-
rithms a given test image is fed into the network
at multiple scales (e.g. original size + 80% origi-
nal size). The crowd count is estimated for each
scale and the mean is taken as the overall estimate.
Table 1: Shanghaitech Part B validation performance using
different training set augmentation schemes. Horizontal flips
are used in all cases.
None 30.5 47.5
4 quadrants crops +
1 overlapping centre
25.5 36.5
4 quadrants crops 24.1 33.5
This simple step taken during inference results in
significant performance gains.
A fully convolutional network (FCN) allows for the in-
put images used during training and inference to be of
any resolution and aspect ratio, thanks to the absense
of any fully connected layers. Rather than produce
a fixed size classification or regression output, FCNs
generate a feature map or set of feature maps propor-
tionally sized to the input image. This type of network
can then be used for a range of tasks including image
transformation and pixel wise regression/classification
(Pan et al., 2016; Long et al., 2015).
Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2016) trained an FCN to
transform an image of a crowded scene into a crowd
density heatmap, which when integrated produces a
highly accurate crowd count estimate. In order to train
a network to produce this function a set of ground
truth heatmap images must be generated for which the
integral is equal to the pedestrian count. The head
annotations found in most crowd counting datasets can
be used to this end. For each of the
head annotations
associated with a given training image a unit impulse is
added to the heatmap ground truth at the given location,
as described in equation 1 where
is the position of a
given head.
H(x) =
δ(x x
) (1)
To convert this discrete density heatmap to a con-
tinuous function, convolution with an adaptive Gaus-
sian kernel
is applied for each head annotation
(Zhang et al., 2016). The spread parameter
for a given head annotation
is decided based on the
mean distance to the 5 nearest heads
, using equation
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Fully convolutional network architecture used to perform crowd counting. Each convolutional layer is followed by a
ReLU activation layer apart from ”Convolution 6”. A 2D integration (simply an element-wise sum in this case) is applied to the
network output in order to produce the crowd count estimate value.
2. Distance to the surrounding heads roughly corre-
lates with proximity to the camera, producing more
smoothing the closer to the camera a pedestrian is,
helping us account for perspective distortion issues.
The 0.3 weighting was found empirically by (Zhang
et al., 2016) to produce optimal results and is main-
tained. This fully convolutional approach to crowd
counting will form the basis of our technique.
= 0.3
2.1 Training Set Augmentation Scheme
The training set generation scheme used and particu-
larly the chosen augmentation techniques, play an im-
portant role in the strong counting accuracy achieved
by our method. Most crowd counting datasets consist
of only a few hundred images, making augmentation
an essential step. Taking several image crops to in-
crease training set size and variation is a common aug-
mentation technique used in computer vision. While it
is perfectly acceptable to allow these crops to overlap
for image recognition tasks, pixel-wise tasks can poten-
tially overfit when the network is continually exposed
to a given set of pixels during training. Therefore our
augmentation scheme is developed to ensure there is
no such redundancy. For each training set image the
four image quadrants as well as their horizontal flips
are taken as training samples, ensuring no overlap. In
order to validate this augmentation scheme the Shang-
haitech Part B training set is further split into training
and validation subsets using a 9:1 ratio. Table 1 high-
lights the difference in validation performance when
our model is trained on a dataset with and without over-
lapping crops. Both runs are trained from scratch using
the same network architecture. This simple change re-
sults in a notable improvement in counting accuracy,
despite the reduction in overall training set size.
2.2 FCN Architecture
Processing high resolution images (e.g.
1000 × 1000
pixels) using a fully connected network presents cer-
tain challenges and constraints, particularly in terms
of memory usage on GPU hardware. We are limited
in the number of convolutional kernels and layers (i.e.
model capacity) our FCN can have. Therefore we must
attempt to design the best possible FCN architecture
capable of processing high resolution images such as
those in the UCF CC 50 dataset. An Nvidia GTX 970
card with 4GB of VRAM was used for our experi-
ments. With these constraints in mind we designed a
6 layer, single column FCN as illustrated in figure 1.
This network contains just 315,000 parameters, thanks
Fully Convolutional Crowd Counting on Highly Congested Scenes
Table 2: Shanghaitech Part B validation performance using
different network architectures.
Network Architecture MAE MSE
Proposed 24.1 33.5
Multi-Column FCN (Zhang
et al., 2016)
25.5 36.5
largely to the absence of any fully connected layers.
Rectified linear unit (ReLU) activations are applied af-
ter each convolutional layer apart from the last.
