2005), (Tan et al., 2005), singular point (Li et al.,
2008), and ridge line flow (Candela et al., 1995). This
means that, apart from a crop of the image, no prepro-
cessing is needed at test time, keeping the computa-
tional complexity of our method low. As mentioned
before, we are able to classify a fingerprint image in
39 ms or 77 ms using VGG-F or VGG-S respectively.
This confirms that feature-learning approaches, like
the one of (Tan et al., 2005) that reported an aver-
age run-time for one fingerprint test of 71 ms on a
SUN Ultra II workstation with a 200MHZ CPU, are
faster. For example, (Cao et al., 2013) used an al-
gorithm where they classify the fingerprints based on
their orientation image. They obtain an average orien-
tation extraction time of 880 ms and an average clas-
sification time of 3.43 s on a 3.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4
Table 4: Error rates of different classification methods on
Method 4 classes
(Candela et al., 1995) 11.4%
(Cappelli et al., 1999) 5.5%
(Cappelli et al., 2003) 3.7%
(Cappelli and Maio, 2004) 4.7%
(Zhang and Yan, 2004) 7.5%
(Park and Park, 2005) 6.0%
(Tan et al., 2005) 6.7%
(Li et al., 2008) 5.0%
(Cao et al., 2013) 2.8%
Our Method - VGG-F 5.6%
Our Method - VGG-S 4.95%
In this paper, two pre-trained CNNs, VGG-F and
VGG-S, have been used to address the fingerprint
classification problem. The results show that the per-
formance obtained with our approach are close to
the state-of-the-art, with an accuracy rate of 94.4%
and 95.05% when using VGG-F and VGG-S respec-
tively. This confirms that transfer learning can be used
to achieve high accuracy in fingerprint classification.
The main advantage of our approach is that it does not
require a heavy preprocessing stage, as in the other re-
lated works, where some features, such as the orien-
tation image, have to be extracted. In our case, when
a fingerprint image is provided to the trained CNN, it
extracts a set of features with the filters learned during
the training, and classifies it.
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