Figure 6: The number of user annotations required by ob-
jects of different length to achieve average error less than 5
pixel per frame. Clearly, M4 and M5 (proposed methods)
requires significantly less user efforts especially for objects
with longer video sequences.
long video sequences. This shows that the proposed
approach is highly scalable.
Thus, from above experiments it is clear that using
the proposed approach user efforts required for video
annotations can be reduced to 50%. Also, the method
is scalable and robust to challenges like occlusion.
In this paper, we propose an efficient and accurate
method to effectively annotate huge video sequences
with minimal user efforts. The approach is suitable
for generating large annotated datasets for mission
critical applications like surveillance and autonomous
driving. We effectively utilize the active learning ap-
proach to decide the best selection of key frames.
This makes our approach scalable to generate huge
annotations for large scale surveillance and automo-
tive related videos with substantial reduction in hu-
man efforts. We have verified that using the proposed
approach, annotation efforts can be reduced to half
while maintaining the track quality.
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VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications