Collaborative Contributions for Better Annotations
Priyam Bakliwal
, Guruprasad M. Hegde
and C. V. Jawahar
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India
Bosch Research and Technology Centre, Bengaluru, India
Video-processing, Active-leaning, Surveillance Video Annotations, Tracking.
We propose an active learning based solution for efficient, scalable and accurate annotations of objects in
video sequences. Recent computer vision solutions use machine learning. Effectiveness of these solutions
relies on the amount of available annotated data which again depends on the generation of huge amount of
accurately annotated data. In this paper, we focus on reducing the human annotation efforts with simultaneous
increase in tracking accuracy to get precise, tight bounding boxes around an object of interest. We use a novel
combination of two different tracking algorithms to track an object in the whole video sequence. We propose
a sampling strategy to sample the most informative frame which is given for human annotation. This newly
annotated frame is used to update the previous annotations. Thus, by collaborative efforts of both human and
the system we obtain accurate annotations with minimal effort. Using the proposed method, user efforts can
be reduced to half without compromising on the annotation accuracy. We have quantitatively and qualitatively
validated the results on eight different datasets.
With increase in use of surveillance cameras and de-
crease in cost of storage and processing of surveil-
lance videos, there is a huge availability of unlabeled
video data. This data can be utilized in many high
level computer vision tasks such as motion analy-
sis, event detection and activity understanding. Com-
puter vision models that do video analysis (Zhong
and Chang, 2001; Zhong et al., 2004) require accu-
rately annotated data for both training and evaluation.
However, annotating massive video sequences is ex-
tremely expensive and may not be feasible.
The use of tracking algorithms to generate anno-
tated data lack in terms of detection accuracy and re-
liability making them unsuitable for critical applica-
tions like surveillance systems, transport, sports anal-
ysis, medical imaging, etc. Most of the recent algo-
rithms (Gray et al., 2007; Zhou et al., 2009; Thomas
et al., 2010) use the appearance model as a prereq-
uisite for the success of a tracking system. It is ex-
tremely challenging to design a robust appearance
model which can be adaptive to all the working condi-
tions like partial/full occlusion, illumination changes,
motion blur, shape changes, etc.. These methods do
give us a significant improvement in tracking output
but they are still not reliable enough to be used for
generation of annotated data.
There have been many attempts in the past to gen-
erate annotated data from videos. However, these
methods are not often used for large industrial scale
annotations because they usually lack annotation con-
sistency and accuracy. In most cases (Kavasidis et al.,
2012), human annotators mark the object of interest
in a video sequence. As pointed out in (Vondrick
et al., 2013), manual annotations, involve a huge cog-
nition load, and is subjected to inefficiency and in-
accuracies. Some efforts that use crowd sourcing to
increase the number of annotations, mainly for build-
ing large corpora (Deng et al., 2009; Oh and et. al.,
2011; Russell et al., 2008), suffer from inconsistent
annotations as most workers are poor annotators. In
video annotation, the marking consistency of an anno-
tator is extremely important as it becomes difficult to
capture the marking variation in shape and extent of
object within neighboring frames. Thus, crowd sourc-
ing mandates robust quality control protocols.
Due to extremely high cost of human annotation
for large video datasets, much of the research efforts
have been dedicated towards leveraging the use of un-
labeled data. Many algorithms developed recently are
using semi-supervised learning (Fergus et al., 2009;
Lee et al., 2011), or weakly-labeled data (Thomas
et al., 2010), which is faster to annotate. All of these
algorithms aim at reducing the number of annotations
The video annotation framework proposed by
Vondrick and Ramanan (Vondrick and Ramanan,
Bakliwal P., M. Hegde G. and Jawahar C.
Collaborative Contributions for Better Annotations.
DOI: 10.5220/0006098103530360
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 353-360
ISBN: 978-989-758-227-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Use of Active Learning for object tracking in
video sequences. Top row shows the tracking output on
3 frames of TUD-Crossing(4) sequence. The tracker fails
to track the person in white jacket accurately. Our sam-
pling technique selects the most informative frame (shown
in red rectangle) for user annotation. The proposed algo-
rithm ensures more accurate tracking with minimal user ef-
forts. Bottom row shows better predictions for entire se-
quence with only one user annotation.
