CdSe/ZnS (Core/Shell) Quantum Dots Multi-wallled Carbon
Nanotubes (MWCNTs) on a Stainless Steel as a Photoanode in Solar
Junthorn Udorn
, Hayashi Sachio
, Shengwen Hou
, Chaoyang Li
Akimitsu Hatta
and Hiroshi Furuta
Electronic and Photonic Systems Engineering, Kochi University of Technology, Tosayamada-cho, Kami,
Kochi 782-0003, Japan
Center for Nanotechnology, Research Institute, Kochi University of Technology, Tosayamada-cho, Kami,
Kochi 782-0003, Japan
Faculty of Engineering, Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology (TNI), 1771/1 Pattanakarn Rd. 37 Suanluang, Bangkok, 10250,
Keywords: Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs), Quantum Dots (QDs), Quantum Dots Sensitized Solar Cells
(QDSSCs), Power Conversion Efficiency (PCE).
Abstract: Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) forests grown on a stainless steel substrate were used as a
photoanode in CdSe/ZnS (core/shell) quantum dot (QD) sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs). QD-treated
MWCNTs on the conductive metal stainless substrate showed a higher power conversion efficiency (PCE)
of 0.014% than those grown on a doped silicon substrate with a PCE of 0.005% under AM 1.5 sunlight
intensity (100 mW/cm
). This higher efficiency can be attributed to the lower sheet resistance of 0.0045
/sq for the metal substrate than the value of 259 /sq for doped silicon. Additionally, the relationship
between the reflectance of as-grown CNT and PCE is also examined. QDSSC fabricated from CNT of lower
reflectance of 1.9 % at a height of 25 μm showed a better efficiency because the lower reflectance indicates
the scattering of light repeatedly into deeper CNT forest resulting in higher absorption which indicates a
higher surface area of CNTs to adsorb much amount of QDs on CNT forests, resulting in the higher PCE.
The extraordinary mechanical, chemical, and
electronic properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs)
make them outstanding materials for energy
applications (Iijima 1991; Dong et al. 2011; Zhu et
al. 2008). A major challenge in solar cell
applications is the development of modified CNT
structures for use as transparent electrodes (Cui et al.
2013). The modified CNT structure is expected to be
a good material for use as a counter electrode or
photo-anode (Cui et al. 2013) with semiconducting
quantum dots (QDs) in order to harvest a broader
range of light from the ultraviolet (UV) to the
infrared (IR) (Hickey et al. 2000). We have reported
a significant increase in optical total reflectance
using a structural modification of CNT honeycombs
(Udorn et al. 2016), which will increase the utility of
CNT honeycomb structures in high-efficiency solar
cells. QD-decorated CNTs exhibit efficient charge
transfer from photo-excited QDs to the CNTs
(Haremza et al. 2002). QD sensitized solar cells
(QDSSCs) have attracted considerable interest from
researchers because their power conversion
efficiency (PCE) may exceed the Shockley and
Queisser limits (Watanabe et al. 2011; Miller et al.
2012). In particular, QDs can harvest a broad range
of optical wavelengths by multiple exciton
generation (MEG), thus improving the photovoltaic
efficiency (Péchy et al. 2001; Barve et al. 2012; Mar
et al. 2011). Optical absorption by QDs fabricated
from materials such as CdS (Yu et al. 2012), CdSe
(Tian et al. 2013), and CdSe/ZnS (Baek et al. 2014)
is intrinsically tunable from the UV to the near-IR
due to the particle-size dependence of the bandgap.
A major advantage of QDs as light sensitizers
compared with conventional dyes is that electron
recombination is suppressed, thereby improving the
efficiency of QDSSCs (Hoke et al. 2012; Li et al.
Udorn J., Sachio H., Hou S., Li C., Hatta A. and Furuta H.
CdSe/ZnS (Core/Shell) Quantum Dots Multi-wallled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) on a Stainless Steel as a Photoanode in Solar Cells.
DOI: 10.5220/0006103801580163
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2017), pages 158-163
ISBN: 978-989-758-223-3
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2012; Beard 2011). One dimensional (1D) wires, of
e.g., TiO2 (Zarazúa et al. 2011; Guijarro et al. 2009),
ZnO (Li et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2009), and Si
(Takahashi 2011; Jeyakumar et al. 2013) have been
extensively used for electron transfer from QDs to
electrodes. In particular, CNTs have arisen as a
superior candidate 1D wire electrode material for
QDSSC (Dong et al. 2011; Malara et al. 2011; Peng
et al. 2011) because of their large surface area, high
conductivity, high aspect ratio, and chemical
stability. Due to their excellent electrical and
thermal conductivity, flexible metal substrates can
reduce both the sheet resistance and production cost
of solar cells (Kang et al. 2006; Miettunen et al.
