of the small appearance change. In contrast, features
extracted from Pose-C-Net shows better results than
features obtained by PCA in such poses. We consider
the reason for this is that Pose-C-Net was trained con-
sidering pose information, so features extracted from
it can handle a pose change with slight appearance
change without deteriorating the pose estimation ac-
curacy of the other pose changes.
From the above results, we confirmed the effec-
tiveness of the proposed method.
In this paper, we proposed an accurate pose esti-
mation method named “Deep Manifold Embedding”
which is a supervised feature extraction method for
pose manifold using deep learning technique. We ob-
tained pose discriminative features from deep learn-
ing trained with pose information. Manifolds con-
structed from the features were effective for pose
estimation, especially in case of a pose change
with a slight appearance change. Experimental re-
sults showed that the proposed method is effective
compared with the conventional method which con-
structs manifolds from the features obtained by PCA.
Here we conducted pose estimation experiments only
around a specific rotation axis, but this method can
estimate poses around an arbitrary rotation axises if
there are corresponding training data.
As future work, we will consider a more suit-
able DCNN architecture, investigate the robustness to
complex background and various illumination condi-
tions, and compare with other state-of-the-art meth-
Parts of this research were supported by MEXT,
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research.
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