2011) is based on the video annotations using active
learning. In this system annotations are derived by
tracking results and active learning is used to intelli-
gently query the human annotator for corrections on
the tracks. Angela et. al. (Angela et al., 2012), uses
an incremental learning approach which continuously
updates an object detector and detection thresholds,
as an user interactively corrects annotations proposed
by the system. In their work, the learning approach is
paired with an active learning element which predicts
the most difficult images. Their solution is purely
based on detection and does not consider the tracking.
However, our approach incorporated tracking into de-
tection, making it more robust while ensuring mini-
mal annotation effort.
Works in similar lines includes (Chatterjee and
Leuski, 2015; Zha et al., 2012; H
oferlin et al., 2012)
which utilize active learning for video indexing and
annotation. However, they do not incorporate the
power of existing efficient tracking algorithms to cre-
ate a robust and accurate framework for real time ob-
ject detection in video sequences.
Contributions. In this work, we use tracking algo-
rithms to detect the objects in multiple frames and ac-
tive learning is used to improve the correctness of the
tracks. We propose (i) an effective tracking algorithm
and (ii) an adaptive key-frame strategy that use ac-
tive learning to intelligently query the annotator to la-
bel the objects at only certain frames which are most
likely to improve the performance. The proposed ac-
tive learning strategy can also be used in other com-
puter vision tasks. We propose a framework that can
easily incorporate various tracking algorithms, mak-
ing it more generalized. Multiple tracking algorithms
(2 in our case) are combined efficiently to produce a
reliable and accurate track for the object.
One of the major contributions of this method
is consideration of neighborhood in selection of key
frames. Also, we have used ‘Query by Commit-
tee’ strategy for key frame selection. Consideration
of temporal neighborhood makes sure that with each
user annotation, the tracking is best updated for neigh-
boring frames as well. The advantages of our method
includes easy incorporation of tracking algorithms,
automatic detection of key frames thereby drastically
reducing human efforts and scalable annotation pro-
cess. This makes our approach suitable for annota-
tions of large video datasets.
We performed experiments on objects of multiple
datasets and show that the user efforts for doing
annotation can be reduced up to 50% when using the
proposed active learning strategy without compro-
mising on tracking accuracy. We also show that with
the same amount of user efforts the proposed method
achieves an improvement of up to 200% for tracking
task. We report experimental results on 8 different
datasets consisting of more than 2500 frames and 17
objects. The consistent improvement in all scenarios
demonstrate the utility of our approach.
We employ three tracking algorithms in this work.
The most simple uses bi-linear interpolation which
does not consider object characteristics and predicts
tracks using initialization only. The other two al-
gorithms are the modification of two state of the art
tracking methods, Weighted Multiple Instance Learn-
ing Tracker (WMILT) (Zhang and Song, 2013) and
Discriminative Scale Space Tracker (DSST) (Danell-
jan et al., 2014). WMILT uses weighted instance prob-
abilities to detect object of same size in other frames.
On the other hand, DSST uses discriminative corre-
lation filters based on a scale pyramid representation
to track the object. DSST algorithm is scale invariant
while the WMILT algorithm works for objects with not
much scale change.
2.1 Bi-linear Interpolation
Interpolation is the basic approach to the problem of
object tracking. In simple terms, the linear interpo-
lation of two known points given by the coordinates
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
) and (x
) is the straight line between these
points. In the problem of video annotation, the main
criteria is how to decide the key frames. In this ap-
proach the user is asked to annotate every n
and rest of the frames are simply tracked using inter-
polation. There is a trade-off between tracking accu-
racy and annotation cost. Smaller value of n leads to
better track but higher annotation cost.
2.2 Bidirectional WMILT
Weighted Multiple Instance Learning Tracker
(WMILT) (Zhang and Song, 2013) integrates the
sample importance into the learning procedure. A
bag probability function is used to combine the
weighted instance probability. The algorithm weighs
the positive instances according to their importance
to the bag probability, it assumes that the weight for
the instance near the target location is larger than that
far from the target location.
The algorithm relies on positive and negative sam-
ples. The positive samples and negative samples are
separated into two bags. The initialized target is la-
beled as positive. The contribution of each positive
sample is calculated using a monotone decreasing
function with respect to the Euclidean distance be-
tween the locations of sample and target. In this way
the tracker integrates the sample importance into the
learning procedure.
Intuitively, all the instances in the negative bag
are very far and completely dissimilar to the target.