2008; Ma et al. 2004). To the best of our knowledge,
there are no reports of QDSSCs in which QD-treated
CNT forest photoanodes are fabricated on a metal
In this study, CNT forests grown on stainless
steel serving as a photoanode for CdSe/ZnS
core/shell QDSSCs are investigated as a means of
improving photovoltaic efficiency. The efficiency
was compared for samples of QDSSCs on a metal
stainless steel substrate, QDSSCs on a doped silicon
substrate, and QDSSCs with a photoanode of
randomly oriented CNT (buckypaper) films on a
metal stainless steel substrate. The relationship
between the optical total reflectance of as-grown
CNTs and the PCE was investigated.
Vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube
(MWCNT) forests with tube diameters of 30–65 nm
and heights of ~15 µm were prepared by a catalytic
thermal chemical vapour deposition (CVD) method
with an annealing time of 2.5 min in a hydrogen
flow of 65 sccm at 28 Pa and 730°C, followed by
CNT synthesis at 730°C with a carbon source gas of
acetylene (C2H2) gas at 54 Pa for 10 min on Fe/Al
(5/50 nm in thickness) bi-layered catalyst films on a
sheet of stainless steel SUS304 (68% iron, 19%
chromium, 10% manganese, 1% silicon, and 2%
other compounds). The Fe/Al catalyst films on the
stainless steel sheet were deposited by magnetron
sputtering under an argon flow of 10 sccm, a
pressure of 0.8 Pa, and a discharge current of 40 mA
for 21 min for Al and 2.5 min for Fe. CNT
buckypaper films were prepared by dipping
vertically aligned CNTs grown on the stainless steel
sheet into a methanol solution for 5 min, and then
drying them in air at room temperature. The
morphologies and heights of the as-grown CNT
forests and modified CNT structures were
characterized using field-emission scanning electron
microscopy (FE-SEM; JEOL JSM-5310). The total
reflectance in the UV–vis region was measured
using a spectrophotometer (HITACHI U-3900).
Solar cells were fabricated from as-grown CNT
forests and CNT buckypaper films as photoanodes,
treated with CdSe/ZnS (core/shell) quantum dots in
toluene solutions as a sensitizer with a particle size
of 3.4 nm (LumidotTM, Aldrich). Indium tin oxide
(ITO) glass with a sheet resistance of ~15 /sq was
used as a counter electrode, and the 0.1-µm2 active
area between the two electrodes was filled with an
iodide electrolyte solution (I1
). The J–V
characteristics of the cells were recorded with a
computer-controlled digital source meter (Keithley
Model 2400) by applying an external potential bias
to the cell under AM 1.5 sunlight intensity (100
). All measurement was carried out at the
room temperature.
Figures 1(a), (b), (c) display a top-view of FE-SEM
micrographs of as-grown on a silicon substrate, the
stainless steel substrate, and CNT buckypaper films
on the stainless steel substrate, respectively. Inserted
images of Fig.1(a), (b) and (c) show a cross-
sectional image of as-grown on silicon substrates, on
the stainless steel, and CNT buckypaper films,
respectively. As can be seen in Figs. (a) and (b), the
as-grown CNTs on the stainless steel shows an
height where as-grown CNTs on the
silicon substrate shows a higher density and a
consistent height. Meanwhile, CNT buckypaper
films which were simply prepared by dipping
vertically-aligned CNTs into a methanol solution for
5 min show a highly-packed randomly oriented
CNTs as shown in an inset of Fig. 1(c). After QDs
treatment, the self-assembly patterns can be formed,
an inset of Fig. (b') shows a highly-magnified image
of highly-packed CNTs where honeycomb-like
patterns are formed on a silicon substrate as shown
in Fig. 1(a').
The performance of the different substrates,
patterns, and different heights is analysed by a sheet
resistance, a series resistance, optical total
reflectance, and power conversion efficiencies
(PCE) as shown in Table 1.