1 × 1
convolutions are used in the final layer to produce the
single channel crowd density heatmap. This density
heatmap is then fed into a 2D integrator (simply an
element-wise sum in this case) to produce the crowd
count estimate. The network is optimised in a sin-
gle training run using stochastic gradient descent and
backpropagation. We chose to minimise the Euclidean
distance between the produced density heatmap and
the ground truth heatmap. This loss function is fully
defined as follows:
L(Θ) =
;Θ) F
, (3)
is the set of network parameters to optimise,
N is the batch size, X
is the
batch image and F
is the corresponding ground truth density heatmap.
is the estimated heatmap for a given batch
image X
Table 2 presents the difference in Shanghaitech
Part B validation performance when our high capac-
ity architecture is used over a shallower multi-column
FCN architecture (Zhang et al., 2016). All hyperpara-
maters including the training set augmentation scheme
are kept identical for both runs. We can see a clear
improvement in performance when our deeper single
column architecture is used.
2.3 Multi-Scale Averaging During
Scale and perspective issues often limit the perfor-
mance of crowd counting algorithms. A top down
camera perspective is ideal for this task but cannot
be guaranteed in real world settings. In most CCTV
scenarios foreground pedestrians are much larger than
those in the background, who may only occupy a few
pixels. As FCNs allow for a variable size input im-
age, we can easily resize a given test image before
feeding it into the network and estimating the crowd
size. A scaled down version may result in more accu-
rate crowd counting in certain scene regions than the
original. Therefore in order to overcome these issues
a given test image is fed into the network at multiple
scales (e.g. original size + 80% original size). The
crowd count is estimated for each scale and the mean
is taken as the overall estimate. Table 3 shows the val-
idation performance of several multi-scale averaging
schemes. The same training and validation subsets are
used as before. Scheme 2 performs best and is thus
used for all further experiments.
The performance of our fully convolutional crowd
counting technique is evaluated on three crowd count-
ing benchmarks from two datasets. These benchmarks
vary greatly in terms of congestion level and scene con-
tent. Our model achieves very strong crowd counting
performance, particularly on images of high density
scenes with several thousand people in frame. The
Caffe framework (Jia et al., 2014) and it’s Python
wrapper are used to train and deploy our model. Both
mean absolute error (MAE) and mean squared error
(MAE) are used to compare crowd counting perfor-
mance on all datasets. These two metrics are defined
as follows:
, (4)
, (5)
where N is the number of test images, z
is the ac-
tual number of people in the
image and
is the
estimated number of people in the
image. MAE
indicates the accuracy of the estimates while MSE
corresponds to the robustness of the estimates.
3.1 Shanghaitech Dataset
The Shanghaitech dataset (Zhang et al., 2016) con-
tains 1198 images of crowded scenes with a total of
330,165 head annotations included. This dataset is
split into two parts; Part A contains images of high
density scenes (up to 3000 people) taken from the in-
ternet while Part B consists of medium density crowd
images (up to 600 people) taken in the streets of Shang-
hai. Each part consists of a respective training and test
set. The performance of the proposed approach is
evaluated on each part separately.
The redundancy minimising augmentation ap-
proach discussed in section 2.1 is used for both parts.
The network is trained from scratch in a single run for
iterations using a base learning rate of
, with
the learning rate decreased by a factor of 10 after
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 3: Shanghaitech Part B validation performance using different mutli-scale averaging inference schemes.
Multi-scale Averaging Scheme MAE MSE
1) None 24.1 33.5
2) MeanCount(Original Size, 80% Original Size) 22.1 31.5
3) MeanCount(Original, 80% Original Size, 70% Original Size) 24.6 34.1
4) MeanCount(Original, 80% Original Size, 70% Original Size,
60% Original Size)
25.2 34.8
Figure 2:
Shanghaitech Part A test image, Ground Truth Heatmap, Estimated Heatmap. True Count=1326, Estimated
Shanghaitech Part B test image, Ground Truth Heatmap, Estimated Heatmap. True Count=240,
Estimated Count=242.
iterations. Gaussian weight initialisation with a stan-
dard deviation of 0.01 is used as well as a weight decay
of 0.0005 and a momentum of 0.9. Due to memory
limitations and the high image resolution of the Shang-
haitech dataset a batch size of 1 is used during training.
During testing the proposed multi-scale averaging is
applied, using scheme 2 from table 3.
Our method is compared to the existing approaches
in table 4 and achieves state-of-the-art performance
on Shanghaitech Part B, improving MAE by 10%
and MSE by 19%. Competitive performance is also
achieved on Shanghaitech Part A, with an MSE near
identical to the state-of-the-art produced. Figure 2
shows our technique in action on images from this
3.2 UCF CC 50 Dataset
The UCF CC 50 dataset (Idrees et al., 2013) contains
50 highly challenging crowd images taken from the
Internet. The number of pedestrians present in a frame
ranges between 94 and 4500. Following convention
(Idrees et al., 2013) a 5-fold cross validation is per-
formed on this dataset. The same augmentation pro-
cess, training hyperparamaters and multi-scale averag-
ing scheme are used as for the Shanghaitech dataset.