Therefore, the algorithm treats all negative instances
to contribute equally to the negative bag. Finally, a
bag log-likelihood function is used to find the instance
for which the probability is maximized. The algo-
rithm efficiently integrates the sample importance into
the learning procedure to detect the similar sized tar-
get in rest of the image sequence. We have used the
algorithm to detect the object location both in back-
ward as well as forward image sequence resulting in
higher tracking accuracy.
2.3 Bidirectional DSST
The DSST algorithm (Danelljan et al., 2014) extends
discriminative correlation filters (Bolme et al., 2010)
to multi-dimensional features for visual object track-
ing. We utilize this method to predict the target lo-
cations in both the temporal directions of the video
sequences, so as to improve the prediction.
The algorithm uses HOG features along with im-
age intensity features. An image is represented as
d-dimensional feature map from which a rectangular
target patch is extracted. An optimum correlation fil-
ter is found by minimizing the cost function. We build
a 3-dimensional scale space correlation filter for scale
invariant visual object tracking. The filter size is fixed
to M × N × S, where M and N are height and width of
the filter and S is the number of scales. A feature pyra-
mid is constructed from a rectangular area around the
target and the pyramid is centered at the target’s loca-
tion and scale. A 3-dimensional Gaussian function is
then used to get the desired correlation output.
This correlation filter is used to track the target
both in previous and next frames of the image se-
quence. Given a new frame, a rectangular cuboid of
size M × N × S is extracted from the feature pyramid.
Similar to above, the cuboid is centered at the pre-
dicted location and scale of the target. We compute
the correlation scores and the new target location and
scale is obtained by finding the maximum score.
Generally, annotating massive videos is extremely ex-
pensive. There are hundreds of hours of surveillance
video footage of cars and pedestrians which will re-
quire a lot of human effort to annotate. Currently
video annotations are done typically by having paid
users on Mechanical Turk labeling a set of key frames
followed by linear interpolation (Yuen et al., 2009).
3.1 Interpolation with Key Frame
We extend the interpolation based tracking by adding
dynamic key frame selection strategy. As discussed
earlier, the interpolation method is highly dependent
on key frame selection interval n. The optimum value
of n vary from object to object. For example, con-
sider an object moving at a constant pace for few
frames and then change speed during later frames.
Such cases makes it hard to find a single optimum
value of n for even one object.
A slight modification in naive linear interpolation
approach can significantly reduce the human efforts.
We have designed a tool that initially asks the user
to annotate first and last frame of the video sequence.
the tool calculates the object track using linear inter-
polation. It also gives flexibility to the user to de-
cide which frame to annotate next so as to improve
the tracking accuracy. This avoids the problem that
occurs due to fixing the n for a given object.
Collaborative Contributions for Better Annotations
Figure 2: The behavior of proposed method ‘Collaborative Neighborhood Tracker’ in case of occlusion. First frame is the
initialization frame and red bounding boxes are the initial tracking output. The algorithm selects middle frame as the key
frame. After user annotation, the track updates (shown in green). Clearly, the tracking algorithm is handling occlusion well
and the key frame selection is improving the overall track.
3.2 Uncertainty based Active Learning
One of the simplest and most intuitive key frame
selection strategy is uncertainty sampling. In this
method, the algorithm queries the frames about which
the tracker is least certain. in this approach we use
both the tracking algorithms, viz., WMILT and DSST,
separately. For WMILT, we use classifier probabil-
ity as the measure to define uncertainty. Whereas,
to calculate uncertainty for DSST, we consider both
tracker’s translation and scale correlation confidence
scores. The frame with minimum tracker’s score /
confidence, is considered as the next frame for user
annotation. The tracker’s output is updated after ev-
ery user annotation.
We propose a new collaborative approach to improve
tracking accuracy while ensuring minimal user ef-
forts. We use the tracking algorithms described in
section 2 and combine them in a novel way to get an
enhanced hybrid tracking algorithm. The DSST being
scale invariant algorithm is complimentary to WMILT
algorithm which detects similar sized objects. Hence,
a combination of both gives a higher tracking accu-
4.1 Collaborative Tracker
We have collaborated the two trackers (WMILT and
DSST) into a new tracker named ‘Collaborative
Tracker’. We represent the target as a bounding box
enclosing its spatial extent within a video frame. The
bounding box is represented as a 4-dimensional vec-
tor representing top-left and bottom-right corner co-
ordinates of the target. Let the predicted bounding
boxes of above two trackers be P
and P
. Then the
collaborated output is given by:
= εP
+ (1 ε)P
where ε (0 ε 1) is the weight assigned to the in-
dividual tracker outputs. The value of ε is fixed at the
start of the annotation. If the size of object across the
whole track is constant and does not vary much, the
value of ε is greater than 0.5 else it is less than 0.5.