As-grown CNTs with a
height of 25 µm on a stainless steel substrate with a
sheet resistance of 0.0045 /sq and an optical total
reflectance of 1.9% at 560 m exhibit the highest
PCE of 0.014%. Meanwhile, as-grown CNTs on a
CdSe/ZnS (Core/Shell) Quantum Dots Multi-wallled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) on a Stainless Steel as a Photoanode in Solar Cells
Figure 1: Top-view FE-SEM images of (a) as-grown CNTs on silicon substrate, (b) as-grown CNTs on stainless steel
substrate, (c) CNT buckypaper films on stainless steel substrate. The insets show cross-sectional images. CdSe/ZnS QDs-
treated on (a') as-grown CNTs on silicon substrate, (b') as-grown CNTs on stainless steel substrate, (c') CNT buckpaper
films on stainless steel substrate. The insets show high-magnification images.
Table 1: Properties of QD-treated CNTs on a silicon substrate, and CNT buckypaper films on the stainless steel substrate,
and QDs-treated CNTs on the stainless steel with various heights.
Total reflectance
at 560 nm
(without QDs)
QD-treated CNTs
on silicon substrate
259 33K 0.98% 0.067 0.21 38.6% 0.005%
QD-treated CNT
buckypaper films on
stainless steel
0.0046 14 K 4.3% 0.068 0.32 42.9% 0.009%
QD-treated 17-µm
CNTs on stainless steel
0.0047 13K 4.1% 0.050 0.38 56.7% 0.011%
QD-treated 25-µm
CNTs on stainless steel
0.0045 13K 1.9% 0.057 0.45 52.2% 0.014%
QD-treated 33-µm
CNTs on stainless steel
0.0043 14K 2.2% 0.049 0.40 65.6% 0.013%
QD-treated 41-µm
CNTs on stainless steel
0.0043 13K 2.2% 0.056 0.39 54.4% 0.012%
silicon substrate with a higher sheet resistance of
259 /sq exhibit a PCE of 0.005%. The 2.8 times
higher PCE for the former sample can be attributed
to the higher conductance of the substrate. The PCE
for QD-treated CNTs on the stainless steel substrate
is 1.6 times higher than that for CNT buckypaper
films on the same metal stainless steel substrate,
which can be attributed to the higher number of QDs
adsorbed on the surface of the CNTs. QD-treated
CNTs on the stainless steel substrate had heights of
17, 25, 33 and 41 µm, and the PCE was the highest,
at 0.014%, for a height of 25 µm. For the taller
CNTs, the lower PCE could be explained by the fact
that the electron transport path was longer than the
electron diffusion length, leading to increased
recombination of electrons and holes (Wei et al.
2014), and hence a lower efficiency.
Figure 2(a) shows the total reflectance of as-
grown CNTs on a silicon substrate, a CNT
buckypaper film on a stainless steel substrate, and
as-grown CNTs of various heights on a stainless
steel substrate. For as-grown CNTs on the stainless
PHOTOPTICS 2017 - 5th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
Figure 2: (a) Optical total reflectance of as-grown CNTs
on a silicon substrate (red), CNT buckypaper films on the
stainless steel substrate (yellow), as-grown CNTs on the
stainless steel substrate in various heights, (b) PCE vs.
total reflectance.
steel before QD treatment, the strong reflection at
wavelengths shorter than 380 nm can be assigned to
Rayleigh scattering, which provides a higher
reflectance at shorter wavelength (Yu & and Louis
Brus 2001). The bandgap of CdSe (E
= 2.21 eV) is
corresponded to 561 nm which is expected as an
absorption edge of QDs. The CNT buckypaper films
(black line) exhibit a higher total reflectance of more
than 5% at 560 nm due to the highly packed CNTs
serving as glassy carbon to strongly reflect light
(Shabaneh et al. 2014). As-grown CNTs on a silicon
substrate (grey line) exhibit the lowest total
reflectance of less than 2%, which can be attributed
to the higher density of CNT forests. The CNT
forest with a height of 25 µm has a lower total
reflectance of 1.9% at a wavelength of 560 nm. This
can be explained by multiple scattering of the
incident light into the bottom of the CNT forest, so-
called blackbody absorption (Mizuno et al. 2009).