Again due to memory limitations a batch size of 1
is used. Table 5 compares our technique with the
existing approaches, with our method improving the
state-of-the-art for MAE and MSE by 11% and 13%
respectively. Figure 3 shows our technique in action
on an image from this dataset.
3.3 Cross Dataset Performance
In order to investigate the generalisation potential of
our technique, we performed a number of cross dataset
experiments. In each experiment we take a model
trained on a specific dataset as the ”source” domain
and then evaluate MAE and MSE performance on an-
other unseen dataset or ”target” domain. The results
of these experiments are shown in Table 6. Supe-
rior performance is achieved when our source and
target domain both contain images of a similar density
level (Shanghaitech Part B
Shanghaitech Part A,
Shanghaitech Part A
UCF CC 50). On the other
hand very poor performance is achieved when our
source domain contains significantly higher density
images than the target (UCF CC 50
Part A). Therefore a model used for real world deploy-
ment must be trained on an appropriately large and
varied training set.
Fully Convolutional Crowd Counting on Highly Congested Scenes
Table 4: Comparing the performance of different crowd counting approaches on the Shanghaitech dataset.
Part A Part B
(Zhang et al., 2016)
110.2 173.2 26.4 41.3
(Zhang et al., 2015)
181.8 277.7 32.0 49.8
Proposed Approach
126.5 173.5 23.76 33.12
Figure 3: UCF CC 50 test image, Ground Truth Heatmap, Estimated Heatmap. True Count=1544, Estimated Count=1566.
Table 5: Comparing performance of different crowd counting
approaches on the UCF CC 50 dataset.
(Rodriguez et al., 2011)
655.7 697.8
(Lempitsky and Zisserman,
493.4 487.1
(Idrees et al., 2013)
419.5 541.6
(Zhang et al., 2016)
377.6 509.1
(Hu et al., 2016)
431.5 438.5
(Zhang et al., 2015)
467.0 498.6
Our Approach
338.6 424.5
Figure 4: Comparing count error and processing speed as
we scale down the image resolution on Shanghaitech Part B.
3.4 Trade-off between Computation
Speed and Counting Accuracy
The ability of a fully convolutional network to process
images of any resolution is one of the key reasons
behind the strong counting performance achieved by
our method. However, analysing such high resolu-
tion images results in high memory consumption and
slower processing speed during inference. Therefore
we want to investigate to what degree image resolution
can be reduced during test time before we see signifi-
cant performance degradation. Doing so we can find
the best possible trade-off between computation speed
and accuracy. The Shanghaitech Part B dataset is used
for this experiment. Test images are scaled down to
a given percentage of their original size with aspect
ratio maintained. The results of these experiments are
presented in figure 4. Surprisingly we do not see the
error increase significantly until we reduce the image
size to 50%. However with this 50% resizing applied
the processing speed is increased by a factor of 4. In
deployment scenarios this type of downsampling can
be applied in order to analyse real-time video without
a major loss of accuracy.
In this paper we have proposed a deep, fully convolu-
tional crowd counting model that can perform highly
accurate single image crowd counting in almost any
surveillance scenario. Our model achieves state-of-
the-art performance on both the Shaghaitech Part B
and UCF CC 50 datasets as well as competitive per-
formance on the Shaghaitech Part A dataset. Images
of any resolution and aspect ratio can be analysed.
The developed approach also performs well even with
significant image downsampling applied at test time.
Future work in this area will look to extend our net-
work to also perform other pixel-wise tasks such as
crowd segmentation in order to exploit the inter-task
correlations present.
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 6: Cross dataset performance of our method. The percentage increases in MAE and MSE are highlighted.
Source Domain Target Domain MAE MSE
Shanghaitech B Shanghaitech A 191(+52%) 337.5(+94%)
UCF CC 50 Shanghaitech A 269(+116%) 359.5(107%)
Shanghaitech A Shanghaitech B 68(+189%) 100.5(+200%)
UCF CC 50 Shanghaitech B 165(+614%) 215(+540%)
Shanghaitech A UCF CC 50 473(+40%) 680(+50%)
Shanghaitech B UCF CC 50 699(+100%) 866 (+105%)
This publication has emanated from research con-
ducted with the financial support of Science
Foundation Ireland (SFI) under grant number
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Fully Convolutional Crowd Counting on Highly Congested Scenes