We also propose an adaptive frame sampling
scheme which uses active learning to intelligently
asks the human annotator to annotate the target only
in few specific frames that are likely to improve the
performance. This approach is based on the fact that
for any tracking algorithm, not all the objects/videos
can be treated equally.
The performance of any tracking algorithm can
vary significantly depending upon the scenario in the
video. Some objects are comparatively easier to anno-
tate automatically. For example, the frames in which
a person is standing. In such cases, only one frame
initialization might give required track. However, the
more complex scenarios require a lot more annotation
efforts to get the desired track. Thus, the proposed key
frame sampling scheme helps to utilize the annota-
tion efforts on more complex objects (or frames) that
are visually ambiguous, such as occlusions or sudden
change of appearance (see Fig 2).
Suppose at time t, the task is to figure out the
frame that the user should annotate next. We utilize
the difference in opinion principle to determine the
next frame. The center (C) of the predicted bounding
box (P) is given by:
C =
+ P
+ P
where P
and P
are coordinates of top left corner of
the bounding box and P
and P
are coordinates of
bottom right corner. For a frame i, we determine the
difference in center predictions D
for all three algo-
rithms at time t 1 using:
= C
a b c = dist(a, b) + dist(b,c) + dist(c, a) (4)
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
dist(x,y) is the Euclidean distance between x and y.
Next, we determine the frame that best helps in im-
proving the tracker output for all other frames. We
select the most useful key frame as the frame with
largest center difference as per ‘Query by Commit-
tee’ strategy. The key frame f
at any time t is found
= argmax
) (5)
These key frame annotations are used to track the ob-
ject using different tracking algorithms and ultimately
each track adds up to the accuracy of the final output.
Intuitively, the track of an object at a particular frame
is more accurate when the initialization is done in the
near by frame. Therefore, for every frame we use the
tracking output for the iteration where (initialization)
key frame is closest. The tracker output for frame i at
time t (P
) is calculated using Eq1 as:
j =
| f
i| (6a)
= εP
+ (1 ε)P
The algorithm finds out most uncertain frame and
asks the user for its annotation. The correction of this
frame results in overall improvement of the tracking
accuracy. Therefore, with every iteration the tracker
improves and the algorithm updates the object posi-
tions, thereby making the prediction more accurate.
4.2 Collaborative Neighborhood
In this approach, we consider the uncertainty of tem-
poral neighboring frames to determine the next key
frame. The intuition behind this is that every user
annotation should improve the object location in the
whole video sequence and not just the current frame
(See Fig 3). Thus, we consider the temporal neighbor-
hood center difference along with the current frame’s
center difference to decide the next key frame to be
given for user annotation. This makes our sampling
scheme robust. In this approach, the key frame selec-
tion is done using:
= argmax
−| ji|
) (7)
where η is a normalization constant and T is the total
number of frames in the sequence. All the frames in
the sequence are considered in the neighborhood of
every key frame, more closer the neighboring frame
to the key frame the greater is the impact of its cen-
ter difference. Similar to Collaborative Tracker, the
Collaborative Neighborhood Tracker is expected to
Figure 3: Importance of consideration of neighborhood
frames while key frame selection. The output of two dif-
ferent trackers are shown in separate color bonding boxes.
To decide next key frame to annotate there are two ways:
(a) Based on tracker disagreement of candidate frame. (b)
Based on tracker disagreement of candidate neighborhood.
Clearly, second scenario is better to be given to user for an-
notation. User annotation of its third frame will update the
tracking output of neighbors as well resulting in better track
and more reduction in error.
become more accurate with each user annotation. In
this case, the improvements are expected to be more
because the selection of key frame is based on col-
lective uncertainty of temporal neighborhood making
the selection process more informative. Finally, Eq 6
is used to give the final track of the object.
