required by the other studied approaches. Through
the experimental studies it is noted that the
metaheuristics SA and GA tuned by means of
HORA can reach the same results (eventually better)
than the other studied fine-tuning approaches, but
the tuning process is much more faster with HORA.
This better performance can be explained by the way
of exploring the alternatives in the search space, that
is, pursuing the good ones in the neighborhood of
some best known candidate configuration, and by
the efficiency of its evaluation process with a racing
In the scope of this study, the metaheuristics SA
and GA, as well as the problem TWTP, were used
only to demonstrate the HORA approach addressed
to the problem of tuning metaheuristics. The results
achieved show that the proposed approach may be a
promising and powerful tool mainly when it is
considered the overall time of tuning process.
Additional studies must be conducted in order to
verify the effectiveness of the proposed
methodology considering other metaheuristics and
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