Figure 7: Layout of the Proposed Image Compressor.
wireless capsule endoscopy. It was based on compu-
tationally simple techniques like 1D integer wavelet
transform, DPCM, color transformation and Golomb
Rice encoder. The performance of the algorithm was
evaluated on the basis of PSNR and Compression Ra-
tio. Our image compressor was able to achieve a com-
pression of 91.88 percent at a PSNR 38.17. An alter-
native architecture for the serialiser was also proposed
specific to the implemented algorithm which ran at
only 8 times the frequency of the compressor. The
hardware implementation of the proposed compres-
sor along with two different serialisers using Faraday
HS library standard cells in UMC130nm process con-
sumes 14.2uW and 16.9 uW respectively. The archi-
tecture is designed for a 256*256 image at 2 frames
per second. As compared to the existing DCT based
implementations, we get as good a compression ratio
but with very low power consumption. In comparison
to the DPCM based approaches, our algorithm gives
higher compression with similar power consumption.
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serialiser so that it works at lower frequency. We be-
lieve that the proposed image compressor along with
the serialiser is a good candidate for WCE applica-
tions as it has a high compression ratio, good recon-
structed image quality, low power consumption, and
small area.
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BIODEVICES 2017 - 10th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices