reduce measurement error at natural edges (FPs).
FNs occur mainly with small defects and are
generally due to a low pattern. A second version of
algoN configured to detect defects having low depth
gradient could be tested. With this third class of
defects, the geometrical filter range for the area
could be from 0.1 to 2mm². The segmented regions
of the defects (or more exactly of parts of the defect
gradients) are relatively elliptic, thus an additional
shape feature “fit with an ellipse” could be included
in the geometrical filter or maybe even integrated as
spatial component into the pattern. The spectral
component of the pattern should be maintained
because other segmented regions are elliptic. To
have a higher spectral component, the Canny edge
detector should be much more sensitive.
The prototype will be completed to perform an
automatic inspection of the entire object via model-
based sensor planning (Ch, 11) and motion planning
(La, 06) technics. A robot arm will move the object
between two successive acquisitions. In the virtual
space, measurements will be simulated from each
computed viewpoint. Then during the plan execution
in the real world, real measurements will be done
from these viewpoints. Once the entire object is
captured, the defect detection processing can be
applied in parallel to the data of each viewpoint.
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