full-body bounding boxes of the targets. The results
in the first row indicate that the target which could
not be detected by the DPM detector was successfully
detected by being combined with tracking. These re-
sults show the effectiveness of combining detection
with tracking. Moreover, the results in the second
row and the third row show that the proposed method
estimated bounding boxes of wheelchair users more
accurately than other comparative methods. The pro-
posed parts-based tracking could estimate the bound-
ing boxes even if most of the parts were occluded.
These results show that proposed parts tracking is ro-
bust against heavy occlusions and it can compensate
false negatives of the detector satisfactorily.
In this paper, we proposed a method for detecting
wheelchair users accurately in a crowded scene. De-
tection of wheelchair users was difficult when they
were occluded, but the proposed method coped with
it by combining the detector with parts-based track-
ing. To track the parts of wheelchair users accurately,
the proposed method estimated the position of parts
with low tracking confidence based on their trajecto-
ries and inter-parts positional relationships. Experi-
mental results showed that the proposed method can
detect them in a crowded scene more accurately than
comparative methods.
As future work, we will consider a more effective
score function in parts-based tracking to further im-
prove locating of parts with low confidence. We will
also modify the method for associating the detection
results. In addition, we will introduce sophisticated
motion dynamics of wheelchair users.
Parts of this research were supported by MEXT,
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research. We would like
to thank the members of the laboratory for their coop-
eration as subjects for creating the dataset.
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