tured with a traditional image sensor. On the other
hand, a CIS modulates the temporal change of the
light strength at each pixel with the sinusoidal refer-
ence signals and records the temporal change with its
Fourier coefficients. Using these coefficients, one can
compute optical flow, v(x), and the difference of the
boundary values, F
(x), from a single image captured
by a CIS. Once one obtains v(x) and F
(x), one can
restore the higher temporal frequency components,
(x) (n ≥ 2), based mainly on the optical flow con-
straint, which represents the temporal invariance of
the strength of an incident light coming from an ob-
ject point.
The biggest limitation of the proposed method is
that the optical flow constraint (5) used in the pro-
posed method assumes that a flow observed at each
pixel, v(x), is constant with respect to time during
the exposure time. This is not true especially when
the motion blurs are generated with a high-frequency
motion such as a hand shake. Many blind motion de-
blurring methods can estimate spatial blurring kernels
from a single blurred image by introducing the prior
knowledge on natural images and/or on kernels. The
future works would include the use of the strategies
employed by those blind motion deblurring methods
for estimating the spatial blurring kernels that are con-
sistent not only with the blurred image g
(x) but also
with the Fourier coefficient image, g
(x), so that one
can restore more accurate and crisp images that rep-
resent the temporal change during the exposure time.
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