• the prediction of variance (R
value) for the re-
covering tasks times increase while using RDC in-
stead of AAD,
• the interaction of RDC together with AAR in-
creases the R
value for both, the clickTime and
fixationTime, compared to the use of ADC and
AAR, and
• the interaction of ADC, RDC and AAR addition-
ally increases the R
value for both, the clickTime
and fixationTime, compared to the two predictor
Nevertheless, explaining a complex process, e.g., the
used recovering task, with such a simple model seems
to be insufficient and shows the need for a more com-
plex model.
6.2 Future Work
The presented experiment gives first hints in finding
a model for the prescription of a human perception
of treemap layout stability based on layout metrics.
However, more measurement with real life datasets
from different domains needs to be done to expand
the model database and find correlations between sug-
gested measurements. Also, a deeper look in finding
a more complex model needs to be done to increase
the R
value. Finally, it is possible to implement more
algorithms (even non-treemap layouts) and run trials
with their resulting depictions.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous re-
viewers for their valuable comments. This work was
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF), Germany, within the InnoProfile
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Relative Direction Change - A Topology-based Metric for Layout Stability in Treemaps