We have performed multiple experiments on eight dif-
ferent publicly available datasets and show the effec-
tiveness of the proposed algorithm in various scenar-
5.1 Datasets and Evaluation Measures
We have used 17 sequences from standard track-
ing datasets like ETH-Bahnhof, ETH-Jelmoli,
ETH-Sunnyday, TUD-Campus, TUD-Crossing, TUD-
Stadmitte, David, Couple, etc. to evaluate the
performance of the proposed technique. The video
sequences pose several challenges such as illumina-
tion changes, size and pose changes, motion blurs,
partial and full occlusions etc. to tracking algorithms.
We have selected the following criteria to measure
the performance and provide comparisons among dif-
ferent tracking algorithms.
Average Error. Average Error is the mean of differ-
ence between each side of the bounding box gener-
ated by the tracker {(x
)} and the ground
truth {(x
Collaborative Contributions for Better Annotations
Figure 4: Change in Average Error with the number of user
annotations for Liner Interpolation and Key Frame Selec-
tion(M1) for TUD-Campus(2) and TUD-Crossing(8).
AvgError = (|x
| + |x
| + |y
| + |y
Edge Error. An edge error occurs if the difference
between an edge of the bounding box generated by
the tracker and the ground truth is more than 5 pixels,
i.e., if |e
| 5 then edge error is 1 else 0
(where, e
are edges of tracker and ground
truth). The edge error is then summed up for all 4
edges of the bounding box.
Centroid Error: Centroid Error is the Euclidean dis-
tance between centroids of bounding boxes of the
tracker and the ground truth. Centroid error is cal-
culated as
( ¯c
+ ( ¯c
, where, ( ¯c
, ¯c
are ground truth centroid coordinates and (c
, c
) are
tracker centroid coordinates.
5.2 Comparison of various Active
Learning Strategies
The main aim of video annotation framework is to
generate the track for different objects with minimal
user interaction. In this section we describe several
experiments to show the effectiveness of the proposed
algorithm. We have referred Key Frame Selection as
M1, Uncertainty (WMILT) as M2, Uncertainty (DSST)
as M3, Collaborative Tracker (proposed approach) as
M4 and Collaborative Neighborhood Tracker (pro-
posed approach) as M5. Also for datasets we have
used notations, TC for TUD-Campus, TCr for TUD-
Crossing, EJ for ETH-Jelmoli, ES for ETH-Sunnyday
and EB for ETH-Banhof. As mentioned earlier the
value of ε depends on the variations in the size of ob-
ject across the whole track. We have used different
values of ε for each object in the dataset. For objects
such as ETH-Banhof(2,3) where the variation in object
size is much we have used lower values (0.20, 0.22),
where as, for objects like Couple and David the value
of ε is higher (0.75,0.80).
In this experiment we compare the traditional an-
notation technique with the active based method. Ex-
isting video annotation framework (Yuen et al., 2009)
typically have users labeling frames at regular inter-
vals followed by linear interpolation. Fig 4 shows
the decrease in average error with increase in number
of user annotations for Linear Interpolation and Key
Frame Selection(M1). Clearly, the decrease in error
shows that the active learning based solution is better
than traditional annotation technique.
In this experiment, we show that the proposed
tracker is suitable for mission critical applications like
automotive surveillance. For such applications limb
precision is very important. The limb precision of an
algorithm can be captured accurately using the edge
error. Thus, the aim is to calculate the number of
user annotations required by different algorithms to
get an ‘Edge Error’ less than 1 per frame. A better
algorithm should achieve this error rate with mini-
mum possible user annotations. Table 1 shows the
number of user annotations required to get an edge
error less than 1 per frame for different active learn-
ing algorithms. We observe that our proposed method
‘Collaborative Neighborhood Tracker’ (M5) consis-
tently outperforms all other approaches. This is due
to the incorporation of temporal neighborhood infor-
mation into key frame sampling scheme. Notice that,
‘Collaborative Tracker’ (M4) which lacks neighbor-
hood information performs better than M1, M2 and
M3 confirming that our hybrid tracker is more accu-
rate than individual trackers.
Fig 2 shows the behavior of proposed method
(M5) in case of occlusion. The algorithm intelligently
selects the key frame so as to improve the overall
track. Clearly, the tracking algorithm is improving
after every user annotation.
