doen et al., 2010) referenced more than one hundred
and twenty articles about planning and scheduling of
operating theater. (Van den Bergh et al., 2013) made
a literature review about scheduling human resources
and referenced around three hundred articles.
But articles dealing with multi-place system in
hospital network are scarce, or their case study are
quite limited. Planning surgical vacations by specialty
is dealt by (Santib´a˜nez et al., 2007). Availability of
operating theater, beds capacity, surgeons preferences
and waiting list are considered. The proposed model
allocates specialties to operating theater, and is ap-
plied to a Canadian study case, composed by eight
hospitals, over four weeks. (Everett, 2002) developed
a support aid tool to manage the waiting list of pa-
tients who need a surgical act. The system is made
up by several hospitals, working in cooperation. The
waiting list is common for all the hospitals. Each day,
each patient is assigned to one place according to the
availability of the hospitals. If no hospital is available
on one day, patients are assigned the next day. As-
signment of resources is not considered. (VanBerkel
and Blake, 2007) developed a tool to reduce the wait-
ing time and to plan beds capacity in a surgery ser-
vice, over several places. It is a problem of allocation
of the fixed resources, in an other Canadian example.
This tool aims at studying a redistribution of postoper-
ative beds between the places, using simulation tools.
Problem of capacity in intensive care unit can result
in the cancellation of programmed acts, an overload
of medical team or a reject of urgent patients. Thus,
urgent patients could be transferred to further places.
A cooperative solution is studied by (Litvak et al.,
2008), taking into example a case in the Netherlands.
Some hospitals belonging to the same territory share
some beds to urgent patients.
Researchs are done about the pooling of resources.
(Trilling et al., 2006) dealt with the problem of
scheduling human resources over different services
in one hospital. The objective is to share resources
within larger surgical suite, in order to reduce the
costs. At another level, it can be seen as a sharing
of resources from different places within larger orga-
nization such as HGT. In this paper, concerned re-
sources are stretchers and nurses, who are common
resources used for any hospital services and locations.
A lot of researches about hospital system are dedi-
cated. Articles consider three problems: sizing, plan-
ning and scheduling. Most of the papers focuses on
one particular problem. Their models and resolution
methods are not easily reusable. Our proposed model
and tool are generic, so they could be reused as often
as possible.
To analyze our system, we split the system into three
subsystems: the physical subsystem (physical enti-
ties used to perform all the activities, their geographi-
cal distribution and their interconnections),the logical
subsystem (flows that the system should treat, all ac-
tivities concerning the treatment of these flows and all
entities in the system relating to them) and the deci-
sion subsystem (center of decision which contains all
the decision rules).
3.1 Physical Subsystem
The HGT is composed by several places. There is a
known distance between each place.
On each place, there are one or several material
resources. A material resource belongs to a type (for
instance X-ray, scanner or MRI). Each material re-
source has an opening schedule which defines the
times when the material resource is available over
each period. For example, a given material resource
may only be available five hours on Monday because
it needs a maintenance operation or because an exter-
nal doctor reserved it. Overtime may be allowed but
is limited in time.
Human resources compose a medical team. The
composition of this team depends on the considered
exam. This team should have a specific number of
stretchers, specialist doctors, nurses, etc. Human re-
sources belong to a given place but can work on other
places belonging to the same HGT, allowing a pool-
ing of human resources over the HGT. Moves are not
allowed within the same period, but between two pe-
riods. A time is given to human resources to go from
a place to another. A human resource can use one
or several types of material resource according to its
skills. A skillful human resource, who can work on
several types of material resources, is potentially less
efficient than a human resource who can only work on
one type of material resource, or one particular mate-
rial resource. This efficiency should be translated in
the processing time of the concerned exams. Each
human resource has a planning which defines its reg-
ular work time, taking into account break times and
holidays. Time to move from one place to another is
included in the work time of human resources. Over-
time may be allowed but is limited in time.
3.2 Logical Subsystem
The logical subsystem defines the flow: the set of ex-
ams to plan and assign, and the relationship between
these exams and the resources previously defined.