1 mV
Sinus rhythm Bigeminy Atrial fibrillation
Time, s
0 5 10 15
Figure 5: ECG and PPG during sinus rhythm, bigeminy and
AF. Note, that only every second beat is reflected in the PPG
during bigeminy.
The present study was performed on a population
undergoing cardiac rehabilitation. Considering that
older patients with cardiovascular condition are less
physically active, this allowed us to obtain 2/3 of the
total recording time suitable for analysis. Our fin-
dings are similar to those reported in another study,
where about 36% of the monitoring time was rejected
from analysis (Bonomi et al., 2016). Nevertheless,
larger amounts of corrupted data could be expected
when more active individuals are enrolled. There-
fore, only proper dealing with motion artefacts could
move this technology to home-based screening appli-
cations (Steinhubl et al., 2016).
Limitations of the present study are small num-
ber of patients and the homogeneity of the recordings.
During monitoring, patients experienced either nor-
mal rhythm or AF, thus the performance of AF detec-
tors was not investigated on recordings with paroxys-
mal AF.
This pilot study suggests that AF detectors, initially
developed for analysis of ECG signals, can success-
fully be applied for the use of PPG signals. Conside-
ring that 2/3 of monitoring time PPG was of satisfac-
tory quality, the wrist-worn device has potential to be
applied for long-term mass screening of target popu-
This research was funded by the grants from the Re-
search Council of Lithuania (No. MIP088/15), and
the European Commission Framework Programme 7
(No. 611140).
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