Another important measure to decide the effec-
tiveness of any object detection framework is the Av-
erage Error’. The annotation algorithm having least
average error after a certain number of user annota-
tions is the better one. Table 2 shows the average er-
ror achieved by different annotation algorithms with
same number of user interactions. Clearly, the pro-
posed method (M5) is performing better than other
annotation algorithms. We are able to achieve nearly
half error with same user efforts then the other ap-
Centroid Error measures the precision of the cen-
ter of the bounding box. For every good annotation
algorithm the centroid of trackers output should be
as close as possible to the center of the ground truth.
In this experiment we have measured the centroid er-
ror precision for different active learning strategies
on three datasets namely TUD-Crossing, ETH-Jelmoli
and ETH-Sunnyday. We have aggregated the centroid
errors for all the object after each user annotation to
check the convergence of these algorithms. Fig 5
shows the change in ‘Centroid Error’ with increasing
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5: Change in ‘Centroid Error’ with increasing user annotations for (a) TUD-Crossing, (b) ETH-Jelmoli and (c) ETH-
Sunnyday datasets. Clearly, error for our proposed algorithms ‘Collaborative Tracker’ and ‘Collaborative Neighborhood
Tracker’ is decreasing faster than other annotation algorithms.
Table 1: The number of user annotations required to get an
edge error less than 1 per frame. The value in the parenthe-
sis indicates the object ID. The best results are reported in
Active Learning Approaches
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
TC(2) 12 15 10 6 7
TCr(1) 7 13 5 3 2
TCr(5) 10 20 15 13 12
TCr(8) 16 22 19 15 12
EB(2) 12 18 8 11 7
EB(3) 12 20 7 7 5
EJ(1) 9 14 3 2 2
EJ(2) 8 12 4 2 2
EJ(5) 9 17 5 6 4
ES(2) 9 14 6 5 4
ES(5) 24 20 18 16 15
ES(12) 8 15 9 7 5
ES(34) 7 10 8 7 6
Couple 41 28 11 9 7
David 12 15 11 9 8
Total 196 253 139 118 98
user annotations for different datasets. Clearly, error
for our proposed algorithms ‘Collaborative Tracker’
and ‘Collaborative Neighborhood Tracker’ is decreas-
ing faster than other annotation algorithms.
Another major concern while doing large scale
video annotation is the scalability of the annotation
algorithm. The annotation cost increases significantly
for videos with larger duration. For these experiments
Table 2: Average error(rounded to nearest integer) achieved
by different annotation algorithms after 5 user annotations.
The value in the parenthesis indicates the object ID. The
better algorithm should achieve less error in same number
of user annotations.
Active Learning Approaches
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
TC(2) 205 206 175 159 157
TCr(1) 176 224 147 148 105
TCr(5) 485 815 525 398 426
TCr(8) 908 937 816 713 701
EB(2) 485 887 427 398 381
EB(3) 288 305 209 164 128
EJ(1) 85 224 77 70 56
EJ(2) 104 314 99 88 80
EJ(5) 206 447 266 193 187
ES(2) 222 487 286 199 184
ES(5) 3277 1889 1756 1487 1401
ES(12) 418 725 300 263 233
ES(34) 195 400 153 171 146
Couple 2099 1204 1644 1140 934
David 3962 1742 921 1258 880
Total 13122 10811 7807 6852 6005
we have taken objects (multiple datasets) of varied
length and calculated the number of user annotations
required to get a satisfactory track (Average error less
than 5 pixels per frame). From fig 6, the perfor-
mance difference is high for objects that are present
for larger number of frames which shows that the pro-
posed method is effective for both short as well as
Collaborative Contributions for Better Annotations
Figure 6: The number of user annotations required by ob-
jects of different length to achieve average error less than 5
pixel per frame. Clearly, M4 and M5 (proposed methods)
requires significantly less user efforts especially for objects
with longer video sequences.
long video sequences. This shows that the proposed
approach is highly scalable.
Thus, from above experiments it is clear that using
the proposed approach user efforts required for video
annotations can be reduced to 50%. Also, the method
is scalable and robust to challenges like occlusion.
In this paper, we propose an efficient and accurate
method to effectively annotate huge video sequences
with minimal user efforts. The approach is suitable
for generating large annotated datasets for mission
critical applications like surveillance and autonomous
driving. We effectively utilize the active learning ap-
proach to decide the best selection of key frames.
This makes our approach scalable to generate huge
annotations for large scale surveillance and automo-
tive related videos with substantial reduction in hu-
man efforts. We have verified that using the proposed
approach, annotation efforts can be reduced to half
while maintaining the track quality.
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VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications