the results in Table 2, the classification accuracies in
(Martis et al., 2013a) and (Elhaj et al., 2016) are
very close to the result of our proposed approach.
However, the proposed adaptive segmentation
method in this paper reduces the interference of
adjacent beats, which is caused by using fixed beat
size as in (Martis et al., 2013a) and (Elhaj et al.,
2016). Our proposed technique outperforms those
approaches by 232 and 89 less misclassifications,
The proposed arrhythmia classification approach
introduces a novel adaptive beat segmentation
method based on the median value of the R-R
intervals which reduces the misclassification due to
the inclusion of adjacent beats in each segment.
Moreover, applying uniform 1-D LBP on the
wavelet coefficients not only reduces the
dimensionality of feature space to 59 bins, which
makes the proposed algorithm computationally
effective, but also extracts local sudden variances
and sparser hidden patterns from the ECG signal and
has the advantage of having less sensitivity to noise.
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classification of ECG records in the MIT-BIH
arrhythmia database, based on the ANSI/AAMI
EC57:1998 standard recommendation, which
outperforms the performance of the state of the art
arrhythmia recognition algorithms in the literature.
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automatic methods that can be applied to ECG
readings to help cardiologists assess the risk of
arrhythmias that may result in sudden cardiac death.
This, given the shortage of cardiologists, can
enhance our ability to screen people at risk.
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