Figure 16: Preserving rectangular shapes: raster represen-
tation of roof facets without and with shape estimation.
like tower spires, we are experimenting to fit objects
from a catalogue. To recognize such structures, we
will both use edges from orthophotos as well as the
interpolated height map. Since many roof facets have
rectangular or triangular shapes, we will detect and
maintain such shapes, see Figure 16 for first results.
In contrast to (Nan et al., 2010), we will not directly
fit geometric objects to the 3D point cloud but use the
2D raster representation.
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tre office of North Rhine-Westphalia for support-
ing us with buildings’ footprints, laser scanning data
and true orthophotos. Especially, Johannes Schar-
mann and Marco Oestereich gave us valuable sup-
port. Cadastral data are protected by copyright
(Geobasisdaten der Kommunen und des Landes NRW
Geobasis NRW 2016).
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