Figure 2(b) shows the relationship between the total
reflectance and the PCE, which indicates that the
lower total reflectance of the as-grown CNTs on the
stainless steel gives a higher solar cell efficiency
after QDSSC fabrication. Significantly, the PCE for
QDSSCs with CNTs with heights of 25 μm on a
stainless steel substrate, with the total reflectance of
1.9% (green symbols), has a maximum value of
0.014%. Also, as can be seen in Fig. 2(b), the lower
total reflectance of 25 and 33 μm exhibits the better
PCE. The lower total reflectance due to efficient
absorption of light in CNTs leads to higher solar cell
efficiency. The low total reflectance of CNT forests,
by the mechanism of the repeated reflection of
incident light into the CNT bottom region, indicates
a higher CNT surface area, which is expected to
adsorb a larger number of QDs, resulting in a higher
Figure 3: J–V curves of photovoltaic QDSSCs cells of
QD-treated CNTs on silicon substrate, CNT buckypaper
films on stainless steel substrate, QDs-treated CNTs with
various heights on stainless steel substrates.
Figure 3 presents J–V curves for QDSSC cells of
QD-treated CNTs on a silicon substrate, QD-treated
CNT buckypaper films on a stainless steel substrate,
and QD-treated CNTs with various heights on a
stainless steel substrate. The PCE (η) was calculated
using the equation η = (FF × J
× V
) / Pinput,
where FF is the fill factor and Pinput is the power
density of the incident light. It can be seen that QD-
treated CNTs with a height of 25-μm exhibit
significantly better photovoltaic performance in
terms of the current density (JSC) and the open-
circuit voltage (VOC). Compared to those on the
low-conductivity silicon substrate, as-grown CNTs
after QD treatment on the stainless steel substrate
also exhibit an improved open-circuit voltage of
0.21 to 0.45 volts (see Table 1). This is evidence that
the low resistivity of the conductive substrate gives
an increased open-circuit voltage, leading to
improved solar cell efficiency. The QD-treated
CNTs with heights of 25 μm exhibit a higher VOC
of 0.45 volts and also slightly improves the VOC
200 300 400 500 600 700
Total reflectance (%)
Wavelength (nm)
CNT buckypaper films on metal
CNTs on a silicon substrate
CNTs at 17-µm height on stainless steel
CNTs at 25-µm height on stainless steel
CNTs at 33-µm height on stainless steel
CNTs at 41-µm height on stainless steel
As-grown CNTs on silicon
CNT buckpaper flims on
stainless steel
CNTs at 17-µm height on
stainless steel
CNTs at 25-µm height on stainless steel
CNTs at 33-µm height on stainless steel
CNTs at 41-µm height on stainless steel
PCE (%)
Total reflectance (%) with QDs at 560 nm
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Current density (mA/cm
Bias voltage (V)
CNT buckypaper films
As-grown CNTs on a silicon substrate
As-grown CNTs at 17-µm height
As-grown CNTs at 25-µm height
As-grown CNTs at 33-µm height
As-grown CNTs at 41-µm height
CdSe/ZnS (Core/Shell) Quantum Dots Multi-wallled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) on a Stainless Steel as a Photoanode in Solar Cells
from 0.32 to 0.45 volts as compared with CNT
buckypaper films. In addition, the energy barrier at
the QDSSC/CNT interface can suppress interfacial
recombination, leading to an increased VOC, which
is expected for CNT forests directly grown on metal
substrates. The increase in the PCE is an indication
of improved charge collection and transport due to
introducing the CNTs forest directly grown on the
metal substrate at a significant specific height as an
electrode scaffold in the photoanode.
This study reported the first QDSSCs with
photoanodes of MWCNTs on a metal substrate, and
found that the PCE for such QDSSCs on stainless
steel substrates was three times higher than those on
a low-resistive (0.15 ·cm), doped silicon substrate.
A QD-treated MWCNT forest on a metal substrate
was found to have a resistance of 0.0045 /sq and
exhibited a higher PCE of 0.014%, whereas QD-
treated MWCNTs on a doped silicon substrate had a
resistance of 259 /sq and a lower efficiency of
0.005%. This difference could be attributed to the
fact that the very low sheet resistivity of a metal
substrate gives a higher electrical conductance
leading to a higher cell efficiency. The relationship
between the total reflectance of CNT forests and the
PCE was investigated. It was shown that the lower
total reflectance QD-treated CNT forest of 25-μm
height achieved a higher PCE of 0.014%, likely due
to the higher light absorption in the QDs. Although
the efficiency is currently low compared with that of
high-performance DSSCs or QDSSCs, the
successful incorporation of QDs with a CNT forest
on a conductive substrate as a photoanode for solar
cells has been demonstrated for the first time.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
(No.24560050) and also by a grant from Japanese
Government (MEXT) Scholarship (No.132308).
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