The Quasi-Triangle Array of Rectangular Holes with the Completely
Suppression of High Order Diffractions
Lina Shi, Hailiang Li, Ziwei Liu, Tanchao Pu, Nan Gao and Changqing Xie
Key Laboratory of Microelectronic Device & Integrated Technology,
Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
Jiangsu National Synergetic Innovation Center for Advanced Materials, Nanjing 210009, China
Keywords: Diffraction Gratings, Binary Optics, Optical Design and Fabrication, High-Resolution Spectroscopy.
Abstract: We propose the quasi-triangle array of rectangular holes with the completely suppression of high order
diffractions. The membrane with holes can be free-standing and scalable from X-rays to far infrared
wavelengths. Both numerical and experimental results demonstrate the completely suppression of high order
diffractions. The desired diffraction pattern only containing the 0
and +1
order diffractions results
from the constructive interference of lights from different holes according to some statistical law
distribution. The suppression effect depends on the number of holes. Our results should be of great interest
in a wide spectrum unscrambling for any wavelength range.
Gratings are the key component of the spectrometers.
Spectrum unscrambling only needs the first order
diffraction of the traditional black-white grating.
However, unwanted higher order diffraction always
overlaps the first diffraction, and thus greatly
degrade precision of analysis (Palmer, 2005). The
sinusoidal transmission gratings only have 0
order diffractions (Born, and Wolf, 1980),
but they are much more difficult to fabricate than the
black-white ones (Jin, Gao, Liu, Li, and Tan, 2010,
Vincent, Haidar, Collin, Guérineau, Primot,
Cambril, and Pelouard, 2008). The high order
diffractions can become evanescent waves with a
grating period in the range of the wavelength
(Clausnitzer, Kämpfe, Kley, Tünnermann,
Tishchenko, and Parriaux, 2008, Zhou, Seki,
Kitamura, Kuramoto, Sukegawa, Ishii, Kanai,
Itatani, Kobayashi, and Watanabe, 2014, Warren,
Smith, Vawter, and Wendt, 1995). Unfortunately,
for short wavelengths less than 100 nm, it’s difficult
to scale the grating period down to the wavelength
size by the current nanofabrication technology
(Pease, Deshpande, Wang, Russe, and Chou, 2007).
Therefore, it has been a goal to design the black-
white structure much larger than the wavelength
with the suppression of high order diffractions.
Several structures with the suppression of high
order diffractions have been developed, and the
points are to modulate the groove position or to
introduce structures with complicated shapes (Gao,
and Xie, 2011, Fan, et al, 2015, Cao, Förster,
Fuhrmann, Wang, Kuang, Liu, and Ding, 2007).
Unfortunately, the reported works can’t obtain
complete suppression of high order diffractions
since it’s difficult to realize the complex shapes or
the very small gaps between the two adjacent
grooves. Moreover, these structures based on the one
dimensional grating can’t be free-standing.
Unfortunately, the supporting membrane will absorb
80% energy of the soft X-ray.
Recently, photon sieves with aperiodic
distributed holes have drawn great attention owing
to their novel properties, super-resolution focusing
and imaging beyond the evanescent region (Kipp,
Skibowski, Johnson, Berndt, Adelung, Harm, and
Seemann, 2001, Huang, Liu, Garcia-Vidal, Hong,
Luk’yanchuk, Teng, and Qiu, 2015, Huang, Kao,
Fedotov, Chen, and Zheludev, 2008, Huang,
Zheludev, Chen, and Abajo, 2007). The numerous
holes can be designed that creates constructive
interference, leading to a subwavelength focus of
prescribed size and shape. Photon sieves with
aperiodic distributed holes can acquire rich degrees
of freedom (spatial position and geometric shape of
holes) to realize complex functionalities, which are
not achievable through periodic features with limited
control in geometry.